Manipulation Definition and 192 Threads

  1. H

    MHB Manipulation of negative square root of a negative term/#

    Suppose I have to solve for y: x\leq 1 (x - 1)^{2} = y So I know that (x - 1) will always be 0 or a negative, therefore I must take the negative square root of (x - 1): -\sqrt{(x - 1)^{2}} = -\sqrt{y} Am I to understand that this is the same as: -1 \cdot \sqrt{(x - 1)^{2}} = -1 \cdot...
  2. Q

    How Do Ket Vectors Change When Working With Bra Tensor Products?

    Hey guys, I need some help understanding some very basic quantum manipulation techniques. If I am working out the bra version of a tensor product on some ket vectors, do the two ket vectors change from |v1>|v2> to <v1|<v2|, or to <v2|<v1|. Or, to put in context, if I measure an operator...
  3. N

    How can the square root be eliminated in this algebraic manipulation problem?

    Homework Statement Simplify so that there is no square root function. Leave it in terms of S S = xc^2 / (1 - 2Gy/rc^2)^1/2 s = \frac{xc^2}{(1-\frac{2Gy}{rc^2})^{1/2}} Attempt I've tried too many things, it would be too cumbersome to copy all of it down.
  4. N

    DE - Solutions By Substitutions (algebraic manipulation problem)

    I can't for the life of me understand how the book went from step A to step B--even though I realize its just a pesky algebraic manipulation. Step A M(1,u) dx +N(1,u)[u dx+ x du] = 0 Step B [M(1,u) + uN(1,u) ]dx + xN(1,u)du = 0 Step A to Step B? I tried factoring and tinkering around...
  5. D

    Beta - special functions - manipulation

    Homework Statement I have this incomplete Beta function question I need to solve using the Beta function. \int^{a}_{0}y^{4}\sqrt{a^{2}-y^{2}}dy Homework Equations Is there an obvious substitution which will help convert to a variant of Beta? Beta function and variants are in Beta_function...
  6. 1

    Circle radius 0, algebraic manipulation

    Homework Statement Going over some old tests, I am asked to find the contour of the function: T = 100 - x^2 - y^2 at T = 100, T = 0, etc. I have a question regarding the contour at T = 100 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Consider T = 100 100 = 100 - x^2...
  7. T

    Manipulation of an analytic function

    Can anyone point out a way to get f(z) = z + e^h(z) into the form f(z) = (1-e^(z*h(z)))/z I have used all of the algebra tricks I know and it seems to be going nowhere.
  8. A

    The Kepler Orbits (algebra manipulation)

    Homework Statement We have proved that any Kepler orbit can be written in the form of r(\phi) = \frac{c}{1+\epsilon*cos(\phi)} where c>0 \epsilon\geq 0. for the case that 0 \leq \epsilon < 1, rewrite this equation in rectangular coordinates (x,y) and prove that the equation can be cast in...
  9. N

    Not so basic algebraic fraction manipulation

    Homework Statement I am told this is wrong, but I am convinced it is right. I just need to show how but don't have a clue. Homework Equations (ab)/(2c(d+e))+(ab)/(2c(d-e))=(abd)/(c(d^2-e^2)) The Attempt at a Solution I do not have a clue where to start. I am clueless as...
  10. T

    Integral Manipulation: Solving Complex Integrals with q>p>-1 and w=\cosh(x)

    If q>p>-1 and w=\cosh(x) then how do I get smoothly from: \displaystyle \int^{\infty}_1 \sinh^{p-1}(x) w^{-q} \;dw to \displaystyle \int^{\infty}_1 (w^2-1)^{\frac{p-1}{2}} w^{-q}\;dw and if t=w^{-2} how do I get smoothly from this to: \displaystyle \frac{1}{2} \int^{\infty}_0 t^{\frac{p+1}{2}-1}...
  11. E

    Using Algebraic Manipulation to evaluate a limit

    Homework Statement limx→3 (x2+5x+2) ÷ x2-6x+92. The attempt at a solution You cannot solve through direct substitution because the denominator comes out to equal 0, and you cannot divide by 0. Thus, I factored the lower terms to reach the following: (x-3)2 or (x-3)(x-3). However, to my...
  12. 1

    A blue j string manipulation problem(its simple but still i can't figure it out)

    Homework Statement Well this actually a part of a different problem and there i want to make use of subscript function but its giving a funny problem . it's like this: public class test { void main(String m) { int a =m.length(),b=0; System.out.println(m.subscript(b,a)); } }...
  13. S

    Math Manipulation: Why Does l Approach Infinity?

    Why does when l approaches infinity? This would mean that but I don't understand why that would be true. Thanks!
  14. L

    Fortran Fortran - compilator dependent, intrinsic array manipulation, memory problem

    Welcome all, I have a following code: program aaaa implicit none double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: inp,outp integer ::n,i read(*,*) n allocate(inp(n),outp(n)) write(*,*) allocated(inp), allocated(outp) write(*,*) inp(1) inp=cshift(outp,-size(outp)/2)...
  15. A

    Can matter and anti matter manipulation be used for replication of

    can matter and anti matter manipulation be used for replication of cells
  16. X

    How Do You Solve for Variables in Algebraic Equations?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution well all we have to do is sove for the variable indicated...but i really don't understand how to solve for the...
  17. S

    Justification for differential manipulation in work-KE theorem proof

    Hi, this question is about the mathematical justification for a physics topic so hopefully this is the right forum. All the proofs of the work-KE theorem I have found go something like this: W= int(F)dx from x1 to x2 = m(int(dv/dt))dx from x1 to x2 = m(int((dv/dt)v)dt from t1 to t2 =...
  18. K

    Symbolic manipulation program required

    Hi... I have just started using GRtensor... I realize that the calculations in GRtensor have to be done only after specifying a metric... Is there any package which can directly do symbolic manipulation without using the metric?
  19. S

    Extremely Advanced Materials from Manipulation of Space-time

    Hello everyone, I'm a new member of the Physics Forums, and not a physicist by specialization, so please have mercy :-) I'm a linguist by training, and by profession a writer of fiction and role-playing games. I'm currently in the process of getting my first science-fiction novel...
  20. A

    How Are Tensor Indices Ordered in Calculations?

    I would welcome advice on the practical issues of manipulating tensor indices, in particular how to determine the order of indices during calculations. Some of the following questions are probably simplistic but I have been unable so far to find a consistent answer. 1) Some texts use a unique...
  21. A

    How to Find Orthonormal Kets for Commuting Degenerate Operators?

    Homework Statement I've solved my problem now. I was trying to show that LHS=RHS: (|+><-| + |-><+|)^2 = (|+><+| + |-><-|) this can be done by using <-|->=1 (normalization) and <x|->=0 (orthogonal). LHS: (|+><-||+><-|) + (|+><-||-><+|) + (|-><+||+><-|) + (|-><+||-><+|) = 0 + |+><+| + |-><-|...
  22. Y

    Why Are Differentials Treated Like Fractions?

    Hey everyone! This has always been a source of confusion for me that everyone seems to play around with dx and dy as if they were variables while in many sources it was stated that they are purely symbolic. For example, in the integral, dx is purely symbolic. If I'm not misunderstanding, dx is...
  23. A

    How Can Two Electron Beams Be Manipulated to Merge and Exit on a Parallel Path?

    I have an engineering problem that I have to solve. Imagine that we have two electron beams, one originates from a heading of 0, coming toward point A. A line between the origin of beam 1 and point A would create a line of heading 0. Now a second beam, beam 2, originates from a heading of...
  24. D

    Who used a trignometric formula to estimate pi to 16 decimal places?

    How does √(2(2r+r√3) simpilfy to r√(2r+√3) ? Read about the formula in a book about Jamshid al-Kashi, the great Iranian astronomer who used the above formula to determine pi to 16 decimal places. All help is much appreciated.
  25. B

    Manipulation of Wave Packet and Plane Wave

    Homework Statement Consider this wave packet: \Psi(x)=A exp \left[\frac{i(p + \Delta p)x}{\hbar}\right] + A exp \left[\frac{i(p - \Delta p)x}{\hbar}\right] (from a previous problem) This time-dependent form of the packet is: \Psi(x)=A exp \left[\frac{i(p_{1}x-E_{1}t)}{\hbar}\right] + A exp...
  26. L

    Correct Algebraic Manipulation of Partial Derivative Operations

    Homework Statement Hello, recently in my calculus III class we went over some problems of the following form: If 'for some given equation' show: x(fx) +y(fxy) +fx= 0 For some examples I was playing around with the operations BEFORE I dived in and started solving for fx and fy and got...
  27. Evo

    Medical Can parasitic worms be used as a treatment for diseases like ulcerative colitis?

    I've been reading about parasitic host manipulation and was amused by the section on T. gondii (cat poop parasite) and it's effects on human behavior, especially on women. Look what the cat dragged in: do parasites contribute to human cultural diversity? Kevin D. Lafferty∗ page 280...
  28. I

    Advice on a book for expression manipulation?

    Books for self-teaching previously taken math courses, and other problems :) What I want to focus on: While I am a CS student, I am also interested in mathematics subjects as a whole and want to re-familiarize myself with some of the courses I took in the past. I received high grades, but to...
  29. S

    Equation Manipulation with Differentiation or Integration?

    Solve the equation below to gain an expression for θ(t), where v, β and r₀ are constants and the only variables are time(t) and theta(θ): vt=r₀θ+βθ²/2 The exercise is based upon the spiral data track of a compact disc and either side of the equation is equal to the displacement. I’ve...
  30. F

    Tips For Algebraic Manipulation

    I have a really bad math background, so sometimes I struggle with or am just a little slow with some algebraic things, while I can handle more abstract stuff fairly well. Lately I've been running into certain types of problems in my algebra class which are proving to be time-consuming for me...
  31. P

    Latent Heat and Clapeyron Equation Manipulation

    Hi, I just want to double check if the following is valid. However, I would just like to give you the context of my questions. Basically, I am passing a wire through ice, then I'm trying to figure out how an increase in mass (therefore force) affects the velocity at which the wire goes...
  32. D

    Bcs theroy, just an easy algebraic manipulation

    bcs theroy, just an "easy" algebraic manipulation Hi folks, i'm sitting here for hous and I'm wondering, how one can find formula 3.35' on page 61 in Tinkham's book: I think, it...
  33. A

    Manipulating 2nd Order Tensor Expression: Isolating Q

    Given the expression \textbf{A} = \textbf{Q} : \textbf{B} where A and B are second order tensors of rank 2 and Q is a second order tensor of rank 4. How can I manipulate this expression to calculate for Q given A and B? In other words, isolate Q on one side of the equation. Thank...
  34. V

    Manipulating the Symple Equation to Solve for Initial Velocity

    Manipulate "d = 1/2 (Vf + Vi) t" to find Vi Heres my attempt: d = 1/2 (Vf + Vi) t d/2 = (Vf + Vi) t (d/2) / t = Vf + Vi ((d/2) / t) - Vf = Vf + Vi I am pretty confident that i did this right but the equation seems to be a little funny looking and I just want to confirm with some pros...
  35. mnb96

    Where Can I Find the Rules for Manipulating Infinitesimals?

    Hello, I have been thought differential-calculus ages ago, but now when started reading some physics books (where infinitesimal quantities are used again and again) I realized I know nothing about calculus. I am unable to specify where exactly my problem lies, but I guess it lies in how to...
  36. R

    Christoffel symbol manipulation

    Homework Statement If the basic equation for the Christoffel symbol is \Gamma^l_{ki} = \frac{1}{2} g^{lj} (\partial_k g_{ij} + \partial_i g_{jk} - \partial_j g_{ki}) so if you bring multiply the first metric into that equation, won't that turn the first two derivatives into derivatives...
  37. M

    Can Trigonometric Manipulation Affect Limit Calculations?

    Hi Given this limit \lim_{h \to 0} \frac{1-cos(h)}{h} = 0 can you rearrange (sin(x) (\frac{cos(h)-1}{h})) to (sin(x) \cdot -1 \cdot (\frac{1-cos(h)}{h})) so that when you take the limit as h goes to 0 you get: sin(x) x -1 x 0 = 0 thanks
  38. 6

    How to Manipulate Your Budget Line for Optimal Purchasing Power

    Homework Statement Your budget is such that if you spend your entire income, you can afford either 4 units of good x and 6 units of good y OR 12 units of x and 2 units of y. A) What is the ratio of the price of x to the price of y? B) If you spend all your income on x, how much x could...
  39. O

    Ridiculous manipulation question

    ECONOMETRICS CALCULUS. 1. The PRECEDING question and solution Differentiate with respect to b1 My solution: df(b0,b1)/db1 = 2Σ[(yi-b0-b1xi)*(-xi)] 2. the ACTUAL question By setting d,f(b0,b1)/d,b1 = 0, show that you obtain . (Hint: you will have to substitute b0 = yBAR -...
  40. O

    Differential/Integration equation manipulation

    Homework Statement a) Solve the differential equation dy/dx = x(y2+3)/y b) Find the unique function y(x) satisfying the differential equation with initial condition dy/dx = x2y, y(1) = 1 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution With question a) I am no entirely sure but...
  41. L

    How Does This Algebraic Equation Simplify to This Result?

    Homework Statement Was just wondering how this equation: (k*16*10^(-6))/d^2=(k*16e-6)/(30-d)^2 gets manipulated to produce this result 20(3-d)^2=d^2 d=2 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I've tried manipulating it myself but it ends up with me spiraling off into pages of...
  42. L

    Is the Integral Manipulation Explanation Correct?

    This wasn't obvious to me. From my book. We have, p(x)=\begin{cases} \frac{1}{2} & -2\leq x\leq-1\,\textrm{or}\;1\leq x\leq2,\\ 0 & \text{otherwise~}.\end{cases} So, the kth moment is given by M_{k}=\frac{1}{2}\int_{-2}^{-1}x^{k}dx+\frac{1}{2}\int_{1}^{2}x^{k}dx So, obviously...
  43. S

    Algebraic Manipulation: Solving Complex Equations

    Homework Statement Somehow the upper two statements are manipulated to get the lower one but i can't work out how... (see attatched image) Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution Oh you don't want to see mypages of scribble. I can't get close to that expression!
  44. R

    Tensor algabra, dummy indices manipulation

    Homework Statement Show by manipulating the dummy indices, that (Z\underline{abc} + Z\underline{cab} + Z\underline{bca})X\overline{a}X\overline{b}X\overline{c} = 3Z\underline{abc}X\overline{a}X\overline{b}X\overline{c} Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution This question...
  45. H

    How Does Fluid Dynamics Equation Manipulation Work?

    I am not entirely sure how some of these steps work. What I have so far (pardon any latex mistakes, I am new to it) K=\frac{\Delta P}{\Lambda Vol /Vol} change in pressure over volumetric strain = K the bulk modulus \rho Vol'= d \rho / dt (\frac{d P}{d t}/\frac{d \rho}{d t}*)\rho=K...
  46. Y

    Using delta epsilon. inequality manipulation

    Im having trouble proving limits of multivariable functions. I understand the principal behind delta-epsilon proofs but I can't get it to work. Once I set up the inequalities I am stuck. The only example in my book seems very convenient though . 3x^2 * abs(y) divided by x^2 + y^2...
  47. W

    Can I Separate a Constant and Variable Expression in Exponential Manipulation?

    Homework Statement I am working on a problem, and there is a small step I need help on: I have the expression eab, where a is a constant, and b is a variable. I need to separate a and b so I can pull out the expression b from an integral expression. Is there any exponent law or manipulation...
  48. Chewy0087

    Algebra Manipulation Homework: Finding Emax and Vmax in Mass-Density Equation

    Homework Statement sorry for another one of these threads...hopefully after this one i won't have to bug anyone else xS page 6 - Question 23 - ONLY HELP WITH THE SECOND HALF I NEED, the 'SHOW THAT...' BIT IS...
  49. D

    Very quick algebraic manipulation help

    Homework Statement x and y are actually variables for another problem I have, but that doesn't matter. Given: \frac{X+Y}{X-Y}*Z_{0} = Z_{L} The Attempt at a Solution I'm trying to solve for Y here. I have the answer, it's part of my notes, but I can't work out the algebra to...
  50. R

    What is the Manipulation of Algebraic Expressions?

    Homework Statement I need some help with this Algebra problem. In the following I don't know how they manipulated the RHS to get to the LHS: Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution \frac{1}{4}(k+1)^2 .k^2 + (k+1)^3...