Laser Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. A

    Laser Welding Hastelloy and the problems associated with it

    Hello. I am am trying to find out why Hastelloy cracks during laser welding. What techniques are used to lessen the cracks etc. The main focus is to learn as much as I can about laser welding this material and what laser setting to start with . A simple google search has gotten me no where and...
  2. P

    Calculating Laser Power Absorption: 800 nm, 20 W, 0.25 cm Layer

    Hi,I need help with this question Assume you have a laser emitting a wavelength of 800 nm with power 20 W. You irradiate a goblet filled with water whose layer is 0.25 cm thick. The absorption coefficient of water at this wavelength is 0.65 cm-1. a) What is the remaining power behind the...
  3. M

    Motor for steering a laser beam

    Hi guys, I'm trying to make a rudimentary projector of sorts using a low power (class 1) laser diode. I'd like to shine the laser onto two mirrors: one would control the horizontal portion of the scan, and the other would control the vertical portion of the scan. My problem is this: what...
  4. C

    How to calculate laser thrust?

    Greetings, I want build an interstellar probe. Given the power of the laser beam and the mass of a mirrored object a laser is shining on, how does one calculate the thrust or acceleration? Thanks
  5. L

    Number of photons for multi-photon laser ionization

    Homework Statement The ionization potential of a nitrogen molecule is 15.5 eV. How many photons from a beam of a 1054 nm high power laser must be absorbed by a nitrogen molecule simultaneously to cause multi-photon ionization? Homework Equations None were given. The Attempt at...
  6. C

    Tele Vue / Meade laser test: question

    Hi newbe here. Can someone confirm an experiment I just made on a Meade 2x telextener (tele extender) and a Tele Vue 4x Powermate? I placed a laser collimator into the barlow and observed a nicely formed laser point exiting the lens. Then I placed the same laser collimator into the Tele...
  7. F

    Tracing the Light Path of a Green Laser Pointer

    How is it possible to see the light path of a green laser pointer?
  8. K

    Current state of small laser technology

    I am interested if current laser technology exists such that a small laser can be made that emits non-visible light, is .5cm or less (at it's largest dimension), and can detect at distances of 6ft or greater. Please feel free to direct me to other areas of the forum to direct this question if...
  9. C

    Discover the Power of 5.8GHz Laser Technology for Efficient Radio Links

    what would a 5.8ghz laser look like. i am just wondering because it would be so much nicer to do a radio link with a laser instead of a 2m antenna
  10. G

    Is my DIY laser rangefinder design eye safe?

    Hi all, I'd like some help calculating laser eye safety for a 905 nm diode laser system I'm building. It's for a scanning laser rangefinder and I need to figure out if my current design (a TOF rangefinder) can be feasibly be made Class 1 eye safe. The eye safety calculations are a little...
  11. P

    Number of photons emitted from a laser

    Homework Statement A 35mW laser produces 526nm green light. What is the number of photons it emits each second? 1.9×1017 1.9×1018 1.0×1017 9.3×1016 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I've been playing with E=hf and lambda = h/p ----- no success! The...
  12. V

    Airborne Laser Testbed: Physics & Why Airborne?

    Is there any information on the physics of the airborne laser testbed available? Also, why is it 'airborne'? Is it referring to the laser? But aren't all lasers airborne? Thanks x
  13. V

    How does a laser heat up a material?

    Can you please provide some explanation for the following two questions? Or please provide some links. Thank you. 1.) How does a laser heat up a material? Does the material absorb a photon and the material's atom gets excited? - when the atom relaxes, it emit an energy equal to that of the...
  14. H

    Eye Safety: Laser Diode Recommendations

    Can anyone recommend a good laser diode that won't cause damage to the eye with prolonged exposure?
  15. W

    Are cheap laser pens of good quality?

    Hello- On places like eBay and Amazon, one sees a lot of ultra-cheap, under $15 laser pointers in various colors. For example, my favorite green astronomy laser cost me twenty dollars from amazon last year. Contrast these prices with laser pointers from more respected brands, which seem to range...
  16. G

    Need to release as a LASER beam in order to ionize a certain substance

    Hello, A few questions which i could not find complete answers online (for a physics noob). I'll try and break them down here: // Comment: as for a good noob, i know nothing of the real calculation. // How do i calculate the amount of energy i will need to release as a LASER beam in order...
  17. S

    Power of laser vs Power of X-ray

    Hi, I wonder how to compare the power of a laser and an X-ray. For example 1mW power of a laser hitting an object is comparable to the an X-ray generating 1mW of power? Thank you.
  18. C

    Can Multiple Laser Beams Be Combined into a Single Powerful Beam?

    Greetings, Is there a way to combine multiple lasers beams to create a more powerful beam? If so, what optics are needed? How do they need to be arranged? Thanks
  19. F

    Optimizing Performance of DFB Lasers: Pin Connections and Cooling Considerations

    Hi: I'm going to buy a DFB laser for my project, when I looked for Datasheet of such kind of laser, They give dimensions and equivalent schematic, and pin connections. For example: A 14 pin butterfly[NEC LASER DIODE NX8563LA Series], from the datasheet, pin 1 and 2 functions...
  20. F

    Laser Modulation: Why Do We Need Bias and Modulation Currents?

    Hi: I confused about the follow things, why people say a laser has bias current and modulation current. why a laser has modulation current?
  21. M

    A question of combining laser light

    Hi guys, I'm interested to know what would happen if you get a red laser and combine its light with green or a blue laser. What i would like to do is modulate the higher freq laser with a lower frequency light source and get a different colour output. Firstly is this possible? and...
  22. D

    MATLAB Matlab help required RE Fourier transfor of laser output

    Hi guys, look time lurker first time poster. I am simulating a simple multimode laser to analyse its output as a function of the number of modes. Have the code for output P which i think is correct but i now need to do analyse the P spectrum in the Fourier domain. I know my base should be...
  23. A

    When will a material burn if a laser is shone on it?

    Hi there, This may sound like a silly question, but I'm looking at shining a high power laser onto a target material for a fixed period of time. I have modeled Alumina in Ansys Icepak, and the temperature increase has come to 4700 degrees C. This maximum temperature is only reached for...
  24. N

    Why Is My DIY Laser Sound Project Not Working?

    ok, so I've seen the movie where they aline a HEnE laser with a photodiode to hear the modulations in the photon stream. i been trying to re-do it, and i just can't get it to work. I am NOT using a HeNe laser, I am using a normal laser from a pen, as i was sure the concept of the laseres...
  25. D

    Monochromatic to Polychromatic Laser beam

    Is it possible to widen the spectral FWHM of a laser beam. Any ideas? I understand the lasing process leads to the monochromaticity, but such a intense light source can have other uses. Thanks
  26. D

    Laser Cutting Machines: What Cuts Steel?

    Just curious after watching some lasers cutting 5mm thick steel sheets very fast, what is exactly cutting the steel? Is it just a laser beam? Light only? The machines run on bottles of gas, so if not, what exactly is the beam made of? thanks
  27. K

    Need help troubleshooting a laser

    I bought a red <5mW laser from, and it takes 2 AAA batteries. I took it apart though, took off the momentary pushbutton switch and soldered in a wire because i need to solder on a constant on/off switch at some point but I have noticed the laser is not acting how it was before...
  28. W

    Build a Mini Laser Cutter: Step-by-Step Guide

    How to make a DIY laser cutter(small size) ? Can you help me?
  29. N

    Can a Laser Really Shoot Down a Drone? Watch the US Navy's 30 Second Video!

    So the US Navy has shot down a drone with a Laser... 30 second video is here: Can anyone identify the major obstacles in such an effort. Seems like tracking/radar type software would be very similar to conventional...
  30. A

    Calculating the heating effect of a Class IV laser

    Hi guys, I am of a Mechanical Engineering background, however my dissertation has a largely optics based focus, and I am struggling with understanding the heating effect of a Laser. I will be using various wavelength ND:Yag lasers, and will be focussing them onto a target material, which...
  31. E

    Surface temperature calclulation during pulsed laser irradiation

    Dear all I ahev a urgent problem! I have a bar of copper metal and I irradiated it with a Gaussian beam of NdYAG laser at 532 nm with fluence 0.4 J/cm^2 and 6 ns pulse duration. The reflectance of the copper in this wavelength is r= 0.61 The thermal conductivity of copper is k= 4 W/cmK...
  32. T

    Calculating the average power emitted from a laser

    I have found a 5000 volt 20 milliamp laser at a Ham fest now logic tells me the power of the laser would be simply 5000V*0.02A= 10watt input then loses would maybe make it one watt. however I really doubt that it has that much power. I haven't been able to find a power supply capable either of...
  33. B

    How to tune pulse width of excimer laser?

    Hi, can anyone explain how to tune the pulse width of excimer laser? Thanks Baris
  34. M

    Wicked Lasers' new 1 W laser pointer hits the market The laser in this thing is an Indium Gallium Nitride multimode laser diode which is very cutting edge stuff - they have only entered the market this year, and are being used in high-brightness modern DLP projectors...
  35. C

    Finding Normal Vector to Plane at Intersection Point for HeNe Laser Beam Path

    I'm working on tracing the beam path of a HeNe laser through two prisms, and I'm stuck on trying to find the incident plane in which to use Snell's law. Basically I have the equation of the angled surface of the prism, and I have the point where the beam intersects that plane. Now I need the...
  36. B

    Minimum Beam Waist of 655nm Gaussian Laser Beam

    Homework Statement A 655nm gaussian laser beam has a waist of 15mm located at a lens with focal length of 12 cm. What is the minimum beam waist and where is it located? Homework Equations Beam radius w = w0*sqrt(1-(z/zr)^2) w0 = min beam waist; z = distance, zr = Rayleigh range The...
  37. P

    Laser interferometry and the search for gravitational waves

    When viewing the light coming from distant galaxies, it is my understanding that there are 2 redshifts occurring, the doppler effect from the galaxies' peculiar motions, and the cosmological redshift from space itself expanding. For the cosmological redshift, I visualize a square of space...
  38. P

    E-field of a laser pulse and Intensity

    Hi, What is the equation for a E field of a single pulse of a laser? If that laser is shined onto say a grating spectroscope (square law detector), how can I go about deriving an expression for Intensity as a function of frequency at the output of the spectroscope? I know that the square...
  39. F

    Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    my question is why oxygen lines does not appear in metal oxides spectrum taken at 532nm wavelength of Nd:YAG laser at atmospheric pressure. and what is the criteria for selecting emission lines for analysis?
  40. T

    What happens to a laser pulse that is beamed through a gravity well?

    I believe that the path of the photons will bend towards the center of mass, but I wonder what happens to the wavelength and the pulse shape while the photons are in the gravity well. The photons don't undergo any real acceleration, since they are in free fall, so their wavelengths should...
  41. S

    Solving LASER Problems with Energy Differences and Wavelength Calculations

    LASER Problems! HELP NEEDED! Homework Statement 1. The carbon dioxide laser usually emits at 10.6 um in the IR. Typically such a device puts out a continuous emission of from a few watts to several kilowatts. Determine the energy difference in eV between the two laser levels for this...
  42. M

    Understanding Laser Coherence Lengths and Improving Coherence

    Hi all I am hoping that somebody here will be able to tell me why that different types of lasers eg He-Ne or Nd:YAG have different coherence lengths and how the coherence of a laser can be improved. I am thinking it is to do with the different gain mediums and the emission process...
  43. N

    Gas Mixture for a CO2 Laser: Why is the 8:1:1 ratio the most effective?

    Homework Statement I have been doing an experiment using a CO2 laser. One of the procedures is the find the best gas mixture and explain why. I have found the best misture to be 8 parts co2, 1 part n2 and 1 part He, which i have researched and my sources show this is correct. However i also...
  44. M

    Combination/Convergence of Laser Beams On A Singular Focal Point

    Hey Guys, first of all I apologise if this question is posted in the wrong forum section and a mod has to move it to its correct location. I am trying to find information on combining the paths of several laser beams. I have found much complex information pertaining to the combination of the...
  45. M

    How Do You Calculate E-Field and B-Field of a 10W Laser?

    1.Calculate the average E-Field and B-field produced by a laser with power 10W and radius 1mm 2.Not sure where to start with this one. Use equations of Flux perhaps? 3. So given the modest amount of infomation and the fact the question represents 1 mark, i assume the calculation is straight...
  46. K

    Looking for Help with Laser Interferometry and Collimating Lenses?

    Hi all Im doing work on laser interferometry for my final project,just wondering if there are any experts or experienced people in this field here,thanks much!
  47. D

    Energy, magnitude of E & B, pressure from a laser

    Homework Statement A Ti-sapphire femtosecond laser (1fs= 10^-15s, λ≈0.8μm) has an intensity of 1022 W/cm2 when focused to a spot of 1μm radius. What is the energy of the laser pulse? What is the peak magnetic induction B in Tesla and the electric field in V/m? What is the wave pressure in...
  48. J

    Help & advice need on how fs laser beam propergate in glass

    Hi all, can someone kindly advice on how to model a femtosecond laser beam profile when it is focus on/into a transparent material. Regards Jim
  49. K

    If you know the wavelength of light emitted by a laser how can you know

    Homework Statement How can you know "the difference between the two lasing energy levels?" Homework Equations n(lambda) = 2(pi)r E = hf mvr = n(h-bar) The Attempt at a Solution no clue
  50. L

    Wavelength of a laser exciting H atom from n =2 to n = 5

    1. A monochromatic laser is exciting hydrogen atoms from the n = 2 state to the n = 5 state. What is the wavelength of the laser? 2. frequency = f = delta E / h lambda = c/f 3. First, is the following approach valid: I find delta E by computing E5 - E2, where En = n2h2/8mL2...