Kcl Definition and 98 Threads

Potassium chloride (KCl, or potassium salt) is a metal halide salt composed of potassium and chlorine. It is odorless and has a white or colorless vitreous crystal appearance. The solid dissolves readily in water, and its solutions have a salt-like taste. Potassium chloride can be obtained from ancient dried lake deposits. KCl is used as a fertilizer, in medicine, in scientific applications, and in food processing, where it may be known as E number additive E508.
It occurs naturally as the mineral sylvite, and in combination with sodium chloride as sylvinite.

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  1. STEMucator

    Solving for Unknown Currents in a Circuit: KCL and Homework Statement

    Homework Statement Find ##I_x## and ##I_1## in the following circuit: Homework Equations ##\sum I = 0## The Attempt at a Solution I want to know if I'm actually envisioning these currents correctly. Applying KCL to the upper left node: ##(1) \quad 6 mA - I_1 - I_x = 0##...
  2. JasonHathaway

    Basic KCL Problem: Solve Node Equations

    Homework Statement Homework Equations KCL The Attempt at a Solution At node a: 6= io + Is At node b: Is= io/4 + I8 Couldn't go much further.
  3. A

    Engineering [Circuits] Solving a KCL Problem

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Here is what I don't understand: how can this circuit exist? If you look at the V2 node, there are 3 currents going in but none going out. Isn't this a contradiction? From what I've heard, you can arbitrarily...
  4. S

    Solve KVL and KCL for V0: Find Voltage Using Kirchhoff's Laws

    Homework Statement Use Kirchhoff's voltage and current laws to find the voltage V0Homework Equations KVL: ƩV=0 KCL: iin=iout The Attempt at a Solution http://s2.postimg.org/6b2013cbt/001.jpg If you guys want the original circuit diagram, i'll post it. Note: The current flowing through i2...
  5. E

    Help with Circuits problem (KVL, KCL)

    Homework Statement Find v. A value for R is not needed. Circuit is attached. Homework Equations KVL, KCLThe Attempt at a Solution I have no idea where to begin with this one. I found an answer using source transformations by transforming the 4A current source into a 12V voltage source in...
  6. C

    Engineering Nodal Circuit Analysis using KCL

    Homework Statement I(a)= 11A, I(b)= 2.5A, I(c)= 3A. Apply KCL at node X to find I(x). This question seems really simple as it tells me what to do and where to do it, but am I missing something or not remembering to apply some concept? The Attempt at a Solution My attempt: I...
  7. X

    Why Is My Calculation of i1 Using KCL and Ohm's Law Incorrect?

    Homework Statement Find i1 Homework Equations KCL V=IRThe Attempt at a Solution See picture. What am I doing wrong? Also, the current through 7 ohms = 2+i1. So for V1 (left loop), can it be written as V1=-5-0.5i1+7(2+i1)? Then V1=-5-0.5i1+14+7i1=9+6.5i1 For V1 (right loop), can it be...
  8. X

    Help Needed: Solving KCL Equations with Picture Provided

    Homework Statement Homework Equations KCL The Attempt at a Solution See picture. I got ix=i1. And I am stuck. Would someone please help me? Many thanks in advance.
  9. G

    Engineering Understanding Current Flow in Circuits: KCL Question and Homework Solution"

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution For the node labeled Vload, why is the current in the 10 ohm resistor 100 Ix. I understand that there's a total of 100 Ix going into the node and so there must be 100 Ix going out of the node, however the...
  10. S

    Engineering Circuit Analysis using KVL and KCL

    Homework Statement All variables are given by the circuit unless otherwise stated a) Derive an expression for the ratio (Vo/Vs) Homework Equations KCL and KVL equations The Attempt at a Solution Rs1=2.55kΩ -Vs+ .05Vo +(2.5kΩ/2.55kΩ)Vp = 0 where, Vs = .05Vo +...
  11. D

    Engineering Solving for elements on a circuit using KCL and KVL

    Homework Statement calculate the voltages and currents for each element in the circuit? the resistances are as follows R1 = 1 KΩ R2 = 2.4 KΩ R3 = 1.2 KΩ R4 = 1 KΩ R5 = 1.2 KΩ. Vs= 6V Homework Equations Is - I1 = 0 I1 - I2 - I3 = 0 I3 - I4 = 0 I2 + I4 - I5 = 0 -Vs +V1 +V2 +V5 = 0...
  12. D

    Engineering Solving for resistance in a circuit using KCL

    Homework Statement If I=3A and the 18 V source delivers 8 A of current, what is the value of R?(Hint: You need Ohms law as well as KCL) Homework Equations i1+i1+i1+...+in=0 The Attempt at a Solution Work is attached
  13. W

    Determing the mass percent of chloride from a mixture of NaCl and KCl salts

    Hi guys, I am doing a lab experiment which involves analysis of a sample of a mixture of NaCl and KCl. I'm using volumetric titration ( Mohrs and Fajans methods) as well a Gravimetric analysis technique. The underlying idea is determine the mass percent of chloride in the same sample using...
  14. N

    Best choice of KVL and KCL in a circuit

    Hi everyone! Since this is very confusing for me, i wanted to know what is the best choice to take in choosing the kvl and kcl. The questions are ? How many KVL and KCL i should take ?? ( best number, without redundance) And is there a way to see if a kvl or kcl is linear dependent on...
  15. Y

    Electrical eng, my vectors for KVL and KCL aren't adding up - no errors in math

    I've been asked to prove KVL and KCL using this circuit, but my vectors don't add up. ei Vr1+ Vr2 + Vc1+Vc2 ≠ Vtotal, same goes for Current, but I at least got the correct angle for the current Tried using vector addition, using addition of the vectors in complex form and even tried using this...
  16. Q

    Engineering Use KCL to solve a Very simple electrical circuit

    Homework Statement Given I0=-2 A I1=-4 A Is= 8 A Vs= 12 V Find all the unknown currents. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/398253_493549703997883_2004542070_n.jpg Homework Equations Kirchhoff’s current law The Attempt at a Solution I start at node a and found I2= 6 A and then...
  17. ElijahRockers

    Engineering Is i_0 Zero in This KCL Circuit Analysis Problem?

    Homework Statement if V_g = 54V find i_0, i_1, i_2 The Attempt at a Solution In the left most closed loop, Since the source voltage is 54, I assumed there must be a voltage drop across the 12Ω and 6Ω resistors equal to 54. This makes VΔ 18V. Next I tried to KCL the node below it, but it...
  18. D

    Calculation of the first two X-ray Bragg reflections from KCl and KBr

    Homework Statement HI, I am practicing some exam questions to get ready for a repeat, below is the question I am having trouble with. "The lattice constants of KCl and KBr are 6.29 angstroms, and 6.59 angstroms, respectively. What would be the first two observed Bragg diffraction angles...
  19. B

    Why Is the Enthalpy of Formation for NaCl Less Negative Than for KCl?

    Homework Statement In my book it is given that ΔHffor NaCl is less negative than that for KCl. I'm not able to understand that...I think that electrostatic attractions between Na+ and Cl- will be stronger than K+ & Cl- as Na has smaller size than K...in its formation more energy should be...
  20. Femme_physics

    Am I allowed to use KLV and KCL with a capacitor in the circuit?

    I.e. http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/2701/15irk.jpg Is this alright? Is this "legal"?
  21. A

    3 batteries, 5 resistors using KCL & KVL

    Homework Statement 1. Using Kirchhoff’s Laws, find all the currents flowing in the circuit. 2. Hence, determine the voltage across each resistor and show that all loops comply with KVL Homework Equations KVL and KCL The Attempt at a Solution Please see the pictures...
  22. C

    Solving KVL and KCL: Can I Say I1 = -I2?

    Homework Statement Please check attachment or picture below http://i.imgur.com/7Op7H.png Homework Equations KVL, KCL The Attempt at a Solution I try to solve KVL and KCL equations. I didn't get any of answer above. Can I say I1 = -I2? Thanks!
  23. M

    Nodal Analysis (KCL): Correct My Equations

    For the following circuit, can someone please correct my equations for nodal analysis (KCL) I am especially unsure about my second equation because of the dependent voltage source to the left of the node. 1) I1 = (V1 - 3I2)/1 2) 0 = V3/2 + (V3 -V2)/2 3) I2 = (V2-V3)/2 + 2V3
  24. A

    Learning Ohm's Law, KVL & KCL for Biomedical Engineering

    Hi, I just took up a course on biomedical engineering. And i have no background knowledge on engineering, having difficulty in following up in class. Can anyone teach me the basic? i was studying on transducer (sensor/actuator), focusing more on sensor. Ohm's law, KVL, KCL, voltage...
  25. F

    Solving for multiple unkowns using KVL and KCL equations

    Homework Statement I am asked to solve for vX, PDEV BY iS1, P ABS BY vS3 (please see attached figure). We have only covered KCL, KVL, Ohm's law and Power in class. No Thevinen theorem, so it can't be used to help solve. The Attempt at a Solution I know that current will...
  26. N

    Schools King's College London (KCL) undergrad physics?

    I've been offered a place at both King's and Bristol to study physics at undergrad as a mature student (I just turned 26 two days ago). I live in London currently and would quite like to stay here so the offer from KCL is the most immediately attractive. However King's physics department...
  27. S

    Solving a Circuit Diagram with KVL & KCL

    Here is my circuit diagram. http://s1227.photobucket.com/albums/ee430/Shayaan_Mustafa/?action=view&current=untitled-1.jpg&t=1299237316875 I am unable to solve my circuit with the help of Kirchhoff's law: Here is my KVL equations: 24-v1-v3-v8=0------(1) v3-v2-v4-v7=0------(2)...
  28. C

    Engineering Understanding KVL and KCL for Circuit Analysis

    Homework Statement Basically, find Vab [PLAIN]http://carlodelmundo.com/hw/circuit.png Is this correct -- note: please tell me that my methodology is sound; DO NOT GIVE ME A NUMERICAL ANSWER. The problem asks for VAB. What's weird to me is that there is a potential across two...
  29. M

    Calculation of KCl and KI from Potentiometric Halide Titration with Ag+

    Here's the experiment that I did: http://www.chem.uic.edu/fetzer/chem222/a… from the first page to half of the second page. How do I calculate the amount of KCl and KI in the solution? The graph is suppose to be like a backwards S and it has two endpoints and I don't know how to do the...
  30. S

    How do I do this with KCL and KVL

    Homework Statement http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q292/strkthug/KCL/kclandkvl.png Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I think since x2 is 2a and x3 is 3a then x5 should be 5a and I have no idead where to go from there
  31. N

    Confused about KCL & Nodal Analysis (basic stuff )

    Homework Statement I'm confused about how to use KCL when doing Nodal Analysis. Please consider the diagram below: http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/4900/20091019131641633915550.jpg Homework Equations My first point of confusion is that the diagram shows the current "4Ix" going up...
  32. X

    Finding nodal voltages using KCL.

    Homework Statement Where XX is 60V I'm trying to find the node voltages at point A and B, however each time I've tried this and then checked using circuit wizard it has come up incorrect. Yes my circuit in circuit wizards is correct. Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  33. A

    Calculating Half-Life of Radioactive KCl

    Homework Statement 2.71g sample of radioactive KCl is decaying at a constant rate of 400Bq into the isotope 40K. which constitutes 1.17% of normal K. calculate the half life of this nuclide. Homework Equations we have dn/dt = n * lamda and t-1/2 = 0.693/lamda. The Attempt at a...
  34. S

    Dependent Voltage Source KCL question

    I'm having trouble figuring out the KCL portion of this problem. I have no idea how in the world the solution does from; (2-v)/20 = (Vx-2Vx)/8 - (Vx-8)/4 to; 17V - 18Vx = 84 it doesn't seem to make sense; but neither does my solution. i think I'm missing some concept here but...
  35. T

    A bit of help with KCL and ohms law please

    i have attached a picture showing the problem; just wanting to know if my working out and reasoning is correct please. http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/5412/questionsq.jpg The Attempt at a Solution i have used KCL to answer (a) and (b) and have answers 0.6 and 1 respectively. for (c) and (d)...
  36. M

    KCL: Understanding Current Directions

    i have been trouble with this. iunderstand the concept but i don't know how to set up the current directions onto a circuit when i apply KCL. I am not sure which way the arrows should be going when doing kcl. for example like in this problem.
  37. P

    KCL Question: Determine Currents

    Homework Statement Determine the current in each branch of the circuit in the below diagram. http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/7901/kclquestion.jpg Homework Equations V=IR P=VI The Attempt at a Solution This is what i have done but it is incorrect. Vtotal=16V V=IR Io1=\frac{16.00}{8.00}...
  38. N

    Contradiction on kvl kcl laws question

    http://i49.tinypic.com/1yu634.jpg this is a part of the solution " the is a voltage drop on capacitor C1 which makes current shock on C1 and a current shock on R2 and R3 and it makes a KVL contradiction on the right branch and the outer branch. and that's why the continuety laws...
  39. O

    Simple KVL, KCL and Ohm's Law problems

    Given: In the circuit shown above, 192 V is dropped across the unknown resistor, Ro. Required: Determine the value of Ro. V = iR, KCL and KVL I really don't know where to go on this one. I know that the right side's voltage will need to add up to zero, but that's about all I know.
  40. T

    Kirchhoff's Laws and Simultaneous Equations: Solving a Confusing Circuit

    Homework Statement I am struggling as usual with quite a confusing circuit i need to find i1 i2 and i3 in this circuit using kirchhoffs laws i know i need 3 loops loop 1 is V1...ABCD...V1 loop 2 is V1...ACD...V1 Loop 3 is V1...ABD...V1 Homework Equations...
  41. R

    Exploring the Effects of KCl & NaCl on Stomatal Opening

    Homework Statement So we did an experiment where we put a leaf section in KCl and another leaf section in NaCl. There was a marked difference in the percent of stomata that opening between the two. We let the two sections sit in solution for 60 mins each. The leaves in KCl had almost...
  42. T

    Solve KCL/MESH Problem: E=15V, R1=20k, R2=4.7k, R3=10k

    Homework Statement Determine I_1 I_2 I_3 When E = 15V R1 = 20k ohms R2 = 4.7k ohms R3 = 10k ohms Homework Equations KCL equation The Attempt at a Solution i tried to find using KCL.. is my equation right? Loop equation 1: EB + I3R3 + R1(I3 + I1) = 0 Loop...
  43. T

    Engineering Finding Current Flow in a Circuit: KCL Solutions

    Ok So how do i find the current going through here. I understand the whole tope a node, and bottom is. How would i set it up using KCL. I struggle with the problems were current is just given no voltage. Can someone please help If its hard to see picture the 6A is to far left then going...
  44. S

    Engineering Basic Circuit Problems - KVL and KCL

    Homework Statement Find R_2 in the circuit below. http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/6396/circuithh3.jpg Homework Equations Kirchoff's Current Law: \sum {I_{IN} } = \sum {I_{OUT} } Kirchoff's Voltage Law: \sum {V = 0}The Attempt at a Solution Using KCL for the node joining the 8ohm...
  45. F

    Hypertonic / Hypotonic - A solution containing 0.2 M KCl

    Homework Statement A solution containing 0.2 M KCl is added to Side A and a solution containing 0.2 M sucrose is added to Side B. Side B is __________ with respect to Side A. (a. hypotonic b. isotonic c. hypertonic. Homework Equations NA The Attempt at a Solution I have no idea. I...
  46. H

    What is the Role of Chlorine in KCl Injection Mechanism?

    Ok so I know with the injection of potassium chloride, the potassium in the extracellular fluid works to inhibit any repolarization, by increasing the amount of K in the extracellular fluid (hence not allowing EPSPs to reach threshold and trigger Na channels for an action potential), however...
  47. R

    Where to Find Solved KCL and KVL Problems for DC Circuits?

    help! KVL and KCL SOLVED PROBLEMS! undefinedundefinedundefined I need some websites of solved problems containing KCL and KVL in a simple DC circuit...please post some links! thanks!
  48. D

    How do you represent a dependent current source in a parallel circuit using KCL?

    Quick question that is throwing me off... If you have a dependant current source in a parallel circuit, how do you represent that in your KCL equation? The one in this problem is Vo/2000. I took that as I=V/R so R=2000. Since it is in a parallel circuit on its own 'branch' I used Vs/2000...