Maxwell's equations Definition and 245 Threads

Maxwell's equations are a set of coupled partial differential equations that, together with the Lorentz force law, form the foundation of classical electromagnetism, classical optics, and electric circuits.
The equations provide a mathematical model for electric, optical, and radio technologies, such as power generation, electric motors, wireless communication, lenses, radar etc. They describe how electric and magnetic fields are generated by charges, currents, and changes of the fields. The equations are named after the physicist and mathematician James Clerk Maxwell, who, in 1861 and 1862, published an early form of the equations that included the Lorentz force law. Maxwell first used the equations to propose that light is an electromagnetic phenomenon.
An important consequence of Maxwell's equations is that they demonstrate how fluctuating electric and magnetic fields propagate at a constant speed (c) in a vacuum. Known as electromagnetic radiation, these waves may occur at various wavelengths to produce a spectrum of light from radio waves to gamma rays.
The equations have two major variants. The microscopic equations have universal applicability but are unwieldy for common calculations. They relate the electric and magnetic fields to total charge and total current, including the complicated charges and currents in materials at the atomic scale. The macroscopic equations define two new auxiliary fields that describe the large-scale behaviour of matter without having to consider atomic scale charges and quantum phenomena like spins. However, their use requires experimentally determined parameters for a phenomenological description of the electromagnetic response of materials.
The term "Maxwell's equations" is often also used for equivalent alternative formulations. Versions of Maxwell's equations based on the electric and magnetic scalar potentials are preferred for explicitly solving the equations as a boundary value problem, analytical mechanics, or for use in quantum mechanics. The covariant formulation (on spacetime rather than space and time separately) makes the compatibility of Maxwell's equations with special relativity manifest. Maxwell's equations in curved spacetime, commonly used in high energy and gravitational physics, are compatible with general relativity. In fact, Albert Einstein developed special and general relativity to accommodate the invariant speed of light, a consequence of Maxwell's equations, with the principle that only relative movement has physical consequences.
The publication of the equations marked the unification of a theory for previously separately described phenomena: magnetism, electricity, light and associated radiation.
Since the mid-20th century, it has been understood that Maxwell's equations do not give an exact description of electromagnetic phenomena, but are instead a classical limit of the more precise theory of quantum electrodynamics.

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  1. R

    Maxwell's equations and longitudinal waves

    Hi guys, I am having hard times in understanding whether or not the longitudinal electromagnetic waves are solutions to Maxwell's equations. In Cohen-Tannoudji "Introduction to QED" it's stated that by writing the fields as the sum of a longitudinal and transverse part one can show that waves...
  2. T

    How to explain the overdetermination of Maxwell's equations

    Maxwell's equations seem overdetermined, in that they involve six unknowns (the three components of E and B) but eight equations (one for each of the two Gauss's laws, three vector components each for Faraday's and Ampere's laws). (The currents and charges are not unknowns, being freely...
  3. D

    Electric Field from Maxwell's Equations

    How would you determine the electric field from Maxwell's equations? One of my friends was asked this when he went for a Master's interview. Thanks.
  4. B3NR4Y

    Maxwell's Equations in 4-D Space

    Homework Statement We are using Gaussian units. To begin, the vector Hk is the magnetic field, which relates to a second rank antisymmetric tensor, Fij. a.) Prove F_{ij} = \frac{\partial A_{j}}{\partial x_{ i }} - \frac{\partial A_{ i }}{\partial x_{j}} = \partial_{ i } A_{j} - \partial_{j}...
  5. A

    How Do You Solve the Vector Modal Equation for Step-Index Fiber?

    I need help solving the vector modal equation for a step index fiber having a constant refractive index in the core and the cladding. (Under the conditions of zero dispersion and absorption.
  6. A

    Working with Maxwell's equations

    Hello all - I've been trying to work out an example from a book, and I don't quite understand the math. show that (δT/δV)s = - (δP/δS)v solution (δ/δV (δU(S,V)/δS)v)s = (δ/δS(δU(S,V)/δV)s)v (δ/δV (δ(TdS - PdV)/δS)v)s = (δ/δS(δ(TdS-PdV)/δV)s)v (δT/δV)s = -(δP/δS)v...
  7. C

    How Can Maxwell's Equations Be Derived from the Given Tensor Equations?

    Homework Statement Show one can obtain Maxwell's equations from $$\partial^{\mu} F_{\mu \nu} = 0\,\,\,; \,\, \partial_{\mu}F_{\nu \rho} + \partial_{\nu} F_{\rho \mu} + \partial_{\rho}F_{\mu \nu} = 0,$$ where ##F_{ij} = \epsilon_{ijk}B_k## and ##F_{i0} = E_i## with ##F_{\mu \nu} = - F_{\nu...
  8. H

    Maxwell's equations in matter (steady conditions)

    In my university lecture notes, maxwell's equations in matter are written in the following format: \oint \vec E d \vec L = 0 \oint \vec D \vec dS = \int_V P_f (\vec r)dV \oint_S \vec B d \vec S = 0 \oint_L \vec H \vec dL = \int_S P_f \vec J_f d\vec S I am new to electromagnetism...
  9. DontDeimos

    Using Maxwell's equations to derive the continuity equation

    Homework Statement Use Maxwell's equations to derive the continuity equation. B=Magnetic Field E=Electric Field ρ=Charge Density J=Current Density Homework Equations Maxwell's Equations: ∇⋅E=ρ/ε0, ∇×E=-∂B/∂t ∇⋅B=0 ∇×B=ε0μ0(∂E/∂t)+μ0J Continuity Equation: ∇⋅J +∂ρ/∂t = 0 The Attempt at...
  10. Greg Bernhardt

    What Are the Fundamental Principles of Maxwell's Equations?

    Definition/Summary Maxwell's equations are a set of four equations which must be satisfied by all electric and magnetic fields throughout all space at all times. They comprise of Gauss' law, Gauss' law for magnetism, Maxwell's modification of Ampère's law, and Faraday's law. Each...
  11. A

    Find Magnetic Field from Electric Field Using Maxwell's Equations

    Homework Statement An electromagnetic wave has an electric field \mathbf{E} = E_0 \cos(kz-ωt) \hat{x}. Using Maxwell's equations, find the magnetic field. Homework Equations \mathbf{∇\times E} = \mathbf{\dot{B}} The Attempt at a Solution So this problem appears extremely simple, but other...
  12. S

    How do maxwell's equations show that speed of light is constant

    Constant for all observers? I have heard that maxwell showed that the speed of light is constant for all observers even before Einstein did. Is that true? If not, then how can we say maxwells equation shows the speed of light is constant?
  13. J

    Maxwell's Equations and Lorentz Transformation

    Hi! I'm having problems with this homework my professor gave us this morning: Prove that Maxwell's equations is invariant under Lorentz Transformation. I'm just currently in third year, and we haven't been taught tensors yet. The extent of what I know mathematically is only until gradient...
  14. michael879

    Uniqueness of Maxwell's equations

    Hi all, I'm trying to derive for myself the uniqueness proof for Maxwell's equations, but I'm a little stuck at the end. I've managed to prove the following: \dfrac{A^\mu}{\partial{t}}\nabla{A^\mu}|_S = \dfrac{A^\mu}{\partial{t}}|_{t_0} = \nabla{A^\mu}|_{t_0} =0 \Rightarrow...
  15. D

    Maxwell's equations and spacetime

    Hi, I'm just beginning to learn relativity, but I have a question about why gravity is so different from other forces of nature in GR. As a start, I read that Einstein tried to find a differential geometric representation of the physical universe which represents the Maxwell equations in a...
  16. B

    Probability Amplitude Maxwell's Equations

    Hello Everyone, I am currently reading page 20 of Townsend's Quantum Physics book. Here are a few sentences that I am unsure of: "In general, the magnitude and phase of the probability amplitude are determined from first principles by solving Maxwell's equations. In free space, these...
  17. bcrowell

    Maxwell's equations from divergence of stress-energy tensor?

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  18. T

    When do Maxwell's Equations break down?

    I'm trying to get a sense of how widely applicable Maxwell's equations really are. I've read that electrodynamics becomes non-linear in the Schwinger limit where electric field strengths get high enough, but are there other situations where Maxwell's equations are insufficiently accurate? What...

    Oddity in using maxwell's equations in time independent form

    I am solving a question that asks me to find an H field in phasor form from the given E field in phasor form Es = j30(beta)(I)(dl)sin(theta)e^(-j(beta)r) a(theta) V/m Given that the EM wave propagates in free space. Why do I get different answers if I : 1) Divide Es by the magnitude...
  20. H

    Does one of Maxwell's equations describe this magnetic field?

    I have some copper enamel wire, winded up into something of a circle/ellipse, with about 20 turns, and the purpose for it is to give me a decent magnetic field (which it does) using a DC source. The magnetic field is picked up by a hall effect sensor on a nearby circuit, which is connected to...
  21. S

    Source terms in Maxwell's Equations and retarded positions

    Hi All, Thanks again to all the great mentors and contributors to this forum. I wanted to ask a question about the Gauss's law/Ampere's law equations in Maxwell's Equations: \nabla \bullet \textbf{E} = \frac{\rho}{\epsilon_0} \\ \\ \nabla \times \textbf{B} = \mu \left( \textbf{J} + \epsilon...
  22. S

    Question about Maxwell's equations

    My question is essentially about Ampere's law. I went the long way about and evaluated the curl of the magnetic field, \vec{B}, of a point charge, q, located at position \vec{r_{0}}, and moving with velocity \vec{v}: \vec{B} =...
  23. Infrared

    Maxwell's Equations in Curved Space-time

    Can one show that strict charge conservation ##\nabla_{a}J^{a} = 0## follows directly from ##\nabla_{a}F^{ab} = 4\pi J^{b}## alone? Also, how does ##d^{\star}F = 4\pi ^{\star}J## follow directly from that same equation where ##\star## is the Hodge dual operator?
  24. WannabeNewton

    Initial Value Formulation on curved space-time: Maxwell's equations

    Hello there Ladies and Gents! This question is (mostly) related to problem 10.2 in Wald which is to show that the source-free Maxwell's equations have a well posed initial value formulation in curved space-times. We start off with a globally hyperbolic space-time ##(M,g_{ab})## and a spacelike...
  25. ash64449

    Maxwell's equations in curved space-time

    what changes will take place in maxwell's equations if the space-time was curved?
  26. stripes

    Maxwell's equations and plane waves

    Homework Statement Show that the general relationship from Maxwell's equations for the conservation of energy \nabla \cdot \textbf{S} + \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = 0, where u = \frac{1}{2} \epsilon _{0} \left| \textbf{E} \right| ^{2} + \frac{1}{2 \mu _{0}} \left| \textbf{B}...
  27. WannabeNewton

    Maxwell's equations differential forms

    Homework Statement I have to take the curved space - time homogenous and inhomogeneous maxwell equations, \triangledown ^{a}F_{ab} = -4\pi j_{b} and \triangledown _{[a}F_{bc]} = 0, and show they can be put in terms of differential forms as dF = 0 and d*F = 4\pi *j (here * is the hodge dual...
  28. C

    Vector Calculus with Maxwell's Equations

    Homework Statement Consider the following representation of Maxwell's eqns: $$\nabla \cdot \underline{E} =0,\,\,\, \nabla \cdot \underline{B} = 0,\,\,\, \nabla \times \underline{E} = -\frac{\partial \underline{B}}{\partial t}, \,\,\,\frac{1}{\mu_o}\nabla \times \underline{B} = \epsilon_o...
  29. T

    Maxwell's equations from U(1) symmetry

    I understand that one is able to derive the inhomogenuous pair of Maxwell's equations from varying the field strength tensor Lagrangian. Now implying the U(1) gauge invariance, how is one led to the Maxwell's equations?
  30. M

    Maxwell's Equations in Vacuum: Constraints on Wave

    Homework Statement Condensed/simplified problem statement \vec{E} = f_{y}(x-ct)\hat{y} + f_{z}(x-ct)\hat{z} \\ \vec{B} = g_{y}(x-ct)\hat{y} + g_{z}(x-ct)\hat{z} \\ All the f and g functions go to zero as their parameters go to ±∞. Show that gy = fz and gz = -fy Homework Equations \nabla...
  31. O

    Transforming Maxwell's Equations in Special Relativity.

    What is the simplest derivation of the transformation rules for Maxwell's equations in special relativity? I'm working through Einstein's original 1905 paper(available here), and I'm having trouble with the section on the transformation of Maxwell's equations from rest to moving frame. The...
  32. WannabeNewton

    Constant of motion, Maxwell's equations

    Homework Statement Let F_{ab} be the Faraday Tensor and \xi ^{a} a killing vector field. Suppose that the lie derivative \mathcal{L} _{\xi }F_{ab} = \xi ^{c}\triangledown _{c}F_{ab} + F_{cb}\triangledown _{a}\xi ^{c} + F_{ac}\triangledown _{b}\xi ^{c} = 0. Show that F_{ab}\xi ^{b} =...
  33. S

    Rewriting Maxwell's Equations in Tensor Form

    Homework Statement From Sean Carroll's notes on general relativity (chapter 1, pg. 20): Show that F_{[\alpha\beta,\gamma]} = 0 is equivalent to half of the Maxwell equations. Homework Equations F_{\mu\nu} is the electromagnetic tensor \Phi_{,\nu} \equiv \partial_{\nu}\Phi...
  34. C

    Confusion Field Tensor and derivation of Maxwell's equations

    Hi as I'm reading at page 13 I see that he states that the covariant and contravariant field tensors are different. But how can that be? Aren't they related by F_{\mu \nu} = \eta_{\nu \nu'} \eta_{\mu \mu '} F^{\mu ' \nu '} ? and is not the...
  35. S

    Linearity of Maxwell's equations as a result of special relativity.

    Ok, some background: In the static case, the force on a charge is the multiplication of the charge into the electric field {\bf{E}}, defined by Gauss' law, the force on a moving charge with velocity {\bf{v}} is given by the multiplication of the charge (which is Lorentz-invariant) into the...
  36. B

    Exploring the Constancy of Light in Vacuum: Einstein vs Maxwell's Equations

    Einstein postulated that the speed of light in vacuum is constant and is the same for all observers. It this related to the fact that in Maxwell's equations for electromagnetic waves in a vacuum, c = \frac {1} {\sqrt{\mu_0 \epsilon_0}} ? The electric and magnetic constants, which are...
  37. Z

    What does Maxwell's equations mean?

    I need some help figuring out what these formulas mean and what they relate to. All I know is the 'upside-down triangle' symbol is known as a "Del", and it's used in vector calculus. Before the list of equations, it says "And God said...". After the list of equations, it says "...And there...
  38. sergiokapone

    Lorent-invariance of the Maxwell's equations in the medium

    The Maxwell's equations in vacuum leads to the wave equations for the fields of the form \nabla^2 \vec E = \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial ^2 \vec E}{\partial t^2} (the same for the magnetic field) Such equations are Lorentz-invariant. Let's consider now the electromagnetic field in a...
  39. R

    What would have been the Maxwell's equations if there were magnetic monopoles?

    I am specifically talking about differential forms of Maxwell's equations here- I think ( Tell me if I am incorrect here...) since the divergence of the magnetic field is zero, we have to say it is incorrect for my above problem, so the equation should have been the divergence of magnetic field...
  40. S

    Maxwell's equations and electromagnetic (waves)

    By Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves seem to come about by means of magnetic fields generating electric fields and in turn electric fields generating magnetic fields (the loop continues.) But how is this not perpetual in the context that energy is not conserved? It seems as if a...
  41. J

    How is the Electric Field Rate Changing in a Charging Parallel-Plate Capacitor?

    Homework Statement A parallel-plate capacitor with circular plates of radius 1.7 m is being charged. Consider a circular loop centered on the central axis between the plates. The loop has a radius of 2.6 m and the displacement current through the loop is 2 A. (a) At what rate is the...
  42. D

    Proving Special Relativity with Maxwell's Equations

    Homework Statement I am trying to figure out a way to prove mathematically that Maxwell's Equations predict that the speed of light is the same in all reference frames, and therefore are consistent with special relativity. I am having a hard time finding what equations to use for the...
  43. J

    Maxwell's equations outside electrodynamics?

    So I've been reading Hehl's Foundations of Classical Electrodynamics - which builds up Electrodynamics from a six of axioms - and their proof that the conservation of charge alone is sufficient to derive the inhomogenous Maxwell equations got me thinking - why don't these extremrly basic...
  44. iVenky

    Learn Maxwell's Equations Intuitively & In-Depth with Book Suggestions

    Basically I couldn't understand Maxwell's equations during my college days mainly because I didn't understand divergence and curl during that time. I need some good book on Electromagnetic Fields (such as Gauss Laws and so on) and also I want to learn about Maxwell's equations. I want to...
  45. iVenky

    Electromagnetic fields and Maxwell's equations

    Basically I couldn't understand Maxwell's equations during my college days mainly because I didn't understand divergence and curl intuitively. I need some good book on Electromagnetic Fields (such as Gauss Laws and so on) and also I want to learn about Maxwell's equations. I want to...
  46. C

    How does U(1) guage symmetry lead to Maxwell's equations?

    Here are some questions that have been puzzling me about symmetry and charge. Any answers to any of these questions would be very helpful. Thank you. What does U(1) gauge symmetry mean? Does anyone have a simple explanation? Can Maxwell's equations be derived from the premise of U(1)...
  47. B

    Consider a spherical wave Show that E obeys maxwell's equations

    Homework Statement Consider a simple spherical wave, with omega/k=c E(r, theta, phi, t)=((A sin theta)/r)(cos(kr - omega t) -(1/kr)sin(kr - omega t)) phi-hat i) Using Faraday's law, find the associated magnetic field B ii) Show that E obeys the remaining three of Maxwell's equations...
  48. G

    Maxwell's equations and Quantum Physics

    hi i have to deal with a question, that i do not understand fully: in my chemistry lesson, my teacher told me, that if you have an aromatic molecule and you put it into a time-constant magnetic field, this would cause electrons to move. if you are not that familiar with chemistry, all you...
  49. T

    Maxwell's Equations and a circular capacitor

    Homework Statement The current I=I0exp(-t) is flowing into a capacitor with circular parallel plates of radius a. The electric field is uniform in space and parallel to the plates. i) Calculate the displacement current ID through a circular loop with radius r>a from the axis of the system...
  50. M

    Maxwell's equations on the boundary between non-conductor and conductor

    Homework Statement Hi, this is the first time I post a thread in this forum. I am not sure if I could post this question here since it is not a homework problem. I have trouble understanding two boundary condition between nonconductor and conductor from Maxwell's equations in dynamic case...