Major Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. P

    Programs Not enough intelligence for physics major

    I'm looking for physics majors or grads that may have been in my situation. Recently I started studying physics in my spare time (enter University in a few months) and I really struggled with one dimensional motion...which was the first chapter of the book. It took me days to understand the...
  2. L

    Can I get into geology with a major in physics

    I want to get a career in geology but the school I am going to doesn't offer that. I am going because it is close to home and I am playing sports there. Can I get into geology with a major in physics or should I think of another career choice?
  3. ZapperZ

    Programs The Life of a Physics Major - Comments

    ZapperZ submitted a new PF Insights post The Life of a Physics Major Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  4. A

    Programs Double major in physics and CS general questions

    I am currently junior in high school and I am thinking about double major in physics and computer science. But there are some generals questions that I don't really understand. As far as I understand for each major you have classes that you have to take. If the classes overlap then you just...
  5. D

    Programs Best double major for Electrical Engineering? CS or Physics?

    I'm hoping to work in an Astronomy-related field. My dream would be NASA, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm currently working on my Electrical Engineering BS. What would the best double major be to compliment my end goals, Computer Science or Physics? Thank you!
  6. davenn

    Major quake in eastern New Britain PNG NOW

    Eastern New Britain is being severely rattled over the last week starting on the 30th April with a M 6.7 and shortly after a M 6.8 followed by numerous aftershocks over the last 5 days. A M 7.4 has now hit the same area as can be seen, the seismo...
  7. N

    Programs Should You Pursue a Minor Alongside a Double Major in STEM?

    Hi everyone, I have a question about the intricacies of Majors and Minors. Not sure if the topic/prefix is correct, any mod that thinks it should be under something else please go ahead and change it. But my question is regarding the specifics and impacts of majors and minors. I plan on...
  8. T

    Engineering What engineering major revolving around space should I choos

    I'm a freshman in high school (i know I'm young) but I have a driving interest in space and technology i like to work with my hands and or computer so I thought it would be a good idea to study areospace engineering but I rethought and decided I don't really like the idea of flying I just like...
  9. kkefalas

    Programs Don't Need Chemistry as a Physics Major?

    I'm a Physics major, and I've heard most universities require that you take Chemistry. My school doesn't require this. Is it still beneficial to get some chemistry under my belt?
  10. G

    Programs Double major in math & physics- worth the extra time/money?

    I'll keep it short and sweet. - Planning on going into the field of astrophysics. That's all I know for now. - As of now, I'm going to graduate this December with a bachelor's degree in physics. - If I stay an extra semester, I can also obtain a bachelor's in math. - Already in debt. - Living...
  11. Hugo S

    General Equation of the Line of the Major Axis of an Ellipse

    This is a question I have been playing with this week out of curiosity but I keep coming up against brick walls and unenlightening results. Given the equation of an ellipse, say $$ x^{2} - xy + y^2 = 2, $$ I would like to find the equation of the line which passes through the major axis. I...
  12. S

    Programs EE & CS dual major or one BS and a MS. Long but detailed

    Im debating between two options. Background: I started out as ME and then transferred early to EE. Currently I'm 1/3 of the way to an EE bachelor and a few CS classes deep. First I was thinking of doing a CS minor with my EE major (5 years), but then I realized that with an extra year of...
  13. Crush1986

    Programs Which Linear Algebra Concepts Are Essential for Physics Majors?

    I'm a physics major taking Linear Algebra right now. It's been pretty boring but I'm doing well. I'm just wondering about which concepts from this subject should I really focus on understanding and knowing how to apply well? Obviously I'm focusing on everything and trying to receive and A in...
  14. AceTrainerBlue

    Programs What goes with a Computer Science major?

    Hi, guys. Computer science is hands-down, without-a-doubt in my mind the most interesting and passionate subject that I love. For myself, I feel very lucky that I was capable of finding what I truly love at such an early age in my childhood. Computer science is without a doubt going to be my...
  15. grandpa2390

    Programs Best Minor for a Physics Major with these goals

    So I am majoring in Physics due to its flexibility (and my love of the subject), but I never intended on going into research. I finally think I've decided what I want to do. I either want to go into some sort of economics/finance (a graduate student I knew got an offer from a major bank), or I...
  16. D

    Engineering Electrical Engineer major taking electrician internship?

    Currently in my 3rd year in college of engineering, and I recently got offered a HV electrician intern for the DoD. Is worth taking? Being that its different towards my degree.
  17. KonaGorrila

    Programs What would be a good degree to accompany a Physics Major?

    Aloha, I am majoring in physics but have finished all my requirements outside of the physics field. So I am stuff taking only physics and math and want to become full time. Does anyone have suggestions on what would be a good second major/minor to accompany physics? I am thinking chemistry...
  18. J

    Programs Aerospace and Physics Double/Dual Major

    So, I am getting close to college (going to Mississippi State), and I know I want to do ASE and Physics (pref. Theoretical). MSU doesn't offer Engineering Physics or I would do that, but on the bright side I worked my ass offin high school, and I am transferring with 33 dual enrollment hours. My...
  19. davenn

    Did You Feel the Major Quake in PNG? Check Out the Seismograms!

    M 7.5 just tailing off, located in the channel between eastern New Britain and southern New Ireland, PNG my seismograms ... hi gain channel... low gain channel ...
  20. J

    Schools What are the options for transferring engineering credits between colleges?

    Ok so I'm a senior in high school right now. I want to be a mechanical engineer and would like to get my masters and I also love physics but I'm going to a school that only offers engineering technology and physics (I understand the basic difference between engineering and engineering technology...
  21. R

    Programs Possible double major: abstract algebra or otherwise?

    I found out I can pick up a second major in math should I elect to take a two semester sequence in abstract algebra. My first major is in chemical engineering. Right now, I plan on taking a two semester sequence in either: 1) probability with measure theory, 2) abstract algebra (Dummit and...
  22. M

    Overcoming the First-Year Physics Wall: Advice for Struggling Students

    I'm a first year physics major, and I feel like I'm hitting a wall in physics. I have been doing well in physics so far, even though I have been studying more and more and I just feel like I am hitting a wall and not learning anything. Even though I still like physics a lot, I'm losing the...
  23. M

    Minoring in Physics: Choosing Between Chemistry & Geology

    I'm currently doing a bachelors degree in applied physics, which minor goes along with physics? Chemistry or Geology? Which is in demand? (Our minors are 18 credit hours)
  24. A

    Best major to become operations research analyst?

    What is the best major to become an operations research analyst? Most schools don't offer majors in operations research or industrial engineering (mine doesn't!), so what is the next best alternative?
  25. M

    Becoming a Physics Professor: Advice for OSU First-Year Student

    I'm currently a first-year student at OSU, and I'm a physics major. My first semester I got 2 C's and an A(college was harder than I expected and I didn't study a lot). This semester I am doing much better in my classes, getting close to straight A's but I was talking to someone and they said...
  26. N

    Programs Double Major Physics and Environmental Studies

    So I'm really interested in climate science and I would possibly like to advise the government/world on climate policy as well as maybe go into environmental engineering. I'm also contemplating doing research in computational modeling since I enjoy CS. I was thinking of majoring in Physics and...
  27. Crush1986

    Best way to learn computer language for physics major

    It seems being able to program is a very valuable tool to a student studying physics (about to be a 3rd year). I'm transferring from a CC to a four year soon. I noticed a lot of the universities I've been accepted to have had their sophomores take some programming this year. Over the summer...
  28. B

    Programs Consecuences of leaving a CS major for physics

    Hey, there. I am reading this forum for close to a year and it seems to have knowlagable people. I am in a little academic crisis right now. I'll start by saying I was enrolled in a CS/Physics double major. I actually started University 7 years ago, and returned just now, at age 26. I was...
  29. ellipsis

    Programs Transferring to 4-year from CC, want to change major

    Transferring to 4-year from CC, and I want to change my program of study from computer science to modeling & simulation engineering. I would like to do this while still achieving my bachelor's in a reasonable time-frame. I have been admitted to the university of my choice, but I have not been...
  30. R

    Programs Want to major in computer science, but dont like programming

    Hello all. I am at an impasse with what I want to do with the rest of my life. Academics wise, I have always had an interest in maths and science and history. There is no greater feeling in the world than solving a problem you have been stuck on for hours. I was researching potential degree...
  31. A

    Programs Changing my major from marketing to physics

    I'm currently in my junior year of college at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (yes, the one without the football program) majoring in marketing. I decided on marketing because it was easy, and I just wanted to get through school. Having been in business courses for around 3 years now, I...
  32. A

    Can I put on my resume "Applied Stats Major" instead?

    Hi, I will be majoring in Statistics at SFSU. However, while the curriculum is that of an Applied Statistics major (below is a link to a chart of the three offered emphasis, which we must choose one of out of ). Why, then, does the school call it "Statistics" instead of "applied Statistics"? And...
  33. M

    Programs Advice for 1st Year Physics Major: Struggles & Successes

    I am a first year physics major, and last semester I did poorly in calc and physics, due to a lack of studying and being new to college and all that. This semester I am destroying physics so far (not cocky, I have been studying and getting A's on most quizzes), but I am only doing average in...
  34. A

    Most employable emphasis for Applied Statistics major? Above is a link to the list of the three different emphasis offered at my university for statistics major (it is named "statistics" major but has an "applied statistics" curriculum). Please tell me which emphasis of the three you think is most employable...
  35. R

    Programs Math major wanting to be a programmer

    I am a math major and I will be a senior next semester. I am wondering if I can get a career in programming without a CS degree? Should I stay in school and get a second degree or can I go get a masters in programming? Or I don't have to do either and still land a career in programming with only...
  36. M

    Programs Careers with a CS/physics double major?

    I've been doing CS for a year now with the intention to get into software development/software engineering. I decided to do a physics major in addition to my current CS degree. My main reasoning was that there's some overlap in science and CS. So getting a physics degree puts me in a place where...
  37. N

    Programs Essential classes for physics major?

    Hello, I'm not yet at the University level, but I was just wondering what core (meaning physics and math) classes are important for someone going into physics. Some background on my education thus far, I took Algebra 1 in 7th grade, Geometry in 8th, algebra 2 in 9th, doubled up on math in 10th...
  38. QuantumThinker

    Programs Bs.physics (optics) or major in physics minor in C.S

    hi guys ! i am currently in my 3rd year of my B.s in physics with a specialization in optics , but , i don't like optics at all , so i had this idea of taking a major in physics and minor in computer science. i would like to know if you think its a good combination . need some insights...
  39. P

    Schools Local university doesn't offer physics major

    I've ran into a problem where my local University, that I would be able to attend for no cost due to my close proximity (staying at home) and scholarships, does not offer physics as a major, only a minor. If I were to attend a different University, my scholarships wouldn't cover my costs due to...
  40. K

    Schools Major in Physics with computer science minor? Grad schools?

    Hi there, I'm very interested in physics and want to major in it and minor in computer science and then get my masters. However, I think that a job in software engineering (something like developing software for physical science (physics, astronomy, meteorology, geology, etc.) or scientific...
  41. hgducharme

    Physics vs. Engineering undergrad for industry aspirations?

    First, I would like to thank in advance to anybody who takes the time to read this and provide any feedback. Your help is greatly appreciated! I’m a first year undergrad and my passion is studying physics. I find myself 95% of the time looking up things that pertain to physics & science rather...
  42. kelsey

    Programs Majoring in Chemistry & Physics: Guide

    i am looking for something that includes both chemistry and physics thank you
  43. D

    Programs Mechanical engineering major problem

    I am currently a freshman getting my undergrad in Physics, but I want to be a mechanical engineer. However, my school does not offer a degree in mechanical engineering. I would consider transferring out, but I have a full ride. The physics department at my school is also fairly good and they...
  44. D

    Programs Physics/CS Double Major: Advice Needed

    Hey guys, I just started my second semester of a physics degree at a fairly unknown university. Anyway, due to AP credits and some community college classes I took in HS, it seems to me that with some careful planning I can finish the degree in ~2 -2.5 years. I was debating on whether or not a...
  45. stardust

    Programs Questions about triple major feasibility

    I know there have been other questions directed about this, but I haven't seen any specifically related to my particular point of view on this. Also, sorry for the length of this post, I'm long winded. I've asked in another thread (which many were kind enough to give some guidance in) about...
  46. A

    Computer science major = waste of youth?

    I'm a computer science major, and i feel like I'm wasting my youth learning things that soon will no longer be useful. IT is evolving at such an explosive rate that what i learn today may change tomorrow. For example, the textbooks we use right now would be of no use to us in a decade, but the...
  47. N

    Programs Astro vs Chemistry for Physics Major

    Hi all. I'm a prospective physics major, hoping to either go into particle physics or condensed matter research or enter tech if research doesn't turn out to be for me. I was wondering which elective I should choose for next semester--astro 101 or Chemistry 1 or CS 1? Will chemistry help me with...
  48. N

    Programs Statistics vs. Astronomy for Physics Major

    I am currently signing up for classes next semester. I am already taking Linear Algebra, Physics 2 + Lab, and a required writing course. As my fourth choice I can either take Astronomy + Lab or Introduction to Probability and Statistics. The pros of statistics are that there is no lab, which...
  49. C

    Programs Turning point - currently Biochem major but

    So I sucked at science and math in high school, therefore my foundation in these subjects sucked. Senior year I had a biology teacher that really allowed me to discover the wonder of science and to ask deeper questions about biology, physics, the universe, etc. So I changed from my...
  50. M

    Advice for an Undergraduate Physics major looking for focus

    I am a sophmore physics major, and I'm trying to decide on a concentration. I'm very interested in psychology, and am trying to find a way to combine the two, but I doubt that with the time remaining that I could even minor in bio or psychology in the time remaining to me. If I wish to pursue...