What is Likelihood: Definition and 139 Discussions

In statistics, the likelihood function (often simply called the likelihood) measures the goodness of fit of a statistical model to a sample of data for given values of the unknown parameters. It is formed from the joint probability distribution of the sample, but viewed and used as a function of the parameters only, thus treating the random variables as fixed at the observed values.The likelihood function describes a hypersurface whose peak, if it exists, represents the combination of model parameter values that maximize the probability of drawing the sample obtained. The procedure for obtaining these arguments of the maximum of the likelihood function is known as maximum likelihood estimation, which for computational convenience is usually done using the natural logarithm of the likelihood, known as the log-likelihood function. Additionally, the shape and curvature of the likelihood surface represent information about the stability of the estimates, which is why the likelihood function is often plotted as part of a statistical analysis.The case for using likelihood was first made by R. A. Fisher, who believed it to be a self-contained framework for statistical modelling and inference. Later, Barnard and Birnbaum led a school of thought that advocated the likelihood principle, postulating that all relevant information for inference is contained in the likelihood function. But in both frequentist and Bayesian statistics, the likelihood function plays a fundamental role.

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  1. Q

    Proper likelihood function of the ratio of two spectra

    Hello PF'ers, I am doing an unbinned likelihood analysis where I am analyzing the ratio of two spectra: \[ \frac{S_{1}(E)}{S_{2}(E)} = F(E) \] and each spectra, \[ S_{1}, S_{2} \] has its own data set. My first idea was to take the function, \[ F(E) \] and divide by the integral of...
  2. D

    MHB What is the Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Uniform Distribution Endpoints?

    I need help on this problem, anyone know how to do it? Suppose you have n independent observations from a uniform distribution over the interval [𝜃1, 𝜃2]. a. Find the maximum likelihood estimator for each of the endpoints θ1 and θ2. b. Based on your result in part (a), what would you expect...
  3. F

    MHB Show that the maximum likelihood estimator is unbiased

    Consider a density family $f(x,{\mu})=c_{{\mu}}x^{{\mu}-1}\exp(\frac{-(\ln(x))^2)^2}{2}$ , where $c_{{\mu}}=\frac{1}{{\sqrt{2{\pi}}}}\exp(-{\mu}^2/2)$ For a sample $(X_{1},...,X_{n})$ fnd the maximum likelihood estimator and show it is unbiased. You may find the substitution $y=\ln x$ helpful...
  4. P

    Finding maximum likelihood estimator

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  5. I

    How Do You Compute the MLE for p in a Treatment Effectiveness Study?

    Homework Statement 1. An experiment consists of giving a sequences of patients a risky treatment until two have died, and then recording N, the number who survived. If p is the proportion killed by the treatment, then the distribution of N is: P(N=n)=(n+1)(1-p)n p2 1)Find a general formula...
  6. E

    Kalman Filter EM decrease log likelihood

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  7. S

    Is Maximum Likelihood Estimation Valid with Limited Data?

    Hello, I have a question to Maximum Likelihood Estimation. The typical form of MLE looks like this: X = Hθ + W. W is gaussion with N(0, C). θml = (HTC-1H)-1HTC-1X I think θml can only be calculated after a lot of measurements are made, that is, there are plenty of samples of H and X...
  8. D

    Likelihood of pairs in a range?

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  9. G

    Maximum Likelihood Estimator Problem

    Homework Statement 1. Suppose the data consist of a single number X, and the model is that X has the following probability density: f(x|θ) =(1+ xθ)/2 for -1≤ x ≤1; =0 otherwise. Supposing the possible values of θ are 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1; find the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of θ, and find...
  10. Jameson

    MHB Log likelihood function and EM algorithm

    I'm going to start by asking about an example from class and then hopefully use that to work on the problem I need to solve. Here is an example: Let's say we have a multinomial distribution $x \sim M(n;.5+.25\theta,0.25(1-\theta),0.25(1-\theta),0.5\theta)$. The likelihood function of $\theta$...
  11. T

    Measuring Membership, or Likelihood, of given Point

    Hello: I've three circles as seen in the image. Source: http://www.picpaste.com/Quantify-PwdfQxLB.png Within the innermost circle is a point. I'd like to determine the likelihood, or probability, that this point belongs to the innermost circle, the middle-circle, and outermost...
  12. V

    Likelihood Ratio Statistic & P-value

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  13. M

    EM algorithm convergence KF log likelihood decrease

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  14. J

    Likelihood function of a gamma distribution

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  15. Y

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  16. S

    Hidden Markov Models - Likelihood of

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  17. C

    Statistical models and likelihood functions

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  18. C

    Likelihood Functions: Parameters & Probabilities

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  19. S

    Maximum Likelihood Estimator + Prior

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  20. S

    How to Find Maximum Likelihood Estimators for Sample Data?

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  21. D

    AICc and parameter likelihood from repeated fits

    I'm looking at using AICc to compare a set of nested models and wondered about the following. First, my the errors in my n data points around the fit are not i.i.d. Gaussian (the data have an artifact that the models will not able to fit easily and the artifact introduces dependencies and a...
  22. P

    Comparing Least Squares and Maximum Likelihood?

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  23. A

    What is the Probability of Multiple Universes?

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  24. M

    Bayesian method vs.maximum likelihood

    Hi, Wondering if there is any priorities one method has versus the other one and are there any specific cases where to use one vs.other? regards
  25. B

    Proving sufficiency via likelihood functions

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  26. K

    Inferential statistics-maximum likelihood function

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  27. K

    MLE of μ for X1,...Xn with Known σ2i

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  28. S

    Schools Likelihood to enter foreign universities for Physics Ph.D

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  29. Q

    Likelihood of inheriting autosomal dominant diseases

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  30. G

    Finding maximum likelihood function for 2 normally distributed samples

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  31. B

    Maximum Likelihood Estimator, Single Observation

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  32. B

    What Is the Maximum Likelihood Estimator for t Given the Observation X?

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  33. C

    Find Maximum Likelihood Estimator of Gamma Distribution

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  34. K

    Statistical Analysis - Maximum Likelihood Fit

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  35. Z

    Stats question- likelihood function for a ratio

    Homework Statement According to genetic linkage theory, observed frequencies of four phenotypes resulting from crossing tomato plants are in the ratio 9/16 + a : 3/16 - a : 3/16 - a : 1/16 + a. In 1931, J.W. MacArthur reported the following frequencies: Observed...
  36. S

    Linear regression and maximum likelihood estimates

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  37. P

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  38. A

    Determining Likelihood of Divergance

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  39. H

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  40. T

    Distribution of Maximun Likelihood Estimator

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  41. I

    Bayesian inference of Poisson likelihood and exponential prior.

    Hey I have some problems understanding my statistics homework. I am given a data set giving the number of calls arriving to different switchboards in three hours as well as the total phone call duration in minutes for each switch board. Something like i y_i t_i -------------- 1...
  42. C

    Why is likelihood function defined as such?

    Hi everyone, This is not a homework question but something I thought of while reading. In the method of maximum likelihood estimation, they're trying to maximize the likelihood function f(\vec{x}| \theta ) with respect to \theta. But shouldn't the likelihood function be defined as...
  43. M

    Monotone Likelihood Ratios-Most Powerful Test

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  44. G

    A simple baysian question on likelihood

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  45. M

    News What is the likelihood of an EMP attack?

    I was wondering -- what are the chances of someone getting away with an EMP attack? What measures is the US taking to prevent such an attack? The way I see it there are three scenarios that are more likely to happen: a) the attacker attempts to fly into the United States, the US sees an...
  46. P

    How Do You Calculate Maximum Likelihood Estimates for Different Distributions?

    I actually have two questions, both of which are on the same topic Homework Statement Consider X = number of independent trials until an event A occurs. Show that X has the probability mass function f(x) = (1-p)^x p, x = 1,2,3,..., where p is the probability that A occurs in a single trial...
  47. P

    Solving Likelihood Questions in Soccer: Team A and B

    Homework Statement Hi everyone, I'm working through some max likelihood questions and am badly stuck on this one. Please could you take a look at what I'm doing and tell me if I'm going in the right direction? Q. Team A and B play two games of soccer, each game having two halves of equal...
  48. P

    Maximum Likelihood Estimator Question

    Homework Statement A bag contains sequentially numbered lots (1,2...N). Lots are drawn at random (each lot has the same probability of being drawn). Two lots are drawn without replacement and are observed to be X_1 = 17 and X_2 = 30. What is the MLE of N, the number of lots in a bag...
  49. P

    Maximum Likelihood Estimator Question

    Homework Statement Lifetimes of components are Gamma distributed. The parameters of the Gamma are shape = a scale = λ The pdf is: f(x) = (λ^a).x^(a-1).e^(-λx)/Γ(a) In this case, it is known that a = 3. Obtain the MLE of λ. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Hi...
  50. S

    Maximum likelihood estimator and UMVUE

    Homework Statement Let X_{1}, ... , X_{n} be a random sample from f\left(x; \theta\right) = \theta x^{\theta - 1} I_{(0, 1)}\left(X\right), where \theta > 0. a. Find the maximum-likelihood estimator of \theta/\left(1 + \theta\right). b. Is there a function of \theta for which there...