Journal Definition and 165 Threads

  1. N

    Access to International Journal of Modern Physics B - Need Articles ASAP!

    Does anyone have access to International Journal of Modern Physics B? If so could you send me two articles? PM me for the articles. I could use interlibrary loan but that takes around three weeks to get the articles. Thanks
  2. G

    What Makes Your Perfect Day?

    I thought it would be interesting to describe the course of events that take place on a particular day (today or any day) either at work, at home or a day spent out and about doing the things you love most. It can be a combination of all of them. You don't have to include every single detail...
  3. T

    Mathematics Journal, Proof for

    Compositions into Relatively Prime Parts Hello. I was reading a journal and an interesting problem came up. I believe the journal was in the American Mathematics Society publications. Well, here's the statement. "For all integers, n greater than or equal to 3, the number of compositions...
  4. E

    What is the Recommended Journal for Publishing in General Mathematics?

    hello i would like to open this post to recommend the english journal "Journal of Physics:A General mathematics", they have published my article in spite of me being a non-english speaker,they accept paper in .doc (Microsoft Word) format, when i give me the web address for my article i will put...
  5. JasonRox

    My Journal of Basic Concepts of Mathematics

    This journal is the journal that will record my progress through the text: Basic Concepts of Mathematics by Elias Zakon It can be downloaded off the internet with a simple search on Google. I spent the entire summer doing no mathematics, and I lost my drive to doing higher mathematics...
  6. Y

    Which astrophysical journal is the best?

    Which astrophysical journal is the best? I don't find many choices. Only there are several similar international journals... Some even need charge for publishing. Do you have any recommendation?
  7. R

    Progress in Physics: Online Journal

    For those with a more mathematical bent, here is the link to a new online journal of theoretical physics--Progress in Physics: It would appear that anyone of the papers could spark debate for this forum.
  8. E

    Why Am I Struggling with English Despite Excelling in Other Subjects?

    Iam doing very very poorly in English, while all my other courses math, chemistry, biology etc. are like 90%'s. I don't know what to do, I asked help from lots of people with this, and I still can't get do this well enough. I don't even know how I past the grad 10 literacy test. Heres my...
  9. ZapperZ

    Moonbear's Scientific Method Journal Entry

    First of all, if you haven't read Moonbie's journal entry on this, YOU SHOULD! I have decided to start a thread on this because I have a few "opinions" and questions on it, and I didn't think it was appropriate to add them as comments. So Moonbie, I hope you don't mind... What does it...
  10. P

    What is the Mass Density of a Magnetic Field in Relativity?

    I have placed several journal articles on the concept of mass online for anyone to read. Its probably not kosher to do so so shhhh. :-) See bottom of where it reads References to Journal Articles on the Concept of Mass in Relativity Pete
  11. L

    Looking for a coffe table magazine / journal

    Hi all, For some time now, I've been looking for a good magazine / journal which handles physics. Coffee table should be interpreted like in Integrals definition: As of today, I've found some popular ones, like "new scientist", "scientific american". The issue I have with them that you...
  12. K

    New Year's Resolution: Start a Physics Master's Journal

    Well, a new year seems like a good time to start a journal, so ... Watch this space as I struggle to get my master's degree in physics, strife to dominate my university politically, rise to power in my student...
  13. R

    What is a nominal journal and why is it used? And what is the package sage?

    can anybody please tell me wat a nominal journal is and why they are used? also what is the package sage?
  14. E

    Snobish teahcers and snobish journal .

    snobish teahcers and snobish journal... I hate those snob people who don,t wnat to publish your work only becuase your name is nt steven weinberg and similar i have tried in more thant 20 journals and sending to teachers but i had n arrogance they are¡¡...i hate snobish people at...
  15. Monique

    Discovering Journal Impact Factor: Tips for Finding Reliable Information

    Where to find those? I thought it was on the ISI Journal Citation Report website, but I have been going around in circles without finding anything.. How about citation finder?