What is Launch: Definition and 352 Discussions

A launch vehicle or carrier rocket is a rocket-propelled vehicle used to carry a payload from Earth's surface to space, usually to Earth orbit or beyond. A launch system includes the launch vehicle, launch pad, vehicle assembly and fuelling systems, range safety, and other related infrastructure.Orbital launch vehicles can be grouped based on many different factors, most notably payload mass, although price points are a major concern for some users. Most launch vehicles have been developed by or for national space programs, with considerable national prestige attached to spaceflight accomplishments. Payloads include crewed spacecraft, satellites, robotic spacecraft, scientific probes, landers, rovers, and many more.
Orbital spaceflight is difficult and expensive, with progress limited by the underlying technology as much as human and societal factors.

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  1. J

    Finding an angle of trajectory from a tangential launch.

    Homework Statement Homework Equations 1/2mv^2, mgh, and basic kinematics equations The Attempt at a Solution I set the height = 0 at moment before the launch. To get the velocity, I used: energy before the ball starts accelerating (PE) = energy right before the ball leaves the ark (KE)...
  2. ahoback

    Aaron's Gravitational Potential Energy to Launch Projectile Science Competition

    Hello my name is Aaron! I am a high school senior from northeastern Kentucky designing a pneumatic system of sorts for a science competition and need some help. I will be building a device that converts gravitational potential energy, from a falling mass, into air pressure (or possibly the...
  3. B

    Finding the optimal launch for a projectile?

    Suppose I wanted to launch a water balloon off a cliff of a known height of H and known initial Velocity of Vo, where we can neglect air resistance. Using Newton's Second Law and differentiating it, how can i derive an equation for maximum distance traveled (xmax) at an angle theta? Then from...
  4. B

    Using Newton's 2nd to find optimal launch angle

    Hello. In one of my engineering classes we are doing a computer programming project that requires us to use Newton's second law to find an equation that that would give us the max distance traveled by an object launched off a cliff at a known height of H and an initial velocity of Vo. Then with...
  5. R

    Launch Angle for Maximum Field Goal Clearance

    I need some help working the following problem. I have everything answered except #5 and that is where I get lost. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Suppose a field goal kicker (American football) can kick the ball at a launch speed of 58 miles/hour. If the ball is placed at the...
  6. throneoo

    Optimal launch angle on an uneven ground

    Hi guys, I was working on a formula for the optimal angle for simple point-like projectiles free-falling under a uniform g-field but I got stuck. after a simple derivation , I obtained the following equation: R=(vcos(@)/g)(vsin(@)+((vsin(@))^2+2gh)^0.5) where R , @ , h are respectively the...
  7. collinsmark

    Kerbal Space Program - Duna Rocket Launch

    ... Continued from part 3. The Sands of Duna Part 4: We have ignition The author of this post (and story), collinsmark, is not affiliated with Squad nor Kerbal Space Program. We've waited long enough. So let's get this ship out the launch pad. Kerbals chosen for this mission are Melmon...
  8. collinsmark

    Kerbal Space Program - Launch for Duna

    The Sands of Duna Part 1: Introduction So let's go to Duna! (Duna is Kerbal Space Program's [KSP's] analogue of Mars.) Here are some mission requirements that I set out for myself: Mission requirements: Bring two or three Kerbals to the surface of Duna and bring back all sorts of...
  9. N

    Weight needed to launch object to a certain height

    Hi, I'm a first time poster here and I have a physics question I can't find the answer to anywhere. I don't know much about physics so this might be a basic question to answer. I have a mass (x) that is attached to a cable that is attached to a counterweight that is at 10 feet that will be...
  10. collinsmark

    Kerbal Space Program - Efficient Launch into Orbit

    Efficient launch into orbit. Designing a small, simple, efficient and stable launch vehicle to get into Kerbin's orbit can be done pretty easily. But in order to avoid building oversized, overcomplicated, drag prone behemoths (like the one I was using in the first post of this thread), one...
  11. S

    Kinematics: Angled Projectile Launch

    Homework Statement Determine the initial velocity of the projectile as it comes out of a cannon at a 20° angle. Homework Equations d = (Vi)(t) + 1/2(a)(t)^2 The Attempt at a Solution I've split the question into both x and y components and solved for both using the equation above...
  12. S

    Launch Advantages in the East Direction?

    I have read numerous explanations as to why it is beneficial to launch a rocket in the eastern direction. I know that it's true because NASA's website http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/launch-windows/en/ even claims this. But it makes absolutely no sense to me. I understand that the Earth is...
  13. A

    Trying to find the amount of stretch of a spring for a launch

    Homework Statement I'm doing an experiment where I have to calculate the stretch of a spring needed for it to launch itself into a trashcan located some distance away. The spring is located on the edge of a ramp that is 1.13 m high. The angle of the ramp is 30 degrees above horizontal. The...
  14. C

    Thrust and acceleration of a launch vehicle

    Homework Statement Here is the data I have been given; mass = 3.4*10^6 kg (at lift off) mass of first stage propellants = 2.0*10^6 propellant consumption rate = 1.4*10^4 kg/s g = 9.8 m/s/s Find the thrust of the engines at lift-off. Homework Equations a = T-mg/m The Attempt at...
  15. J

    Projectile Motion launch angles

    Homework Statement A projectile is fired in such a way that its maximum height is a factor of 4 times its horizontal range. Find the launch angle in degrees Homework Equations h_{max}=\frac{V^{2}_{0}sin^{2}\theta}{2g} Range=\frac{V^{2}_{0}sin2\theta}{g} The Attempt at a Solution...
  16. J

    Projectile motion: determine launch angle

    Homework Statement A cannon is supported one meter above the top of a 20 degree declining slope of length 200m. The cannon has a launch velocity of 55m/s. There is a ball halfway down this slope moving at a constant velocity of 20m/s. -Determine the angle \Theta required for the projectile to...
  17. B

    Finding time and initial velocity of a vertically displaced launch

    Homework Statement A projectile is launched 0.635 m above the ground at an angle of 72.2°. It lands on the ground 1.64 m away Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Ive tried so many different equations and have looked up different ways, but I just don't know what I'm...
  18. N

    Rocket Launch Kinematics motion

    Homework Statement You're at a mission control for a rocket launch, deiciding whether to let the launch proceed. A band of clouds 5.3km thick extends upwards from 1.9km altitude. The rocket will accelerate at 4.6ms^-2 and it isn't allowed to be out of sight for more than 30s. Should the...
  19. P

    Hohmann transfer towards mars: True Anomaly of Earth/ Launch date

    Hello again :), I have to solve a rather extensive task. Most important are questions a) and c). I appreciate any help :)! Homework Statement The task: Determine characteristics of a Hohmann transfre towards, when circular planetary orbits around the Sun with R_E = 149.6 \cdot 10^6 km...
  20. A

    Achievable orbit from launch location

    Hi Astro gurus, Is there any limitation on the inclination of the achievable orbit because of the latitude of the launch location? For example, latitude of Baikonur is roughly 46° E. Does that limit somehow the inclinations of the orbits that can be achieved from Baikonur? I think there...
  21. QuantumCurt

    Looking for some info on Saturn V rocket launch

    Hey everyone. I was hoping I could get some assistance locating some material to research on the launch of the Saturn V rocket. I'm doing my honors project for calculus 1 on rocket launches, and I'm going to be focusing on the Saturn V. I'm going to do an in depth analysis on the forces...
  22. I

    Finding launch angel from velocities

    I'm having troubling finding a launch angel from a set of given velocities. v=2\hat{i}, 4\hat{j} at t=0 v=2\hat{i}, 2\hat{j} at t=1 v=2\hat{i} at t=2 v=2\hat{i}, -2\hat{j} at t=3 the g=-2 on this planet
  23. H

    Accelerated Motion in [2]- initial speed and launch angle

    Homework Statement The range of a projectile is 483m, and it reached a maximum height of 65m. What were the initial speed and launch angle of the projectile? Assume the start and finish heights are equal. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I just need a push in the...
  24. R

    Kinematics question - Rocket launch

    Kinematics question -- Rocket launch Homework Statement A rocket starts from rest and moves upward from the surface of the earth. For the first 10s of its motion, the vertical acceleration of the rocket is given by ay=(2.70m/s3)t, where the +y-direction is upward. A.What is the height of the...
  25. Crazymechanic

    Electromagnetic mass driver space launch

    Well I have a question , if we would already have the device that uses electromagnetic force to propel a capsule or whatever object like a satellite into space , now unlike a rocket this device would propel the object needed to carry to space in one certain direction at a given angle , now once...
  26. Filip Larsen

    Copenhagen Suborbitals performs sea launch of guided rocket

    The danish rocket group Copenhagen Suborbitals are scheduled to perform a sea launch of their first guided rocket, the 5.3 m long http://www.copenhagensuborbitals.com/contentgfx/Sapphire_specs.pdf, on Sunday, June 23th at around 9:00 UTC (11:00 CEST, 05:00 EDT, 02:00 PDT) from the test range ES...
  27. A

    Verticle launch velocity given only time.

    Homework Statement you are given the time it takes for a cork to be launched up vertically which is 1.37sHomework Equations d=1/2at^2+vt The Attempt at a Solution d=1/2(9.8)(1.37)^2 d=9.2m Because I wanted the height of the parabola I devided both the time and the distance by 2 9.2/2=4.6m...
  28. M

    Solving Rocket Launch Equations in matlab

    Homework Statement A Super Loki rocket (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loki_(rocket )) is used to launch a small payload to above 100 km altitude in a sub orbital flight. Ignoring atmospheric resistance, find the apogee using both numerical and analytic techniques (solve the differential...
  29. M

    Solving Rocket Launch Differential Equations

    Hi I'm currently working on a project which involves solving the rocket launch differential equations to find the apogee of an orbit. I know the analytical model for the equations as: Δu = Isp*g0*ln(mf/me), where Isp is fuel impusle, mf is mass of full tank and me is mass of empty tank, but...
  30. S

    Wood-block Friction Launch Problem

    Homework Statement A 2.0kg wood block is launched up a wooden ramp that is inclined at a 25° angle. The block's initial speed is 9.0m/s . The coefficient of kinetic friction of wood on wood is μk = 0.200. a) What vertical height does the block reach above its starting point? b) What speed does...
  31. A

    What Launch Speed Does the Motorcyclist Need to Clear the Jump?

    Homework Statement The motorcyclist attempts to jump over a series of cars and trucks and lands smoothly on the other ramp, i.e., such that his velocity is tangent to the ramp at B. Determine the launch speed vA necessary to make the jump. Image attached. Homework Equations a =...
  32. D

    Need help with force of spring needed to launch mass from catapult

    Hi All I need help with a physics calculation. I have a mass of 3kg that has to be launched for Earth (9.81m/s^2 gravitational acceleration) at an angle of 30 degrees from horizontal from a catapult. The distance the mass can travel in the catapult is 2m. What I need to know is what is...
  33. P

    How to calculate initial velocity and launch angle? (Projectiles)

    Homework Statement A bean bag launcher is used to shoot a bean bag at a corn hole board. The bag is released at a height of .61m above the ground. The front of the board is 5.18m from the location where the launcher releases the bean bag. The back of the board stands .31 m off the ground; the...
  34. T

    Rocket Launch: Upthrust Increasing?

    When a rocket is launched there is an upthrust which is provided by the combustion of its engine. However, during the launch a rocket initially remains still then gradually lifts off with increasing speed. Does this mean that the upthrust of the rocket increases gradually over the initial stages...
  35. wolfspirit

    Can Weather Balloons Launch Rockets?

    I have been thinking, weather balloons can go quite high (some up to 1000ft) so would it be possible to take 4 or 5 weather balloons and attach them to the corners of a frame. in the centre of the frame would be a rocket ready to launch at a set altitude. the only problem i can think of is...
  36. J

    Finding Launch Velocity given time

    Homework Statement Hi, So the question asks me to find the launch velocity of a bullet that was shot up at a 90 degree angle. The bullet then came back down at the same height that it was shot at in 1.37 seconds. I'm not sure if I'm using the right formula, or even plugging the right...
  37. J

    Grade 11 Question: finding launch angle

    The Question: A water balloon is fired 34 m/s from a water cannon, which is aimed at an angle of 18° above the ground. The centre of the cannon's target (which has a radius of 1.0m) is painted on the asphalt 42m away from the water cannon. a) Will the balloon hit the target? Justify your...
  38. P

    My first Space X Launch Experience

    I saw my first Space X launch from near Cape Canaveral. I've been watching launches since 1966, and this was by far the quietest of this size vehicle that I've ever heard. How do you suppose they made it so quiet?
  39. P

    Mechanics: Calculating the minimum height for a bullet to launch from to hit a target

    1. The muzzle speed for a Lee-Enfield rifle is 630 meters per second. Suppose you fire this rifle at a target 700 meters away and at the same level as the rifle. a - In order to hit the target, you must aim the barrel at a point above the target. How many meters above the target must you aim...
  40. R

    Archived What angle maximizes the horizontal distance of a rocket launch?

    Hey everyone, I've been trying to do a problem in which I attempt to find the angle that maximizes the horizontal distance of a rocket, which has a stage with thrust and then a stage as a projectile. After a delay period, an ejection charge fires and causes the rocket to drop straight...
  41. D

    Find the Trajectory's Launch Angle

    Homework Statement A cannon fires at a hilltop target with a muzzle velocity of V = 600 ft/s. The horizontal and vertical distances to the target are L = 0.5 miles and h = 0.25 miles. Determine the elevation angle at which the cannon should be fired. L=2640 ft h=1320 ft...
  42. J

    2-D Kinematics: Distance of Rocket from Launch Pad

    Homework Statement A model rocket is launched from rest with an upward acceleration of 6.00m/s^2 and, due to a strong wind, a horizontal acceleration of 1.50m/s^2. How far is the rocket from the launch pad 6.00s later when the rocket engine runs out of fuel? Homework Equations Not sure..The...
  43. M

    Projectile: know only launch velocity, max height, and distance

    Suppose you know only these three things about a launched projectile: - Initial launch velocity (magnitude only, not direction) - Maximum height reached - Horizontal distance traveled before hitting the ground Is it possible to find the initial height, launch angle, and airtime of this...
  44. Filip Larsen

    Copenhagen Suborbitals to perform double sea launch of SMARAGD Friday at 08 UTC

    According to the latest status and weather reports, the danish amateur rocket group Copenhagen Suborbitals [1] is still go for a sea launch of one or both of its two-stage SMARAGD hybrid rockets in the expected launch window Friday, July 27 at 08 to 12 UTC [2]. The first launch will be...
  45. T

    Could an ~12ft rocket launch some sort of probe into space

    could a large 12ft model rocket be used to launch a probe into space, such as a telescope?
  46. X

    Finding the Optimal Time to Launch a Mission to Mars

    Recently for a project I have been trying to figure out the correct time to launch a spaceship and have it successfully reach Mars. This is what I've managed so far Because of Earth's orbit around the sun a ship would have a transfer orbit that looks like this Distance from starting point...
  47. S

    Payload dimension comparison between launch vehicles?

    Hey guys, Does anyone have a list of the maximum dimensions of objects that can be carried in various launch vehicles, eg Falcon 9/Falcon Heavy, space shuttle etc? It would be much appreciated!
  48. C

    Calculating the launch speed from a launch angle, distance, and air density

    Greetings to all. First off, I apologize if I come off as an idiot here who has no idea what he's talking about (probably because I don't). My career is basically as a graphics designer, programmer, and musician- in that order (I design and build iOS applications for a living). I understand...
  49. J

    Calculating Initial Velocity for Projectile Launch from Point A to B

    Homework Statement I need to calculate the initial velocity required to launch a projectile at a given angle from point A to point B. The only force acting on the projectile after launch will be gravity – zero air resistance. The projectile is launched within a simulated, virtual environment...
  50. Pengwuino

    News North Korean satellite launch fails

    http://worldnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/04/12/11168783-north-korea-rocket-breaks-up-after-much-touted-launch?lite Okay, we can go back to laughing at North Korea again.