List Definition and 507 Threads

  1. A

    List n proof all distribution?

    list n proof all distribution? someone help me proof gamma distribution,poison,binomial,geometric,exponential...
  2. Saladsamurai

    LaTeX LaTeX: Formatting List of Figures to say 'Figure 1'

    Hello all :smile: I am hoping someone can help with this: When I use the \listoffigures command in LaTeX, it shows up as follows: List of Figures 1 Caption of figure 1. ...... 1 2 Caption of figure 2. ...... 2 But I wanted to actually say Figure 1, Figure 2, ... like this...
  3. R

    Preparing for PGRE: My Recommended Reading List

    These are the books that i have decided to study from for my PGRE...Any advice and recommendations are needed... Fundamentals of Physics : Halliday, Resnick and Walker Introduction To Electrodynamics : David J. Griffiths Introduction To Quantum Mechanics : David J. Griffiths Optics : E...
  4. M

    Comp Sci What does the error T does not match T mean in my Java code?

    I am getting compilation errors in the following segment of my code: _underlyingStorage was declared in the following way: private T[] _underlyingStorage = (T[]) new Object[128]; public T next() { _currentIndex++; if(_underlyingStorage[_currentIndex] ==...
  5. 1

    Fortran Fortran 77 help making an empty array (or blank list if they exist in fortran)

    I need to create an empty array but the length of the array is determined by the start and end numbers entered by the user for example if the range of numbers the user was interested in was 4-10 inclusive then i want the array to be of length 7 How to I go about doing this? Other...
  6. L

    A Cumulative List of Math Textbooks

    I'm putting together a list to hopefully help those who are seeking a textbook to use. Please feel free to offer suggestions/corrections/etc. I'm starting with math and physics for now but will branch out into other subjects after having a solid foundation. At some point in the future, I hope...
  7. D

    Well rounded list of books for starting a home mathematics library.

    I have taken all maths through Calculus I in high school, which was back in 2008. I am back in college again, this time with a renewed interest in math and philosophy. Without going into too much detail, I think it safe to say that the last thing on my mind in high school was school, which I...
  8. M

    Comp Sci Java Removing Element from List

    i am trying to remove an element from the back of the list (i.e. the node right before the tail). i am using a dummy head and tail node. the code compiles correctly, but when i try to test it, there is no execution. below is the segment of code that i am referring to: public Object...
  9. U

    LaTeX Any ideas of how to represent a list in pseudo-code in LaTex?

    I'm working with the algorithmic and algorithm packages in LaTeX and looking for a way to perform some operations on a list in the algorithm.. Any ideas how I can do that? Any advice is highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  10. S

    Mathematica [Mathematica] Finding equal elements in a list

    I have a nested list of the type: {{1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 4}, {1, 1, 2}} I want to find the number of sublists in which the first two elements are equal, so in this case that's one (the sublist {1, 1, 2}). Is this possible in Mathematica?
  11. M

    Reference for a full list of John von Neumanns publications.

    Hi, I' am wondering If someone knows a reference for a full/complete list of John von Neumanns publications. I have been unable to find one, but something like that should really exist right? thanks for the help in advance Oh and I am not sure whether this is the right subforum, but it...
  12. T

    Mathematica Creating Matrix from List in Mathematica

    Hi All, So I've been trying to create a matrix from a list of numbers and have been unsuccessful so far. Basically I would like to change list = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} into matrix = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The real problem is just a much...
  13. S

    Where can i find a list of multiple valences?

    For instance lead has 2 valences it says here +2 and +4 is there some place i can find a refference of all multiple valence elements(they tend to be transition metals) i found one on wikipedia. but it only gives one of the valences, not both or several.
  14. F

    Is there a handy list of small high tech companies?

    Hi, I have never had any success when applying for jobs with the large Fortune 500 companies. With smaller firms I do pretty well. The problem is finding them. They are scattered all over cyberspace. They might not have an advertised listing but I would take a shot at contacting them if I...
  15. ideasrule

    News Canada keeps asbestos off the hazardous list Seriously? Canada was the only developed country to maintain that asbestos should be kept off the hazardous list. Apparently, "Conservative cabinet ministers in Ottawa insisted the lung-cancer-causing substance can be...
  16. S

    Publication list - do you put papers/journals in preparation in it?

    publication list -- do you put papers/journals in preparation in it? As titled, when you apply for jobs do you put papers/articles that are in preparation (so they are not even posted on the arXiv) in your CV or publication list?
  17. E

    Is the Barron's GRE Vocabulary List Effective for Test Preparation?

    I am taking the GRE General in a couple months and my vocabulary is horrible. There are a lot of lists out there but most of the sites that have these lists have no where for people to comment on the lists. So I am not sure what lists are good. I was curious if the list from the following...
  18. A

    Searching for list of measurements of moon-earth distance.

    Can someone please help, I'm searching for daily (or weekly) list of measurements of moon-earth distance. Seems hard to find on the Internet. Regards, Jonathan
  19. R

    What are some hints for inserting a node into a linked list in C?

    hi ,i have a problem about c.i should write a function that struct node *insert(struct node root,int n) .This function should create a node and then place it in list (whose head pointer is root )for n th node .Please give me some hints ..
  20. R

    Programs My diploma does not list the major

    I wasn't sure where to post this question. I just received my undergraduate degree in Physics yesterday, and I noticed my degree just says "Bachelor of Science" with no mention of Physics on it. Most of the other majors' diplomas say "Bachelor of Science in XXXX", so I was wondering why mine...
  21. D

    Using the Insertion Sort algorithm on a linked list

    Homework Statement Hi there, I wish this wasn't my first post but unfortunately, it is. I will try to contribute later in the semester when my workload is less. On to the topic, the problem is I have to implement the insertion sort algorithm on a linked list. I have the algorithm for Java...
  22. K

    List the solids in order of increasing polarity.

    Homework Statement List the solids in order of increasing polarity. NaCl,C10H8, C6H5COOH, NH2CONH2. Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution C10H8, C6H5COOH, NH2CONH2, NaCl. My rationale is that the longer the carbon skeleton the least polar.
  23. edguy99

    Exploring Entangled Particles: A Comprehensive List with Origins and Feedback

    I would find it helpful to have a list of where entangled particles come from (perhaps there is a good internet site with such a list that someone could post?). Along those lines I would like to start and refine such a list of entangled particles, what is entangled and get some feedback on the...
  24. B

    Mathematica Mathematica Spatial 3-D List Plot

    I want to plot a list of points where each element is of the form {x,y,z} so that the list is like: { {x1,y1,z1} , {x2,y2,z2} , ... , {xN,yN,zN} }. And I want to connect a line between each consectutive pair (i.e. {x(i-1),y(i-1),z(i-1)} & {x(i),y(i),z(i)} ). Unfortunately, its not as...
  25. Z

    Python Storing Functions in a List - Python Q&A

    Homework Statement Hello, I just have a small question with Python. Is it possible to store multiple functions in a list? So I can call them from the list? Like if I had : def func1(): ... def func2(): ... def func3(): ... Can I put them in a list and call them from...
  26. W

    Working with Equipment: Should I List Make/Model?

    I am currently in the process of updating my CV. When listing the various equipment I have worked with, should I list the make/model etc.? For example, I have worked with a Molecular Beam Epitaxy system. Should I list, I have 5 years experience working with a custom-built SVTA MBE system, or...
  27. Z

    Essential List of Textbooks to Teach Myself Physics?

    Essential List of Textbooks to Teach Myself Physics?? Not a *complete* list since there are tons of supplements. However, I want to make a list of *essential* books I'd need to teach myself physics to the point where I may be able to pass the Physics GRE and have a reasonable head start in a...
  28. S

    Mathematica Mathematica: Position of elements in a list

    If I have a list say li = {18, 22, 4, 10} and I want to add for example 7 to this list Join[li, {7}] to get {18, 22, 4, 10, 7}, can I insert the 7 after the 4, to get {18, 22, 4, 7, 10}, I can't just use Sort[ {18, 22, 5, 10, 7}] as I don' t want to change the order of the whole list?
  29. S

    If I have a list that contains 16 sublist (enclosed in 2 curly

    If I have a list that contains 16 sublist (enclosed in 2 curly bracets), L1 = {{{1, 1}, {1, 5}, {1, 8}}, {{2, 6}, {1, 10}, {0, 12}}, {{3, 2}, {1, 4}, {0, 15}}, {{1, 8}, {1, 14}, {2, 17}}, {{1, 2}, {2, 8}, {3, 12}}, {{2, 6}, {2, 11}, {2, 18}}, {{3, 6}, {1...
  30. cepheid

    Safe way to list e-mail address on webpage

    If I do something like this in HTML: E-mail: <span title="append @domain"> username</span> the effect is to present the text E-mail: username on the web page and the message "append @domain" will appear when the user moves the mouse pointer over the username. Is this a safe (spam...
  31. Simfish

    List of Interactive Programs/Software/Applets

    I'll post more with time (by the way, why do threads in this forum get automatically locked with time? Considering how sparsely populated it is, I don't think threads need to be locked). Warning: Don't open these in a browser full of tabs - Java applets apparently *love* to crash modern...
  32. E

    Complete list of math branches

    I want to compile a list of every branch of mathematics, for my studies. This is what I got from wiki: 1. Basic mathematics 2. Advanced mathematics 2.1 Pure mathematics 2.1.1 Algebra 2.1.2 Calculus and analysis 2.1.3 Geometry and topology 2.1.4 Combinatorics 2.1.5 Logic...
  33. Simfish

    Why do so many professors list National Merit Semifinalist on their CVs?

    Why do so many professors list "National Merit Semifinalist" on their CVs? I mean, most of their later accomplishments should easily supersede the NMSF award on their CV. And I know people with high school achievements better than the NMSF, but who refrain from mentioning them. But yet, they...
  34. S

    Mathematica Mathematica:Plotting an iterative list on one graph

    Hi i want the x -axis to go from 1 to 5, then plot the 2nd element of each pair, (so that they appear in a horizontal row ) for lis = {{4, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 5}} I' ve been playing around with ListPlot and using it with Map[Last, lis] but not getting what i want my goal is to repeat...
  35. M

    Trying to gain proficiency in dimensional analysis- list of common units?

    Is there good list of common units (good as in including the unit, symbol, and quantity it measures) anywhere out there? I did some searching and came up with this, but I'm unsure how good it is as a source. Any supplementary list or...
  36. S

    Mathematica Mathematica:Iteration of pairs in a list

    If I want to put these two functions j[x_] := 2 x k[x_] := 3 x in pairs e.g. for the 1 st 4 terms of the functons i done Table[{j[x], k[x]}, {x, 1, 4}] to get {{2, 3}, {4, 6}, {6, 9}, {8, 12}} However i want to run this for several interations so that I get {{2, 3}, {4, 6}, {6, 9}, {8...
  37. Evo

    Science sense list trashes celebrity health tips

    "Science sense" list trashes celebrity health tips It's amazing what people choose to believe. read on for some nutty ideas. Reabsorbing sperm is a good one.
  38. dkotschessaa

    How should I approach reading Archimedes and Newton's works?

    Thanks to a few posters here, an amazon wishlist, and my wife, I now have a few books to get through. I'm wondering how to approach some of them, especially the heavier material. As per Mathwonk's advice on reading the work of the old greats, I have "The Works of Archimedes" by T.L. Heath...
  39. Simfish

    Courses What courses count as upper-division physics? (also, which GPAs to list)

    What courses count as "upper-division physics?" (also, which GPAs to list) Okay, here is my department's course catalog: Anyways, does a "Elementary Mathematical Physics" course count as upper-division physics course? What about a "modern...
  40. B

    Galaxies & Masses: Find a List or Table Here

    Does anyone know where to find a list or table of galaxies and their masses? I haven't been able to find one yet. One with their redshifts would be nice as well. Thank you very much.
  41. K

    What Futuristic Technologies Will Change Our World?

    I have seen threads for the most pointless inventions, the best, and so on. But what about the ones that haven't been invented yet? I want all of you to post a futuristic technology that has not yet been discovered or invented and share them. Later ill put on a poll where people can vote for...
  42. J

    Schools Reading list for someone out of high school

    Hey i did highest beta thing in high school with math and physics and all (not sure what its called in english). Was never very interested in it, but it seemed the right thing to do. But that has been like 4 years, and recently after reading some popular books about relativity, string adn...
  43. I

    How to deal with long argument list

    Hi everyone, So I'm familiar with the popular advice that global variables should be avoided whenever possible, but I'm wondering how seriously people in scientific programming obey this rule of thumb. I am current engaged in writing some code for semiconductor transport, and I'm finding that...
  44. T

    Beginner VBA Help Using Arrays to find the lowest value from a list

    Hi, I have this text file. "3 4 7.21 -5.7 0.01 9.0 5.6 0.11 -.123 14. 2.11 4.11 0.0001 -2. " I am trying to create a VBA program to find the Minimum value, but I keep getting an error. Could someone help me? I am trying to get some practice for a test. Here is what I have so far...
  45. B

    Pick k (assume k < n) items from the list

    I have a list of n items. My goal is to pick k (assume k < n) items from the list such that each one of them as probability 1/n of being chosen. Would it be possible to accomplish this without knowing n, in one reading? thanks
  46. A

    LaTeX [latex] enumerate list colliding with equation array

    So I have a list like \begin{enumerate} \item asdfasdfasdf \item asdfasdfasdf \item \begin{align} equation here \end{align} \end{enumerate} I want to put an equation array to center and give some space around the equation, otherwise it looks all cluttered. I keep getting...
  47. T

    What Variables are Zero in Different Thermodynamic Conditions?

    Hello Everyone, Is there a list online somewhere of which variable values are 0 and why (conceptually), based on initial conditions? Like I know that for a system at constant volume, w=0. I am looking for a list for the other effects like isothermal, adiabatic, what does pressure= if there is...
  48. C

    How Do You Enumerate All Subsets of a Given Set?

    Homework Statement List all the subsets of set B. B = {4,8,12} Homework Equations A={5,10,15,20} C={4,8,12,16} D={2,4,6,8,10} E={4,12} The Attempt at a Solution I know that the equation for finding the number of subsets is 2n, but I don't exactly understand how I'm supposed to...
  49. A

    List the adaptations for thermoregulation (Squirrel Monkey, Snow Leopard +more)

    Homework Statement List the adaptations for thermoregulation (Squirrel Monkey) List the adaptations for thermoregulation (Snow Leopard) List the adaptations for thermoregulation (Lizard - Bearded Dragon) List the adaptations for thermoregulation (Bilby) List the adaptations for...