Let L:P1 >> P1 be a linear transformation for which we know that L(t + 1) = 2t + 3 and L(t - 1) = 3t -2
a) Find L(6t-4)
I just want to check the way to calculate this question.
Is L(6t - 4) equal to 6*3t - 4*2 = 18t - 8? if not, how to calculate it?
Homework Statement
Let T : R2 -> R2 be the linear transformation defined by the formula
T(x, y) = (2x + 3y,−x − y).
Let S : R2 -> R2 be the linear transformation whose matrix is
3 −1
2 4
i. Write down the matrix of T.
ii. Calculate the matrices of the linear transformations T o S...
Homework Statement
Given A =
Why isn't Latex working for above array :(
Define a transformation as
T: \Re^{n} -> \Re^{m}
T(\vec{x}) = A \vec{x}
a. What is n?
b. What is m?
2) Find \vec{x} , if possible, given that...
Homework Statement
Let V be an n-dimensional vector space over R, and let S and T be linear transformations from V to V.
(i) Show that im(S+T) \subseteq im(S) + im(T)
(ii) Show that r(ST) \leq min(r(S),r(T)), and that n(ST) \leq n(S) + n(T)
Homework Equations
none that i can think...
Homework Statement
if Sa: R2 -> R2 is a rotation by angle a counter-clockwise
if Tb: R2 -> R2 is a reflection in the line that has angle b with + x-axis
Are the below compositions rotations or reflections and what is the angle?
a) Sa ○ Tb
b) Ta ○ Tb
Homework Equations
I don't...
Diagonisability of Linear Transformations Tsquared = T
Let T be a linear transformation such that T^2 = T.
i. Show that if v is not 0, then either T(v) = 0 or T(v) is an eigenvector of eigenvalue 1. (easy)
ii. Show that T is diagonalisable.
Sorry, I misread the question just...
Homework Statement
If f,g are Riemann integrable on [a,b], then for c,d real numbers,
(let I denote the integral from a to b)
I (cf + dg) = c I (f) + d I (g)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I have the proofs for
c I(f) = I (cf)
I (f+g) = I (f)...
I wasn't sure if this counted as intro physics. Feel free to move if I have it in the wrong place.
Homework Statement
In class we learned some linear transformations where we have a stationary observer and another moving near the speed of light.
Describing the reference frames:
s' -> x'=u't'...
Homework Statement
Not really a problem per se; more of an issue with some aspects of linear transformations. We've learned that a linear combination of linear transformations is defined as follows:
(c_1T_1+c_2T_2)(\vec{x})=c_1T_1(\vec{x})+c_2T_2(\vec{x})\,\,\,\,\,\, \vec{x}\varepsilon...
1. R\circF\circR-1=S
where F denotes the reflection in the x-axis
where S is the reflection in the line y=x
where R = R\pi/4 : R2 \rightarrow R2
3. An attempt
I have found that the standard matrix for R = [cos\theta sin\theta]...
Homework Statement
Let T \in L(V, W), where dim(V) = m and dim(W) = n. Let {v1, ..., vm} be a basis of V and {w1, ..., wn} a basis for W. Define the matrix A of T with respect to the pair of bases {vi} and {wj} to be the n-by-m matrix A = (aij), where
T(v_{i}) =...
Homework Statement
Let V be a real inner product space of dimension n and let Q be a linear
transformation from V to V .
Suppose that Q is non-singular and self-adjoint. Show that Q−1 is self-adjoint.
Suppose, furthermore, that Q is positive-definite (that is, <Qv,v> > 0 for all non-zero...
Homework Statement
Let A: E \rightarrow F be a linear transformation between vector spaces (of any dimension) and let X be a subset of F with the following property (which is only a conditional):
IF X \subseteq Im(A) THEN A is surjective. ... (*)
Prove that X is a generating set for...
Homework Statement
Suppose that A is a real symmetric n × n matrix. Show that if V is
a subspace of R^n and that A(V) is contained in V , then A(V perp) is contained in V perp.
Homework Equations
A = A_T (A is equal to its transpose)
The Attempt at a Solution
I have no idea...
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Is this how I do part (iii)?
From (ii) I get:
M^{\mathcal C}_{\mathcal C} (\phi) = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 3 & 2 \\ 1 & -3 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 2 \end{bmatrix}...
Homework Statement
Prove that if V is a finite-dimensional vector space, then the space of all linear transformations on V is finite-dimensional, and find its dimension.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I am having trouble with this problem:
Let T:V->W be a linear transformation. Prove that T is one-to-one if and only if dimension of V = dim(RangeT).
I know that in order to be a linear transformation:
1) T(vector u + vector v) = T(vector u) + T(vector v) and
2) T(c*vector u) =...
Homework Statement
Write down 3x3 matrices A, B, C such that when the vectors in R2 are expressed in homogeneous coordinates, the product ABC first translates vectors by (-1, 2), then reflects them about the line y=-x and finally scales them by 2. using your matrix ABC, determine the image...
I don't quite understand the idea that (as my book says) every linear transformation with domain Rn and codomain Rm is a matrix transofrmation... I mean i get the idea of what a linear transformation is (sorta like a function) but it gives the theorem:
Let T: Rn -> Rm be linear. Then there is...
Homework Statement
The Attempt at a Solution
I think I first need to find T(e2)=? and T(e2)=? and then combine those into a matrix.
I am having trouble starting to solve for T(e1) and T(e2)
so far I have [1] = alpha [1] + beta [3]
[0] [2]...
Homework Statement
Let g(x)=3+x and T(f(x))=f'(x)g(x)+2f(x), and U(a+bx+cx2)=(a+b,c,a-b). So T:P2(R)-->P2(R) and U:P2(R)-->R3.
And let B and y be the standard ordered bases for P2 and R3 respectively.
Compute the matrix representation of U (denoted [U]yB) and T ([T]yB) and their...
Homework Statement
which of the following are linear transformations.
a) L(x,y,z) = (0,0)
b) L(x,y,z) = (1 ,2, -1)
c) L(x,y,z) = (x^2 + y, y - z)
The Attempt at a Solution
I know that L is a linear transformation if L(u + v) = L(u) + L(v) and L(ku) = kL(u).
I am not sure how to...
For the linear transformation,
T: R^2\rightarrow R^2, T(x,y) = (x^2,y)
find the preimage of..
f(x)= 2x+1
I have no trouble with these types of problems when it comes to vectors that aren't functions. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Below is a HW problem which I believe is correct. Can you guys take a look and advise?
Which of the following are linear transformations
A) L(x,y,z)= (0,0)
B) L(x,y,z)= = (1,2,-1)
C) L(x,y,z)= ( x^2 +y , y-z)
To prove these relationships are linear transformations, they must satisfy...
L: R^2=>R^2 is defined by L(x,y)= (x+2y), (2x-y)
let S be the natural basis for R^2 and T=(-1,2), (2,0). T is another basis for R^2.
Find the matrix representing L with respect to
A) S
B) S and T
C) T and S
D) T
E) Compute L
using the definition...
1. Find out which of the transformations are linear. For those that are linear, determine whether they are isomorphisms. T(f(t)) = f'(t) + t^2 from P2 to P2
2. To be linear, T(f(t)+g(t))=T(f(t)) + T(g(t)), kT(f(t))=T(f(kt))
3. After testing for linearity, I am thinking that the...
Homework Statement
Let B be a basis of R^2 consisting of the vectors <5,2> and <1,5> and let R be the basis consisting of <2,3> and <1,2>
Find a matrix P such that [x]_r=P[x]_b for all x in R^2
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a SolutionI attempted by using Ax=B as a format to solve...
Homework Statement
Derive a formula for T.
T([1 1]^T)=[2 -1]^T and
T([1 -1]^T)=[0 3]^T
(...^T=transpose and T(...)=Linear Transformation
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
The solutions manual's method and the method I am...
Let P,Q be self-adjoint linear transformations from V to V, Q is also positive-definite. Deduce that there exist scalars λ1 , . . . , λn and linearly independent vectors e1 , . . . , en in V such that, for i, j = 1, 2, . . . , n:
(i) P ei = λi Qei ;
(ii) <P ei , ej > = δi j λi ;
(iii) <Qei ...
Homework Statement
T: V-> V, dimV = n, satisfies the condition that T2 = T
1. Show that if v \in V \ {0} then v \in kerT or Tv is an eigenvector for eigenvalue 1.
2. Show that T is diagonalisable.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I have shown in an earlier part...
Homework Statement
The matrix A =(1,2,3;4 5 6) defines a linear transformation T: R^3-->R^2 . Find the transformation matrix for T with respect to the basis (1,0,1),(0,2,0),(-1,0,1) for R^3 and the basis (0,1),(1,0) for R^2.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I have no...
Homework Statement
Determine if the transformation T: R^{2}\rightarrow R^{2} is linear if T(x, y)= (x+1, 2y)
Homework Equations
1. T(u + v) = T(u) + T(v)
2. T(c*u) = cT(u)
3. T(0) = 0
The Attempt at a Solution
I believe I have to use the above provided equations to determine...
Homework Statement
Let u = (1,2), v = (3,1) and T: R^{2}\rightarrow R be a linear transformation such that T(u)= 4 and T(v)= 5. What is T(-3, 4)? (Hint: Write (-3,4) as a linear combination of u and v.)
Homework Equations
T(x)= b
The Attempt at a Solution
I don't really know where...
Given linear transformations S: Rn --> Rm and T: Rn --> Rm, show the following:
a) S+T is a linear transformation
b) cS is a linear transformation
I know that since both S and T are linear transformations on their own, they satisfy the properties for being a linear transformation, which is that...
Homework Statement
Let V be a subset of R2 and some fixed 1-dimensional subspace of R2.
F:R2->R2 by F(v) = v if v is in V, 0 otherwise
Prove that F is not a linear transformation.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Just wondering if i got it right, i don't want to...
Homework Statement
(124) If a linear transformation T : R3 -> R5 is one-to-one, then
(a) Its rank is five and its nullity is two.
(b) Its rank and nullity can be any pair of non-negative numbers that add
up to five.
(c) Its rank is three and its nullity is two.
(d) Its rank is two and...
Homework Statement
Two questions;
1. Let v1 = [-3, -4] and v2 = [-2, -3]
Let T: R^2 -> R^2 be the linear transformation satisfying T(v1) = [29, -35] and T(v2) = [22, -26]
Find the image of the arbitrary vector [x, y]
T[x,y] = [ _ , _ ]
2. The cross product of two vectors in...
Let phi(u,v)=(u-2v,-v) is this a R^2->R^2 a linear transformation?
I know that there must be two rules that must be met in order to be a linear transformation, after doing the first part, it seems that it may be linear. But I do not know how to show whether or not the second rule is...
Homework Statement
Is the function which rotates the xy-plane by 20 degrees is a linear transformation?
From R2 -> R2
Homework Equations
x` = xcos\theta + ysin\theta
y` = -xsin\theta + ycos\theta
Where \theta = 20 degrees (or \pi/9 )
The Attempt at a Solution
Homework Statement
Let T:U \rightarrow V be a linear transformation, and let U be finite-dimensional. Prove that if dim(U) > dim(V), then Range(T) = V is not possible.
Homework Equations
dim(U) = rank(T) + nullity(T)
The Attempt at a Solution
I almost think there must be a typo in the book...
Homework Statement
I need to prove this formula, but I'm not sure how to prove it.[T]C = P(C<-B).[T]B.P(C<-B)-1
whereby B and C are bases in finite dimensional vector space V, and T is a linear transformation. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Homework Equations
I am trying to do a math assignment and I am finding it really difficult.
Assume you have a linear transformation from T: P3(R) --> R4
What relevance is there to applying the transformation to the basis elements of P3(R), ie: T(1), T(x), T(x^2), T(x^3)? Why is this subset special...
Homework Statement
Let T:P[SUB]2 -> P[SUB]2 be the linear operator by
T(a[SUB]0 +a1x + a[SUB]2x = a[SUB]o + a[SUB]1 (x - 1) + a[SUB]2 (x-1)[SUP]2
Homework Equations
part a ask to find the matrix [T]B - did, see below
part b ask to verify matrix [T]B satisfies every vector for [T]B [X]B...
Homework Statement
Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over the field F and let S and T be linear operators on V. We ask: When do there exist ordered bases B and B' for V such that [S]B = [T]B'? Prove that such bases exist only if there is an invertible linear operator U on V such that T...
I am studying invariance, and I came across this dilemma.
Suppose we have a subspace with the basis <v1, v2> of the subspace (lets say U2)
and we were to map v=c1v1+c2v2 and we let c2=0.
Now c1T(v1)+c2T(v2)=k1c1v1+0*T(v2)= k1c1v1.
I am doing a proof and need to
know what the question means by...
Homework Statement
Let P3 be the space of all polynomials (with real coefficients) of degree at most 3. Let
D : P3 -> P3 be the linear transformation given by taking the derivative of a polynomial.
That is
D(a + bx + cx2 + dx3) = b + 2cx + 3dx2:
Let B be the standard basis {1; x; x2; x3}...
I thought this problem was pretty straightforward, but I can't seem to match the answers in the back of the book.
The problem is: Find the determinant of the following linear transformation.
T(v) = <1, 2, 3> x v (where the x means cross product)
from the plane V given by x + 2y +...
Homework Statement
Let B={b1,b2} be a basis for R2 and let T be the linear transformation R2 to R2 such that T(b1)=2b1+b2 and T(b2)=b2. Find the matrix of T relative to the basis B.
The Attempt at a Solution
I know that the matrix I'm looking for needs to be 2x2 and that the standard matrix...
I've recently come to the conclusion that i need to learn matrices. I read that matrices correspond to linear transformations and that every linear transformation can be represented by matrices, but what are linear transformation, and how do you represent it by a matrix?
L(V,W) stands for a linear transformation vector space form vector space V to W.
rk(?) stands for the rank of "?".
Let τ,σ ∈L(V,W) , show that rk(τ + σ) ≤ rk(τ) + rk(σ).
I want to know wether the way I'm thinking is right or not, or there's a better explanation...