Measure Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. wolram

    Using Telluric Lines to Measure Atmospheric Gases and Climate Change Would it be possible to use telluric lines to give accurate measurements of atmospheric gases along with synchronous Earth temperature measurements, thus giving an index for gas abundance and variation of heat transfer through same gases...
  2. S

    How to measure the rotation period of the moon?

    anyone know how scientists measure the rotation period of the moon? thank you!
  3. A

    Different ways to measure the speed of light experimentally ?

    Hello, I would like to know different ways to measure the speed of light. It's for one of my project. I would like to know if there are simple ways to do it. I already know that we can measure the speed of light using a microwave...
  4. A

    How can one measure density of states?

    Hello, folks. Q: How can one measure the density of states of a semiconductor and a conductor? I would imagine you want to measure the charge carrier density and then you can calculate the density of states. If so, what observable(s) can yield the charge carrier density? How can you...
  5. C

    What's a good way to measure liquid's pressure and/or velocity?

    suppose I have a long thin pipe. There is some liquid inside (probably water, but can add stuff to it if needed). On a certain segment of the pipe I want to measure the velocity and/or pressure of the liquid at various points along its length and feed the results into the computer. Flow of...
  6. C

    What's a good way to measure liquid's pressure and/or velocity?

    Thanks a lot for everybody's answers. Upon some consultation with others I have concluded that this just seems to be the wrong way to solve what I am trying to solve. Sorry about this. ----------------- suppose I have a long thin pipe. There is some liquid inside (probably water, but can add...
  7. H

    Doppler effect measure speed in blood cells

    Homework Statement A Doppler blood flow unit emits ultrasound at 5.0 {\rm MHz}. What is the frequency shift of the ultrasound reflected from blood moving in an artery at a speed of 0.20 m/s? What equations would I use to calculate the doppler shift? It is not in my textbook...
  8. J

    Boundary of open set always zero measure?

    Is this true? V\subset\mathbb{R}^n\;\textrm{open}\quad\implies\quad m_n(\partial V)=0
  9. M

    Understanding the Fat Cantor Set & Proving Its Measure

    What is the definition of a fat cantor set? How do I show that the fat cantor set has positive Lebesgue measure and does not contain any interval. I know for the cantor set that at each stage, we remove the middle third of each interval starting with [0,1]. I am wondering if instead for the...
  10. C

    How to measure current induced through loops

    I'm doing some experiments, and I need to measure the current (and/or voltage) going through several loops of wire as a magnet slides through. The magnet slides parallel under the loops at a certain speed. I have a multimeter and an ammeter. The problem with the ammeter is that it's just a...
  11. C

    How to measure magnetic field of a magnet

    I have a cylindrical neodymium magnet. I know that the magnetic field varies with distance, but how would I determine the magnetic field B at a certain point, through experimentation? I know how to find the force between two magnets at different distances by balancing out with gravity, but I'm...
  12. H

    How Do Scientists Measure Extreme Temperatures in Various Environments?

    This is actually a question extracted from the physics book by Halliday. How would you suggest measuring the temperature of (a) the Sun, (b) the Earth's upper atmosphere, (c) an insect, (d) the Moon, (e) the ocean floor and (f) liquid Helium? Thanks first.:smile:
  13. O

    Problem related to signed measure

    Homework Statement (X,S,u) a measure space and f is in L1. Show that for any e>0, there exists a set E with u(E)<+infinity such that | \int_{E} fdu - \int_{X} fdu |<e The Attempt at a Solution we can define a function v(A)=\int_{A}fdu It is a well known result that v(A) is in fact...
  14. S

    How can i use ADC to measure Current?

    I need please ideas how to use DAC to measure current.Currently I have built DAC to measure voltage, the type i built is the STAIRSTEP RAMP the 8 bit one.
  15. O

    Counting Measure Homework: Does fn(x) Converge?

    Homework Statement In the measure space {X,S,u} where u is the counting measure X=(1,2,3,..} S= all subsets of X fn(x)=\chi{1,2,,,..n}(x) where \chi is the characteristic (indicator) function. Does fn(x) converge a.pointwise b.almost uniformly measure Homework Equations...
  16. C

    What is the device used to measure percent light absorption in pigments?

    What is the device used to measure percent light absorption in pigments? I remember finding the percent light absorption in the pigments of some vegetables for a high school bio lab. I am pretty sure the device used was not specific for pigments. The device was user friendly- we just stuck...
  17. S

    Radian Measure and the Unit Circle

    I need some guidance into understanding Radian Measure and the Unit Circle. This was the topic where I tanked and had to drop the course. I'm going to pick it up again next fall and want to start preparing now. Any help is appreciated. Sean
  18. K

    Measuring J^2 & Angular Momentum in QM

    Hi there, I just wonder how to measure the square of angular momentum and the z componet of angular momentum in QM system? If I have two spin (marked as 1 and 2), why J^2 (total) doesn't commute with J_{1z} or J_{2z} ? or why they cannot be measured at the same time? (Well if I calculate the...
  19. A

    How can multimeter measure temperature?

    The multimeter in our lab has temperature measurement function. I am wondering how it works. Can it measure temperature of insulating materials or it just work for metal?
  20. J

    Directly measure frequency of light source

    Can anyone tell me if there's a device or method to DIRECTLY mesaure the frequency of a light source? Thanks, Joe M.
  21. G

    Calculating Wave Frequency from Source and Receiver Measurements

    Homework Statement A wave source approaches you at constant speed and you measure a wave frequency f1. As the source passes and then recedes, you measure frequency f2. Find the expression for the frequency emitted if the source were stationary in terms of f1, f2, and wave speed v...
  22. M

    How to measure the intensity of Infra red

    Hi, Im investigating how infra red is affected in different areas e.g at home, out side, in the dark or in light. To do this i have made a circuit with a photodiode from the company rapid. The problem is that the photodiode is operating as just a switch, saying if the infrared is on or off so i...
  23. C

    Lebesgue measure vs. box counting dimension

    Short version: What is the difference between the Lebesgue measure and the box counting dimension of a set? Long version: I was reading up on the definition of the Lebesgue measure, and the description of how to take the Lebesgue measure of a set (which I understood basically as "cover the...
  24. T

    Does Convergence in Measure Always Guarantee Almost Uniform Convergence?

    If a sequence of measurable functions (real-valued) converges in measure, is it true that you can find a subsequence that converges almost uniformly? (This is obviously true if m*(domain) is finite...but in general is it?) If so, can someone outline a little why?
  25. S

    MATLAB How to Measure Code Execution Time & Find LDU Factorization of Matrix A

    Alright I have to questions one is on how to measure the time it takes for my computer to solve a particular code I've tried the the "tic toc" and that seems to be dependent on the time frame that I typed in tic and toc. I need something that Is only dependent on the time taken to process and...
  26. T

    Can a Set Be Measurable if Its Measure is Less Than the Sum of Its Parts?

    I was told that you can find a disjoint sequence of sets...say {Ei} such that m*(U Ei) < Σ m*(Ei).. That is the measure of the union of all these sets is less than the sum of the individual measure of each set... This is obvious if the sets aren't disjoint...But can someone give me an example...
  27. Z

    How To measure Moon Orbital Velocity ?

    Im doing a school project where we need to come up with an accurate way to measure the moons orbital velocity with an experiment... My plan was to find the radius of the moons orbit, then its period, and based on a distance over time find its velocity. However i realize I am making a serious...
  28. T

    Best way to measure period of a pendulum.

    What position should you start to time the period and why? Should you start to time the period straight away or wait, and if so for how long (how many oscillations)? If the length is fixed should you use a long or short pendulum to increase precision? If the mass is fixed should you use a large...
  29. G

    General measure of chaoticity of a system?

    Is there a way to have some observables, apply an equation and find a measure if the system is chaotic or not? For example, measure the time-dependent displacement of the wings of an airplane, apply some analysis and then say "OMG! And I mean O.M.G.! We are in the chaotic regime. Better do...
  30. K

    On General Measure of Entanglement

    On General Measure of Entanglement Hi, sirs My major is computer science. While I currently need to deal with some physical problems. Thank you very much for your help. It is well-known that Von Neumann entropy is a measure of entanglement for bipartite pure states. However, I...
  31. S

    How to measure the released energy?

    Hi, guys! I am a high school senior, I would like to ask you a few questions about how to measure the released energy during physics experiments, especially both nuclear reactions. Also, how could Fermi just know the "yield" just by a handful of torn paper? Thanks for your reading!
  32. B

    Measuring Formaldehyde Concentration: The Role of NaOH

    Hello all, In order to re-use formaldehyde from a dilluted solution (in water) I need to know the concentration of formaldehyde in the dilluted solution. Can anyone tell me how to measure this concentration? It does not have to be very accurate. thanks in advance, Albert
  33. A

    Method to Measure CO2 concentration in room

    Hi all, i have been assigned to study indoor air quality and car cabin air quality project. My Problem is: How to measure Carbon Dioxide concentration in that constant volume of air? (consider there will be changes in the concentration and i need to quantify or contrast it at least.)...
  34. N

    Measure theory and the symmetric difference

    Hi, I'm currently trying to teach myself some measure theory and I'm stuck on trying to show the following: Let (X,M,\mu) be a finite positive measure space such that \mu({x})>0 \forall x \in X . Set d(A,B) = \mu(A \Delta B), A,B \in X. Prove that d(A,B) \leq d(A,C) + d(C,B) . Could...
  35. E

    Measure High Voltage using Coil Inductor

    Hi everybody, I need to indirectly measure the high voltage across a wire, which is one of the leads to a spark gap. I ran the wire through a coil inductor(air core) and measured the voltage across the coil leads with an oscilloscope when i get the spark. I also connected a resistor in series...
  36. M

    Measure current from an alternator

    Hi, I have few alternators(one is 3phase), and I want to test the current generated for each alternator at a same rpm. however, what is the proper way of doing this? what is the connection should be? is there a need to convert them to DC, and charge to the battery while testing? or any other...
  37. C

    Vanishing measure of a set with codimenon 2

    Hey everyone, I am integrating something (specifically 2-forms, but I think this is a general statement) over a set B of (real) codimension 2 in a 4-manifold (CP_2). I've been told that the measure of a set of codimension 2 will vanish, but I don't really understand why. I've been...
  38. T

    Understanding Lebesgue Measure: Example of Open Intervals on [0,1]

    I am confused about lebesgue measure. I have heard that the lebesgue outer measure of the rational numbers is 0. So could someone please give an example of a set of open intervals such that: a. The union of these intervals contains the rational numbers on [0, 1] b. The sum of lengths...
  39. A

    How to measure the tangential component of velocity of receding starsor quasars?

    Hi all, How to measure the tangential component of velocity of receding starsor quasars? I ask this because i think the velocity determined by observing the red shift will give only the radial component...won't Thnx for replying...
  40. A

    How to measure the tangential component of velocity of receding starsor quasars?

    Hi all, How to measure the tangential component of velocity of receding starsor quasars? I ask this because the velocity determined by observing the red shift will give only the radial component... Thnx for replying...
  41. W

    How Do We Measure Distance to Stars and Galaxies?

    When a star or galaxy etc is said to be 10 light years away is that from a standard Earth's velocity distance (ie without length contraction) or do we take into account Earth's velocity and gravitation and have a standard length (maybe accordance with the milkyway being stationary or if we...
  42. J

    Can You Prove This Measure Theory Problem?

    Problem: f_{n}\rightarrow f in measure, \mu(\left\{f_{n}>h\right\})\leq A Prove that \mu(\left\{f>h\right\})\leq A. My Work: Suppose not, then \mu(\left\{f>h\right\}) > A. From the triangle inequality for measures we get \mu(\left\{f>h\right\}) =...
  43. L

    Using an accelerometer to measure speed

    Hi, I am interested in using an accelerometer to calculate the speed of a car. The accelerometer is a triaxial one and gives 3 values of acceleration; x y and z. These can be assumed to be accurate as i have already worked on the calibration of these values so that they come out in gs. Is...
  44. H

    How we can measure the speed of the electron in an electric field

    how we can measure the speed of the electron in an electric field
  45. N

    Does the Compact Set K+K Have Nonempty Interior?

    Let K\subseteq\mathbb R is a compact set of positive Lebesque measure. Prove that the set K+K=\{a+b\,|\,a,b\in K\} has nonempty interior.
  46. B

    Strain gauge to measure wood expanasivity.

    Hi! Im measuring how much wood expands in different temperatures using a strain gauge. do i need to use a wheatstone bridge circuit schematic? or else how do i heat up the wood without spoiling the strain gauge. Actually how will i heat up the wood anyway? Also how would i draw a diagram to...
  47. G

    Question about using a wheatstone bridge to measure changes in resistance

    Hi I need to measure the small changes in resistance of a strain gauge. I have read that a wheatstone bridge circuit is used to do this.. but I don't understand why I can't just use a milliammeter to measure the change in current through the strain gauge and then use R=V/I to find the new...
  48. E

    Measure of limit of decreasing sequence

    If E_1, E_2, ... is a sequence (of subsets of R^n) that decreases to E (i.e. E_m+1 is a subset of E_m for all m, and E = intersection of all the E_m's) and some E_k has finite (lebesgue) measure, i.e. lambda(E_k) is finite it is a known result that the measure of E is equal to the limit of...
  49. V

    Proving the Measure Zero Property of Graphs: A Simplified Approach

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm pretty clueless as to what's going on here. If someone can just please lead me in the right direction, I would be quite grateful.