Limit Definition and 999 Threads

In mathematics, the limit inferior and limit superior of a sequence can be thought of as limiting (i.e., eventual and extreme) bounds on the sequence. They can be thought of in a similar fashion for a function (see limit of a function). For a set, they are the infimum and supremum of the set's limit points, respectively. In general, when there are multiple objects around which a sequence, function, or set accumulates, the inferior and superior limits extract the smallest and largest of them; the type of object and the measure of size is context-dependent, but the notion of extreme limits is invariant.
Limit inferior is also called infimum limit, limit infimum, liminf, inferior limit, lower limit, or inner limit; limit superior is also known as supremum limit, limit supremum, limsup, superior limit, upper limit, or outer limit.

The limit inferior of a sequence



{\displaystyle x_{n}}
is denoted by

lim inf










{\displaystyle \liminf _{n\to \infty }x_{n}\quad {\text{or}}\quad \varliminf _{n\to \infty }x_{n}.}
The limit superior of a sequence



{\displaystyle x_{n}}
is denoted by

lim sup










{\displaystyle \limsup _{n\to \infty }x_{n}\quad {\text{or}}\quad \varlimsup _{n\to \infty }x_{n}.}

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  1. Maged Saeed

    MHB Evaluating Limit: $$\sqrt{x+\sqrt{x+\sqrt{x+\sqrt{x}}}}-\sqrt{x}$$

    could you evaluate this limit , show the steps please , : $$\lim_{x\to\infty} {\sqrt{x+\sqrt{x+\sqrt{x+\sqrt{x}}}}-\sqrt{x}}$$
  2. F

    MHB When Can We Determine if a Limit Exists or Not in Calculus?

    What does it mean for a limit to exist or not exist? I'm reviewing improper integrals and I forget what it means.
  3. A

    MHB Can you check my proof for a limit formula

    Hello, Suppose there is a $\delta > 0$ such that $f(x) = g(x)$ when $0 < |x - a| < \delta$. Prove that $\displaystyle \lim_{x\to a} f(x) = \lim_{x \to a} g(x)$. $|f(x) - L| < \epsilon$ for $|x - a| < \delta_1$ $|g(x) - M| < \epsilon$ for $|x - a| <\delta_2$ Let $\delta' = \min(\delta_1...
  4. anemone

    MHB Evaluating the Limit of an Infinite Product

    Evaluate $\displaystyle \lim_{{n}\to{\infty}} \prod_{k=3}^{n}\left(1-\tan^4\dfrac{\pi}{2^k}\right)$.
  5. A

    MHB How Does Subtracting a Limit Value Affect Convergence?

    Prove that $\displaystyle \lim_{x\to a} f(x) = L \space \text{if and only if} \space \lim_{x\to a} [f(x) - L] = 0$ Provide a rigorous proof. I am not sure what he has given to us. Is $\displaystyle \lim_{x\to a} f(x) = L$ true? So, $|f(x) - L| < \epsilon$ for $|x - a| < \delta_1$ some...
  6. Ritzycat

    Solve Limit x→2: (4-(√18-x))/(x-2)

    Homework Statement [/B] lim x→2 (4-(√18-x)) / (x-2) Note that the square root goes over the 18 AND the x, not just the 18. I don't know how to use the fancy mathematical notation on this forum and I have no idea where to go to find out how to use it. Homework Equations There are absolutely...
  7. V

    Allowed values for the "differentiability limit" in complex analysis

    In complex analysis differentiability for a function ##f## at a point ##z_0## in the interior of the domain of ##f## is defined as the existence of the limit $$ \lim_{h\rightarrow{}0}\frac{f(z_0+h)-f(z_0)}{h}.$$ But why are the possible ##z_0##'s in the closure of the domain of the original...
  8. A

    MHB Tough limit proof for a general f(x) and g(x)

    Hello, $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ have the following property: for all $\epsilon > 0$ and all $x$, $$ \text{if} \space 0 < |x - 2| < \sin^2(\epsilon^2/9) + \epsilon \space \text{then} \space |f(x) - 2| < \epsilon$$ $$ \text{if} \space 0 < |x - 2| < \epsilon^2 \space \text{then} \space |g(x) - 4| <...
  9. throneoo

    Indeterminate limit involving (ax^2+b)^-0.5 and infinity

    Homework Statement basically I have to evaluate the limit on LHS , the above image is from wolfram alpha . (if link doesn't work , it's limit of...
  10. W

    Can a Right Triangle be Solved Without Any Given Values?

    Hello mathematicians! I've recently completed a trigonometry course online and find the subject to be of great interest. I find the laws of sine and cosine fascinating and extremely useful and also, of course, Pythagoras theorem is beautiful as well. Firstly, I claim no superior knowledge...
  11. W

    How to prove this limit problem?

    Homework Statement Let f : (a, b) → R be a differentiable function and x0 ∈ (a, b). For any h > 0 small, there exists θ ∈ (0, 1), depending on h, such that f(x0 + h) = f(x0) + hf'(x0 + θh). If f is twice differentiable at x0 with f''(x0) != 0, prove that (a) lim h→0 (f(x0 + h) − f(x0) −...
  12. V

    Upper Energy Limit in Field Theory: Exploring Quantum Gravity

    I see that we use dimensional analysis involving constants of nature to obtain the Planck length and then apply the uncertainty principle to find the corresponding Planck mass-energy. But the energy and length scales were found by invoking a "particle" interpretation of fundamental entities of...
  13. G

    Solving a Math Problem: Demystifying the Unknown

    Homework Statement In this image, I have no idea what the math behind this problem is. What exactly is happening here? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I multiplied n/10 in order to get 10000n^9 as a denominator but the ln(2) confuses me...
  14. RJLiberator

    Infinity limit of e^(-x) and a lot of Fluff

    So this goes to 0. Is this because e^(-x) going to infinity is = to 0 and thus both parts of this equation is equal to 0 ? If so, is there anyway I can prove this through my work? Thank you.
  15. RJLiberator

    Limit Question using the definition of e

    Homework Statement 2*Lim (as k approaches infinity) of (| (k/(k+1))^k |) The answer to this limit is 2/e I know there is a definition of e used, but I am unclear what to do/how to do it. If someone has a link I can look at or could point me in the right direction I would be thankful.
  16. M

    How could I make an exponential function which has a limit of around 1.53?

    I'm modelling a variable output Y which has a value of 1 at x=0. I've noticed that in the system I'm modelling, as x increases, y increases at an exponentially decreasing rate, up until a limit of around 1.53. I view this as changes in x causing the Y value to increase by a max of 53%. The...
  17. L

    Central limit theorem - finding cumulants

    Homework Statement Given: y=\frac{\sum_{i}x_i-N\left \langle x \right \rangle}{\sqrt{N}} Show that the cumulants of y are: \begin{matrix} \left \langle y \right \rangle_c=0& & \left \langle y^2 \right \rangle_c=\left \langle x^2 \right \rangle_c & & \left \langle y^m \right...
  18. M

    Engineering Dynamics: Find gun initial recuperator force to limit recoil

    1)The breech and barrel of a field gun have a total mass of 453.6kg. The recoil of the barrel is controlled by resistance forces from a buffer and recuperator, these forces are given by: Buffer force=71000/(s+1), recuperator force= P+ 4380s. (both are in Newtons). s is the recoil of the barrel...
  19. J

    What are peoples thoughts on the fact that at the exact limit of our universe.

    What are peoples thoughts on the fact that at the exact limit of our universe. the stars are moving at just less then the speed of light away from us. If there wasn't a limit to the speed of light , isn't that what we would be seeing but the real fact then would be that it isn't the boundaries...
  20. T

    MHB Solving Limit Problem: $x \to 0^{-}$ e^$\frac{1}{x}$

    $\d{x}{{0}^{-}} e ^ {\frac{1}{x}}$ I am trying to solve this limit. Now, if we have $\lim{x}\to{0^{-}}1/x$ , doesn't it become $\infty$?
  21. A

    MHB Prove $\displaystyle \lim_{x \to 0}\frac{x}{1 + \sin^2(x)} = 0$

    Hello: Prove $\displaystyle \lim_{x \to 0} \frac{x}{1 + \sin^2(x)} - 0$ Let $|x| < 1 \implies -1 < x < 1$ $\sin^2(-1) + 1 < \sin^2(x) + 1 <\sin^2(1) + 2$ $\implies \displaystyle \frac{1}{\sin^2(-1) + 1} > \frac{1}{\sin^2(x) + 1} > \frac{1}{\sin^2(1) + 1}$ $\implies \displaystyle...
  22. A

    Can anybody check this proof for a Sine limit?

    Mod note: Fixed the LaTeX. The closing itex tag should be /itex, not \itex (in brackets). I find it easier to use # # in place of itex, or $ $ in place of tex (without the extra space). Homework Statement Prove \lim_{x \to 0} \frac{x}{\sin^2(x) + 1} = 0 Homework Equations Given below: The...
  23. N

    Limits with the precise definition of a limit

    Homework Statement Suppose that limit x-> a f(x)= infinity and limit x-> a g(x) = c, where c is a real number. Prove each statement. (a) lim x-> a [f(x) + g(x)] = infinity (b) lim x-> a [f(x)g(x)] = infinity if c > 0 (c) lim x-> a [f(x)g(x)] = negative infinity if c < 0 Homework Equations...
  24. S

    MHB Lim of Convolution: Fourier Analysis Solution

    Let f(x)=1+cos 2\pix and let fk=f*...*f (k-times convolution) what is the value of lim fk(1/2) when k tends to infinity Should use something about the Fourier Analysis, Could someone help me how to solve this problem?
  25. T

    MHB Limit of another trigonometric function

    \lim_{{x}\to{\pi/4}} \frac{1-\tan(x)}{\sin(x)-\cos(x)} So using, L'Hospital's rule, I get: \lim_{{x}\to{\pi/4}} \frac{\sec^2(x)}{\cos(x)+\sin(x)} But $\cos(x)+\sin(x) = 0$ when $x = \dfrac{\pi}{4}$ which is an indeterminate form, so how do I go from here?
  26. T

    MHB How to Solve the Limit of a Trigonometric Function?

    I have this problem: $\lim_{{t}\to{0}} \frac{tan(6t)}{sin2t}$ I know sin2t = 0 when t = 0, which means the original fraction is indeterminate, so how can apply the rules for limits to solve this limit?
  27. Z

    What is the lower limit of frequency range of acoustic phonon modes?

    Good day everyone. I would like to know about the lower limit of the frequency range of active acoustic phonon modes. Textbooks say it can reach zero. But I am curious about whether it can be very small, such as 1 micro volt or the like. Would a phonon mode of so small energy be of any...
  28. F

    Definition of a limit of a function confusion

    Homework Statement Show that ##\lim_{x \to a} f(x) = L## if and only if ##\lim_{x \to 0} f(x+a) = L## Homework Equations - The Attempt at a Solution For the forward direction (ie ##1 \Rightarrow 2##), I tried to first assume that 1. holds true (ie ##\forall \epsilon>0, \exists \delta>0...
  29. jerromyjon

    Gamma photon wavelength: Is there a limit?

    Is there any known limit to the energy of a photon? I've seen a reference to pair production in the highest bracket over 1.02 MeV and I've seen references to energies from cosmic sources in the TeV range which aren't very well understood but is there any theoretical limit?
  30. N

    Lim x,y→0: Multivariable Limit

    Homework Statement find lim as x,y approach 0 of (10sin(x^2 + y^2)) / (x^2 + y^2) Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution direct substitution yields indeterminate form and so does multiplying by the conjugate. what other methods are there to use?
  31. G

    Sequence (n)/(n^n) Convergent or Divergent and Limit?

    Homework Statement Is the sequence {(n!)/(n^n)} convergent or divergent. If it is convergent, find its limit. Homework Equations Usually with sequences, you just take the limit and if the limit isn't infinity, it converges... That doesn't really work here. I know I'm supposed to write out the...
  32. T

    MHB Solving Limit as x approaches 3 using Multiplication and Division

    I have to solve this limit. $$\lim_{{x}\to{3}} \frac{\sqrt{6x - 14} - \sqrt{x + 1}}{x -3}$$ Now, I think that by definition x - 3 is a divisor of the numerator, but how do I advance from here? Do I do long division?
  33. T

    [Limit] Algebraic Manipulation of Rational Function

    My gives a rule of thumb to divide by the highest power in the denominator for the following problem to demonstrate a slant (oblique) asymptote: \lim_{x\to\infty} \frac{4x^3+5}{-6x^2-7x} = \lim_{x\to\infty}...
  34. 3

    Can a Limit Converging to the Square Root of x be Proven from Given Statements?

    Homework Statement I have given the statements: ##a_{n}^2 \ge x## , ##a_{n+1} \le a_{n}## , ##x > 0## and ##\inf a_{n} > 0 ##. How to prove the following: ##\lim_{n \to \infty}a_{n}=\sqrt{x}##Homework Equations ##a_{n}^2 \ge x## , ##a_{n+1} \le a_{n}## , ##x > 0## and ##\inf a_{n} > 0 ##...
  35. T

    Limit epsilon-delta definition vs. continuity

    Based on the following problem from f(x) = \begin{cases} x^2 &, \text{ if }x\text{ is rational} \\ x &, \text{ if } x\text{ is irrational} \end{cases} is shown to have the following limit: \lim_{x\to 1}f(x)...
  36. C

    L'Hospital's Rule: Understanding and Applying the Rule for Limits at Infinity

    Homework Statement Okay, so the problem is to find lim (x→∞) (e^x + x) ^ (1/x) I was given the solution in the assignment in which the first step was to take the natural log of the function, then exponentiate it. i.e. lim (x→∞) [exp ln( (e^x + x) ^ (1/x))] which I understand...
  37. F

    Prove limit x approaches 0 of a rational function = ratio of derivatives

    1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known dat If f and g are differentiable functions with f(O) = g(0) = 0 and g'(O) not equal 0, show that lim f(x) = f'(0) x->0 g(x) g'(0) The Attempt at a Solution I know that lim as x→a f(a) = f(a) if function is continuous. since its...
  38. A

    Proving the Limit of log(x+1)/x

    Homework Statement Prove the limit \lim_{x\rightarrow 0} \frac{\log(x+1)}{x} =1 Homework Equations Use the relation 1 - \frac{1}{x} \leq \ \log x \leq x-1\ \text{if}\ x>0 The Attempt at a Solution We need to show that |\frac{\log(x+1)}{x} - 1 | \lt \epsilon\ \text{whenever}\ 0 \lt |x|...
  39. T

    Ti-89 Limit of Integral undefined BUT it is 4 both by hand and Mathematica

    I am giving the following input to Ti-89 Titanium: limit(S((2 x cos(100 x Pi x t)+2 x sin(10 x Pi x t))2 ,t,-t1,t1)/(2 x t1),t1,inf) where S is the integral symbol, Pi is π = 3.14, x is the multiplication symbol and inf is the infinity symbol The TI-89 answer is undef If I do it by hand it...
  40. C

    Power dissipation limit for a resistor

    I am confused about the concept of a power dissipation limit for a resistor. Basically for a resistor the product of the current through it and the potential across it should not exceed 0.25 watt otherwise it starts to heat up and act in a non-linear fashion. Is this value just a constant or is...
  41. Look

    MHB My problem with the concept of Limit in Real-analysis

    Hi, Here is some diagram: Let the length of the straight orange line be X=1 (X actually can be any finite length > 0). The rest of the non-straight orange lines (in this particular case, the non-straight orange lines have forms of different degrees of Koch fractal) are actually the same...
  42. S

    Trigonometric Limit without L'Hôpital's Rule

    Homework Statement "Calculate the following limit if it exists. If it does not exist, motivate why. \displaystyle\lim_{x\rightarrow 0} {\frac{x + x^2 +\sin(3x)}{tan(2x) + 3x}} Do not use l'Hôpital's rule." Homework Equations (1) \sin(a\pm b) = \cos(a)\sin(b)\pm\cos(b)\sin(a) (2)...
  43. rayne1

    MHB Find the limit as x approaches negative infinity....

    lim x-> -(infinity) = x + sqrt(x^2 + 2x) I know that you're supposed to multiply and divide it by it's conjugate and that the answer is -1. But I don't understand how the denominator x - sqrt(x^2 + 2x) = x + x*sqrt[1+(2/x^2)] = x[1+sqrt(1+(2/x^2)].
  44. B

    Finding the Limit of a Complex Function

    Hello everyone, How do I find the limit of a complex function from the definition of a limit? For instance, consider the limit ##lim_{z \rightarrow -3} (5z+4i)##. Would I simply conjecture that ##5z + 4i## approaches ##5(-3) + 4i## as ##z \rightarrow -3##; and then use the definition of a...
  45. S

    How can I solve a one-sided limit without using l'Hopital's rule?

    Homework Statement Find the ## lim _{x-> -1+} sqrt(x^2-3x)-2/|x+1| ## Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I can only solve it using l'hopital rule and would like to know the steps of solving it without using it. ## lim _{x->-1+} (2x-3)/|1|= -5/4 ##
  46. evinda

    MHB How can I continue, in order to find the limit?

    Hello! (Wave) How can I apply L'Hôpital's rule, in order to find this limit?$$ \lim_{n \to +\infty} \frac{n^{\sqrt n}}{2^n} $$ That's what I have tried so far: $$ \lim_{n \to +\infty} \frac{n^{\sqrt n}}{2^n} =\lim_{n \to +\infty} \frac{e^{\sqrt{n} \ln n}}{e^{n \ln 2} }=\lim_{n \to +\infty}...
  47. powerof

    Limit problem involving a double factorial

    Homework Statement Solve the following limit: $$ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty }n\cdot\left ( \frac{2\cdot4\cdot6 \cdots (2n-2)}{1\cdot3\cdot5\cdots (2n-1)} \right )^{2}$$ The Attempt at a Solution I don't know where to begin. Until know I've encountered limits which I could deal with in some way...
  48. Erland

    Schrödinger Equation in the classical limit

    I am currently trying to learn a little about quantum mechanics, although not on very detailed level. There is one thing I wonder: What happens with the Schrödinger Equation in the classical limit, i.e. when either the mass of the particle tends to infinity or when Planck's constant tends to 0...
  49. F

    Definition of a Limit: Subtle Differences

    Here is the definition of the limit of f(x) is equal to L as x approaches a: "For every positive real number ϵ > 0 there exists a positive real number δ > 0 so that whenever 0 < |x − a| < δ, we have |f(x) − L| < ϵ." But what is the difference if I use this definition? "For every positive real...
  50. P

    MHB Does the Multivariable Limit of xy^8/(x^3+y^12) Exist?

    Hi everyone. A friend of mine asked for help evaluating this multivariable limit. $\displaystyle \begin{align*} \lim_{(x,y) \to (0,0)} \frac{x\,y^8}{x^3 + y^{12}} \end{align*}$ We got the answer of 0 by converting to polars. $\displaystyle \begin{align*} \lim_{(x,y) \to (0,0)}...