Lifting Definition and 255 Threads

A lifting body is a fixed-wing aircraft or spacecraft configuration in which the body itself produces lift. In contrast to a flying wing, which is a wing with minimal or no conventional fuselage, a lifting body can be thought of as a fuselage with little or no conventional wing. Whereas a flying wing seeks to maximize cruise efficiency at subsonic speeds by eliminating non-lifting surfaces, lifting bodies generally minimize the drag and structure of a wing for subsonic, supersonic and hypersonic flight, or spacecraft re-entry. All of these flight regimes pose challenges for proper flight safety.
Lifting bodies were a major area of research in the 1960s and 70s as a means to build a small and lightweight manned spacecraft. The US built a number of lifting body rocket planes to test the concept, as well as several rocket-launched re-entry vehicles that were tested over the Pacific. Interest waned as the US Air Force lost interest in the manned mission, and major development ended during the Space Shuttle design process when it became clear that the highly shaped fuselages made it difficult to fit fuel tankage.
Advanced spaceplane concepts in the 1990s and 2000s did use lifting-body designs. Examples include the HL-20 Personnel Launch System (1990) and the Prometheus spaceplane (2010). The Dream Chaser lifting-body spaceplane, an extension of HL-20 technology, was under development as of 2012 as one of three vehicles to potentially carry US crew to and from the International Space Station. In 2015 the ESA Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle performed the first ever successful reentry of a lifting body spacecraft.

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  1. O

    Mechanical System for Lifting and Lowering Weight

    Hi, I am looking for a 115 VAC motor (able to be plugged into an ordinary power outlet) that is capable of raising and lowering a load of up to 150 lbs. (attached to a cable and a pulley) at the speed of 6 inches per second. I want the speed to remain constant even if the load changes. How can I...
  2. Z

    Calculate Vertical, Radial & Horizontal Forces for Lifting Lug Design

    Dear Experts, I have vessel with lifting lug attached to the shell. Vessel weight = 1681.84 N How to calculate:- 1) vertical force 2) nominal radial force 3) horizontal force
  3. C

    Force Analysis of lifting Snowmobile (Ergonomical Analysis)

    I am conducting an ergonomical analysis of the current method of moving a snowmobile on dry land using dollies. One must manually lift the track (rear) of the sled onto one dolly, then one ski at a time also onto an individual dolly. I need to conduct a force analysis of the situation to...
  4. T

    What is work done by gravity when lifting an object?

    Homework Statement I have a brick of mass m in my hand. I move the brick vertically up h meters. Homework Equations What is the Work done to the brick by gravity? The Attempt at a Solution Work = Fd The F for my hand on the brick is mg going up and d is h so the work done by my...
  5. P

    Lifting a crate magnitude of forces.

    Homework Statement a woman is straining to lift a large crate with no sucess. its too heavy. we denote the forces on the crate as follows: P is the upward force on the crate by the person. C is the contact force on the crate by the floor and w is the weight. how are the magnitudes related...
  6. J

    Energy conversion- burning wood to lifting an object

    Homework Statement If the calorific value of wood is 16 MJ/kg and a match weights approximately 0.17 g, then (a) how much energy (in joules) is released by burning the wooden part of a single match? If all of this energy were applied to do work to lift a 60 kg human vertically, against...
  7. Y

    Relation between a map and its lifting

    I have the following question: Let $\mathbb{D}$ denote the unit disk. Let $f:X_1 \longrightarrow X_2$ be a continuous mapping between Riemann Surfaces. Let $ \pi_1 : \mathbb{D} \longrightarrow X_1$ , and $ \pi_2 : \mathbb{D} \longrightarrow X_2$ be the universal covering spaces of $X_1$ and...
  8. V

    2D-panelmethod, extend to lifting bodies?

    I'm working on a basic 2D-"panelmethod" program. Currently it's "no-lift" but I would like to expand it to lifting bodies. The routines I'm using are loaned from my litterature and the program is working just fine for non-lifting bodies. It uses sources distributed over the panels to...
  9. I

    Lifting Books - Potential Energy

    Homework Statement A student has six books, all of them with a 4cm thickness and a weight of 30N. ¿What would be the minimum work to put the books in one pile, if the six books are in a table? Weight: 30N Thickness: 4cm. Gravity: 9.81ms-2 Homework Equations Ep=mgh Ec=(mv2)/2...
  10. I

    Lifting books - Potential Energy

    I need help on this proble: A student has six books, all of them with a 4cm thickness and a weight of 30N. ¿What would be the minimum work to put the books in one pile, if the six books are in a table?
  11. O

    Where does the energy go when lifting a rope?

    Homework Statement A uniform rope of mass \lambda per unit lengt is coiled on a smooth horizontal table. One end is pulled straight up with constant speed v0. a. Find the force exerted on the end of the rope as a function of height y. b. compare the power delivered to the rope with the...
  12. S

    Calculating force required for lifting

    Homework Statement say you have a 240kg rectangular mass it is pulled upwards by two cables symetrically since force due to gravity is 240g so each cables would have to produce 120g each to lift the mass. but the resultant force sum to zero so if we were just given a FBD of the...
  13. A

    Medical Lifting the Veil: Impact on Human Computation

    I was wondering if someone could answer the following question please. Is it possible,that if the Earth's magnetic poles were to swap, this could force a shift in the human computational abilities which would cause our emotional based society to become greater processing agents from the...
  14. T

    Lifting strength of a bouy depending on variables

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  15. G

    Stability of truck mounted lifting systems calculation

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  16. F

    How Is Work Calculated When Lifting an Object Vertically?

    Hello, I have a question that should be pretty simple, but I can struggling to understand: What determines the amount of work done in lifting a ball from one to two metres above the ground? I know that W=Fd and F=ma , so I would assume that the work done would equal m*a*d. Something...
  17. J

    Lifting a 7.5 kg Box: Power Calculations

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  18. S

    Work and Fluid Force, lifting water out of a triangular prism tank

    Homework Statement A vertical cross section of a tank is shown. Assume the tank is 16 feet long and full of water. (\delta=62.4, and that the water is to be pumped to a height of 8 feet above the top of the tank. Find the work done in emptying the tank. The tank is a triangular prisim with...
  19. P

    Work done lifting cable against gravity

    Homework Statement A cable weighing 2 pounds per foot of length (and so having a mass of 2 pounds per foot) is suspended from the top of a well 200 feet deep and extends to the bottom. Find the work done in raising the cable to the surface. Over the distance of 200 feet you may use 32m as the...
  20. E

    Designing a Trolley Hydraulic Jack: Need Help with Lifting Pad Layout

    hi guys am designing a trolley hydraulic jack .. am asked to do a lay out of the arm lifting the wieght .. would you help me how to do good lay out of my lifting pad??
  21. S

    Device that can assist lifting a force of 700 N or greater?

    Are their any devices currently available that can assist a human in exerting a force of 700 N or greater? Exactly how much force is 700 N equivalent to? Hydraulics are the only thing that comes to my mind, is their anything lighter? What do exoskeletons use to assist the user to lift greater...
  22. D

    Does Using Inertia Help or Hinder Weight Lifting?

    Hi all, when you try to lift explosively a weight there is a acceleration phase and obviously a deceleration phase in order to stop the weight at the end of range of motion(end of repetition). Is it alright to assume that at the deceleration phase less force than the weight is applied?
  23. J

    Lifting Hovercrafts with Thermocoal Sheet

    At present i m working on a hovercraft. Bt the problem is thati can't lift it.. The material i used isthe lightest of all that is thermocoal sheet which weighs approx 145-175gm. So tell me watshould be the motor rpm to lift this junk.. Is there any formula 2 lift this material.. Thnx in advance
  24. K

    Lifting an Elephant with Hydraulics: A Physics Puzzle

    Homework Statement The 70kg student in the figure balances a 1200kg elephant on a hydraulic lift. A second 70kg student joins the first student. How high do they lift the elephant? diameter of the piston elephant is on = 2.0m diameter of the piston student is on = 0.48m The liquid inside...
  25. T

    How much work is done by the lifting force?

    An object of mass 0.550 kg is lifted from the floor to a height of 3.50m at a constant speed. Can someone please check my answers, thanks! 1) How much work is done by the lifting force? (0.550kg)(9.80m/s^2)(3.50)=18.9J 2) How much work is done by the Earth on the object? I was told...
  26. J

    Tension Problem: Lifting Yourself

    Homework Statement Lifting yourself. A man stands on a platform as shown in the figure below, and pulls up on a rope that winds through a frictionless pulley attached to the platform. The other end of the rope is attached to the ceiling. The mass of the man is m, and the combined mass of...
  27. S

    Designing Chain Lifting Device for 400 Metric Tonnes

    I'm looking for some input on the design of a lifting device. The design is required to accurately lower lower a load of 400 metric tonnes through a height of 50m, return to the top of it's travel and lower the next load and so on. I'm currently thinking along the lines of a two-pronged tower...
  28. F

    Does lifting an object higher increase its potential energy?

    I read that lifting an object higher increases its potential energy. Is this true? I can't see how, considering: Ep = mgh F = mg so Ep = Fh F = (G x m1 x m2)/ d2 so Ep = (G x m1 x m2 x d)/ d2 so Ep = (G x m1 x m2)/ d So the greater the distance between the object and the...
  29. W

    What are the stresses in a lifting shackle and how do I calculate them?

    Hello All, I'm currently designing a lifting shackle to aid the recovery of a ROV, my problem is that I'd like to do some hand calculations to find the stresses in the shackle but I'm really not sure as to where to start. I know how to calculate the stresses in the fixing holes but it's...
  30. O

    Relationship to determine the lifting capacity of an electromagnet

    Homework Statement To determine a formula that can be used to determine the lifting capacity of an electromagnet/magnet through a known air gap. Homework Equations Weight= (magnetomotive force)/reluctance The Attempt at a Solution From the experiment the following general...
  31. O

    Understanding the Principle of Lifting Invariants in Lie Algebras

    I'm trying to read Serre's book on Lie algebras and have run into something I can't figure out. Luckily it's on google books so I'll just post a link to the point in question...
  32. D

    Finding work for lifting a chain with winch on top of a building

    Homework Statement A winch is positioned on top of a building, a distance 70 m above ground level. A chain of length 95 m and a mass per unit length of 1.2 kg/m hangs from the winch along the side of the building. Find the work done (in Joules) in reeling up 60 m of the chain.Homework...
  33. C

    How Does a Heat Engine Lift a Mass Efficiently?

    Homework Statement A heat engine operating between temperatures of 500 K and 300 K is used to lift a 10-kilogram mass vertically at a constant speed of 4 meters per second. (a) Determine the power that the engine must supply to lift the mass. (b) Determine the maximum possible efficiency...
  34. 1

    Calculating Tension in a 6-kg Bucket Being Pulled Up by a String

    Homework Statement A 6-kg bucket of water is being pulled straight up by a string at a constant speed. What is the tension in the rope? about 42 N about 60 N about 78 N 0 N because the bucket has no acceleration. Homework Equations \SigmaF=ma ma=T-mg T=ma+mg The...
  35. Z

    Need a pair of forumlas to help me build a lifting platform

    I'm planning on building a platform for Olympic weightlifting. I'm trying to minimize the weight, so I'd like to be able to properly estimate the sturdiness. The first one is for a piece of wood sitting on beams of some sort. I know that as the beams move father and farther apart, the board can...
  36. D

    Work lifting cable and work pumping water

    so i know that when there is a cable hanging from say a building that is taller than the length of the cable and you want to find the work done lifting half of the cable, you have to split the integral up since each "small piece" of rope in the first half gets lifted up a variable amount while...
  37. Z

    Need a pair of forumlas to help me build a lifting platform

    I'm planning on building a platform for Olympic weightlifting. I'm trying to minimize the weight, so I'd like to be able to properly estimate the sturdiness. The first one is for a piece of wood sitting on beams of some sort. I know that as the beams move father and farther apart, the board...
  38. T

    How High Can a Person Be Lifted by a Blue Whale's Exhalation?

    Homework Statement * A blue whale is spraying out air in a vertical column every time it exhales. * The whale is exhaling a volumn V[air] = 6 m^3 of air in every blow at an initial speed of v[air] = 30 m/s. (The velocity is a guess.) * The diameter of the whale's blowhole is d = 0,2 m. (I...
  39. D

    Work done by lifting block attached to spring

    If one hangs a spring (of constant 10lbs/ft) vertically and attaches a 10lb. weight to the spring, how much work is done in raising the weight 6 inches from where it hangs naturally? i drew a free body diagram and deduced that when you are lifting the weight up, the forces of gravity and...
  40. L

    Rotational inertia of arm lifting a cup

    Homework Statement Doc Holliday takes his last shot of whiskey. His forearm and hand spans 18" and weighs 2lbs. The shotglass and its intoxicating contents weighs 5ozs. (there are 16 ozs in one pound). Doc remains otherwise motionless as his elbow bends, tossing back the whiskey. Calculate...
  41. P

    Falling pole lifting off the ground.

    I have heard (what I consider to be) a myth of a pole lifting off the ground before it hits. That is, set something like a telephone pole up on end with no initial falling velocity, then let it drop. The claim is that the bottom of the pole actually lifts from the ground before the whole thing...
  42. A

    Nonlinear Lifting Line method to estimate wing lift distribution

    Hi all, I have implemented a nonlinear lifting line method to estimate lift/induced drag of a typical wing. This method utilizes 2D lift coefficient data, and uses a numerical technique to solve the nonlinear equations. The program I have written in MATLAB is working, though I would like to...
  43. N

    Physics Help: Lifting a 200 lb Beam w/ Unequal Weight

    Not sure about this one, any help? Two men want to carry a wooden beam weighing 200 lbs which is 20 feet long. Both men are equal height however one is stronger than the other and wishes to bear 50% more the weight. How far from the end of the beam should both of the men be to make this possible?
  44. V

    Calculation max load on a scissor jack lifting a car

    Homework Statement I have to determine the max load a scissor jack must support when lifting a 6000lb car. I know where the center of gravity is acting and the potential locations (distances from the center of gravity) the car will be jacked up. I know the max force is less than 6000 lb...
  45. G

    Lifting vs Pulling: Chain Hoist vs Hand Winch

    Ok so I was at the store today and I notised that the hoist they sell seam to be a lot beefyer and stronger lookin them the come a longs ie hand winches and I was wondering why that was dose it take more force to lift 2 ton then it takes to pull the same, I was looking at a 1 ton chain hoist and...
  46. U

    Having trouble lifting solar plane off the drawing board

    Hi guys! I'm in the VIIth standard, and am building a solar powered RC plane. But however, I'll need help to figure out... One solar panel of a calculator creates 1.53 volts of power under a dim CFL. If photovoltaic cells are influenced by the lumen count, how much can it generate under...
  47. B

    What is the Work Done Lifting a Chain?

    Homework Statement A chain 40 feet in length and weighing 3 pounds per foot is hanging fully extended from a winch. Find the work done by the winch in winding up 30 feet of the chain. Homework Equations Typical segment of the chain: \Delta y_{i} Weight of typical segment of the...
  48. M

    Lifting Weights on a Single Pulley System

    Is it easier to pull up or down to lift a weight on a single pulley systeM? Thanks MB
  49. L

    Lifting attachment design factors

    I'm looking for some advice: I am trying to determine the allowable stress in a lifting attachment we have had manufactured. The lifting attachment is a mild steel block that bolts to the component to be lifted with a lug to enable a shackle to be fitted; two of these blocks are then fitted to...
  50. H

    What is a lifting function and how is it used in fluid dynamics?

    What is a "lifting function"? Hi, I was reading a journal article and they mentioned something called a "lifting function". It was apparently used with the Navier-Stokes equation to translate the boundary conditions (which were complicated, and NOT non-slip), into a body force. It looks...