What is Mathematics: Definition and 996 Discussions

Mathematics (from Greek: μάθημα, máthēma, 'knowledge, study, learning') includes the study of such topics as quantity (number theory), structure (algebra), space (geometry), and change (analysis). It has no generally accepted definition.Mathematicians seek and use patterns to formulate new conjectures; they resolve the truth or falsity of such by mathematical proof. When mathematical structures are good models of real phenomena, mathematical reasoning can be used to provide insight or predictions about nature. Through the use of abstraction and logic, mathematics developed from counting, calculation, measurement, and the systematic study of the shapes and motions of physical objects. Practical mathematics has been a human activity from as far back as written records exist. The research required to solve mathematical problems can take years or even centuries of sustained inquiry.
Rigorous arguments first appeared in Greek mathematics, most notably in Euclid's Elements. Since the pioneering work of Giuseppe Peano (1858–1932), David Hilbert (1862–1943), and others on axiomatic systems in the late 19th century, it has become customary to view mathematical research as establishing truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms and definitions. Mathematics developed at a relatively slow pace until the Renaissance, when mathematical innovations interacting with new scientific discoveries led to a rapid increase in the rate of mathematical discovery that has continued to the present day.Mathematics is essential in many fields, including natural science, engineering, medicine, finance, and the social sciences. Applied mathematics has led to entirely new mathematical disciplines, such as statistics and game theory. Mathematicians engage in pure mathematics (mathematics for its own sake) without having any application in mind, but practical applications for what began as pure mathematics are often discovered later.

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  1. Jarvis323

    Are there Physics and Mathematics Texts for Holistic Learners

    http://www.pssc.ttu.edu/techhort/lasrvy/l_h.htm My learning style seams to be more holistic than linear, but it appears to me that physics and especially mathematics texts are written in a way that is best suited for linear learners. They very often give little or no context or motivation as...
  2. G

    Foundations Intro to Proof (Foundational) Mathematics

    Hello, I'm trying to self teach myself Fundamental Mathematics. I looked around, but I wasn't sure what to look for exactly. I read the part on Set Theory in "Book of Proof" by Richard Hammack. I enjoyed it, but I wasn't sure if it is rigorous enough to stand against a college level course...
  3. B

    Programs Mathematics + Second Major (Microbiology or CS)?

    Dear Physics Forum personnel, I am an undergraduate pursuing a major in the mathematics. My current undergraduate project in the computational virology really got me interested in the worlds of microbiology. The project involves both the biology and computer science, which is specifically...
  4. N

    What are some engaging mathematics topics for a STEM Fair presentation?

    Hello all, hope all is well. I come seeking ideas to present at my college's STEM Fair coming up in a few months. To give you idea of my mathematical background, I am currently taking Differential Equations(ODE) and Discrete Math. I have completed Calc I,II, Vector Calculus and Linear...
  5. R

    How to calculate light intensity?

    I am calculating the light intensity of Mercury. I was given the average distance from the Sun in AU's which is 0.39. Using the formula (1/(d^2)), I solved for the light intensity relative to Earth which I found to be 6.57. I need to find the light intensity in (w/(m^2))
  6. RGalbiati

    Quantum Quantum mechanics (mathematics): exercise book

    Hi everybody I'm currently looking for an introductory quantum mechanics book which emphasizes the mathematical aspects of it. I especially need exercises in order to pass a written exam, but I'd like to have even lots of examples. I've already gone through the whole "Picasso" (it's an italian...
  7. faradayscat

    Brainstorm Ideas for Project - Get Suggestions on Differential Equations

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  8. RJLiberator

    Schools Major early in Mathematics, Graduate school for physics?

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  9. J

    Which Book Offers Intuitive Insights for Advanced Mathematical Methods?

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  10. B

    Other Interested in purchasing Russian textbooks in mathematics

    Dear Physics Forum friends, I recently got interested in the Russian textbooks in mathematics, which I am completely blown away by their exposition, insights, and excellent problem sets. I have been reading translated versions of Russian books written by authors like Kolmogorov, Arnold, and...
  11. C

    Programs What Makes a Mathematician? Exploring the Characteristics of a Pure Math Major

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  12. M

    Which Math Concepts Should I Relearn First?

    I am 15, didn't pay attention in school, because I thought it wasn't necessary, I am reviewing every mathematics concept I should know, but no clue which ones to start out with, anyone got a idea, and in which order I should relearn them in? (Just btw, I learn faster then others, I just wasn't...
  13. AndrewRibeiro

    What is the mathematics that took us to the moon?

    Are Newton's three laws all that was needed for the science that got us to the moon? Or did we need Einstein's theories to get there? I just started studying physics last week, so forgive me for my baseness.
  14. J

    Linear Algebra Which one of these Linear Algebra textbooks is the best?

    I want a good linear algebra textbook in order to learn to use linear algebra in physics but also to use it in more theoretical mathematics courses. I hope that with this poll i will also help others that want to study from a proper Linear Algebra textbook.
  15. The Eraser

    Physics and Mathematics (Mphys/Mmath/Msci) - careers?

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  16. W

    Relativity Mathematics book before General Relativity

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  17. G

    Intro Math Math Learning: VIC AUS High School Grad Looking for Resources

    Hi. I've recently finished high school and am planning to study science/physics, hence I'll be doing a lot of calculus courses but I'm looking to do more than that. I was looking to find some good sources, whether they be online or in textbook format or whatever. As for where I'm at currently, I...
  18. Aki's Notes

    Mathematics for Physics in Zurich 16/17

    Hello Board!By eluding most math class' and homework as a youngster I have deprived myself effectively of a tool on which I am dependent nowadays. My love for mathematics if ever existent was ephemeral, unpredictable in its manifestation. I would either almost fail the class or would have...
  19. Demystifier

    What is a Russian style in mathematics?

    Many times I have seen the claim that some text on mathematics is written in a "good Russian style". What does that mean? Somehow I've got an impression that it is a kind of opposite to the Bourbaki style. Namely, a Russian style would not consist of a dry series of abstract general theorems...
  20. Gjmdp

    I Is Mathematics Truly Limited by Physics?

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  21. Calaver

    How should I claim mathematics credit for self study?

    Hello everyone, I am currently a sophomore in high school (year 10 by the US system), with two years before I graduate to university. Last year, I began to learn calculus and physics on my own because they interested me. There is more to this story, but basically I seem to be at a crossroads now...
  22. T

    Programs Minor in Mathematics or Physics?

    Hi all, I'm currently a freshman studying electrical engineering and I was wondering whether I should try to minor in Mathematics or Physics as a supplement to my studies. I feel like both of them have their individual pros and cons, but I'm not sure exactly what they would be/how they would...
  23. I

    Looking for MS Mathematics with low tuition

    Hello Forum Members I have masters in physics and working in education field in India, but want to pursue higher studies in mathematics abroad. So I should start with MS in mathematics. I am looking for schools that offer MS in math but have low tuition for international students. So what would...
  24. faiziqb12

    What research basically is [in mathematics]

    I want to pursue a matametical career but all of us know that a good research career or even professorship at good universities needs a good amount of research papers. so what basically is research , is it contributing new things or giving depper understanding of a known fact for example a...
  25. moriheru

    Intro Math Foundations of Mathematics Book Search

    I am looking for a book concerning the foundations of mathematics. I am not talking about algebra or calculus but the foundation of the mathematical language( Axioms, sentential logic...). I hope you have understood the prior rubish. Thanks for any help.
  26. Bumpeh

    Math Tutoring: Refreshing Knowledge for Spring Semester

    Once the Spring Semester starts up, I'll be applying to become a mathematics tutor at my community college. I have good blessings for it from my Calculus Professor. I'll essentially be tutoring from basic developmental maths through precalculus and Calculus I. I've got the calculus down rather...
  27. M

    Analytical Expressions for Frequency Response

    Hi, I am struggling to understand the maths in the text shown below. (1) How does: r(t) = Acos(wt)+Bsin(wt) become; sqrt((A^2)+(B^2))cos(wt - arctan(B/A))? (2) He states that we can represent the input as a phasor and in one of three ways but doesn't say which one. (3) He then focus on the...
  28. entropy1

    Boas - Mathematical Methods - Solutions to problems in book?

    I started with Mary Boas' book "Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences". Now it is stressed in the introduction to make homework and do the problems. However, I would very much like to know if I got the answers right, and I even prefer if the problems are worked-out. So I guess my...
  29. B

    Advice about the Reading Course in Mathematics

    Dear Physics Forum personnel, I am a collegiate junior at US with double majors in the mathematics and computer science, and an aspiring theoretical computer scientist. My current courses in the analysis and linear algebra, and undergraduate research in the theoretical computer science fired...
  30. F

    Computer Science PhD with Mathematics MSc

    Hello, If I have an MSc degree in mathematics specializing in machine learning, is it possible to enter a PhD program in computer science (also specializing in machine learning)? Will the fact that my degree is in mathematics and not computer science prevent me from doing that? I have heard of...
  31. A

    Quantum effects caused by our mathematics?

    Forgive me if I sound ignorant, but is it possible that quantum affects (value of h, why physical dimensions appear to come in discreet chuncks, etc) all stem from our mathematics (which originated as counting numbers -quantum steps). I do understand that calculus was invented to help remedy...
  32. C

    Programs Are these good starting points for Physics Major

    I am planning on transferring to a 4 year university to major in physics. I am currently overseas and must take classes online. After an almost endless grueling search I was able to find a school that offered an associates program online that I feel is in the right direction for what I intend to...
  33. mmarkov

    Markov chains: period of a state

    Hello, I am trying to understand the intuition of the definition of the period of a state in a Markov chain. Say for example we can go from state i to state i in 3,5,7,9,11... and so on steps. The gcd here is one. So is this aperiodic state or one with periodicity of 2. Thanks
  34. I

    Applied Math or Theoretical Physics?

    Hello everyone, as those of you who have helped with my other threads know I'm currently a high school student and an aspiring physicist. I'd like to start out my post by saying that I completely understand that I am very early to be thinking this far ahead, especially when I haven't experienced...
  35. Issy04

    Resolving forces in equilibrium on inclined plane

    Homework Statement Solve for the forces P and N acting on an object in equilibrium on an inclined plane. Weight=10N, angle is 30 degrees http://blob:https%3A//www.physicsforums.com/d431a152-5681-411b-ba57-809320539165 Homework Equations Trigonometry, i.e. sin, cos, tan rules. The 'Z' rule...
  36. Ali Unlucay

    Should i pursue Physics and Mathematics?

    hello everyone I have always been curious about science and math but have been terrible at both as a result of my failure to study and pay attention, I failed math twice in high school from skipping, not studying and ignoring my teacher, I also failed physics twice for the same reason...
  37. micromass

    Schools How to Self-Study Basic High School Mathematics - Comments

    micromass submitted a new PF Insights post How to Self-Study Basic High School Mathematics Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  38. B

    Is this a good idea for studying mathematics?

    Dear Physics Forum advisers, I am an undergraduate student in US and an inspiring applied mathematician in the fields of theoretical computer science. I recently have been reading a book called "Joy of Learning" by Hironaka Heisuke, a mathematician and Fields Medalist (1970); the book seems to...
  39. micromass

    Insights How to Study Mathematics - Comments

    micromass submitted a new PF Insights post How to Study Mathematics Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  40. D

    Trigonometric Problem: Solving for sin(x/2)*cos(5p/4) with Given Conditions

    Homework Statement cos(x - 3p/2) = - 4/5 p <x< p/2 sin(x/2)*cos(5p/4)= ? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I made it as far as to determine that sinx= 4/5 and cosx = - 3/5 but can't seems to progress any further. I am looking for an easier way to find the solution without having to...
  41. D

    Can Logarithmic Properties Simplify This Equation?

    Homework Statement For clarification a have posted the equation below as a picture file.[/B] Homework Equations log(a*b)= loga + logb log(a/b) = loga-logb log(a^n) = nloga[/B] The Attempt at a Solution I don't know how to start. I can't remember the rule for powering the logarithms if there...
  42. D

    Finding the quadratic equation that suits the solutions

    Homework Statement if x1 and x2 are solutions to 1) x² + x + 1 = 0, then 2) y1 = ax1 + x2 and 3) y2 = x1 + ax2 are solutions to which quadratic equation? Homework Equations ax² + bx + c = 0 x1∕2 = (−b ± √(b² - 4ac))/2a The Attempt at a Solution Well, firstly i solved for x1 and x2 getting...
  43. S

    Self study towards quantum mechanics, string theory etc.

    Hello, before I start off, I apologize for asking a question which I am sure has been asked hundreds of times before: but I felt there is just way too much information out there which is a little confusing, so I am here with the hope of getting some personalized suggestions. I am currently a...
  44. Glype11

    How to get credit for a mathematics discovery?

    I figure out a way to evaluate an integral with an antiderivative with elementary functions which had previously only been defined by an anitderivative that was not an elementary function. Everything checks outs. I used 3 regular substitutions and a trigonometric substitution and I just have to...
  45. M

    Is there any mathematics to describe neutrinos with mass?

    beneath all problems with gravitons to describe mathematically (simple said our idea of a graviton is a gluon with spin 2 which is only predicted through CFT in 5 dimensional AdS) we have another problem mathematically to describe. We found 3 generations of neutrinos with mass through...
  46. T

    Proof of |2^N x 2^N| = |2^N| with N the natural numbers

    Hello, At my exam I had to proof the title of this topic. I now know that it can easily be done by making a bijection between the two, but I still want to know why I didn't receive any points for my answer, or better stated, if there is still a way to proof the statement from my work. My work...
  47. C

    How helpful has the "algebra" been in understanding physics?

    I feel as if my understanding of physics require increasingly rigorous mathematical derivations the more advanced the notions get... since I started even high school physics, I lost track of the number of instances where the bulb lighted up in my understanding of physics due to a rigorous...
  48. G

    Artificial intelligence mathematics

    Hello, I'm currently in a physics/CS undergrad program and I would like to continue to graduate level in artificial intelligence. But recently I started to browse artificial intelligence papers and discovered that they are very mathematical. I ask myself if I should switch to maths/CS undergrad...
  49. Dewgale

    Discrete Independent Study of Discrete Mathematics

    Hi all, Due to a scheduling conflict at my university I can't take Discrete Math, and it's a pre-requisite for all of the math courses I want to take next year. Any recommendations on which textbooks I ought to use to independently study the subject? Thanks!
  50. Chrono G. Xay

    Modulo Notation: Is There a More Efficient Way to Represent Modular Functions?

    Would it not be more efficient to write modular functions using the text formatting of logarithms? The modulus would be in subscript after "mod", and the expression to be used would be written after... Ex. modnf(x)