Lhc Definition and 326 Threads

  1. hsdrop

    B The path of particles in the L.H.C. pics

    I was looking at the diagrams from the lhc of the path of particles and notice that the path of the particles always craved parabolically not traveled strat outward from the point of impact. Why does this happen explachely when the particles are traveling at near light speeds thank you ahead...
  2. K

    I What is the Madala boson at LHC?

    anyone have any idea what the Madala boson that supposedly is found in LHC data? obviously it is proposed to explain dark matter, but it is a spin-0 field related to the Higgs. claim is that Madala boson mediates the dark sector. supposedly a 3-sigma excess at 270 GeVScientists predict the...
  3. C

    B Preon quark models excluded by LHC

    from https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/world-made-up-of-2nd-3rd-gen-particles.883560/#post-5555878 quoting ohwilleke Have you come across this paper in peer reviewed Physical Review D... http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0370269379906671 or...
  4. Quotidian

    B LHC findings -- 'Naturalness' and Many Worlds

    In December 2015, scientists at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) thought they may have seen a hint of a brand-new particle. This appeared by way of a couple of 'bumps' in the data, which triggered such an avalanche of interest that 500 papers followed. But, alas, subsequent research has shown...
  5. K

    A What would falsify supersymmetry? LHC Nightmare scenario

    The LHC nightmare scenario after 15 years of operation and 3000 fb-1 total integrated luminosity at 14 TEV, it only finds Higgs and nothing else. with LHC not finding any SUSY partners and LUX/Panda not finding any WIMPS, obviously SUSY can be adjusted to accommodate these null results...
  6. mfb

    I New LHC Results 2015: Interesting Diphoton Excess?

    https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/new-lhc-results-2015-tuesday-dec-15-interesting-diphoton-excess.84798 and status from Monday CMS released their conference note a bit earlier. They see absolutely nothing at the mass range where the excess appeared in 2015. It is a bit curious that they...
  7. mfb

    Insights LHC Part 4: Searching for New Particles and Decays - Comments

    mfb submitted a new PF Insights post LHC Part 4: Searching for New Particles and Decays Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  8. K

    A If LHC reports no SUSY by Aug 2016 data set

    according to blogger Tommaso Dorigo the LHC "What to expect for ICHEP I believe that if the machine keeps delivering at this pace, by mid-July CMS and ATLAS could have in their hands some 10 inverse femtobarns of 13-TeV collisions. Those data, three to four times larger in size that what was...
  9. Safinaz

    I LHC searchs for charged Higgs scalars

    Hi all, I'd like to know what is the most recent exclusion bounds on the mass of new charged Higgs scalar according to CMS and ATLAS collaborations searches at CERN ..
  10. Justice Hunter

    B New Particle discovered at LHC?

    Can anyone shed more light on this topic that's cropped up on the internet? To abridge the video, they say that a new particle was found at 750 GEV, about 5 times the mass of the Higgs Boson.
  11. Rx7man

    Funny... LHC got shut down by a weasel

    funny little news story... http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/04/29/476154494/weasel-shuts-down-world-s-most-powerful-particle-collider
  12. Greg Bernhardt

    B CERN releases 300TB of LHC data to public

    Ok, who has a spare super computer? http://cms.web.cern.ch/news/cms-releases-new-batch-research-data-lhc What is there motivation for this and realistically what can come from it?
  13. CERN Alice Experiment

    CERN Alice Experiment

    10 min video for general public, describing the physics aims of the ALICE experiment: the study of the primordial state of matter, the quark gluon plasma and more.
  14. LHCb - The Beauty Experiment

    LHCb - The Beauty Experiment

    A short documentary on the LHCb experiment at CERN, on the quest for the mystery of Antimatter.
  15. An introduction to the CMS Experiment at CERN

    An introduction to the CMS Experiment at CERN

    In this video, the CMS detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider is introduced, describing its construction and history as well as its physics goals.
  16. C

    B Does the Higgs boson only exist when created in LHC?

    Greetings, I have read seemingly contradictory things regarding the Higgs boson: that they permeate all of space and that it was created at extremely high energies in the LHC. I just heard a scientist say the Higgs field is full of HIggs bosons. So does the Higgs boson occur naturally or not...
  17. Math Amateur

    MHB LHC news .... Hints of new particle ....

    News from Nature | News (see Hints of new LHC particle get slightly stronger : Nature News & Comment)" ... ... Hints of a mysterious new particle at the world’s largest particle accelerator just got a little stronger. The excess of photons produced by particle collisions at the Large Hadron...
  18. mrnike992

    B New Findings at LHC: JHEP02 2016 104

    http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FJHEP02%282016%29104I don't know what most of this means, but maybe somebody wants to discuss it? (Also, if someone could dumb it down a tad, I'd appreciate it)
  19. K

    Can Higgs be the inflaton - can LHC produce an inflaton 750

    could the higgs boson be the inflaton 126gev if not could the possible 750gev diphoton be the inflaton? what are the properties of the inflaton? could inflaton be scalar dark matter?
  20. M

    The End of the Road: LHC Findings and the Fate of Physics

    It seems that LHC have done its job. Higgs boson is found, unfortunately of the most boring variety - bad news for SUSY. Anyway, it seems that SUSY is getting dead like a dodo. No micro-BH either, so no new dimensions to investigate. Nothing beyond Standard Model. So it seems that any "new...
  21. S

    Total significance Higgs discovery at 7+8TeV LHC

    HI guys, a quick question. After the announcement of the discovery of the higgs-like resonance in July 2012 with ~5sigma significance by both ATLAS and CMS, what is the current p-value distribution with the full data set taken into account? And therefore, what is the total significance reached...
  22. S

    I Potential new particle shows up at the LHC

    Hi everyone! I just received the following news feed from Scientific American about a potential new particle showing up at the LHC not included in the Standard Model. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/potential-new-particle-shows-up-at-the-lhc-thrilling-and-confounding-physicists1/ I...
  23. K

    Run 2 initial LHC @13 TEV Supersymmetry results null

    what are ramifications of exclusions on SUSY gluino mass 1.8 TEV to MSSM and other SUSY-SM and higgs hirearchy?
  24. mfb

    New LHC results 2015: Tuesday Dec 15 - interesting diphoton excess

    After a slow start, the LHC and its detectors worked nicely and collected a lot of data this year (~3.5/fb). While many analyses are still ongoing, both ATLAS and CMS will report several results on Tuesday 3 pm (CET)*. The presentations will probably appear here, a...
  25. C

    Exclusive measurements at the lhc

    I am just wondering if someone could tell me what 'a higher order QCD calculation relevant for exclusive measurements at the lhc' means? In particular, what is an exclusive measurement and are such QCD calculations done on the lattice or is it perturbative analysis? Is there something special...
  26. C

    Why did we need a 8.3 T magnetic field in the LHC beam pipe?

    I tried to work backwards and verify the magnetic field required by the LHC beam pipes. A circumference of 27km implies a radius R=4300 m. The beam energy E is 7 TeV per proton beam. Considering approximation E approximately equal to pc to get momentum (ultra-relativistic case). Plugging into...
  27. B

    Why does the LHC need to be more powerful?

    I am doing a piece of A-2 coursework concerning the LHC and its restart and cannot understand why the increase in energy of run 2 would allow us to detect heavier particles such as those proposed by SUSY.
  28. S

    I Would protons in LHC lose energy over time if ejected out?

    I googled this and didn't find anything. But it's a simple question. If a proton was moving 99.999% the speed of light in the LHC, and the Earth and LHC and everything around it disappeared, would the proton lose speed or energy overtime? assuming no background radiation etc. A simpler way of...
  29. mfb

    Surprising high-energetic event at the LHC

    Probably just a weird fluctuation, but still something to watch. Event Display of a Candidate Electron-Positron Pair with an Invariant Mass of 2.9 TeV Edit: Follow-up after data-taking in 2015 ended: no further events with that high energy, now one event is reasonable. Was just a weird...
  30. Johnny Neutrons

    Black hole expansion in the LHC?

    Greetings, I am new to this forum and would like to present a discussion. If a miniscule black hole is created in the LHC. Is it probable the LHC is capable of creating more than one black hole during a single event collision? Considering fact and theory provided by credible research. Could...
  31. godzenon

    Protons and electromagnetic attraction in the LHC?

    Thanks for reading this As protons go faster and fast in the LHC they have a greater angular momentum (that's not at all the right term) to go around in circles faster and faster as they reach near the speed of light that greater inward attraction towards the magnet to rotate around in the LHC...
  32. K

    Scientific implications of latest LHC SUSY beauty quark

    http://news.discovery.com/space/lhc-keeps-bruising-difficult-to-kill-supersymmetry-150727.htm LHC Keeps Bruising 'Difficult to Kill' Supersymmetry Previous attempts at measuring the beauty quark's rare transformation into a so-called "up quark" had yielded conflicting results. That prompted...
  33. B

    Particle beam has What Amount of voltage per meter LHC

    So for sake of example the LHC beam one pointing at the other to cause a collision, the one beam is 6.5 TeV per beam. How can I calculate the volts per meter or given size of pulse? I understand that the particles have kinetic energy in the form of the speed of their travel but theoretically...
  34. N

    Higgs particle and standard model Higgs particle difference?

    Hey physics enthusiasts, I have been reading and watching various videos, which talks about the possibility that the Higgs particle which was discovered by collisions in the large hadron collider(LHC) may not be the standard model Higgs particle. What does this mean? What is the difference...
  35. M

    Speed difference between protons & heavy-ions in LHC?

    On the wiki-pages it says that in the LHC protons travel 3m/s slower than c. I was curious what it would be for heavy-ions; is it maybe 15m/s because their energy is ~5 x lower (7 vs. 2.76 Tev) ? And a small question on the side, does Gravitation assistance have a bigger impact on speeding up...
  36. Greg Bernhardt

    Insights Think You Know about the LHC? - Comments

    Greg Bernhardt submitted a new PF Insights post Think You Know about the LHC? Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  37. M

    Will LHC season 2 tell us more about the Higgs Field?

    The data from the previous LHC season has indicated that the Higgs is sufficiently heavy enough to suggest that the Higgs Field is meta-stable (False Vacuum) with the potential of an another minimum with lower energies (True Vacuum). So the question is if the second season of the LHC will tell...
  38. e.bar.goum

    Why do high energy accelerators have to be so large?

    Today is an exciting day, for today will see a new record for the highest energy collisions at the LHC - stable 13 TeV collisions for new physics, signalling the start of the new physics program at the LHC! There are a few ways you can keep track of progress throughout the day. The LHC status...
  39. mfb

    Insights LHC Part 3: Protons as Large as a Barn - Comments

    mfb submitted a new PF Insights post LHC Part 3: Protons as Large as a Barn Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  40. J

    Conclusion for seeing the infinitely small

    I need to write a conclusion for a presentation I'm doing on "Seeing the infinitely small" (translation from french), which is basically about microscopes and the LHC, how to observe the different levels of small and all that... What can I write to answer, "why are we trying to observe the...
  41. C

    Looking For (Academic) References About How the LHC Works

    I'm currently writing a paper for a small class called "Contemporary Physics" and I am writing about particle accelerators and the search for the Higgs Boson. I have a fairly good idea about how the Large Hadron Collider works, but I cannot use my own explanation alone as I need references to...
  42. U

    What is this mystery particle - LHC?

    Homework Statement (a) Draw the feynman diagram for ##p \bar p \rightarrow## reaction. (b) Find an expression for mass of the particle. (c) Find an expression for number of ##\mu^{+} \mu^{-}## produced. (d) Find an expression of ##n_{jj}## in terms of ##m_{inv}## and its spin. (e) Deduce the...
  43. mfb

    Insights LHC Part 2: Commissioning - comments

    mfb submitted a new PF Insights post LHC Part 2: Commissioning Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  44. LHCSafetyReview

    A hole in the LHC's vacuum bubble safety argument

    A hole in the LHC's vacuum bubble safety argument One of the four specific risks considered in the most recent official safety review for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the possibility that LHC collisions could trigger a transition to a lower-energy vacuum state. The current review by the...
  45. Michel

    LHC vs. Cosmic Rays: What Role Does Density Play in Particle Research?

    Hello, I have a question regarding the density of the LHC vs. Cosmic Rays and why the big difference doesn't matter for particle research? As a reference we look at ultra-high-energy cosmic rays which are perfect for 'one on one' collisions, but isn't 'dosage' also a parameter to consider? --...
  46. mfb

    LHC about to restart - some frequently asked questions

    The LHC is about to restart after a break of two years - beams could go around as early as today (you can watch it here but that is very technical). There are some misconceptions about it and questions I got asked multiple times, so I thought I write some answers to clarify how "working for the...
  47. K

    LHC Dangers (really *only* stuff that's already happening?)

    So I was wondering, I hear everywhere that what the LHC (or RHIC) is only doing what's happening all the time already with cosmic rays. Is that really so? Are the really doing NOTHING new here? Are they really just doing stuff that's already happening all the time? From what I understand, they...
  48. K

    How fast do particles need to travel to collide?

    I'm wondering, I always hear how particles in the LHC collide with huge energies, and I'm wondering: how much energy is needed for particles to collide? I mean, if the energies in the LHC are huge and the ones in the RHIC are less huge you have to be able to do it with even less energy, right...
  49. M

    Conservation of charge and LHC

    I don't know much about the topic but if I'm correct charge should always be conserved. What happens when two protons collide in the LHC? Don't they split into quarks and then decay, lowering the amount of positive charge in the system?
  50. Nitox33

    The LHC will climb into energy, some questions

    Hi all, I'm probably not the only one asking this yet another question about the famous LHC, this accelerator particles that will rise up to 6.5 TeV energy ... That makes 13 TeV ... Does it have the potential to create micro black holes, and this would be dangerous? I asked some questions...