Magnets Definition and 562 Threads

A magnet is a material or object that produces a magnetic field. This magnetic field is invisible but is responsible for the most notable property of a magnet: a force that pulls on other ferromagnetic materials, such as iron, steel, nickel, cobalt, etc. and attracts or repels other magnets.
A permanent magnet is an object made from a material that is magnetized and creates its own persistent magnetic field. An everyday example is a refrigerator magnet used to hold notes on a refrigerator door. Materials that can be magnetized, which are also the ones that are strongly attracted to a magnet, are called ferromagnetic (or ferrimagnetic). These include the elements iron, nickel and cobalt and their alloys, some alloys of rare-earth metals, and some naturally occurring minerals such as lodestone. Although ferromagnetic (and ferrimagnetic) materials are the only ones attracted to a magnet strongly enough to be commonly considered magnetic, all other substances respond weakly to a magnetic field, by one of several other types of magnetism.
Ferromagnetic materials can be divided into magnetically "soft" materials like annealed iron, which can be magnetized but do not tend to stay magnetized, and magnetically "hard" materials, which do. Permanent magnets are made from "hard" ferromagnetic materials such as alnico and ferrite that are subjected to special processing in a strong magnetic field during manufacture to align their internal microcrystalline structure, making them very hard to demagnetize. To demagnetize a saturated magnet, a certain magnetic field must be applied, and this threshold depends on coercivity of the respective material. "Hard" materials have high coercivity, whereas "soft" materials have low coercivity. The overall strength of a magnet is measured by its magnetic moment or, alternatively, the total magnetic flux it produces. The local strength of magnetism in a material is measured by its magnetization.
An electromagnet is made from a coil of wire that acts as a magnet when an electric current passes through it but stops being a magnet when the current stops. Often, the coil is wrapped around a core of "soft" ferromagnetic material such as mild steel, which greatly enhances the magnetic field produced by the coil.

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  1. F

    Where Did the Energy for Magnet Attraction Come From?

    If I put a pice of metal close enough to a magnet it moves towards the magnet and they stick together, I can understand the force that keeps the metal and the magnet together, but where did the energy that moved one towards the other came from?, who lost energy? which kid of energy?, and how did...
  2. S

    Do Magnets Exhibit Twisting Due to Internal Angular Momentum?

    A spinning top has the property to twist when turned. If it is placed in a tilted position, it will not fall over downwards. Instead it will precess around the vertical position and remain at a constant tilt. This is the property of total angular momentum. Suppose that a spinning top were...
  3. D

    Unusual movement of square fridge magnets

    At home I have a series of small square fridge magnets (about 25mm by 25mm and about 1mm thick). If I select two of these fridge magnets and place them together then, as you would expect, they attract one another. However the interesting observation is that sometimes the fridge magnets are only...
  4. ugenetic

    A point between 2 magnets, what remains constant at that point?

    a fixed spatial point between 2 fixed magnets. if I place different blocks of material on that point, is the H that will remain the same? or is it the B? or just the MMF (magnetic motive force), while B and H will always change depend on the material placed? the same question for E, D, and EMF...
  5. R

    Do Multiple Magnets Increase Magnetic Chain Strength Proportionally?

    Homework Statement Does the number of attached identical magnets linearly relate to the number of paper clips/bolts/nuts that are magnetically chained together? Homework Equations I have no idea. The Attempt at a Solution Yes they are linearly related? I am guessing that yes it...
  6. C

    Double slit experiment with magnets

    Hi everyone, Lately I have been reading about the double slit experiment, I am wondering if it would be possible to recreate this experiment with visibly large objects using magnetism. The experiment I was thinking might be able to do this is as follows: There are two vertical tubes, a...
  7. M

    Measuring Force Between Magnets | Devices Available

    Is there any device to measure the force between two magnet?
  8. kq6up

    Find Photogate Magnets for CENCO Launcher Apparatus

    I have a CENCO projectile launcher apparatus If I had the little magnets that allow photogates to stick to the metal protractor that is on the side of the projectile launcher, I could make it a better lab. The magnets are pictured in the manual, but I can't find them anywhere on the net. Has...
  9. Dethrone

    Momentum - Bumping 2 carts with magnets

    Momentum -- Bumping 2 carts with magnets... Homework Statement I recently did an experiment in which I had bump a dynamic cart into another one with their magnets facing inwards to emulate a perfectly inelastic collision. Upon examining the initial and the final momentum of the cart, the...
  10. B

    The Force of an Array of Perm. Magnets on a Large Iron Body

    For my senior physics research project I've developed an orbital analysis program that calculates the minimum \Delta V required (applied in an instantaneous impulse) to deflect an inbound Earth impacting asteroid. I've generated data for several different hypothetical orbits and now my advisor...
  11. johann1301

    What Determines the Force Between Two Magnets?

    If i have one magnet A which can lift(hold) 1kg(9,8N) and i have another magnet B which can lift 10kg(98N), what would the force between these magnets be? I don't need an exact answer, but i do see to possibilities: 1: The force would be stronger then both the magnets 2: The force would...
  12. S

    Maxwell Stress Tensor -> Force between magnets and perfect iron

    (this is not a hw) Assume you have a magnet of dimensions x_m, h_m, remanent flux density Br, and coercive field density Hc. The magnet is placed in a magnetic "C" structure (perfect iron) such that it is connected on one side but there is an airgap on the other side. xxxxxxxx xx... xx...
  13. B

    Magnets phenomena, please give explanation

    Hi everyone, Can someone please explain to me what happens here? Why does the polarity reverse? My friend explains it like this, I quote: "as opposed to what is taught in schools, magnets have a centralized force field". Is there something to this? What happens here...
  14. Ascendant78

    Calculating magnetic force between two bar magnets

    Homework Statement Me and my physics II lab partner did a term project where we are looking to calculate the repulsive forces of two bar magnets on each other. We are lacking an equation that would let us calculate the force. All we did was have one magnet sit on a flat surface while we...
  15. C

    Suggestions and thoughts on my magnets and magnetism demonstration

    I hope that the title is a bit better than my last one... I would appreciate any input on items I have made or will be demonstrating as it should be about 30 minutes long and a balanced programme. Background... I am in training as an Assistant Beaver Leader in my Sons Beaver cubs scout pack...
  16. H

    Quantum Explanation of Magnets

    How can a magnet be explained based on quantum properties? This seems like an obvious thing, but I can't find it online. The best I can do on my own is that systems are at lower energy when the spins are aligned, so that's why magnets attract one another. The spin transfers angular...
  17. M

    Where Am I Going Wrong in Calculating the Force Between Two Bar Magnets?

    Homework Statement You're given two bar magnets as shown below. In the gap between the two bar magnets, there's a bit of copper that's 1mm thick. The area of the bar magnet is 2.5cm2, and the flux density is 0.5T. Compute the force between the two bar magnets. Homework Equations...
  18. Mechatron

    Neodymium Magnets as energy storage?

    Neodymium magnets have an energy capacity of 512 kJ/m3 or 0,512 MJ / cubic liters. That's equivalent to 0.0085 kWh or 8.5 Wh each 1 dm^3. You could recharge an mp3 player for 34 hours, and then you'd have to throw away your magnet. That's still 468 times less than the capacity of a Lead-acid...
  19. A

    The Science of Magnets: Lodestones & Synthetics

    What makes lodestones such good magnets? And what makes synthetic magnets "good"? Do magnets have subatomic particles arranged differently?
  20. I

    Array of magnets around a sphere

    An array of N magnets which can turn freely about their centers in any direction in 3d space is distributed uniformly around a spherical surface (their centers). What is the configuration of equilibrium of the system after some time? (minimum energy) Do you know of any work showing that...
  21. C

    Must know about Thulium ferrite magnets

    Wikipedia lists, under uses for thulium, that it has potential use for ferrite ceramic magnets. I want to know why, I looked everywhere and I see nothing further on the topic. The link provided by Wikipedia was just to a link to a preview of an ebook called "Extractive Metallurgy of Rare...
  22. N

    Can Magnetic Fields Purify Water for Reuse in a CO2 Scrubber?

    I'm looking to make a CO2 scrubber for a school project and I was wondering if I can purify water to re-use it with magnetic fields. The ions would be K+ and CO3-2. If this can be done can you explain what variables I have to look into to make sure it works, some variables I thought of was...
  23. Z

    Copper & Magnets: Generating Repulsive Force

    Hi so I am aware that when copper is introduced to a magnetic field it will generate it's own that repels the field inducing it, this repulsive force is weak but how strong of a magnetic field would it take to generate a considerable amount of force on the copper
  24. U

    Conservation of energy in magnets

    Hi, With permanent magnets I have been puzzling over how they can obey the conservation of energy. If I make a permanent magnet then I can use it, expending negligible energy myself, to attract, and thus give kinetic energy to, many other metallic objects. So, when I create my magnet...
  25. F

    Understanding Magnet Alignment: Answers to Common Questions | Homework Help

    Homework Statement I have found a picture of the diagram here: The first question asks the following: Once the suspended magnet has aligned itself with the magnetic field, which of its poles points in the same direction as the external field...
  26. S

    Why magnets H field oposes its B

    hi is there a basic way to picture how the H field inside a permanent magnet opposes its B field (i know the eq's are made to say it does just how to visulize this) -ie H seems to be the magnets atomic dipoles which aline with B & not against it. also does the H oppose B inside an empty coil...
  27. S

    Magnets and their polarity - what would happen if

    If I were to take 2 neodymium magnets, and lay one down on the table, and stand the other on its end on top of it (resembling an upside-down T), would they attract, repel, or be neutral? Two poles of the standing magnet against the single pole that is facing up... what would the outcome be? I...
  28. B

    Question about magnets and attraction

    what would happen if a small magnet was exactly placed by the middle of another larger magnet in a direction parallel to it and at a considerable distance ? will it be pulled to the south pole or to the north pole ? or will it be pulled down the middle such that the north pole of the smaller...
  29. B

    Understanding Magnets: How They Work and Their Importance in Flux Lines

    i am very confused by the idea of magnets how do magnets attract things ? and if they do attract things , then what is the importance of flux lines ? i mean , shouldn't magnets just align things to the flux lines in the direction of the north pole ? i want to know how magnets work in...
  30. Z

    How to calculate the force between magnets?

    For example at the surface of both magnets, the field strength is 1.5Tesla. Suppose the top magnet plus the weight it's supporting is 1 Newton, what is the height that I need to separate both magnets of like facing poles so that the top magnet hovers?
  31. M

    How to wire LEDs through magnets?

    Hi guys. I'm an architecture student who is designing a lamp that will be made up of multiple, modular pieces of plywood. Each piece will be a hexagon containing 6 LED lights (one on each side). The idea is to have a base that plugs into a socket with a wall wart: I was thinking 12 volts AC...
  32. N

    Force of attraction between two bar magnets

    Hi, I have carried out an experiment to investigate the force of attraction between two bar magnets by changing the separation between the two magnets. Both bar magnets are about 4cm long and I have recorded results between 1cm and 10cm's. A lot of the research I have carried out appears...
  33. N

    Why is it bad to put metal or magnets near your phone, tv etc?

    I've had my phone messed up before by metal and I wondered what the metal did to my phone, I'm guessing it maybe grounded the battery but I'm not sure. Can someone explain what happens when a metal or magnet interacts with electronics? And also is there any way to fix this if that did happen to...
  34. S

    Hexamagnetic levitation using neodymium ball magnets

    Hello, Just wanted to say I did this today. I could envision it in theory a while. Went ahead and filed it under creative commons. Wondered If any of you "are" aware if this is a pattent somewhere? And maybe shed some light on it. We start with arranging neodymium ball magnets in a diamond...
  35. B

    [ANSYS] Simulation of Permanent Magnets

    I have a project where I need to simulate the magnetic forces with ANSYS. I'm and intermediate ANSYS user but I have really only worked with APDL, and if possible I would like to do it in the GUI. So my problem is that I have only ever done structural and thermal models in ANSYS. I am...
  36. N

    Magnetic Field Specification of Magnets

    I'm not sure where else to post this. How are magnets specified? If a magnet is "0.2" Tesla, is that the maximum magnetic field present at the surface?
  37. X

    Do magnets attract all metals, and is the speed of light in a water

    Homework Statement Do magnets attract all metals, and is the speed of light in a water constant? Homework Equations None that I know of The Attempt at a Solution I would assume that magnets attract almost all metals because they have an electron sea in them and they would be...
  38. S

    What Changes If i Place two magnets together?

    What Changes If i Place two magnets together?? Hello everybody, i wanted to ask what changes when i unite two magnets ?? except from the dimensions does magnetic moment, Br change? Thanx in advance!
  39. K

    What do the gradient magnets do on MRI scanners?

    I am trying to understand MRI scanners. I know that MRIs work by aligning the protons in the direction of the large magnetic field and the radio frequency sets the frequency of the oscillations to the lamour frequency - also raising its energy level. Then when the RF is switched off, the...
  40. U

    One misconception about magnets

    Hi, everyone! Everywhere is said that when two magnets meet each other, like poles repel and unlike - attract. I checked this statement for my refrigerator magnets, and, surprisingly, I can't find a confirmation here: the refrigerator magnets always attract each other and never repel, so one...
  41. A

    Refuting Perpetual Motion with Magnets

    My friend believes that he's able to create a perpetual motion machine using carefully arranged magnets and the repelling force between them in order to spin a turbine. To refute this, I argued that perpetual motion is against the laws of thermodynamics and that friction would eventually...
  42. K

    Will Magnetic Putty Form a Cube or Sphere When Swallowing a Rare Earth Magnet?

    I've attached a video of magnetic putty swallowing a rare Earth magnet. Will the resulting shape of the putty be cubed like the rare Earth magnet (equal distribution of magnetic forces along the surface) or will the shape be spherical (weird magnetic forces along the edges of the cube)...
  43. P

    Surface field vs pull force(attraction force) of multiple magnets?

    In the following "semi" table, is a group of magnets, all seem to have the same Surface field but all different pull force(attraction/repulsive force at maximum with gap = 0). How is it possibile to have the same S.field rate but different forces? Is it due to the size of each magnet...
  44. D

    Coulomb's Law/Universal Gravitation for Magnets

    Hey, everyone, I'm new here. I signed up to get an equation that I would really like to find, but I've been searching for a few days and haven't found anything that helped. What I'm wondering is how to find the force between two magnets. Once I have that equation, I'll ask another one that I...
  45. D

    How magnets attract objects mechanically?

    I've seen many technical explanations relating field theory, but haven't seen an explanation to this date that can clearly explain how magnets attract at a distance. What is the physical medium used to attract and what is the mechanism? Please no elevated technical talk, and no references to...
  46. W

    Can old neodymium magnets be recycled?

    Can old neodymium magnets be crushed to a powder and re-sintered into new shapes?
  47. S

    How are magnets able to attract each other?

    Homework Statement As magnets have two poles, when i place two bar magnets together with opposite poles facing each other besides the two opposite poles attracting each other will the north and south pole on one magnet repel the north and south pole respectively? Homework Equations none...
  48. B

    Is Levitation Possible with Spin Top Magnets?

    They have the spin top magnet that you spin on top of a platform, which by effect causes it to appear to float. Is the effect any different if you spin the platform instead?
  49. M

    Smart magnets that connect either way?

    "Smart magnets" that connect either way? Hi all. I was wondering about a particular kind of toy train that is sold to young children these days. I bought a few for my son for Christmas, and I am trying to figure out how they work. The train cars have magnetic connectors that can attach to the...