Life Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. S

    How to use Regression In real life

    Hi, I had made an inquiry about regression last week and am still working on understanding the whole concept.This week my question is different. How would I use the a and b values of the regression to indicate how something is growing. Like I'm having problems interpreting data because I do not...
  2. ZapperZ

    VOTE Photo Contest - The Tree Of Life

    This promises to be a difficult contest to vote on since there are so many wonderful pictures. Still, please pick the picture that best represents our theme, which is on trees. Note that the participants were asked to submit a photo that has the tree/s as THE main subject, and not the scenery...
  3. ZapperZ

    PF PHOTO CONTEST - The Tree Of Life (9/13-9/19)

    The Tree Of Life This one should be easy. Pictures this week must be on trees. Trees (or a tree) must be the main subject of your picture, not the background scenery, the people in front of it, or anything else. Please note that fake trees do not qualify. Zz. Contest Rules: 1. Any...
  4. wolram

    Can Birthmarks Reveal Past Lives? A Case Study from Sri Lanka This case concerns a young boy in Sri Lanka who made several statements regarding a previous life, among them where he had lived and how he was killed when traveling in a truck through a forest. The boy associated two birthmarks with his...
  5. W

    Engineering What is life as an Aerospace Engineer like?

    QoL,Location,Pay,especially what do you do for work? I'll listen for now and will chime in later..
  6. TheStatutoryApe

    Wireless Mouse Battery Life Issues

    I bought a fairly cheap wireless mouse a while back. With the batteries it came with it lasted quite some time, at least a few months, before it died. I bought new batteries from the store that were on sale and put one in. About a week later I found that the usb plug had come detached from...
  7. A

    Calculate Fatigue Life of Custom Bolt

    Hi All, We have manufactured a custom bolt (similar to standard bolt). Now we need to calculate the fatigue life of the bolt. Could you please guide me in calculating the fatigue life? Thanks, Ana
  8. E

    Physics, mathematics and love life?

    Rather bored, so I was just wondering - only considered generalizations with the underling principle here, but I'm looking for specifics: have your interests in physics/mathematics altered your love life in any way? Say, have you pissed your significant other off with your obsession with...
  9. T

    Ion Life Channel: Sexist Travel Show "Get Out

    Do any of you get this channel? Have you seen the show "Get Out"? It's a travel show where these three girls travel around the world and tell you about it. Oh, and they only wear bikini tops and they only go to tropical areas. I can't get enough of this show. It is so sexist, because these girls...
  10. F

    Life in Universe, statistical point of view

    Hi, I was having a discussion with a friend about the probability of life in the universe outside of earth. From what i know, there are 70 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 stars and god knows how many planets. Given the low probability of life spawning on a single planet but the huge amounts of...
  11. S

    I want to live a simple life out in the country.

    I am on a computer at a public library, and I only have fifteen minutes left. So this post definitely won't be as well-polished as most of my posts. I am interested in living a simple life out in the country. I want to buy some land out in the country and build a cabin on it. I could heat...
  12. E

    In your own personal life, how often do you use this equation?

    Thought this would be an interesting topic. so just in everyday life, what sort of stuff have you applied the tool K = 1/2 mv squared for?
  13. A

    Why following Gossip and Fashion really is a Matter of Life and Death

    I wrote something which I believe gets to the origin of fashion and gossip in a simple and logical way. I would be happy with any comment on whether it makes sense to you or not. Why do women find it important to be in on the latest fashion trends and gossip? Fashion's use couldn't be just...
  14. A

    "Possible Life on Mars? Traces of Ammonia Discovered in Atmosphere"

    Researchers think they have found traces of ammonia in Mars' athmosphere. Since ammonia is degraded quickly there, if this were true, it would mean the presence of some ammonia-producing source on Mars. THe best bets for that would be either active volcanoes or microbes, but since active...
  15. Andre

    Oldest Diamonds Reveal Evidence of Ancient Life

    Interesting publication: In normal geology jargon, this means that they are pretty convinced to be on to something. However: What they found was depletion of heavy 13C atoms reducing the d13C ratio to values comparable to photosynthesis nowadays as...
  16. B

    Life prefers to use glucose over other sugars

    We learned that life prefers to use glucose over other sugars (catabolite repression). 1) Why is glucose preferred? 2) Why do sperm use fructose instead of glucose?
  17. B

    I would love to get back at life (disappointed, confused, and a bit tired )

    Ok, I have been to these forums a lot in the past year or so and I have learned a lot and asked a lot. But recently my past year has just been a drag - it is my first year in university and I know that some or maybe even majority will say it is only first year. But I don't think it is that, I...
  18. C

    Academia or Corporate: Which Path Should I Choose for My Future?

    I've just finished my first year in engineering (Electronics and Electrical), and when I started out, I eventually wanted to do a Phd in mathematics because I soon realized that I loved mathematics and that I can grasp the intricacies without busting my head. I had dreamed of focusing on...
  19. Ivan Seeking

    The Little Joys of Life: What Makes You Happy?

    What are the little things that make you happy? I just realized one for me that seems funny to a former city kid: The day our pasture gets mowed is one of the better days of the year. The grass grows to four and five feet tall here, and as the spring progresses, the field sort of closes-in...
  20. D

    The Origin of Life: A Scientific Inquiry

    Where did "life" come from? There is something about this "big bang" theory that makes me not to accept it at all and that's: Life. Physicists have all tried to put together their observations and I mean observations only to come up with this big bag theory, but at the same time there exist...
  21. B

    What's Next for a Physics Graduate Without a Career Plan?

    When I was in college, I had some direction, even if it was just the pursuit of a diploma. Now that I'm done, I feel like I'm stranded in mid-ocean with no discernible wind or current pushing me in any direction. Admittedly, this is my fault. I had a narrow focus and was concerned only with...
  22. T

    Exploring Life in a Timber Home: A Unique Perspective

    Anyone lived in a timber home (house made out of weatherboard)? What is it like?
  23. Ivan Seeking

    Can Government Programs Really Change Your Life?
  24. L

    What if life is found on Mars? Then what?

    After the initial shock and excitement, do we commandeer the the planet and take if for ourselves anyway? Pollute it with Earth species or extremophiles? Will an environmental impact study then be required? And if they are more advanced, do we hide and hope they didn't see us lest they do...
  25. S

    Mars Soil Has Nutrients Capable of Supporting Life

    The soil on Mars has been found to have nutrients which would be conducive to supporting life: All the more reason for us to go and start farming over there.
  26. K

    How Can I Make Lemon Myrtle Scent Last Longer in My Home?

    of late i have discovered the beautiful smell that my lemon myrtle can give when i rub the leaves together between my hands. It got me thinking, what can i do to get this smell throughout my house? i have thought of two ideas so far (iam open to any others): dry the leaves and turn it into an...
  27. Loren Booda

    Does life here on Earth indicate life elsewhere?

    What does the presence of life on Earth imply about the chance of life existing on other worlds? Can one assume, with high probability, that despite Earth's seeming singularity of life, there is life elsewhere in our (assumed finite) universe? In our (assumed infinite) universe? A...
  28. Ivan Seeking

    Shape Your Future: Build a Quixtar Business for Life Goals I saw that Amway now has a slick advertising campaign running on TV. I don't have the time to comment on this in detail right now, but I can say that I got involved in Amway when I was 18 years old. I had a downline of over 50 people, including one of the richest men...
  29. L

    Explore the Tree of Life to All Species

    I was wondering if there was any resource out there that had a complete tree of life for all the species.
  30. J

    Programs PhD in Cosmology = life in academia?

    I find myself very interested in Cosmology and would consider doing a PhD in the field, however I am not sure if I would like to be an academic or not. Given the relatively few technical applications of Cosmology, would it be wiser for me to enter a field with greater possibilities for...
  31. S

    How can we justify that one life is more important than Another's?

    How can we justify that one life is more important than Another's? I've been wondering about this for a while now. I've tried tackling this from a religious and scientific standpoint. For religion I've looked at the Indian Caste system and at the Christianity belief that we should put...
  32. P

    Ever feel like you dont know what you want out of life?

    im confused with almost everything i want in my life right now, and I am already a junior in college, becoming a senior next year. i don't know whether i want to pursue math, physics, or engineering i don't know how i should focus my time to improve academically and/or socially. if i choose to...
  33. R

    What Would Earth Look Like 10,000 Years After Humans?

    There have been several books, documentaries, webumentaries, and even a Hollywood movie in "I Am Legend" relating and discussing this topic which encourages people to imagine world without people. A new documentary by The History Channel premiered after the success of "I Am Legend" called...
  34. wolram

    A Week in the Life of a Factory Worker

    Nearly every machine in the factory decides to self destruct on my watch, i loose my Internet connection for no apparent reason, there is a pool of water in the kitchen because my fridge decided to switch itself off, and all the stuff inside looks perished. All in all a good day as no one...
  35. A

    Is a Physics Degree Limiting My Career Options?

    I just finished my first year of a 4 year physics degree, and it made me realize that although I love physics and I am really good at it, but I do not want to be a physicist. This has a lot to do with my first taste of research life with a condensed matter group I had been helping. It made me...
  36. P

    What are the Unanswered Questions About Gamma Ray Particles?

    questions about life of gamma ray particle question-are gamma ray particles unchanged after gamma ray burst 13 billion years ago? question-are changes detected not due to travel through normal space, scattering? changes due to dark matter/energy? question-positronium decay at end universe...
  37. B. Elliott

    Concussive effects of asteroid impact on marine life

    I was doing some reading on the effects of air blasts from asteroid impacts when I realized that I've never seen any data of the potential effect on marine life. Since sound travels farther and faster in a liquid, wouldn't an asteroid impact in a large ocean (liquid) have a more profound...
  38. D

    Real life engineering problem-vibrations

    I work at a LAN center, and we recently got an In The Groove arcade machine. (" ) It's great, but the only problem is that there is a basement underneath us, and the building is fairly old. When people play on it...
  39. Ivan Seeking

    Turtle rescued from life of drugs Now that the turtle is living in a safe environment, he is really coming out of his shell.
  40. G

    How Does Temperature Affect GaP Life and Cause Peak Displacement in GaNP?

    GaP life question!?? Hi, i have a question. I hope someone could help me... Thenks in advance! 1.- I've read that the GaP life is sensitive to the temperature. Can you explain this in more detail?! I mean, what happens at low and high temperature and why. 2.- I've been calculating DOS...
  41. U

    MATLAB How Can We Celebrate Life Through Dance?
  42. K

    Entropy & Life: Explained in Layman's Terms

    Okay, I'm not an idiot, but can someone explain to me (in common layman's terms) what entropy is? And it's relation to life?
  43. F

    News Gap in life expectancy in U.S. growing

    I especially like this part: & lastly, universal health care would probably reverse the trend:
  44. wolram

    Life without Government: Could Civilisation Survive?

    Could there be a civilised way to live without central government? suppose some catastrophe wiped out your countries government, would there be a priority to replace it?
  45. G

    Existentialism and the meaning of life

    I've actually been reading a number of things. First, I read Lars Eigner's "On Dumpster Diving" and afterward, a few existentialist documents paired with some Budhist doctrine. All of philosophy aims to give meaning to human life...and apparently society, at the same time, implements meaning...
  46. M

    Exploring Career Options: From Physics to Business and Beyond

    In your opinion, what are my options in life based on my pedigree alone Just turned 24, graduated 1.5 years ago with a degree in physics/astronomy. I'm in between jobs. I have a 2nd interview with a financial software company that deals with hedge funds/private equity, banks, etc. I have a...
  47. Q

    Life as a physics graduate student

    Hi everyone. I'm just wondering - I've heard lots of rumors about physics grad. school, and how hard it is, etc. I have no problem dedicating myself to studying, but am worried about family issues. What I'm wondering is - - how many hours on average per week will I be working? 40, 60, 80...
  48. P

    Predictability versus controllability in life experience

    Predictability: Everything in this world has a certain amount of predictability; some call it “odds”. I’m still young at 33, but I find it boring and redundant to even bother doing a lot of things in my life now. In some cases, it irritates me when someone asks me for my advice, or if someone...
  49. S

    Studying Can You Balance Mechanical Engineering Studies with a Social Life?

    I'm thinking about studying for mechanical engineering, but I'm slightly discouraged by the amount of work people say they have to put forth. but is there really that little amount of free time to hang out with friends and do things you enjoy? i mean, will i still have to for my gf and what not...