Java Definition and 587 Threads

  1. T

    Java Fixing Syntax Issues with Java File Inputs

    So I made a program that finds files and searches in them for key terms using the scanner class in java.util.*; I've written it something like this: Scanner filereader = new Scanner(; String filename = filereader.nextLine(); Scanner searcher = new Scanner(new File(filename)); The...
  2. L

    Comp Sci Why Does My Java MergeSort Throw IndexOutOfBoundsException with Three Students?

    I wrote a class to sort Comparable elements in a list (ArrayList) I have Student class that contains lastName, firstName, studentID, and tuitionFee as its instance variables. At first I used mergeSort algorithm to write the Sorts class. It works when I add 1 student, still works with 2...
  3. B

    Comp Sci Find the Second Largest Integer in a Java Array | Simple Function Example

    Q1. Write a function that accepts an array of integers and returns the second largest integer in the array. Return -1 if there is no second largest. The signature of the function is public class ID { public static void main(String[] args){ } int f(int[ ] a) { } } Examples...
  4. T

    Comp Sci Java Scanner Help for 8 Teams Output

    Hi, I'm trying to create this output: Input team 1's name: Team 1 Input team 1's ranking: 90.4 etc. For 8 teams. This is what I have: import java.util.Scanner; public class Tournament { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Input team 1's name:")...
  5. R

    Java Help! Can't Get Java After Computer Reboot

    I recently had to get my computer rebooted using a fake operating system of XP due to a virus. But i can't get Java anymore! I can't validate my system as it requires that do proceed with the download. Is there anyway i can get it...?
  6. K

    Java Interested in Learning Java? Here's What You Need to Know to Get Started!

    Look am very interested by computer programming and now am learning The C++ language that's why i would like to ask anybody who can teach me java, just thank you
  7. S

    Java Java and other high level languages for computational science

    Hi, I'm interested in pursuing a career in computational science and numerical computing and so on. I'm looking for some fairly general advice on how to direct my studies. I started learning programming in java, which I very much prefer to program in these days, having had some exposure to...
  8. S

    Java How can I use Java to control external programs based on my network latency?

    Hi, i would like to make a program which can detect my latency, if it's low then it would open a program and if it's high it'd do nothing, i'd also like to loop it so it tries every half an hour or so. Would this be possible? If so any advice on how to start I'm a bit rusty and have only tried...
  9. N

    Java Comparing Python and Java: Performance & Standard Libs

    Any one have any opinions on the differences between these two language (and their closeness to C)... chroot posted about python being almost as complete as java interms of standard libs. I attended a presentation which seemed to verify that claim though you have to download some of the added...
  10. P

    Java How can I add an integer to a sorted array using binary search in Java?

    Hello, I need to write a method that adds an interger to a sorted array of integers. I'm using the following code to search for an interger in the array private static int binarySearch(int[] list, int key, int low, int high) { while (low <=...
  11. A

    Java Creating a Java Voice Chat Room with Admin Functions

    What I want to do is make a Voice chat room with administrative functions embedded in a website. i think the best way is to use Java, but I don't know anything about java. i can't start from scratch and learn the language, because this is really important and I have less time. i was hoping if...
  12. P

    Java Quick Help for Java Homework: Hare and Tortoise Race in 70 Squares

    Hi! can you help for java homework? i wrote but the program give error . homework: in 70 squares show to the hare and the tortoise race i need to do this homework quickly! thank you to help in advance!
  13. R

    Java Java: writing pictures to a file

    hello, I need the code to write pictures to a file so I can read them sequentially.
  14. R

    Comp Sci Java Program for Fahrenheit and Celsius Conversion with Menu Options

    Homework Statement Write a program to calculate the Fahrenheit temperature from Celsius Temperature and vice Versa using appropriate menu. 2. The attempt at a solution class prog { static void choice(String args[]) throws { int choice=0; System.out.print("Enter...
  15. J

    Java Java question: how can I stop my polygon from translating?

    I'm trying to create a computer game (a platformer); currently I'm just trying to display a Polygon on the screen. I have this class Charac, which contains a Polygon which defines its shape. If you display the bare Polygon, it'll put the shape at 0,0 on the screen. In order to move the...
  16. J

    Java Java Coin Counter Program: Counting Change with Syntax Errors Help

    Hi. I'm completely new to Java, but I'm taking a course at a local university. I was wondering if someone could help me with this. I need to create a program that counts change (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters). I've only been taking the class for about a week and am still very...
  17. A

    Java Learn Java Programming | Get Help Here

    Can anyone help me with a site where I can learn java programming language? I really need it, I'd be very grateful
  18. M

    Is Intro to Java difficult without programing experience?

    I was wondering if I would be able to handle Intro to Java if I go in without any programing experience. I have experience in Calculus up to vector calculus and differential equations, electricity and magnetism physics course, but no programming. You guys think I can handle it?
  19. M

    Courses Should I Take a Java Course to Boost My Career Prospects?

    Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions. Well I should be graduating this spring if every went to plan. But of course it didn't. I started going to school in 2003 as a Software Engineering major, got hurt took a year off for recovery, went back to school as a computer...
  20. Y

    Java How to get Color from RGB value in JAVA

    Is there any way to get color from RGB value? for example If I give some random RGB value like r=221 g=255 b=123 then how do I get the color associated this RGB value? Thanks in advance.
  21. C

    Java Debugging Java Code for User Input Decryption

    Here's what I wrote , but there's no output.. It is suppose to read a line typed from the user and enter whatever the input was with the letter after the ones inputted. please help import java.util.Scanner; class ProblemS2 { static Scanner sc=new Scanner(; public static...
  22. M

    Java How do you terminate a Java program?

    I have a window here and I want it to close the whole program when the user clicks on File>>>Close. I just need to know waht to put inside the method to close the program. I mean, how do you terminate the program in java?
  23. G

    Java RoboJDE & Java Project: Smoothing Robot Motion

    Hey, I'm working on a project with RoboJDE and java and I have a few quick questions. What I'm supposed to do is write code so that the camera will find the coordinates of a swatch of color and move accordingly as the swatch changes positions. The robot is supposed to move from side to side...
  24. M

    Java Transforming Infix to Postfix in Java: Solving Arithmetic Expressions with RPN

    I am creating a class that will transform a basic arithmetic expression from infix to postfix (Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)). Then after then, it will evaluate the postfix expression and give the answer. I have having a little trouble with the operators (+,-,/,0*, and %). Like, I have to...
  25. M

    Java C or Java for Seismology Equipment: What's Best

    I may be taking control of the running of some seismology equipment, which is run via C code. I know very very little about C code. Would it be better for me to spend the time to thoughroughly learn C, or could it be possible for me to convert the software to Java. I have a pretty god...
  26. S

    Java Build a GUI for Integer Input with Average and Clear Buttons - Java Help

    Build a GUI to accept integers (when the ENTER key is depressed) into an arr ay of 15 int; have a button called AVERAGE; when AVERAGE is selected, there is a display of the count and the current average; have a button called CLEA R; when CLEAR is selected, count is set to 0 and so are all...
  27. D

    Java Java Homework- Random Insult Generator (outline of code inside)

    Hey I'm new to this java stuff, I am taking my first class in it at the university of pittsburgh, and for my homework I need to write code to make a thing that will generate 10 random insults from a list of words. I have this outline to it and I was wondering if someone could help me fill in the...
  28. B

    Java Sending Java Files by Email: ZIP to Compile & Run

    I have to put a bunch of Java files (written in jGrasp) into one zipped folder and send it by email. The problem is that all programs work perfectly well when they are in an unzipped folder, but, when I convert folder into a ziped one, programs don't work. For example, I have user defined class...
  29. N

    Java How can I use ArrayList to count the characters in multiple lines?

    Hello. I am writing a program, but I can't figure out how to do something. I want to do something like this: Sample input: abcdeft 01234567 asfgSample output: The length of line 1 is: 6 The length of line 2 is: 7 The length of line 3 is: 3
  30. M

    Java Checking for Prime Digits in a Number

    How come when I exectue this program, I get the follwing error. Just to let you know, what i am trying to do is, check if ever digit in a number is a prime number. import java.lang.Math; public class PrimeNumbers { public static void main (String[] args) { int[] test = {546513, 77777...
  31. M

    Java Should I Use Streams or Readers/Writers to Copy a Text File?

    Please, I am in desprate need of soemoen that knows java. I need to turn in an assigment in 2 hours and I am trying to figure out something that I don't udnerstad. We are currently doing input and output stuff. I am trying to figure out how to count the numerb of lines, words, and chars in a...
  32. M

    Java Java Program to Find Smallest Integer with Same Last 5 Digits as its 7th Power

    I have built a program to answer the follwoing question. What is the smallest integer x >2006, such that x^7 and x terminate in the same five digits. The answer I get is 75800. But when I punch in 75800 in the calculator, for some reason, the last 5 digits for this number and 75800^7 are...
  33. N

    Java Java program that asks a customer of a store to type in their name

    Hello. I have an assignment that asks me to create a program that asks a customer of a store to type in their name, and an amount of money they spent. Then the program calculates a dicount they get according to the amount of money they spend. And print the discount to the screen. But it...
  34. J

    Java Plotting Functions in Java: A Pain in the Neck

    In programming in Java I've frequently wanted to plot functions, meaning I've had to convert a double array of function values (and a corresponding array of their domain values) to integer arrays of coordinates to plot. I've always found this to be a pain in the neck, especially if you're trying...
  35. H

    Java Java Numeric Computing: Performance Discussion

    the purpose of this thread is to be a placeholder for discussion about the performance of Java in Numerical Computations. Started as a discussion between CRGreathouse and me about weather or not Java can be used effectively in doing computations. The plan we have: Phase 1: Solve a...
  36. 0

    Java Setting the java.library.path property for LWJGL (Java)

    I would like to be able to detect a click anywhere on the screen, not associated with any particular screen component, and in fact inside another program's window. I don't know if I can use the listener framework to do that--if I can, I don't understand how. Can I get a whole screen object to...
  37. 0

    Comp Sci Java indexOf() Method: Finding Elements in a Set

    In Java, I am looking for a collection that will test if a given element is in a set, using the equal() method defined for the element. If it is in the set, I need the collection to give me the actual occurrence of the object from the set. Vector will do this for me via the indexOf() method...
  38. D

    Java Creating a Movie of My Java Animation: Flying Ball

    I have a java animation- a ball flying up and down. Please help me to turn it into a movie because I want to see how it is played in winmedia player
  39. L

    Comp Sci Help with Counting Objects Created in a Java Class

    I have only 1 day to work on my lab. Hope someone could help me as soon as possible. My problem is I don't know how to count how many objects are created in a class. The first assignment is write a Java class, Student, that has the following instance variables: name (String), age (int), gpa...
  40. C

    Java Java applet for Single/Double-slit Experiment?

    Greetings, Does anyone know a website with a java applet for a Single or Double-slit experiment? I'd like to mess around with the variables to learn the intricacies of how it works. Variables I'd like to mess with include: slit width slit thickness slit distance from screen incident...
  41. Y

    Java Finding a Method for Incremental Output in Java

    I was curious if anyone knows if there are any methods to do the following in java. I'm writing a terminal based program in java, and it will be doing incremental updates. I want to output to the terminal the percentage done, but to replace the last output. For example: $>java jprog...
  42. G01

    Java Counting Characters in a String with Java

    I need java to read a string and count how many characters are in it. I know there's some class that can do this. What is it?
  43. J

    Java I about data structures (trees) in java

    I'm trying to create this program that allows the user to create and manipulate trees. For example, a user might create a new tree with a node containing "words" as its data, then create nodes containing "nouns", "verbs", "adjectives", etc. as their data. The problem is I don't know how to...
  44. T

    Java Solve Java 1.5 Installation Issue on Ubuntu Linux

    I'm on ubuntu linux. I've installed java 1.5 but at the command line, when I type java -verion I get 1.4. So then I type: export PATH="/usr/lib/jdk1.5.0_06/bin/:$PATH". I type java -version and get 1.5, but then when i close the command prompt and open a new one, it's back to java 1.4. Any help...
  45. Q

    Java Is anyone good with fixing java errors? Need your help please

    I'm interested in learning foreign languages. I plan maybe to study japanese linquistics in college. I'm learning spanish and japanese, but more japanese for now. I signed up for a yahoo account on yahoo chat on video games, but I keep getting very strange errors and it won't let me type in...
  46. N

    Java Should I learn C and Java simultaniously?

    Hello all. I have never taken a programming class, but this next semester I am taking two. One teaches you Java, and the other is C. Will it be hard to learn both at the same time. I am very dettermined, and a very hard studier and hard worker. Has anyone else here learned two languages at...
  47. H

    Java Update Java Version to 5.0 - Instructions & Tips

    Hi, I just updated to 5.0 and changed the java version from the java preferences as instructed in the installation instructions. However, from the terminal if I type java -version it shows that the 1.4 is still the default. Can someone tell me how to set 5.0 as the default from the terminal...
  48. N

    Java Where I can find Java MIDP tutorial for free

    I want to lear Java MIDP which can allow us to create an mobile applications . Did anyone know where I can find the tutorial for free at the Internet ?
  49. B

    Java Converting Character Representation of Integer to Integer in Java

    :redface: Is there a way to convert a character representation of an integer into an integer (with integer representation :rolleyes:)? *for example (I'll add 8 to a certain digit in an integer), String nmbr; //where I enter a number int pst; //an integer representing the position of that...
  50. C

    Java Java Programming: Fixing Scanner Issues

    Java's "Scanner" Hello, I own a Macintosh and was trying to write a simple Java program for one of my classes. However, I quickly discovered that it appeared that the Mac does not have the Scanner ability. I get an error on the "import java.util.Scanner" line saying "cannot find symbol...