I've seen in multiple sources that a linear transformation constitutes a tensor with one contravariant and one covariant index. Could someone explain to me why this is the case? I'm asking not because I have a solid understanding of tensors and am confused about this particular example; rather...
Homework Statement
Let V be polynomials, with real coefficients, of degree at most 2. Suppose that T:V→V is differentiation. Find the B-matrix [T]B if B is the basis of V
B = {1+x, x+x2, x}
Homework Equations
For T:V→V the domain and range are the same
[T]B is the matrix whose i-th...
Homework Statement
Let h: \mathbb{P_2} \rightarrow \mathbb{P_2} represent the transformation h(p(x)) = xp'(x) + p(1-x) for every polynomial p(x) \in \mathbb{P_2}. Find the matrix of h with respect to the standard basis \{1, x, x^2\}
Homework Equations
Matrix A of transformation: {\bf A}...
Homework Statement
Define L:R3-->R3 by L(x,y,z)=(y-z,x+z,-x+y).
A. Show that L is self-adjoint using the standard orthonormal basis B of R3.
B. Diagonalize L and find and orthogonal basis B of R3 of eigenvectors of L and the diagonal matrix.
C. Considering only the eigenvalues of L...
[Linear Algebra] Finding T* adjoint of a linear operator
Homework Statement
Consider P_1{}(R), the vector space of real linear polynomials, with inner product
< p(x), q(x) > = \int_0^1 \! p(x)q(x) \, \mathrm{d} x
Let T: P_1{}(R) \rightarrow P_1{}(R) be defined by T(p(x)) = p'(x) +...
Homework Statement
Let V be a vector space over the field F . If A,B,C\in L(V) , then A\circ(B+C)=A\circ B+A\circ C .
The Attempt at a Solution
Note that A\circ B\in L(V) means A\circ B(\mathbf{v})=A(B(\mathbf{v})). Suppose (\alpha_{jk})_{j,k=1}^{n} and...
Given vector spaces V, W over a field, and linear transformation T:V\rightarrow W, prove T(0_{v})=0_{w} where 0_v and 0_w are additive identities of V and W.
I'm trying to use the definition of additive identity. So, \forall\vec{v}\in V,\vec{v}+0=\vec{v+0=0} . Where do I go from here?
Homework Statement
L:R3->R3 is a dialiation by a factor of 3 of points in the plane W given by the equation z = 0 and a contraction along the line L = span({(1,0,0)}) by a factor of 3.
Find [L], but I'm mainly concerned with finding L(e31)
Homework Equations
z = 0
L(1,0,0) =...
Which of the transformations are onto?
1) T:R2 -> R2, where T(x,y) = (5x-y, 0)
I don't know if I'm understanding this correctly but this transformation is NOT onto because if I let
5x-y = a
0 = b
this means that b doesn't cover all the range of T? Could someone explain it better if...
T: Mnn => R, where T(A) = tr(A)
1) T(kA) = tr(kA) = k tr(A) = k T(A)
2) T(A+B) = tr (A + B) = tr(A) + tr(B) = T(A) + T(B)
so it's linear transformation. Am I correct?
I was taught that the columns of a matrix, T, representing a transformation represent the first vector space's basis set and the rows represent the basis set of the range vector space.
i.e. T(v_k) = t_1,k*w_1 +... + t_(m,k)*w_m
So v_k would be the k-th basis vector of the first space, V...
Homework Statement http://img847.imageshack.us/img847/2783/77597781.jpg Homework Equations
See below.
The Attempt at a SolutionI get all the way to the last step, but I'm not sure how to perform it.I get to the point where I have:
[(T^-1)(ax^2+bx+c)]\alpha= [T^-1]\alpha\beta*[v]\beta=
[ a/4...
Homework Statement
Prove that T^{2} is a linear transformation if T is linear (from R^{3} to R^{3}.
So I understand when a transformation is considered linear, but I don't understand what squaring a transformation does. I don't think it means squaring the result of the transformation but...
Homework Statement
I am having lots of trouble understanding how to get the kernel of linear transformations. I get that you basically set it equal to zero and solve.
T: P3 → P2 given by T(p(x)) = p΄΄(x) + p΄(x) + p(0)
Find ker(T)
The Attempt at a Solution
So P3 = ax^3 + bx^2 +...
Homework Statement
T is a transformation from V -> W and the dim(V) = n and dim(W) = m (I think the dimensions were given for the purposes of another problem)
If T is 1 to 1 and {v1, ..., vk} is a subspace of V that is L.I., then {T(v1), ..., T(vk)} is L.I in W.
The Attempt at...
Given a transformation T : P(t) -> (2t + 1)P(t) where P(t) ϵ P3
(a) Show that transformation is linear.
(b) Find the image of P(t) = 2 t^2 - 3 t^3
(c) Find the matrix of T relative to the standard basis ε = {1, t, t^2, t^3}
(d) Find the matrix of T relative to the basis β1 = {1...
Homework Statement
For the linear transformation T: R4 --> R3 defined by TA: v -->Av
find a basis for the Kernel of TA and for the Image of of TA where A is
2 4 6 2
1 3 -4 1
4 10 -2 4Homework Equations
Let v =
a1 b1 c1
a2 b2 c2
a3 b3 c3
a4 b4 c4
Homework Statement
Suppose that a linear transformation maps a point (2,3) to (0,1) and maps a point (9,7) to (1,0). Find the matrix for this linear transformation.
2. Solution (answersheet)
Observe that the two point that are the result of the mapping are the two base vectors.
If our...
Homework Statement
V is a vector space consisting all functions f:R->R that is differentiable many times
(a) Let T:V->V be the transformation T(f)=f'
Find the (real) eigenvectors and eigenvalues of T
(b) Let T be transformation T(f)=f"
Prove that all real number, m is the eigenvalue of...
Question about linear transformations if you have a matrix such as
| 5 6 9 |
| 5 0 3 |
| 9 -3 -7 |
Can it be a matrix transformation? Or does it have to follow the identity matrix?
Can be a transformation and the "y" transformation being just makes the it flat on the y axis? or...
Hi all,
Here is the problem:
If T: V -> W is a linear transformation and S is a linearly dependent subset of V, then prove that T(S) is linearly dependent.
Now, I know that the usual proof goes as follows:
Since S is linearly dependent, there are distinct vectors v_1, ..., v_n in S and...
Hi, I am trying to prove the following equality
Range(T*T) = Range(T*)
where T is a linear transformation and * denotes the adjoint.
I know I must first show that Range(T*T) Range(T*) and vice versa.
so, Let w exist in R(T*T), then there exists a v in vector space V s.t.
Homework Statement
I need to show the following equalities, where T is a linear transformation and * is the adjoint.
Null(T*T) = Null(T)
Range(T*T) = Range(T)
The attempt at a solution
I know I have to show that Null(T) is a subset of Null(T*T) and then Null(T*T) is a subset of...
Homework Statement
In a given basis \{ e_i \} of a vector space, a linear transformation and a given vector of this vector space are respectively determined by \begin{pmatrix} 2 & 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 2 & 0\\ 0&0&5\\ \end{pmatrix} and \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 2 \\3 \end{pmatrix}.
Find the matrix...
Homework Statement
How to prove that: the range of a square matrix A (linear transformation) to the power of n+1 is a subspace of the Range of A to the power n, for all n >= 1?
i.e. Range (A^(n+1)) is a subspace of Range (A^n)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Let T:P2\rightarrowP2 be given by
Find the matrix for T with respect to the standard basis B={1,x,x2}for P2
To be honest, I have no idea where to start. Help would be greatly appreciated
Homework Statement
Prove: If V and W are finite-dimensional vector spaces such that dim(W)<dim(V), then there is no one-to-one linear transformation T:V-->W
The Attempt at a Solution
I don't know how to do a well thought out proof.
Determine whether the linear transformation T is one-to-one
a) T:P2 --> P3, where T(a+a1x+a2x^2)=x(a+a1x+a2x^2)
b) T:P2 --> P2, where T(p(x))=p(x+1)
I'm having difficulty because my teacher never showed examples like this one.
Please help me on the procedure and solution.
I have a matrix of the form X = [A B], where A and B are matrices of equal dimensions (M x N). I am looking for an elegant transformation to obtain Y = [A; B]. That is, the blocks are now stacked vertically.
Normally, I'd look for a solution of the form Y = VXW, where V is (2M x M) and W is...
I am a graduate assistant and was asked a question about FLTs (Mobius Transformations). The student was asked to prove that any FLT can be written as an FLT with determinant 1.
However, I can't make sense of that. If I look at the possible Jordan Canonical forms of 2-by-2's, it would seem...
Homework Statement
Find a linear transofmration from X={x1,x2,x3} to U={u1,u2,u3} which will remove the cross product term in the quadratic form of equation 2X12+4X22+5X32-4X1X3
and thus write the resulting quadratic form in u1,u2,u3.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Homework Statement
Give an example of a linear transformation T: R2 -> R2 such that the null space is equal to the range.
Homework Equations
null space and range
The Attempt at a Solution
I have been trying to come up with a solution but I cannot figure it out. What might be a...
Hello everyone, I am a year 10 student. I am working on Transformation and there are 2 problems in the book that I actually have no idea to solve. Unfortunately, I am going to have a sudden exam in the next three days.
Hope that somebody can help me, thank you a lot! Or If you have any books...
Homework Statement
State why it is that if V is finite-dimensional, and if S and T in HomV satisfy S\circ T = I, then T is invertible and S=T^-1
2. The attempt at a solution
Isn't this obvious? I don't understand why any elaboration is necessary
I've come across this result which says that if there are two isomorphic vector spaces with a transformation between them, then that transformation must be linear. Can anyone help me prove this?
For instance, if I have a transformation T: Z -> Z where Z is the set of integers, T(z) =...
Homework Statement
Find the standard matrix for the linear transformation T: R^3-->R^3 satisfying:
T([1 2 2]) = [1 0 -1], T([-1 -4 -5]) = [0 1 1], T([1 5 7]) = [0 2 0]
All of the vectors are columns not rows, I couldn't type them correctly as columns.
The Attempt at a Solution
Given a linear tansformation T of a vector space V (over a field K) with eigenbasis {v_{1},...,v_{n}}, and a (non-trivial) subspace W of V such that T(W) is a subset of W, a lecturer keeps using the result that W will contain an eignvector for T. I can see why this would be the case if the field...
Homework Statement
Let T: V --> W be a linear transformation and let U be a subspace of W. Prove that the set T-1 (U) = {v E V: T (v) E U} is a subspace of V. What is T-1 if U = {0}?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Since U is a subspace, k(v) = ku. Also, if u and v...
Homework Statement
I know I am suppose to show that the matrix is closed under addition and multiplication properties, but is it POSSIBLE for me to show that the vector columns can be spanned in the given R^m (assume that the Linear Transformation happens from R^n -> R^m) ?
For example,
Homework Statement
From Calculus we know that, for any polynomial function f : R -> R of degree <= n, the function
I(f) : R -> R, s -> ∫0s f(u) du, is a polynomial function of degree <= n + 1.
Show that the map
I : Pn -> Pn+1; f -> I(f),
is an injective linear transformation, determine...
Homework Statement
I'm trying to prove the following:
Let V be a finite dimensional vector space and let T be a linear operator on V. Suppose that the rank of T is equivalent to the rank of T^2. Then the range and the nullspace of T are disjoint. 2. The attempt at a solution
I've played...
1) Let L:R3 >>>R3 be defined by
L([1 0 0]) = [1 2 3],
L([0 1 0]) = [0 1 1],
L([0 0 1]) = [1 1 0]
How to prove that L is invertible? I have the idea of one-to-one and onto, but I do not know how to apply them to this proof.
2) Find a linear transformation L:R2 >>>R3 such that {[1 -1 2], [3 1...
Homework Statement
Will the values given below define a unique linear transformation? If so, find the value of T for an arb. domain element.
T(3,5) = (1,2) and T(2,3) = (6,7)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a SolutionT(a[3,5]) + T(b[2,3]) = aT[3,5] + bT[2,3]...
Let L:p2 >>> p3 be the linear transformation defined by L(p(t)) = t^2 p'(t).
(a) Find a basis for and the dimension of ker(L).
(b) Find a basis for and the dimension of range(L).
The hint that I get is to begin by finding an explicit formula for L by determining
L(at^2 + bt + c).
I can't figure out how to take the first bite out of this one.
Homework Statement
Let T1: R^2 --> R^2 and T2: R^2 --> R^2 have the indicated properties. Find matrices A, B, and C such that:
T2T1x=Ax, T1T2x=Bx, (T1+T2)x=Cx
Homework Equations
T1e1=(1,3), T1e2=(2,2), T2e1=(-1,1)...
Homework Statement
Let Ψ: Mat2x2(R) -> Mat2x2(R) be defined as:
[a,b;c,d] -> [a+b, a-c; a+c, b-c]
Find a basis for the image of Ψ.
Homework Equations
None, AFAIK.
The Attempt at a Solution
I started by using the standard basis, B, for Mat2x2(R) to get [u]B [with u in Mat2x2(R)] as...
Hi, the question is for the transformation :
T: M2,3 -> P2
T ( A11 A12 A13) = (A11 + A13)x^2 + (A21 - A22)x + A23
( A21 A22 A23)
Are the following in the linear transformation?
W1=x^2 + 2x + 1
Attempt: I figured that w would be in image if there exists..
(A11 + A13)x^2 + (A21 -...
Homework Statement
Suppose L:R^2 -> R^3
Find the matrix representing L(x) = Tx with respect to the ordered basis [u1,u2] and [b1.b2,b3]
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I've excluded the actual values since i can do the computation. Just wanted to make sure these steps are ok and...
Homework Statement
Let f:R[X] -> R[X] be the linear transformation sending a polynomial P(X) to f(P(X))= P(X+1) - P(X).
a) Let f4: R4[X] -> R[X] be the linear transformation induced by restriction of f to the R-vector space of polynomial of degree at most 4. Determine the kernel and the...