Lift Definition and 613 Threads

  1. S

    Making ancient time water wheel to lift water

    I have one project of developing setup to lift heavy water at some height. A setup that take less energy as compare to traditional water pumps. I was searching on net and I found giant "water wheels" of ancient times to lift water. Like this one Is...
  2. L

    Help Needed: Device to Lift 180lbs 30cm Off Ground

    Hey, I am new to this stuff and was just wondering if someone could help me i need to know what could i use to lift 180lbs about thirty centimetres off the ground, also this device has to be small but still powerful enough to lift the required weight i would appreciate any help i could get. Thanks
  3. S

    Why two men can't lift a 2 ton car but can push same car

    Hi Guys, I am wondering that what physics involved here. 1. Why two men can't lift 2 ton car at 1 meter height but can push same car up to even 1000 meter. 2. At start car push takes much energy but later it requires less energy to push So weight is same but 2 men can't move car vertically...
  4. P

    Where Did I Go Wrong with My Hydraulic Car Lift Plot?

    My plot didn't come out correctly, so I know I did it wrong. Where did I go wrong or was I even close? 1. Homework Statement The hydraulic car lift shown in Fig 1 will be used to lift a vehicle of weight W. Determine the force in the hydraulic actuator required support the vehicle as a...
  5. G

    Lift equation for elevator and rudder of a plane?

    I know that the lift equation for a single wing is L=Cl*0.5*A*r*V^2 where L is lift, Cl is the lift coefficient, A is the area, r is the air density, and V is velocity. Does this equation still apply to the elevator and rudder of a plane or is another equation used? If so, where can I find...
  6. leviterande

    Why is it so much easier to lift a spinning gyro than if stationary?

    Hi all, First of all, I just want to make it very clear that I am not referring nor meaning toward antigravity , free energy or such nonsense subjects. Eric laithwaite had a lot of misunderstanding about the gyro behavior that can be explained with Newtons laws. I just really want to...
  7. J

    Is Coaxial Contrarotating Lift Equal to Double the Lift of Individual Blades?

    Quick question - is the lift generated by coaxial contrarotating blades equal to the lift generated by each individual lifting surface (simplified to lift x 2), or is there a more comprehensive formula available? Currently, I am using the following formula to calculate the lift of a single...
  8. M

    Scissor Lift Actuator Force Calculation

    << Moderator note: This thread is missing the homework template due originally being posted in another forum >> Hello, I am required to find the actuator force for a scissor lift. Below are the images of the same: For a scissor lift, with weight W acting on it, I have introduced to links...
  9. M

    Looking to fly. need speed. Have other dimensions

    Hey everyone, I have a theoretical problem. I have a box. Rounded off but not greatly aerodynamic. It is 800 kg including propulsion. I have wings with a max of 2.25m long and a max width of about 2m wide. This is the length of the box. I need to know how fast the box needs to go with those...
  10. jk22

    Horizontal Photon Vertical Lift Acceleration

    supposing a constant acceleration Vertically a horizontal incoming photon is considered. We know that in the frame of the lift the vertical speed of the photon will increase, hence its horizontal one will decrease and then the photon trajectory has a vertical asymptote ?
  11. D

    Can Earth's Magnetism Be Harnessed for Aircraft Lift?

    Hello, I have an idea i have been working on for some time. I am a meteorologist and pilot, and i love aviation, especially design. I have been playing with the idea of magnetic lift (as in when one magnet is repelled from another magnet) or electromagnetism in an engine, to create a different...
  12. R

    How Do You Calculate the Lift Force of a Jack Screw?

    Homework Statement What formula would I use to calculate the lift force of a Jack Screw when I know the force exerted on the linear screw? It would be similar to the Jack used to lift a car. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  13. R

    How Do I Calculate the Lift Force of a Jack Screw?

    What formula would I use to calculate the lift force of a Jack Screw when I know the force exerted on the linear screw? It would be similar to the Jack used to lift a car.
  14. M

    Maximum power developed by a lift

    Hi guys, I've been given a question where it asks me to work out : work done , the tension in lifting cable and the maximum power developed and the problem is that I don't know what the maximum power developed means. Isn't it the same as the work done ? If its not, then what's the formula to...
  15. Blake Kopachena

    How can I reduce the speed of my lift without changing its displacement?

    I have a little project, I am building a simple lift that is moved with cable by a 3-phase motor which has it's speed controlled by variable frequency drive. I am going to be implementing PID control into the VFD via PLC that will be based off of a distance reading from an ultrasonic sensor for...
  16. P

    Aircraft lift - is it all Bernoulli's principle?

    I find it hard to believe that the only factor important in computing aircraft lift is Bernoulli's principle. Doesn't good old Newton's Second Law play an effect? In other words simply deflecting the airflow downwards. Does anyone know the relative importance of these factors? (EG for a...
  17. B

    What Are Lift and Drag Coefficients?

    Can someone please explain the lift coefficient and drag coefficient in simple terms? Thanks.
  18. B

    Flap deflection angle of a wing on lift to drag ratio?

    How does the flap angle affect lift to drag ratio of a wing?
  19. B

    How does varying roof angle affect lift in wind

    Hello guys! New here. Grade 11 student. I'm working on a project to investigate how roof angle relative to the horizontal vary with lift, according to Bernoulli's principal. The purpose is to reduce injury in storms. Problems are: Wind blows in all direction and I was thinking about...
  20. P

    New drone design idea, pull air for lift

    I have read a discussion about a centrifugal fan on a wheel system The fan pulled air to itself and push the air outward from center. Most flying machines that I aware of push air down, as Newton describes. Since air is move downward, but toward machine could a new drone work this way...
  21. D

    Convert Psi to Lbs: How Much Can 10,000 psi Lift?

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I would appreciate any help I could get in understanding the conversion of psi to lifting capability. Such as how many pounds of weight could a 10,000 psi pump lift in pounds. I have searched the net but am coming up blank, I'm sure there is a formula for this...
  22. blainiac

    How Do Pressure Differences Affect Centrifugal Fan Performance?

    Hello, I wish to begin by stating I appreciate all feedback and the time taken to answer my inquiry. I have read high and low. I have a general understanding of lift (not well developed), and have read many articles on Bernoulli vs. Newton, circulation theory, Coandă effect, Magnus effect...
  23. M

    Force on winch to lift trailer ramp

    Homework Statement I was really unsure as to where to post this problem as it's got nothing to do with homework, yet it's a homework like problem. Please let me know if I've posted it in the wrong sub-forum. It was a simple discussion at work where we debated how strong a winch we need...
  24. J

    Drag and lift forces on flat plate

    I'm trying to calculate the aerodynamic forces on a flat plate as a function of angle of attack. The drag force is calculated from F = ρ*V^2*A*Cd/2 Where ρ is the air density, V is the wind velocity, A is the area, and Cd is the drag constant. Simple question: For A, should I use...
  25. P

    Lift and Drag Which frame of reference?

    Lift and Drag...Which frame of reference? Hi, When expressing the Lift and Drag acting on an airplane as: F_{lift}=qSC_L F_{drag}=qSC_D where q is the dynamic pressure, S is the wing ref. area, and C's are the lift and drag coefficient. My question: Some sources, like this one...
  26. M

    Designing a Pneumatic Arm to Lift 5kg Load 10m

    Hey I want to build a pneumatic arm that can throw stuff around (see attachment image). Before actually ordering the stuff i want help with some calculations. i want the arm to be able to push 5kg load (rectangular shaped) straight up into air. the arm/plunger area that makes contact with...
  27. C

    Design lift without electricity

    This is my have any idea how can generate power to lift elevator.
  28. B

    Build a Square Spiral Scissor Lift for VEX Worlds

    I am building a robot for the VEX worlds competition and, I was thinking of a spiral scissor lift. But my problem is I only have two mothers to use on this part of the robot. The robot has a square base, so the spiral has to be square. If you could give your theories of how it would work, that...
  29. A

    Interpreting Scale Readings in a Moving Lift

    Homework Statement A mass of 2kg is sitting on a dial scale balance on the floor of a lift. What is the reading on the balance when the lift is moving downward with acceleration of 3 m/s2 Homework Equations F = ma F = mg where g = 10 m/s2 in this question. The Attempt at a...
  30. M

    Optimal Blade Design and Reduction System To Lift 5lbs

    Hello, I'm working on a project for my college class where we need to build a windmill that will be able to lift a 5lb mass 3ft above the ground. The energy of the wind is produced by two 20 inch box fans. We are allowed to use several materials- pine wood, ice cream pails, floss, nuts, bolts...
  31. L

    Archived Time for a trampoline jumper to lift off?

    Homework Statement Imagine a trampoline. Define downwards displacement as positive and upwards displacement as negative. A jumper jumps and lands on the trampoline. The given variables are x_{\max}, the maximum position of the jumper, k, the spring constant of the springs of the trampoline...
  32. AJKing

    Force to lift a chain: Conservative or not?

    Homework Statement You are lifting a chain straight up at a constant velocity v_0. The chain has a linear mass density λ. What is the force required to lift the chain as a function of height? The Attempt at a Solution U = mgh = λygh The height in the potential energy is the same as...
  33. T

    Best way to lift weight using mechanical arm

    Hi! For my finally year design project, I intend to try and solve the problems with existing shower bathing aids for the elderly and disabled. I won't go into details of what problems and how, etc, but I will give you an overview of the mechanism I intend to use. My product is essentially...
  34. S

    Will a magnet lift a very thin coated sheet of nickel?

    Hi, I am trying to work out if a small magnet can be used to hold a thin sample that I have. The sample is flat and about 10mm x 10mm in size. The sample is a layer of copper, with nickel plated on that. There is then a gold coating on the nickel. The copper is 0.05mm thick, the nickel 0.005mm...
  35. I

    Find Min Torque to Lift 15kg Bundle of Shingles

    Homework Statement You wish to buy a motor that will be used to lift a 15-kg bundle of shingles from the ground to the roof of a house. The shingles are to have a 1.5-m/s^2 upward acceleration at the start of the lift. The very light pulley on the motor has a radius of 0.11m. Determine the...
  36. andyrk

    Why does liquid incline in an accelerating beaker?

    Suppose a lift is moving in a shaft upwards with a velocity a. Then why does the net acceleration of the lift become (a+g)? Life suppose a liquid of denisty ρ is kept at rest in a beaker. In this case as pressure changes only in horizontal direction so we can write: dP/dx=0 and dP/dy=-ρg...
  37. B

    How much energy is used for lift and for thrust in various aircraft?

    Can somebody post a table of the average lift energy/thrust energy ratios or percentages of various types of aircraft?
  38. S

    Why do air foils produce lift?

    Hello, I have recently joined with hope that I can find a straight forward answer to a question that has bugged me for so long. Why do air foils REALLY produce lift? I have heard and read of the most common explanation involving the bernoulli effect, but when I dug deeper I read that the...
  39. B

    Lifting a car using a hydraulic lift

    1. The hydraulic lift at a repair shop is filled with oil. The car rests on a 25-cm-diameter piston. To lift the car, compressed air is pushed down on the 6-cm-diameter piston. a) What air-pressure force will support a 1300kg car level with the compressed air piston? b) How much must the...
  40. B

    Understanding the Forces of a Moving Lift: T and T1

    This is my problem, ABCD is a lift. 1-- when the lift not moving i want the T and T1. T1= 3mg T= 2mg Right ? 2-- when the lift is moving with accelartion a. I want to know the new T and T1. Are they T1 = 3m(g+a) T = 2m(g+a) Am i doing it right?
  41. A

    Deriving Actuator Force Equations for Scissor Lift Design

    Hi. I am currently working on a scissor lift design. I'm having some trouble deriving the equations for the actuator force for some reason. Think I'm getting blind on this ATM or something :P. Anyways if someone could help a bit id appreciate it. [I have derived equations I'm just not sure I...
  42. P

    Potential Energy and Work done to lift object distance h

    Potential Energy and Work done to lift object distance "h" The amount of energy needed to power a 0.10 kW bulb for 12 minutes would be sufficient to lift a 1 kg object how high? Power = work/time PE = mgh First I converted kw to watts which is 100 watts. Then converted minutes to seconds...
  43. A

    How does a battery lift charge from an area of low to high energy?

    I understand how a galvanic element works at an electrochemical level. I understand how the electrons move from the anode to the canode, and also how electrolysis works. I do not understand how to relate the following in an electrochemical perspective: Battery that drives charge through...
  44. D

    What is the PSI needed to lift me at an acceleration of 1m/s/s?

    I am trying to find the psi needed to lift me off the ground at an acceleration of 1m/s/s so i started with the equation f=ma. For acceleration I added f=m(1m/s/s) but i need to cancel gravity out, so I took 9.8m/s/s + 1m/s/s = 10.8m/s/s. I thought it would work because 1m/s/s was the...
  45. A

    Lift of a helium spherical balloon

    So I was pondering this question: On a conceptual level, how does a perfectly spherical helium balloon rise? I understand that the density of helium gas is lower than that of our atmospheric composition of gases, but that is not giving the full perspective for me. On a molecular level, I feel...
  46. L

    Question about lift affecting airplane in a loop

    Say I have an airplane that is performing a loop at a constant speed. Why is it that at the top of the loop the normal force points inward and not upward due to the lift of the plane? That way, at the top of the loop, when the pilot is upside down, he feels lighter due to the lift of the...
  47. T

    Finding the coefficient of lift of a propeller blade?

    Homework Statement I need to approximate the thrust given by a propeller blade that are plastic and around 10-15cm in diameter but I am not sure what the coefficient of lift (or coefficient of thrust because they are the same thing?) is. For example, a propeller blade may look like this...
  48. 7

    How Do Birds Generate Lift and Drag While Gliding?

    1. A bird is gliding at an angle of 15° to the horizontal at a constant velocity. If the mass of the bird is 0.45 kg, calculate the lift and drag forces acting on the bird. 2.A bird is gliding with a constant velocity. Its forward speed is 5 m/s and its sinking speed is 0.88 m/s. If the...
  49. T

    How is lift force proportional to speed up?

    i know that if i have a greater lift force, there will be a greater speed upwards, but i don't know to calculate a speed of something upwards. is this even possible to calculate? if it's not, can you give a calculation example??
  50. M

    Can a Lift and Rotate Mechanism Handle Heavy Duty Machining Needs?

    Hi all I need a bit of inspiration for a new CNC machining Fixture design. First the top of the fixture must be raised to get free of the guide pins, and then the top must rotate 120 degrees before it must be lowered over the guide pin again. I was looking for something like a rotary CNC...