Linux Definition and 253 Threads

  1. Greg Bernhardt

    Linux for Windows Addicts: A Smooth Transition

    Linux for Windows Addicts INTRODUCTION Everyone has a stance in the OS debates, but I've really never taken a side. I have Mandrake on one machine and I could do some commands and simple stuff, but I didn't really know what Linux was all about. I've been a Windows person forever and I took...
  2. D

    Has Linux Kernel Module Support Improved in Recent Years?

    [SOLVED] Linux kernel module support How is it these days? IMO this is one of major areas where Linux used to lag behind Windows. Loading/unloading modules during runtime was not always reliable and sort of a pain... has it been improved in the last year or two?
  3. F

    Discover the Power of Linux with Mandrake and Redhat: A User's Experience

    Linux is great ! I started to use linux mandrake and redhat, both i installed on my HDD. The KDE has a better look than windows.