Loop Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. H

    How do I create a matrix from a simple for loop?

    Homework Statement I am trying to create a code, in Matlab, that will describe the geometry of a PARSEC airfoil. The x coordinates for the upper and lower surfaces of the airfoil shape simply run from 0 to 1 (for a unit chord length). The z-coordinates (that describe the shape) are given by...
  2. S

    Loop of current rising in magnetic field

    I'm reading through my text (Griffiths Electrodynamics), and I'm working through an example in which he tries to dismantle a scenario where it is tempting to think that the magnetic field does work. The scenario is as follows, we have a square current carrying loop of wire of constant current...
  3. S

    Calculating Work for a Bead on a Square Loop in an Electric Field

    Homework Statement A small bead is on square loop in the xz plane with dimensions (±R, 0, ±R). An electric field is turned that is ##\vec{E}(\vec{r})=-Cx\hat{z}## Calculate W Homework Equations ##W= \int q\vec{E}\bullet dl## The Attempt at a Solution Starting with z direction...
  4. P

    Solving Work with Constant Force and Gravity on Mass in a Vertical Circle

    So I have a constant force F acting tangentially on a mass m in a vertical circle around a loop of radius r. The mass starts from rest at the very top of the loop. The only other force is gravity, that is m*g Now I did Work=Change in energy with a system that is comprised of both the...
  5. V

    Average induced EMF and average induced current of a flipped loop?

    Homework Statement A wire loop of resistance R and area A has its normal along the direction of a uniform magnetic field, B. The loop is then flipped over in a time Δt so that its normal is opposite to the field. a) Calculate the average induced EMF. b) Find the average induced current. c) If...
  6. R

    What is the magnitude of the loop current at t = 1.3s?

    Homework Statement A conducting loop with area 0.13m2 and resistance 6.0Ω lies in the x-y plane. A spatially uniform magnetic field points in the z direction. The field varies with time according to Bz=at2−b, where a = 2.8T/s2 and b = 8.0T . (a) Find the (magnitude of the) loop current...
  7. P

    Does there exist a transformation between a line and a closed loop ?

    Dear All: For a line structure(say a very long atomic chain) and a closed loop structure( connect the head and tail of this atomic chain). Does there exists a transformation between these two structures? For example if we want to study the vibration mode of these two cases. If we already know...
  8. P

    Does there exist a transformation between a loop and a close loop ?

    Does there exist a transformation between a line and a closed loop ? Dear All: For a line structure(say a very long atomic chain) and a closed loop structure( connect the head and tail of this atomic chain). Does there exists a transformation between these two structures? For example if we...
  9. marcus

    Karami's Loop cosmology talk Tuesday at ILQGS,

    Karami's talk is scheduled for Tuesday 29 October in just a few days. http://relativity.phys.lsu.edu/ilqgs/ The title has not yet been posted. It is a good bet that it will be about one or more of the active topics in Loop cosmology of which there are quite a few. Karami's recent work...
  10. marcus

    Notable Loop gravity papers this quarter

    The fourth quarter 2013 has already seen an interesting bunch of Loop gravity research papers. I'll list a few and say why I think they are remarkable. Some make meaningful progress along established lines, while one or more others take an unexpected direction and are clearly exceptional...
  11. kira506

    Diff bet short&long bar magnet,Magnetic field due to current in loop

    What is the difference between a short bar magnet and a long bar magnet ? How is the magnetic field passing through circular loop similar to short bar magnet? And if a number of circular loops are connected to diff sources of current but attached together , do they form a solenoid ? Or are the...
  12. E

    Mathematica Use DO loop in Plot order at mathematica 8

    Can anyone help me to in this problem? I want to use DO loop in Plot order at mathematica 8, how can I do this? I want to change one variables and see the changes in other variables in the graph, and want to plot all of my graph in one Plot order. Like this. I Uploaded my file too.
  13. G

    How Do You Calculate Speed and Normal Forces in a Loop-the-Loop Problem?

    Homework Statement In Fig. 8-28, a small block of mass m = 3.0 kg can slide along the frictionless loop-the-loop. The loop has radius R = 0.80 m. The block is released from rest at point P, at height h = 2.9R above the bottom of the loop. I attatched a picture (a) Find the speed of the...
  14. N

    How Much Mechanical Stress Can an Antimatter Drive's Loop Handle?

    I can't go into detail right know - but the thing is: in order to make a real antimatter engine one would need to make a loop of SCs wire r = 70 m, where r(wire) is approx. 20 cm. I need to generate about 10 T in the center of the field, that is 70 m from the nearest wire. How much mechanical...
  15. N

    Question: How do I account for the wire below the loop when finding net torque?

    Homework Statement http://ezto.mhecloud.mcgraw-hill.com/13252699450881445581.tp4?REQUEST=SHOWmedia&media=ch28q44a.jpg A long, straight wire has a 11.1‐A current flowing in the positive x -direction, as shown in the figure. Close to the wire is a square loop of copper wire that carries a...
  16. Q

    Open Loop Representation of Closed Loop System

    I remember having studied that closed loop systems can be represented by open loop systems. But that seems weird..if it were possible for both the types of systems to have the same transfer function, why would they behave differently?
  17. Q

    What Is the Tension Developed in a Current-Carrying Circular Coil?

    Homework Statement A circular conducting coil is present in space in the absence of any external electric and magnetic fields.A steady and constant current is flowing through the coil.What is the tension developed in the coil?.(Given current is 'I' and radius of coil is 'r') Homework...
  18. J

    Ampere's Law on Current Carrying Loop

    I haven't seen anyone derive the magnetic field density (B) using ampere's law, only using Biot-Savart Law any reason why? if we cut the loop and loop at one end (of the new cut) and treat it as if it was a current carrying wire, then by ampere's law we'd get: B = u*I / 2*pi*r but...
  19. M

    Understanding the E Field Above a Square Loop

    this is the E field above a square loop with side=a at distance z on the z axis. by symmetry the Ex, Ey field cancel out. it really kind of bothers me that I can't see this substitution, including the sin(tan^-1(u)) portion. I guess it's an easy technique but I wonder how you get the...
  20. B

    Magnetic field of a current loop

    i know that a current loop creates some kind of a short bar magnet , but how ? i mean in a short bar magnet , the magnetic field leaves the north pole and goes towards the south pole Of the MAGNET itself , but in the case of the solenoid or a coil , it just looks as if the magnetic field...
  21. L

    How Do I Solve Kirchhoff's Loop Rule Problem in MATLAB?

    Homework Statement So, I understand that I'm supposed to write the problem however, given the nature of current diagrams I think this is a bit hard. I am given the voltages and resistances and I have to solve for the current through each resistor. Here is a link to the problem which I found...
  22. A

    Random Walk in confined region and loop configurations

    Suppose I take a random walk on a 2 dimensional square lattice, but this lattice plane has a finite size, e.g. Dx*Dy. I can not cross the boundary, my step length is the lattice cell size, I either go straight or make turns with right angle. Is there any work on this type of random walk? If...
  23. mishima

    Radiation pattern of crt tv with small loop antenna

    I was playing with an old crt TV and a small loop antenna earlier and noticed that when I hold the antenna vertically in front of the TV I get one solid spike at around 15 kHz. When I hold the antenna horizontally I get a multitude of spikes that are not there when I turn off the TV. This...
  24. S

    Kirchoff's Loop Rule: Compute R2 Current

    Homework Statement Compute the current through R2 of the circuit in the figure. Homework Equations kirchoff's loop rule V=IRThe Attempt at a Solution Junction: I1+I2=I3 Alpha loop: V1-I3R3-I5R5=0 I1=(V1-I5R5)/R3=? Beta loop: V2-I8R8-I5R5=0 *without one of the currents provided I am not...
  25. D

    Calculating number of steps in multiple loop piece of code

    Homework Statement The following pseudocode demonstrates an algorithm to create a 2D array from a 1D array by adding elements into certain rows: For i = 1, 2, ..., n For j = i + 1, i + 2, ..., n Add up array entries A[i] through A[j] Store the result in B[i, j] Endfor...
  26. C

    Problem with infinite loop in c program

    Hi, I have a program that is entering a infinite loop in the last if else of this loop. The program is printing 3 endless times. Here is the code that generates it: else { for (j=1;j<n;j++) { if (j<=(n/2)) { a[1][j] = j-1; printf ("%d", a[1][j]); }...
  27. B

    Finding the Direction of Voltage Around a Loop

    When you start going around a loop to try and determine whether to add or subtract each voltage in that loop, how do you decide which? For example see the diagram just above Q7. http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/mastascu/eLessonsHTML/Basic/Basic5Kv.html Starting from any point and going...
  28. N

    Charge distribution along a square loop in equilibrium

    Homework Statement A conductor (wire) is folded into a square loop with each side having a length of a. Total charge of Q is transferred onto the conductor. Describe the line charge density of the square loop in equilibrium. (If I am interpreting this correctly what is required is...
  29. K

    Velocity and acceleration in a frictionless circular loop

    This is a problem I encountered while studying/practicing for my upcoming MCAT exam: Homework Statement A 1kg block slides down a ramp and then around a circular loop of radius 10m. Assume that all surfaces are frictionless. 1)What is the minimum height of the ramp required so that...
  30. P

    Circular Wilson Loop, minimal surface in AdS5

    Homework Statement Consider AdS_5 space in Poincaré coordinates with metric ds^2=\frac{dz^2+dx_\mu dx^\mu}{z^2}. There is a circular Wilson Loop with Radius R in the Minkowskian boundary of AdS_5. We want to find the surface of minimal area in AdS_5 that has this loop as boundary. We choose...
  31. T

    Square loop, find the charge in the resistor

    Homework Statement A square loop of wire is made up of 50 turns of wire, 45 cm on each side. The loop is immersed in a 1.4T magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the loop. The loop of wire has little resistance but it is connected to two resistors in parallel as shown. (a) When the loop...
  32. W

    Weird ways of doing closed loop integrals

    I was looking at an example where it was evaluating a closed loop integral of a vector field around a triangle (0,0) (1,1) (2,0) by using greens theorem. This example was in the green's theorem section of the book so green's theorem must be used. Anyways the double integral was set up as follows...
  33. A

    Open Loop Response of a car using a Basic First Order Model

    Homework Statement Car Dynamics f(t)→ \frac{\frac{1}{M}}{s+\frac{D}{M}}→y(t) Applied Force Velocity Homework Equations M=1,000 kg and D=1000 kg/s Where f(t) represents the input force and y(t) is the output velocity. M is the Mass and D...
  34. J

    A balls velocity when it reaches the top of the inside of a loop

    Homework Statement A tennis ball is a hollow sphere with a thin wall. It is set rolling without slipping at 4.08 m/s on a horizontal section of a track as shown in the figure below. It rolls around the inside of a vertical circular loop of radius r = 45.8 cm. given radius =0.458m ω= 4.08...
  35. Y

    Question in current equation in small loop.

    This is part of the derivation of vector magnetic potential of a small current loop center at origin and on xy plane. The current is stated to assumed to be constant along the loop. Attach is the scanned copy of the page in question. http://i43.tinypic.com/5f2q7d.jpgI cannot understand why the...
  36. Y

    Question on derivation of potential of a small current loop

    The vector magnetic potential is given \vec A=\frac{\mu I}{4\pi}\oint\frac{e^{-j\beta R_1}}{R_1}dl' After a few steps, the equation becomes: \vec A=\frac{\mu I}{4\pi}e^{-j \beta R}\left[ (1+j\betaR)\oint\frac{dl'}{R_1}-j\beta\oint dl'\right] The Book claim the second integral obviously...
  37. Saitama

    How can the time taken for a loop to roll down an incline be calculated?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The force on the loop due to magnetic field in the direction normal to the incline is ##qvB##. Balancing forces in the direction normal to the incline, mg\cos\alpha=qvB+N where ##N## is the normal reaction due to incline and v is...
  38. A

    Magnetic Flux of a partially rotating loop

    Homework Statement r=0.10 m B=0.65 T Homework Equations ampere's law? The Attempt at a Solution
  39. V

    MATLAB Simulate Hysteresis Loop in MATLAB | Step-by-Step Tutorial"

    Hi there, Would anyone help me in simulating hysteresis loop in MATLAB? Thank You!
  40. T

    Calculate the net force on square loop (Magnetism)

    Homework Statement A square loop of wire of side length L lies in the xy-plane, with its center at the origin and its sides parallel to the x- and y- axes. It carries a current i, in a counterclockwise direction, as viewed looking down the z-axis from the positive direction. The loop is in...
  41. S

    Open loop rankine cycle with no condenser

    Hello, I'm working on a small scale parabolic trough concentrator project to generate electricity. This electricity is used for pumping water for irrigation,and I want to use an open loop Rankine cycle with no condenser(if it is applicable),to reduce cost,with the steam exhausting directly...
  42. Digitalism

    Loop Quantum Gravity and entropy

    How specifically does LQG explain how the universe can oscillate from big bang to big crunch ad infinitum? Wouldn't the total energy able to be used as work decrease after a couple of bounces? Am I simply misunderstanding or making a false assumption about what LQG's premises are? I've not...
  43. E

    KVL loop: Example wrong, or did I misunderstand?

    In my circuit analysis textbook, there is an example problem using a KVL loop. Though it seems relatively simple, I cannot understand the answer. the loop consists of 3 voltages: -8, 12, and the unknown, Vr2. The polarities (clockwise) around the loop are respectively +,-,+. The answer...
  44. K

    How Is EMF Induced in a Loop Within a Solenoid?

    Homework Statement A small loop with area 6.8 mm^2 is placed in a long solenoid with 854 turns/cm and a sinusoidally varying current w/ amplitude 1.28 A and angular frequency of 212 rad/s. What is the amplitude of the emf induced in the loop? Homework Equations \textbf{B}=\mu_0 in \Phi_B...
  45. S

    Open loop rankine cycle with no condenser

    Hello, I'm working on a small scale parabolic trough concentrator project to generate electricity. This electricity is used for pumping water for irrigation,and I want to use an open loop Rankine cycle with no condenser(if it is applicable),to reduce cost,with the steam exhausting directly...
  46. R

    MATLAB [Matlab] Transform generated table to equation for for loop usage

    I have posted a question on here before regarding the generation of a number sequence. I followed up that question with an answer. However, as I have developed my code more I need to use an equation instead of a lookup table. Note: I'm using MATLAB Given a matrix A of size r x c where r >=...
  47. A

    Apparent weight of a pilot in a loop

    Here's a picture: Edit: Here's a description of the problem in case the picture isn't clear. A 54-kg pilot flies a jet trainer in a half vertical loop of 1200-m radius so that the speed of the trainer decreases at a constant rate. Knowing that the pilot’s apparent weights at Points A and C...
  48. L

    Question about lift affecting airplane in a loop

    Say I have an airplane that is performing a loop at a constant speed. Why is it that at the top of the loop the normal force points inward and not upward due to the lift of the plane? That way, at the top of the loop, when the pilot is upside down, he feels lighter due to the lift of the...
  49. S

    Bead on a loop in a non-inertial frame

    Homework Statement Consider a bead of mass m on a loop of radius R. The loop is rotating at a constant rate ω. Using a non-inertial frames of reference, find all equilibrium points of the bead on the loop. Homework Equations \vec{F_e}=m\vec{a_r}...
  50. S

    Is Loop Quantum Multiverse a Viable Theory?

    Some time ago I was doing my dissertation on inflation and wrote to Martin Bojowald to ask if loop quantum cosmology was compatible with eternal inflation or not. He said at the time that no work had been done on the subject but it might be something to look at in the future. I have now found...