Magnitude Definition and 1000 Threads

An order of magnitude is an approximation of the logarithm of a value relative to some contextually understood reference value, usually ten, interpreted as the base of the logarithm and the representative of values of magnitude one. Logarithmic distributions are common in nature and
considering the order of magnitude of values sampled from such a distribution can be more intuitive. When the reference value is ten, the order of magnitude can be understood as the number of digits in the base-10 representation of the value. Similarly, if the reference value is one of certain powers of two, the magnitude can be understood as the amount of computer memory needed to store the exact integer value.
Differences in order of magnitude can be measured on a base-10 logarithmic scale in “decades” (i.e., factors of ten). Examples of numbers of different magnitudes can be found at Orders of magnitude (numbers).

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  1. SadPanda6022

    What is the magnitude and direction of resulting force with given values?

    I attached problem. I got F1 = 2.7x10-8 and F2 = 8.3x10-9 sqrt(f1^2 +f2^2) = 2.818x10^-8 theta was inverse tan of f1/f2. got 72.8 please help :(
  2. T

    Magnitude of radial component of jerk along line of centres

    Homework Statement Show that the component of the jerk along the line of centres of two gravitating bodies has magnitude 2G(m1+m2)r(dot)/r3. Homework Equations (Eq. 1) r(double dot) = - G(m1+m2)r(hat)/r2 (acceleration of body 2 relative to body 1) The Attempt at a Solution Sorry for the...
  3. G

    K Corrections: Explaining Fluxes in 250μm (Janskys)

    So I'm trying to k-correct some fluxes in 250μm (janskys) using the M82 template found here and the relevant equations found here (I also have the transmission filter function). The template is normalised to 5500 A and doesn't have a brightness so I fail to see how I can correct my observed...
  4. B

    Calculating the magnitude of the electric field

    Homework Statement A uniform magnetic field pointing in the positive z-direction fills a cylindrical volume of space of radius R whose central axis is the z axis. Outside this region, there is no magnetic field. The magnitude of the magnetic field in changes with time as B = Bmax sin(ωt). a...
  5. almarpa

    Magnitud VS. Component of a vector

    Hello all. Sometimes, when reading a physics book, I find it difficult to distinguish between the magnitud of a vector and the component of a vector. For example, take the weight force, with the positive z direction pointing upwards (that is, F= -mg k). Sometimes, people write F=mg referring to...
  6. A

    Magnitude of acceleration hwk check

    Homework Statement I wrote down in picture [/B]Homework Equations F=ma The Attempt at a Solution Worked out in picture [/B]
  7. A

    Magnitude and direction of acceleration

    Homework Statement A car with a mass of 1.3x10^4kg is initially moving at 35 km/hr in a straight line when the car comes to a complete stop at 15m. What is the magnitude and direction of acceleration?b) the magnitude and direction of the breaking force c) thetime required to stop Homework...
  8. NinjaChachi

    Magnitude of the average force exerted by ground on a ball.

    Homework Statement Just before hitting the ground, a partially inflated 0.625kg basketball has a speed of 3.30m/s. Then it loses half of its kinetic energy as it bounces. (A)What is the ball's speed immediately after it bounces?(B) If the ball is in contact with the ground for 9.25ms, what is...
  9. Calpalned

    Dipole magnitude and direction (21.67)

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Total electric field = Electric field caused by Q_1 + electric field caused by Q_2 ##\vec{e} = \vec{e_1}+\vec{e_2}## Dipole moment = ##P = Ql## The Attempt at a Solution **For Part A** ##\vec{E} = \vec{E_1}+\vec{E_2}## The charges are opposite so it...
  10. Jimbob999

    Absolute Visual Magnitude of Stars

    Homework Statement The Sun has an absolute visual magnitude of about 4.8 and a particular star has an absolute visual magnitude of –0.29. How many times more luminous is this star than the Sun, assuming these stars have similar spectral types and hence colours? a) 100 times b) 125 times c) 150...
  11. Albert24

    Ratio of the Magnitude of gravitational force?

    1. Homework Statement Calculate the magnitude of the gravitational force between the Earth and a 3.7 kg mass on the surface of the earth. The distance to the center of the Earth from the surface is 6370 km and the mass of the Earth is 5.98·1024. That gave me 36.37 N Calculate the magnitude of...
  12. I

    Need help finding magnitude of A - B + C given 3 vectors

    You are given three vectors. A = 46.0 at θ1 = 56.6° above the +x axis B = 25.0 at θ2 = 34.4° above the −x axis C = 32.0 along the −y axis.Determine A - B + C (magnitude and angle from the positive x axis). Determine the angle relative to the positive x-axis, positive above and negative belowI...
  13. S

    Evaluate Magnitude of Gravitation at the Surface of a Planet

    1. The trajectory of a rock thrown from a height with an initial speed of 20.9 m/s is shown in the figure below. Evaluate the magnitude of the gravitational field at the surface of the planet. The planet has no atmosphere...
  14. moenste

    Mechanics. Vectors. Find magnitude and direction of forces

    Homework Statement Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the following pair of forces: 60 N at 150 degrees to 20 N Answer: 43.8 N at 136.7 degrees to 20 N and 13.3 degrees to 60 N Homework Equations Cosine and sine rules: R2 = a2 + b2 - 2 * a * b * cos A a / sin A = b / sin b =...
  15. T

    Finding magnitude of electrostatic force

    We have a question about finding the electrostatic force acting on a particle from another particle. They are colinear since there is only the 2 particles, but not along an axis. My question is, why does finding the force in the x direction and finding the force in the why direction, then...
  16. L

    Force magnitude from acceleration vs. mass graph?

    I am a new university physics student doing some homework, but i cannot find the method for this problem. How do I find the magnitude of a force from an acceleration vs. mass graph? I know mass is the inverse of the slope of an acceleration vs. force graph, but I'm not sure how to do this the...
  17. Earnest Guest

    Convert from Magnitude Density to Mass

    I have data which gives me the magnitude density (mag arcsec-2) of M31 as a function of radius. How can I convert this data to the (enclosed) mass at a given radius (for Velocity Curve analysis)?
  18. G

    What is the Relationship Between Force Magnitude and Length in a Scale?

    Homework Statement In this notes , I was told that the f2 is min when the length is the shrtest ( when f2 is prependicular to fr ... why ? Is the length represent the magnitude of the force ? the shorter the length , the smaller is the force ? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  19. P

    Calculating magnitude of electric field at center of square

    Homework Statement Find the magnitude and direction of net electric field at the center of the square array of charges. Find E_x and E_y The square array of charges The Attempt at a Solution [/B] My attempt at drawing in the force vectors...
  20. C

    Finding the magnitude of a vector B given vector C

    Homework Statement If vector B is added to vector C = 3.7i + 2.4j, the result is a vector in the positive direction of the y axis, with a magnitude equal to that of vector C. What is the magnitude of vector B? Homework Equations sqroot(a^2x+a^2y) = a The Attempt at a Solution My line of...
  21. gracy

    Understanding Torque: Magnitude and Direction

    As we know all vectors with the same magnitude and direction are equal despite their different we can move the force vector such that Now how will it produce torque?Please tell me where am i getting wrong?
  22. R

    Magnitude of the Initial Velocity

    Homework Statement A flat roof has a height of 65m above the ground. A tennis ball rolls off the edge of the roof and hits the ground at a point 418m horizontally from the edge of the roof. A.) How much time is the ball in the air? B.) What is the magnitude of the initial velocity?[/B]2. The...
  23. B

    How to solve for distance give average velocity of magnitude

    I have changed the values, and the homework also changes every time I submit a response, I would just like to see an example worked out, so change the values as well if you want! 1. Homework Statement A person takes a trip heading south with an average velocity of magnitude 120.0 km/h except...
  24. pawlist

    Find Mag of Charges for 50 cm, 0.2g & 37 Degrees

    Homework Statement I need to find the magbitude of charges Lenght of string - 50 cm mass of balls - 0.2 grams theeta - 37 degrees Homework Equations K-8.99x10^9 [/B]The Attempt at a Solution I found that half the distance between the balls is 15.9 cm but i don't know how to continue[/B]
  25. 0btuse

    Three vectors lie in an xy plane

    Homework Statement Three vectors A, B, C, each have a magnitude of 46 m and lie in an xy plane. Their directions relative to the positive direction of the x-axis are 28 ˚, 191 ˚, and 313 ˚. What are the magnitude and the angle of A-B+C with right-arrow in the range of (-180°, 180°)? Homework...
  26. T

    How Do You Determine George's Direction Relative to John in a Strawberry Field?

    Homework Statement John, Paul, and George are standing in a strawberry field. Paul is 16.0 m due west of John. George is 40.0 m from Paul, in a direction 39.0 ∘south of east from Paul's location. A. How far is George from John? (Already Done) B. What is the direction of George's location...
  27. A

    Physics magnitude and direction?

    I know this is basic stuff, but if anyone would be willing to help... :) At a certain time, a car is 150 meters due west of your house. If it is traveling with a constant velocity of 30m/s 30 degrees south of east, what are the ,magnitude and the direction of its position relative to your house...
  28. P

    Using vectors as a function of time

    Homework Statement Vector P is a function of time t. In a specified coordinate system P is given by: P= (A+Bt)i + (A+Ct-Dt^2)j and P is in meters when t is seconds Given these values (shown without their units): A=15.0, B=7.00, C=20.0, D=4.00 (a) Calculate the time when P points in the...
  29. G

    Finding magnitude of electrostatic force

    Homework Statement Im having trouble posting the image sorry. But there's three charges. q1=30uC q2=? q3=60uC q1 to q2 distance equals 30cm q2 to q3 distance equals 60cm q1 is left of q2 and q3 is to the right of q2. Homework Equations F=k*qq/r^2 The Attempt at a Solution [/B] Given where q2...
  30. D

    Finding magnitude and distance of a particles acceleration

    Homework Statement The figure depicts the motion of a particle moving along an x axis with a constant acceleration. The figure's vertical scaling is set by xs = 7.20 m. What are the (a) magnitude and (b) direction of the particle's acceleration ( +x or -x )? Homework Equations The Attempt...
  31. Raybulous

    Direction of the Electric Field

    Homework Statement Homework Equations F = E x q The Attempt at a Solution I was told the direction of the E field should be pointing upwards but I have no clue as to why. I found the Force = 0.0012 N but not the direction.
  32. M

    Finding the magnitude of 2 vectors given the resultant

    Homework Statement The figure depicts the sum of two velocities, vA and vB. The value of the sum is7 m/s and the angles shown in the image are θ1 = 29.8°, and θ2 = 18.3°. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  33. H

    Electric Force: Magnitude & Direction Calc.

    Homework Statement Calculate the magnitude and direction of the electric force if a charge of −3.5 × 10−7 C is placed in a field of 12 N/C Homework Equations e = Fe/q The Attempt at a Solution I just plugged in values into the equations to find Fe and my answer was negative so the force is...
  34. S

    Stargazing What is the difference between linear and angular magnitude in telescopes?

    what is the difference between linear magnitude and angular magnitude
  35. mattyk

    Calculating the Magnitude of U + V + W

    Homework Statement U(1, -1, 2) V(0, 3, -1) W(-1, -1 1) Calculate ||(U + V + W) Homework Equations is it as simple as U + V + W then finding out the magnitude of that point. The Attempt at a Solution [/B] For example (U + V) + W then the magnitude of that point?
  36. L

    Determine magnitude of change in velocity and direction

    Homework Statement A sailing boat moves at 12ms-1 due North then changing direction to north-west and traveling at a speed of 5.5ms-1 . Determine the magnitude of change in velocity n its direction. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  37. Luke Cohen

    Are field lines from a magnetic dipole equal in magnitude? If this is your magnetic dipole and you start at the north end and follow a field line to the south end, is the magnetic field equal in magnitude the entire way through?
  38. T

    Transform from Magnitude of P to R

    Hi everyone! How do I transform Momentum to Position in spherical coordinates?Thinker301
  39. P

    Finding magnitude of electrical field at specific point

    Homework Statement [/B] Two point-like charges are placed as shown in the figure, r1 = 28.0 cm and r2 = 56.0 cm. Find the magnitude of the electric field at point (p) shown in the figure. Let q1 = −13.0 µC, q2 = +30.0 µC. Homework Equations [/B] E1 = k*q1 / r^2 3. The Attempt at a...
  40. P

    Figuring out the magnitude of electric repulsion

    Homework Statement [/B] In a certain organic molecule, the nuclei of 2 carbon atoms are separated by a distance of .20nm, What is the magnitude of the electric repulsion between them? Now, I know the distance between them, but it has to be converted into meters: .20nm = .20 X 10 ^-9m And...
  41. PhiowPhi

    Calculating the magnitude of Eddy current's retarding force?

    I could not find a direct formula calculating the retarding force generated from the eddy currents, when a conductor passes a magnetic field at ##v## (##m/s##). Can someone please help me in figuring that out? I couldn't find a direct way to derive anything either... There we're some...
  42. toforfiltum

    Proving magnitude of impulse on either spheres

    Homework Statement A sphere of mass m is moving with a speed V along a horizontal straight line. It collides with an identical sphere of mass m moving along the same straight line with speed u (u<V). Show that the magnitude of impulse on either sphere is ½m(1+e)(V-u), where...
  43. seo_andromeda

    Transforming FERMI SMARTS data from magnitude to flux

    I'm using data from the FERMI SMARTS website, which gives the emissions of blazers. The data has been calibrated using differential photometry (dividing by the average magnitude of a number of reference stars.) "The raw photometry of comparison stars in the field of the blazar was calibrated...
  44. A

    What is the magnitude of the final momentum?

    Homework Statement A 0.057 kg tennis ball moving west at 24 m s is hit in the opposite direction east with a tennis racket. The force acting on the ball during the hit is shown in the graph below. What is the magnitude of the final momentum of the tennis ball? A. 0.63 kgm s B. 1.37 kgm s C...
  45. gatita0225

    What is the magnitude of the aftershock

    Homework Statement An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.4 is 39 times as intense as an aftershock that occurs 5 hours later. What is the magnitude of the aftershock. Homework Equations m=log_10(i/i_0) The Attempt at a Solution I know that I what to find the magnitude m=log_10(39/i_0) I am...
  46. B

    What Is the Second Derivative for Phi in Particle Kinematics?

    Homework Statement L=18ft , theta-dot=8rpm or .83776 rad/s, omega = 1 rad/s, fi-0=70.5 and fi-1=24 Homework Equations - 3D motion[/B]The Attempt at a Solution I have come up with a ton of different answet inbetween 12-18 ft/s^2. Non have been correct[/B]
  47. S

    Magnitude of electric force on a proton

    Homework Statement Two protons are 2.5fm apart. What is the magnitude of the electric force on one proton due to the other proton? Homework Equations Fe = K|q1||q2| / r2 The Attempt at a Solution Fe = (9 x 109)x(1.6 x 10-19)2 / (2.5 x 10-15)2 Fe = 37 N I got the answer but I don't...
  48. M

    How Do You Find a Vector with a Specific Magnitude in the Opposite Direction?

    Homework Statement Find a vector in the direction opposite to <-4,1,2>, that has a magnitude of 3. Homework Equations I think that I did the first part of the problem correctly: <-4,1,2> magnitude= sqrt[ (-4)^2+1^2+2^2 ] = sqrt(16+1+4) = sqrt(21)...
  49. ORF

    Absolute Temperature & Entropy: Which is Lorentz Scalar?

    Hello In relativity, what magnitude is absolute*: temperature or entropy? *absolute = equal for all observers (= a Lorentz scalar) Thank you for your time :) Greetings!
  50. abm77

    Four charges equal in magnitude form a square

    Homework Statement Four charges equal in magnitude of 20.0 microC are placed on the four corners of a square with side length 0.180m. Determine the electric field at the centre of the square. (-q) ---------- (+q) l l l l l...