Major Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. neosoul

    Programs Black physics major - grad admissions

    Hi, everyone. I really, really want to go to graduate school. My focus will be AMO and I'm aiming for a PhD. However, I've looked through a lot of forums to see how others fared when offers rolled around. I also use this as a way to set goals. The problem is: I can't find a lot of people like me...
  2. J

    Engineering How can a junior physics major prepare for software jobs

    I’m currently a third year physics major who has realized that grad school probably isn’t the right path, as I’ve become anxious to finish school and start doing something more productive. I want to know what I should be doing now in order to be a good candidate for software engineering jobs...
  3. J

    Programs Structural Engineering/Construction Management Double Major?

    So I am currently starting my second year of college and after assessing my interests and abilities I have decided that construction is something that I have a background in and would really enjoy doing, as I am very hands on while also having a curiosity in engineering. Is it practical to...
  4. 1

    Schools Double Major in Applied Math and CS, Might Go To Grad School

    Hello, I'm currently a college student that is a CS major. I'm thinking about doing a double major in applied math, because I really enjoy it. I also plan on going to grad school to get either a PhD or a Master's degree in applied math. Is this a good path? Or should I go to grad school for CS...
  5. kuan9611

    Engineering Engineering Enrollment Statistics - Thoughts?

    Hi all! I'm an undergrad sophomore in engineering trying to decide on which major to pursue (namely civil/mechanical). Recently I came across this fascinating piece of publication, which contained a massive amount of data regarding engineering enrollments by major, demographic, and school...
  6. T

    Programs Need help deciding what to major in.... Want a career in AI

    I wanted to study physics when I was younger... took physics in high school and didn't enjoy it at all... kinematics is boring. And now when I look at physics subjects it's not as interesting as it used to be... like optics and waves(yawn) only thing that truly interested is astrophysics which...
  7. zombie

    Programs How to continue after a major academic failure

    [Big forewarning that this is a bit of a rant written by a sleep-deprived person at the edge of their wits, but I am genuinely asking for advice as well, if a bit desperately.] [tl;dr: I flunked out of one of the best undergrad physics programs in the US in my junior year due to health issues...
  8. L

    I want to find a cure for herpes. What should I major in?

    I want to find a cure for the herpes virus. How would I go about getting the education and qualifications needed?
  9. risp

    Engineering Suggest to me which engineering major should I go for

    I am currently in a high school IB student with Physics, Chemistry and Maths as HL. I want to take up a career in nuclear engineering but not as a researcher instead I want to solve real life problems and work in a power plant or a shipyard which makes nuclear-powered submarines and ships. I...
  10. davidbenari

    Programs EPhysics major taking 6 courses in CS/SE -- Which to choose?

    I'm an Engineering Physics major (basically the same as Physics) and recently I've developed an interest in working as a programmer. I will be allowed to take 6 additional CS/SE courses and I wanted to ask you which should I choose, that satisfies the following conditions: -They will give me...
  11. R

    Programs Physics Minor or Major for EECS Students?

    I'm majoring in ee for sure, maybe eecs if I get into Berkeley or MIT (unlikely but who knows what the future holds). I would also like to learn a lot of physics to build that kind of thinking and a solid background for situations in which I go into research and development in the industry. My...
  12. N

    Programs What Should a Freshman Physics Major Prioritize for Success?

    So I will be starting undergraduate study in Physics in the Fall. As of now, I am planning to get a Ph.D. in Physics, though it might be a bit too early for me to be saying this. What should my priorities be? My goal is to get into a top graduate school (e.g. MIT, Harvard, Princeton). Also, how...
  13. AustinTahir

    Programs  -- Choosing Major in Engineering

    Hey Guyz... I Need a little help deciding the type of engineering major I Should Persue... Lets limit our Discussion to two fields... 1. Mechanical Engineering ( From a Less Advanced University) 2. Industrial Engineering ( From a more advanced university). Let me tell you first that physics is...
  14. F

    Programs CS masters program for low major GPA

    Hello, I'm currently going into my fourth year in UC Berkeley this fall, studying Computer Science. My cumulative GPA is 3.56, however, my upper division CS gpa is a 3.2. I haven't done research before but I'm currently looking to do research this upcoming fall. Do I have a shot at top...
  15. J

    Programs What should I major in if I'm not passionate about anything?

    So I’ve just turned twenty-one years old as of May 2016, and I will be a third year physics major starting in August for the Fall semester. I always hated school growing up, all throughout elementary, middle, and high school; I didn’t find any of the subjects interesting at all. When I was in my...
  16. Essence

    Programs Deciding between a math and physics major

    Okay. So I’m a rising Junior and in a bit of a dilemma. I have to pick a major and right now I’m trying to decide between math and physics (hard to do both because I’m taking a fair number of computer science, economics, mechanical engineering courses et cetera). There are things that I like and...
  17. Eclair_de_XII

    Programs As a math major, should I study math as a hobby?

    Kind of a dumb question, but sometimes reading math books (most recently, a book on elementary probability) in addition to the coursework I already have for my summer session gets to be a bit too stressing. I feel like I should have math as a hobby as someone who is majoring in it. I mean, I...
  18. N

    Programs Double major in Astrophysics and Engineering Physics?

    I am going to be a high school senior this fall and I want to pursue a career in astrophysics, but the amount of jobs is small, so would it be a good idea to double major in astrophysics and engineering physics? I was also wondering what other engineering majors can go with astrophysics. Also I...
  19. S

    Programs Double major in physics and MechE... Help/Guidance?

    Hello PhysicsForums members, I'm a new member here (yet that's a different story) and in a bit of a dilemma. I recently finished my junior year of high school and will be a senior come August, quickly putting me in the stressful position of all that revolves around college applications and...
  20. F

    Understanding the Formulas for Major Head Loss in Pipes

    Homework Statement why the author use major loss due to fluid friction is fL(Q^2) / 3(d^5) ? according to darcy weisbech , the major loss due to friction has the formula of fL(v^2) / 2gD why the author wrote it as fL(Q^2) / 3(d^5) ? I don't understand Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a...
  21. tommyxu3

    Programs Can a math major excel in physics research?

    Hi, guys. I'm interested in so issues. Everyone says math provides a solid bedrock for physics, of course and other science. But does there really exist someone deciding to devote himself to physics research, but take the major in mathematics in college? I have heard Feynman is in the major of...
  22. Integreat

    Programs Why do I have to take "Calc-Based Physics"as a Math major?

    Hi, why do I have to take calculus based physics, if I'm a math major? I don't mind taking algebra based physics like i did in high school. But WHYYYY calc based physics? Any wise man out there mind to give a piece of advice? I never find interests in physics, how well I will do if I just know...
  23. D

    Programs Planning on doing the physics GRE (not a physics major)

    Hi everyone, I've read a few posts on this forum and thought they were helpful enough that I should try to get some help as well. My situation is a little unusual in that I am a third year undergraduate student majoring in biochemistry, minoring in mathematics. I want to tackle biological...
  24. obstinatus

    Programs Should I Switch from Physics to Economics for Better Career Prospects?

    As I've posted in another thread, I'm struggling with having failed to make significant progress in my physics degree; continuing to pursue it as an undergraduate major would likely result in another two years of school (and including a couple semesters off, I've already been an undergrad for 5...
  25. A

    Programs How useful would Chemistry be as a 2nd major to Physics

    So this upcoming fall I'm beginning college and decided to pursue a BS in Physics. Although I'm not exactly sure what field I want to pursue in physics, I think I want go into quantum mechanics after I graduate and obtain my PhD. Although I love chemistry, it's not what I want to do as a career...
  26. G

    Programs What Are the Requirements for a Physics Major in the US or Canada?

    I am currently studying mechanical engineering(M.E.) in India. I want to pursue physics as my major in US or Canada. I need to know what are the requirements for that if i want to be accepted in a good school for masters and what extra for physics should i do side by side with my current M.E...
  27. S

    Schools What grad school majors would work for ChemE undergrad major

    I am currently high school Junior (soon to be senior) who plans to major in Chemical engineering. I know I want to go into research but I do not know what I want to specialize in. I plan to major in chemical engineering because it gives a good knowledge base for chemistry and physics both of...
  28. jaskamiin

    Programs Math minor, double major, and elective classes advice

    There's a lot of questions that float around like "I'm an EE major, should I double/minor in math?", "What math classes should I take as a physics major?", etc. After I typed in the title, this already started to show. Maybe you will disagree with some philosophical points I make, but I think...
  29. H

    Physics Career after Computer Science and Physics double major

    I am currently still a high school student but i will be going to university next year. I've long decided to take a double major of physics and computer science. I can get a scholarship for undergrad. But my question is about after I get my Bachelors Degrees in both computer science and physics...
  30. RoboNerd

    Programs Doing a Math major on top of computer engineering/science

    Hi everyone. I am a rising high school senior. This summer, I plan to study for fun Electricity and Magnetism from a college textbook that a friend gave me, do some calculus, and do some C++ programming [C++ How to Program is the book I am using]. I am a mathematically, logically constructed...
  31. R

    Programs Should I double major in EE and Physics

    A little bit of background: I'm 26 years old, and I just finished my first year back at school. I previously got a degree in Economics but hated the field. Now I've discovered that I really enjoy Physics and Electrical Engineering. Thankfully, I got scholarships the first time through school...
  32. S

    MHB Exploring Linear Algebra as a Computer Science Major

    Computer science major here. I recently completed calculus I, II, III. Now I know that I'll probably be required to take linear algebra. So far, I expect to do some Gaussian elimination (assuming I know what a row echelon is). What else should I expect from linear algebra?
  33. MidgetDwarf

    Programs Math and Physics Double Major?

    I will be attending Cal State Long Beach as a math major in the fall semester. I have completed Calculus(1,2,3), Intro Linear Algebra, Intro to ODE, and Discrete Mathematics. All my general education is completed. I will be 26 years old this year with no kids. I do not really care for going out...
  34. I

    Programs SFU Honors Physics vs uAlberta Physics Major

    Hi PhysicsForums, I just finished my second year at a Canadian community college (Langara) with a 3.8/4.33 gpa for the year and am currently weighing my options for universities. The universities I'm considering are uAlberta, SFU, and uVic. As I understand, the physics programs at these...
  35. F

    Calculating Major Head Loss Due to Pipe Friction

    1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known i am having problem of finding the major loss caused by pipe friction in this question. the formula of major loss is given by fL(V^2) / 2gD , how to get the total length of pipe so that i can gt the major head loss? . Relevant equationsThe...
  36. E

    Programs What branch of engineering to major in for biomedical?

    So, right now I'm a junior in high school and looking to go to college for engineering. I still haven't decided on a specific branch of engineering, but one that I'm interested in is biomedical engineering. The colleges that I've been looking at don't have a major in biomedical, but some have a...
  37. F

    Engineering Chemistry or Engineering major for environmentally-minded?

    Hi! I'm entering college this Fall and I'm not sure whether I want to pursue a Chemistry degree or an Engineering degree. The college I'll be attending has a very strong chemistry program, and a comparably weaker engineering program, but they have both programs nonetheless. I'm interested in...
  38. gracy

    Can You Differentiate A-T and T-A Base Pairs in DNA Grooves?

    I know major groove occurs where the backbones are far apart and minor groove occurs where they are close together. But I don't understand it. I don't see any difference in both of these grooves
  39. Z

    Programs Can't make up my mind (switched my major 10+ times in 2 year

    So I am a 2nd year community college student (will have to stay here an extra year), and I can't make up my mind on what I want to major in. Here's a list of everything I've switched my major to (1) Started off college doing computer science (2) Switched to premed chemistry (3) Decided not to...
  40. ujjwal3097

    Schools Which university should I choose for physics major?

    Hi everyone I am an international students from India. I have applied to few Canadian and American universities. I want to study physics and maths as a double major in college. I am a bit confused and not able to make a good decision. I have been admitted to the following universities...
  41. StrangeCharm

    Declared Physics Major - Exciting News!

    Hi all. I just thought I'd share the news that I officially declared my physics major! I also got keys to the science building and labs, which is nice :)
  42. Z

    Programs Which choice is best for a Physics major?

    I have recently been accepted as a major in Physics to UCR, UCI, and UCSB. I know that UCSB is the highest ranked of all the UC's in Physics particularly (except Berkeley, which I did not get in to), but my main dilemma here is that there are other factors in play. With where I live, I could...
  43. yeezyseason3

    Programs Double major in aerospace engineering and physics?

    I understand that this question has already been asked but I am still not satisfied with the answers given. My original plan was to do applied physics with a specialty in astrodynamics and propulsion with a minor in astronomy. Unfortunately most of the classes with in the aero department were...
  44. J

    Schools Major GPA vs cumulative GPA for grad school

    I want to apply to graduate school for physics but I'm worried that my cumulative GPA might be too low. My GPA within the physics major is 4.0, but my cumulative GPA is 3.1. I started college in electrical engineering but wasn't happy in the major, and my grades were not very good. I have...
  45. S

    Programs What are my options with a 2.54 physics major GPA?

    HI, So I am graduating this Spring 2016 with an overall gpa of 2.91 and a major physics gpa of 2.54. I have talk with some of my physics professors about the possibilities of going to grad school, and they told me that it is up to me if I feel prepared, but based on my physics upper division...
  46. Junaid Aftab

    Schools Graduate School for a non-Physics (Econ and Math) major

    Hi everyone, I'm currently a third year Economics major hoping to switch to the Economics and Mathematics by the end of this year. Considering I should have been a Physics major in the first place, I have started taking Physics course starting from my third year in an attempt to eventually go...
  47. A

    Programs What's the Best Option? EE/CS Dual Major vs CE

    I'm still exploring which field is for me, and to ask which is better would be pointless. So instead I want to know: what exactly is the difference between a Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Dual Major/Degree as opposed to a Computer Engineering Major? I realize computer engineering...
  48. jedishrfu

    Is Being a Math Major Really That Difficult?

    An interesting take on being a math major: Though some are dumbed down. Over to @micromass for verification.
  49. SrVishi

    Prob/Stats Which Advanced Math Courses Prepare a Math Major for Statistics?

    Hello, I am looking to learn statistics. What would be a good rigorous statistics book for someone who is completely comfortable with proofs?
  50. davenn

    Major M 7.8 quake SW of Sumatra, Indonesia

    The M 7.8 event was centred some 800km SW of Sumatera. This is the largest event, world wide so far this year Time: 2016-03-02 12:49:48 UTC Location: 4.908°S 94.275°E Depth: 24.0 km A tsunami alert was released but canceled soon after. Here is a tectonic summary from the USGS this event wiped...