Load Definition and 1000 Threads

A structural load or structural action is a force, deformation, or acceleration applied to structural elements. A load causes stress, deformation, and displacement in a structure. Structural analysis, a discipline in engineering, analyzes the effects loads on structures and structural elements. Excess load may cause structural failure, so this should be considered and controlled during the design of a structure. Particular mechanical structures—such as aircraft, satellites, rockets, space stations, ships, and submarines—are subject to their own particular structural loads and actions. Engineers often evaluate structural loads based upon published regulations, contracts, or specifications. Accepted technical standards are used for acceptance testing and inspection.

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  1. V

    How Do You Calculate the Safe Work Load of a T Beam?

    Hi Guys, I want to determine the safe work load (SWL) capacity of a trestle in my workshop. It is a T Beam with width (W), height (h), thickness (t) and length (L). It is welded each end to two legs - what kind of support would this be considered as? Fixed or pin? Can someone walk me through...
  2. M

    Load applied at an angle -- how much force before breaking this die?

    Hello, I was toying around with shapes and dies and wanted to calculate the load distribution in all spots so to get a rough idea of the maximum load I can use before breaking the die. The "problem" is as follows: I have a die shaped like a trapezium and I have to press an item (5-10mm thick)...
  3. H

    Luffing Jib Load, With and Without Sheave Pulley

    Now I am working with a DIY Luffing Jib Crane. Mys subcon said that: Tension of red rope for hanging a blue box load at the tip of the boom i(A) s as the same as hanging it with pulley and tied to the motor/ground_B (System in a Static Load Condition).. Blue Rope and Pulley weights are...
  4. U

    If DC current is chopped on it's way to a load, what happens to the EM?

    I am curious what happens if you draw DC power to a load, but as it approaches the load you chop the load connection say with a SSR or switch. The power will be traveling near the speed of light, following the wire toward the load. When the load is chopped by a switch just before the pulse...
  5. S

    Deflection of Prismatic Beam With Fixed Ends and Single Load

    I've been refreshing my mind with regards to solving statically indeterminate beam deflection problems. In an effort to achieve confidence over my solutions, I attempted to recreate the standard equations in Figure 1. In my problem, I changed it so that: a = b = L/2 Ay = R1 By = R2 etc...
  6. archaic

    Load resistance in voltage regulator

    Homework Statement [/B] I want to find the minimum resistance ##R_L## so as to maintain ##V_z##(voltage of the zener corresponding to the minimum current ##I_{z_0}##) across the same resistor ##R_L##. Homework Equations ##V_z##(voltage of the zener corresponding to the minimum current...
  7. L

    Loading/charge time of an electromagnet

    Hej Guys, Did anyone see anywhere an equation to this? If nothing else then a loading time formula for solenoid would do. Thank you!
  8. CivilSigma

    Harmonic Load in the Time and Frequency Domains

    Homework Statement For any harmonic load: $$F(t)=F_0\cdot \sin(\omega t)$$ What is the corresponding Frequency domain equivalent? My lecture notes is suggesting: $$ F(t)=F_0 \cdot e^{i \omega t} $$ But I am failing to see how they are equal? The lesson is about Stochastic Response of...
  9. MotoMike

    Home Brew RF dummy load showing reactance at higher frequencies

    I searched for dummy loads and found nothing on point. If there is and I missed it I apologize. If this is not correct section let me know and I will re-post. We need a high power dummy load in the 4kw range. for the amateur hf bands. The oil cooled "cantenna" type are at the most 1.5 kw...
  10. D

    DC generator question -- what is happening at no load?

    In the case of a d.c. generator, if V=E–IaRa when current flows through the armature, why does V = E at no load? Why does the resistance element become disregarded at no load? Is this because the resistance can't cause the voltage to drop at no load?
  11. T

    Area Under a Load Vs Deflection Curve

    Hi all I was wondering if someone could help explain what the area under a load vs deflection curve tells you. I have a concrete sample which I loaded until it failed. I plotted the load (kN) and deflection (mm) as shown below. My question is; if the curve in red can be represented as a...
  12. Y

    Automotive Normal load on the tires of car

    Hello there! I am Yanna and I am building a racing car. I am now trying to calculate the tire drag of this car when cornering, but I'm stuck on something. In order to find the tire drag, I need the normal load on each wheel. To find this, I made some equations: 1) the sum of the normal load...
  13. WhiteWolf98

    Calculating Dimensions of Titanium Disk Under Load

    Homework Statement A titanium disk (with ##E=107 ~GPa##, Poisson's ratio, ##v=0.34##) precisely ##l_0=8~mm## thick by ##d_0=30~mm## diameter is used as a cover plate in a mechanical loading device. If a ##P=20~kN## load is applied to the disk, calculate the resulting dimensions, ##l_{01}## and...
  14. G

    Transformer equations under load

    My question is about the theory when a current is drawn from secondary coils ... So ac in the primary produces a changing field that links itself producing a back emf in primary (in ideal transformer back emf equals Vp from the supply but in a real transformer the is a small net current in...
  15. F

    Connecting Line 1 to Line 2 without a load in between

    Preface to post: Through this post I am going to be referring to line 1 and line 2. When I write about line 1 and line 2, I am writing about electrical leg #1 and electrical leg #2 respectively. Perhaps electrical engineers are used to calling the lines of electrical power in a residence...
  16. K

    Generator tripping on ground fault during load test

    We have been testing a Cummins VTA-1710-G2 Diesel Generator 1800 RPM 480 Vac 671 kW with an Avtron K580 load bank that is hooked up to our three 480 Vac output cables and one cable to our facility ground. The generator output breaker keeps tripping when the load is around 350 kW. The test...
  17. S

    Statics: load supported on a wooden frame

    Homework Statement Given the frame shown, determine the internal loadings at D Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution This should be a simple problem...but I cannot see where I am making a mistake. If I approach it by examining the entire structure, I get a wrong answer: ΣFx: Ax +...
  18. Nayef

    Effect of the load sequence on the deformation of a spring

    Consider a spring balance with no initial deflection. Let an object of mass 'm' be attached to it. We allow the spring to come into equlibrium, and 'd' is the deflection at this eqb position. We add another object of mass 'M', while m is also present, so that the final position is x, and hence...
  19. A

    How Do You Calculate Distributed Load on a Roof Truss Due to Snow?

    Homework Statement Snow on a roof supported by the Howe truss of the figure can be approximated as a distributed load of 20 lb/ft (measured along the roof). Treat the distributed load as you would the weight of the members; that is, replace the total load on each of the upper members as a...
  20. bgm

    Efficiency of Base Load Power Plants

    interested in efficiency metrics with regard to our base-load infrastructure... this information is not readily available. I think that renewable stuff has its place only after we make the most of our base plants with load shifting. The base plants exist, and they waste energy. I simply do not...
  21. bgm

    Granular load factor statistics for the Palo Verde plant

    Hello all, first post. I'm interested in granular load factor statistics for the Palo Verde plant, and LF reporting practices in general. Reviewing the LF stats for PV in the PRIS DB, I'm a bit confused. The annual LF in 2002 was 102. PRIS indicates that 102 is a percentage. What I would...
  22. K

    Central "through" crack with a concentrated load

    Hi, Please consider the problem below of a central through crack with a concentrated load as shown below. Can someone please help where does one come across such a problem in a practical world? How will I have a concentrated load opening the crack? In the physical world, what is that...
  23. G

    Variable-frequency drive (VFD) output without load (motor)

    I have acquired an old 1.5kW/2HP VFD [1] with aim to power a drill (which I don't have yet) with a three-phase motor from the single-phase outlet in my garage. It was supposed to be in working order, but alas it was not as the LCD display, for one, is only displaying gibberish (yes, I have...
  24. J

    Delta-Y Connected Load Transformation

    Homework Statement Based on Fig. 4, ZΔ=6+8j Ω ZY=4+3j Ω EL=200V Show that the equivalent delta-connected load is 7.846 - 2.77j Homework Equations ZY=(1/3)ZΔ The Attempt at a Solution Here's my thought process: For part (i), attempt to convert Y to Δ, So using the relevant equation above ZΔ...
  25. Sprotz

    Automotive How to find weight load on each car tyre during cornering?

    So far I have not found a satisfactory answer anywhere on the internet for this one. I have read the "race car suspension class" section but could not find the bit I am interested in. I am trying to simulate vehicle spin out / oversteer by reducing traction on the rear wheels when cornering. My...
  26. Sprotz

    How to calculate each car tyre load during cornering?

    This is about vehicle physics. I know how to calculate weight on each axle on a car during deceleration. Given the picture below: The weight on the front axle is calculated as: Wf=(c/L)*W-(h/L)*M*a and the weight on the rear axle is calculated as: Wr=(b/L)*W+(h/L)*M*a where c and b are the...
  27. D

    Beam and Load: Understanding Uniformly Distributed Loads and Moments

    Hi .. for a simple beam with uniformly distributed load and moment formula of w * ln /8 at center.. is it independent of thickness of the beam such that even if a beam is 1 meter depth by half meter width compare to beam half or even twice its size..the formula and moment is still the one for a...
  28. P

    Electrical About a load calculation -- Roller selection for a plate straightining maching

    i am making a plate straightining maching for 25x2100 mm plate. motor- 30 hp and 960 rpm worm reduction gear box- 100:1 Please tell me about the selection of roller by which i can straight the plate, and gear also.. if center distance between gear is 280 mm
  29. SJay16

    Courses Is My Junior Year Course Load Too Much?

    Was just wondering if this course load is too much for a junior, I’m aware everyone is different, but let’s generalize the case. 15 credits; Quantum mechanics Statistical mechanics Methods of Theoretical physics Partial differential equations w/applications Geography elective I am afraid...
  30. P

    MHB Engineering - Stress and Buckling Load problems

    Hello, I am in an engineering summer camp, but since this is a condensed course and it seems the professors assumed the class already had some background in the subject, I am slowly getting lost. They gave us practice tests from previous years, and I was wondering if someone could show me how to...
  31. E

    Power required to rotate a load of specific weight

    Homework Statement Weight - 200kg RPM - 5 Diameter - 6m Homework Equations Moment of Inertia I = (weight/9.8).r^2 Torque t = I * (angular velocity / t) Power = Torque * speed The Attempt at a Solution First I calculate Moment of Inertia Using I=(weight/9.8) * r^2 = 183 kg. m^2 Then I...
  32. T

    Cooling load calculations for hotel rooms

    When performing cooling load calculations of an hotel room, do I consider the toilet as part of the area being cooled as it is at negative pressure with respect to the room and cooled air will flow from the room into the toilet. Or should I perform and the load of the room separately and add...
  33. M

    Effect of load and load distance on peak and avg power

    I am trying to create a lever which has mass on one end and i need to lift the lever. A picture showing the lever setup is in this link: https://imgur.com/WeH4oK7 The system is like seesaw ( from -20 degrees to +20 degrees at constant angular velocity for time period 't') The input angular...
  34. D

    Calculate Axial Load on Column from Beam Transfer

    Homework Statement How to obtain the axial force from beam transfer to column ? Say that I'm going to design the column at B . how to obtain the axial load ? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I think it should be 96.6+148.6=245.2 ? I have read another source , it's stated that the...
  35. Mzzed

    Load matching/impedance matching

    Hi all, I am currently working on a project where the output/load consists of both a variable inductance and variable resistance, whilst the circuit driving this load is a class E radio frequency (RF) power amplifier with low resistance but relatively high/medium reactance (attempting to design...
  36. T

    Cooling & Heating Load Calcs for Passive Chilled Beam Systems in Hotels

    Hello, I was tasked with calculating the cooling and heating load calculations for a hotel which employs passive chilled beam systems using HAP. Can someone please provide me with the highlights of the calculation procedure and things to watch out for, especially things that differ from load...
  37. AlaskaJoe73

    Design load of a water tube ride, such as on a cruise ship

    When designing the structure of an elevated water tube ride (water flows by gravity through a tube large enough to accommodate 2 people on a float, say 500 lb. max. and the volume of water is constant) how much effect does the object floating on the water have?
  38. T

    Calculating Resultant Load on a Structure with a Tensioned Rope

    Hello all, Can somebody please help me with the following question? I have a rope tied to the top of the building, this drops down vertically 22m onto a balcony which is 15m wide. The rope is then passed over the balcony edge and then hung vertically. The load applied to the rope is 15 kN...
  39. D

    Load analysis on a motorcross bike - need some advice

    My task is to analyze a frame's strength of a specific motorcross using different loads, and to do this i decided to focus on vertical fall from various heights, since this will probably give the largest forces on the bike. The one can also experiment with different types of landings, i.e...
  40. O

    Transformer Load Regulation Old Exam Question Help

    Hi, I was wondering if anybody would be willing to point me in the right direction for solving the following question. The questions is as follows: A 10000V RMS (primary) to 415V RMS (secondary) transformer rated 400kVA has the following resistance and reactance: Rs = 3 ohms Xs = 10 ohms A...
  41. J

    Calculating 208V load, purpose of sqrt(3) and power factor?

    Hi all, a pretty simple question. I want to be able to calculate the load on a 100amp 3 phase service. As an example if I have 9 lighting fixtures that are rated @ 11 amps 208v each (auto ranging 200-240v actually but service will be 3 phase so 208v ish) Putting evenly across each leg x,y,z...
  42. EEristavi

    Battery condition check via voltmeter (with/without Load)

    Hello, I read article how to check battery condition appropriately (e.g. car battery). (Link: https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/direct-current/chpt-11/battery-ratings/ ) It's written that: in order to get better results, one must check under load. I'm not EE - I study physics and...
  43. B

    Computing Alternator Back EMF as a function of load current

    I am attempting to make a basic model of an alternator and determine terminal voltage levels at several different current levels. The alternator design looks like this: 900 RPM fixed, 60hz, single phase 2000 gauss permanent magnet Flux Density, Magnet circumferential velocity 9.58 m/sec, 4...
  44. Manoj Sahu

    Difference between a circuit breaker and a load break switch?

    Hi. I am working in on a Ring Main Unit of Siemens make. Today, my senior asked me the same question. As per my understanding, a circuit breaker is make or break switch. I mean, when fault occurs the circuit breaker trips, protecting the equipment connected to the line. I have no information...
  45. J

    Location of a load on a platform

    Hi, I'm hoping to better understand the physics involved in building a platform for storage. I have an exterior wall with a 2x6 header nailed horizontally into it. 10' in from that wall, I have 2x6's vertically from concrete floor up. On the top of the header and vertical 2x6's is a 2x4...
  46. T

    Load resistance and current “draw”

    Hi all, Sorry in advance if my questions are stupid and the answers are obvious. I can see from P=VI why a high power appliance requires more current to function. However looking at ohms law and I=V/R it’s telling me that greater resistance will lead to less current. I've always figured that...
  47. B

    What Static Load Should a Linear Actuator Handle for a 5kg Object?

    Hello, I measured an object using an electric scale. It is 5kg. I want to select a linear actuator such that when placed vertically, it can keep the object on hold at a fixed height. In this case, what static load (in lbs and Netwon) should the actuator be capable of handling? I am confused by...
  48. J

    Maximum power is transferred when load R = Source R ?

    Homework Statement Maximum power is transferred to variable load when: 1) RL = Rs 2) RL not equal to 0. and Rs = 0 3) RL = 0 and Rs not equal to 0 4) RL = Rs/2 Homework Equations Maximum power theorem RL = Rs The Attempt at a Solution But if Rs = 0, then current is maximum, so load get...
  49. B

    Rotating reel with load driven by a motor

    Homework Statement If the motor M exerts a constant force of P = 300 N on the cable wrapped around the reels outer rim, determine the velocity of the 50 kg cylinder after it has traveled a distance 2 m. Initially the system is at rest. The reel has mass 25 kg, and the radius of gyration about...
  50. T

    Mechanical Principals - Drive belt tension and load torque

    Question One What would be the effect on the following if the load torque is increased and the speed maintains constant (give reasons for your answer): A. the tension in the tight side of the belt B. the tension in the slack side of the belt C. the power transmitted. Not sure on how to solve...