Measuring Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. S

    Measuring gravitational acceleration in a vacuum

    I have to measure gravitational acceleration, and calculate my rate of error. The experiment i came up with is: a thick plastic tube, with no air inside, on the top side some sort of release mechanism, then have two motion detctors, 1M apart from each other, hooked up to a stopwatch to measure...
  2. C

    Measuring distance of rotating object

    Please ignore the periods in the diagram as it won't allow me to properly draw it otherwise. I have an object, attached to a string, rotating uniformly in a circle but at an angle to the horizontal plane. It is going at 80RPM (so relatively slow). How would one go about measuring the length...
  3. K

    Measuring voltage across piezo speaker, getting resonating noise.

    Hi. I'm trying to measure the milliseconds of duration of output from a little piezo speaker that is on a circuit (a freezer control unit). I tried connecting an oscilloscope across its leads, but when I apply power, I hear this resonating noise which does not sound healthy. This is only when...
  4. J

    Measuring Void Volume in a 1-L Cylinder of Steel Beads

    A one liter cylinder is filled with 0.1 mm steel beads and the void volume is measured. A one liter cylinder is filled with 1 mm steel beads and the void volume is measured. A one liter cylinder is filled with 10 mm steel beads and the void volume is measured. Which bead size has the greatest...
  5. T

    Beginner's question on bending of space time and measuring distance to stars

    Hi Everyone, First post here. I'm a 37 year old man who has just recently begun dabbling in the basics of Physics, purely for the academic enjoyment of making by brain go "ow!". Upon reading the "bowling ball on a bed sheet" description of how the gravity of large objects can bend the...
  6. B

    Measuring the Height of Mountains on the Moon

    Hi, We have an assignment in my physics class and I am not sure where to start. We are suppose to duplicate Galileo's experiment, using the concept of similar triangles to calculate the height of the object. 1. What is the height of the three objects on the moon in miles? 2. What are the names...
  7. C

    Gambini & Pullin on measuring time in quantum physics

    So we had a thread about the FQXi essay contest a couple weeks back, and when I first saw the winners list this one... ...jumped out at me, both because the inclusion of the word "undecidability" indicated the paper might actually touch on matters (i.e. formal logic) I feel qualified to...
  8. N

    Measuring the magnetic and electric constants

    Has the permeability and permittivity of vacuum ever been measured in a vacuum or space?
  9. N

    If objects are accelerating, are we measuring the systems getting smaller?

    What the title implies, with the discovery that the universe is expanding, are we observing the systems becoming harder to see? You'd think that with the speed of the objects and the distances involved, things like brightness and actual size would be getting reduced...
  10. Spinnor

    Measuring time in the 17th century.

    Suppose I'm alive and well and living in the 17th century and I want to make observations of times when Jupiter's moon Io disappears behind Jupiter. The best way to do this is to use the regular motion of the stars in the sky as a clock? What kind of accuracy could the best equipment of my day...
  11. L

    Measuring Torque: Lever & Torque Wrench Info

    Hello, How can I measure how much torque I'm exerting on a lever? Can it be done with a torque wrench? Or do I need ? Thanks
  12. R

    Measuring the Expansion of space

    We can measure the expansion of space via the galactic redshifting. Please for now excuse my order of mag. estimate, but in mks units, Hubble's constant is roughly: H=2\times 10^{-18} {\rm m/s/m} If this exapansion was much larger. Say H'=2\times 10^{-10} {\rm m/s/m} Could a...
  13. P

    Measuring Constant of Gravitation in Basement - Experiment

    The other day I was reading a simple experiment to determine (yes, very roughly) the constant of gravitation, all using simple tools in your basement." What struck me about this experiment is another that I remember from childhood cartoon...
  14. L

    Measuring resistance of thermistor in potential dividers

    Hi there, first off I hope this is ok to post here. Quite a simple question. I have done an experiment simply to work out the resistance of a thermistor at different temperatures, I did a prelim with a simple circuit of just ohm meter + thermistor. Then I did the main one with a potential...
  15. H

    Measuring Elastic Modulus of Materials in Tensile Testing

    What could you do to obtain a more precise measure of the elastic modulus of a material in tensile testing?
  16. S

    Measuring Frequency: Capturing Vibrating Metal Sound

    How would I determine if attaching small crystals on a vibrating metal surface will make any significant sounds.. i know I can do an experiment where i record the sound of the metal vibrating without the crystals on and then again with the crystals attached but other than going by my natural...
  17. M

    Measuring wind in a vertical wind tunnel

    for a physics project i am designing a vertical wind tunnel made out of stovepipe and powered by a leaf blower. this experiment is designed to find the terminal velocity of different shapes. We already have a way to vary the wind speed, but what we don't have is an accurate way to measure this...
  18. L

    Measuring the coefficient of friction

    What is the coefficient of friction for a metal mass sliding down a wooden slope? Mass=0.50kg Slope distance=1.83m Angle=54 Degrees Time=1.06 s Vi=0m/s g=9.81m/s/s For this question we had to write out a formula and find mu. I first found acceleration to be 3.257m/s/s, Friction force to be...
  19. L

    Measuring Current Flow in Open Circuit R Phase

    how do i measure the current flow threw the neutral wire if phase R is open circuited? the impedance per load is 3+7j
  20. N

    Measuring Earth's Magnetic Field: Opposite Currents, Opposite Deflections?

    The point of the lab was to determine the vert comp of the Earth's mag field by measuring the deflection of a current-carrying wire stretched between 2 supports. I took measurements of the deflection with the current flowing in one direction and my partner did the same but with the current...
  21. T

    Measuring Currents with Rogowski Coils

    Homework Statement When a wire carries an AC current with a known frequency you can use a Rogowski coil to determine the amplitude Imax of the current without disconnecting the wire to shunt the current in a meter. The Rogowski coil, shown in the figure, simply clips around the wire. It...
  22. B

    Measuring the frequency of the e.m. oscillations in the em. wave

    Consider please that an observer is located in a plane sinusoidal and polarized e.m. wave. He erects a metalic antenna normal to the direction of propagation. A sinusoidal potential difference appears between the two ends of the antenna having the same frequency as the e.m. has. Is that a...
  23. E

    Measuring Engine Torque with Alternative Fuels | How-To Guide

    i've got an engine to work with, and i have the basic specs of it like peak hp @ an rpm. but, i don't have figures for torque. I need to know how i can measure the torque of the engine with different fuels. I calculated the torque of the engine from their hp figure, but I'm having trouble...
  24. M

    How Can You Accurately Measure Bendiness in Objects?

    Homework Statement I need to draw a table measuring bendiness but I don't know what unit or how bendiness would be measured. Homework Equations // The Attempt at a Solution I have drawn the table up, just I need a unit for bendyness
  25. S

    Measuring Angular Momentum for Free Particles: L-square =l(l+1)?

    In case of 3d free particle Schrodinger equation solution, the angular momentum eigenvalue L-square =l(l+1) and a free particle has a wavefunction as the superposition of all 'l'(angular momentum) states.Now the difficulty is that when I will measure the L-square, is it true that I will endup...
  26. H

    Measuring the speed of sound in air

    1. The problem statement Hi all, My AS physics coursework is comming up and I'm starting to plan. I will be measurng the speed of sound in air...lots and lots of times as I will then have to speculate as to how accurate my readings are. How would you do it if it was you? The...
  27. L

    Measuring atom positions in a crystal

    I heard that it is possible to measure positions of individual atoms in a crystal. Is this true? I understand the principle of measuring crystal orientation and base vectors of Bravais lattice with X-ray, but I have no idea how positions of individual atoms can be obtained. I suppose it is...
  28. N

    Measuring Forces on an Angle: An Exploration

    Homework Statement how do we measure 2 forces on an angle? let's say we get an object that is moving ( a rocket?) the gravity pull it down while the rocket engineer gives more force. however to reach the highest height, we shot it at 90 degree(horizon). and also at that time, the...
  29. P

    Measuring Frequency: Equipment & Best Way for Newbies

    I am newbie in this forum as well as in this field. Recently, I learned human body has certain frequency. I want to experiment measuring the frequency, volt, current upon the human body. any recommended equipment and the best way to measure all three? 1. frequency 2. volt 3. currency...
  30. H

    Measuring Viscosity (Viscometer)

    Hi, even though this is my first post, Physics Forums have helped my a over that past couple of years. Just searching old PF threads usually gave me the answer I was looking for. So thanks. I am currently doing Advanced Higher (Scottish Qualification) Physics Investigation on Viscosity. During...
  31. J

    How Can Barium Nitrate Enhance CO2 Measurement Accuracy?

    What would be a relatively simple methodology to measure the CO2 concentrations of the air? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
  32. C

    Can Momentum be Calculated Without Measuring Position in Quantum Mechanics?

    If we measure a particle's momentum don't we need to use some measure of the particle's position to find out the momentum ? How is momentum calculated if not through a measure somehow of the particle's position and how does this relate to the uncertainty principle?
  33. A

    Instantaneous EPR: Measuring Reception Times

    Assuming a system A with v=.8c wrt system B At x=0 in A we have 4 EPR "transmitters" wih receivers at x=10 , x=(-10) in A and x'=10, x'=(-10) in B At x=0=x' at time t=0=t' an instantaeous epr polarization event is transmitted simultaneously by the four transmitters. Can anyone suggest...
  34. P

    Effect on Flow measuring device due to turbulent flow of air

    effect on Flow and pressure measuring due to turbulent flow of air Hi, I want to measure the air flow rate using a device which will basically measure the velocity of air and converts that in terms of flow rate reading. For creating flow of air i have used vacuum pumps which is connected by...
  35. B

    What exactly is dark energy and how does it interact with normal matter?

    I have heard numbers like our Universe is 75% Dark energy, 25% Dark matter, and 5% baryonic matter or something. For my question, the numbers are irrevelant. My question is just what exactly is being measured? Brandon
  36. X

    Momentum in Quantum Mechanics: Defining, Measuring, & Interpreting

    In CM, we have a prescription for measuring momentum. Velocity is defined, and we can measure it, and we can find out the momentum. Now, does quantum mechanics have the same prescription for measuring momentum (for a single free particle at least) ? I mean, for a single free particle, can we...
  37. C

    Constant output from measuring angular speed

    Hello all, Im new to the site so please don't hurt me :blushing: ! My final goal is to measure linear speed of a pedal powered car, and send the speed wirelessly to my laptop which will record the speed profile. My problem is that I can't find a sensor that will measure angular...
  38. J

    Correct method of measuring a pulse

    I am currently working a project to evaluate the power output of a single pulse through an air core transformer. Using a scope to measure the secondary output and I am confused on what voltage to use. Scope shows DC voltage, peak voltage, drop Voltage differntial of peak and drop voltage. Would...
  39. C

    Measuring CO2 pressure in a soda bottle

    Is it possible to test the CO2 pressure in a soda bottle as simple science project that can be done at home? What kind of apparatus is need? The original goal is to test if CO2 pressure changes at different temperatures. It would be helpful if anybody had any suggestions on how to go about...
  40. S

    Measuring cross-sectional area of a cable

    How do we measure cross-sectional area of a cable (obviously circular)? For example, diameter of a cable as measured from vernier caliper was 19.5 mm. If we apply A = pi(3.14) r2, answer is 298.49 mm square but tag on said cable is showing Area = 10mm square? Please explain.
  41. U

    Measuring thickness of adhesive layer without damaging it

    I need to come up with parameters that will affect adhesive bond strength; tensile strength, shear modulus, yield strength, hardness. (The adhesive is UV-curable) So far I have come up with 3 parameters - thickness, duration of expoure to UV-light and property. I am intending to plot a...
  42. H

    Discover the True Magnification of Your Magnifying Glass: A Complete Guide

    How to Measure magnification How can I see how strong a magnifying glass is? I hear a lot of people talk about magnifying and how strong the magnification is, but I would like to know the true magnification of my magnifying glass. I have a few of them and some seem stronger then...
  43. M

    Measuring the spin of a Higgs Boson.

    Premature, I am well aware. However, I was given an assignment to write an experimental procedure for measuring the spin of the Higgs Boson. I've already finished the paper so this isn't homework, but I am curious as to the motivations of my Professor. It is my understanding that the Higgs...
  44. H

    Discovering the True Magnification of Your Magnifying Glass: Tips and Tricks

    How to Measure magnification How can I see how strong a magnifying glass is? I hear a lot of people talk about magnifying and how strong the magnification is, but I would like to know the true magnification of my magnifying glass. I have a few of them and some seem stronger then...
  45. E

    Wouldn't the Geiger Counter be considered a measuring device in SC?

    I think I am missing something in Schrodinger's Cat... Wouldn't the Geiger Counter cause the wave function of the decay to collapse because the Geiger Counter is interfering with the wave function? Would the Geiger Counter end the superposition of the particle? Does the problem lie with what the...
  46. P

    Measuring device used for a stressed crystal microphone

    Homework Statement Choose an instrument to measure the output from the crystal, when measuring variations in stress. The maximum voltage from the crystal is 200mV. current in circuit is 2 x 10-8 A, p.d is 4 x 10-15 full scale deflection, sensitivty...
  47. S

    Measuring E and f in Product Space of Borel Measures

    Show that if E is a Borel measurable subset of R, then {(x,y)| x-y is in E} is also measurable in the product space of Borel measures... Also, if f is a measurable function, show that F(x,y)=f(x-y) is also measurable..
  48. M

    Lab work: measuring Kerr effect

    Homework Statement the main idea is this i have an 'Alternate current' I which i know the intensity I have also 2 Helmholtz plates of radius 'R' separated by a distance 'R' (the separation between plates is equal to their radius ) then by magnetic induction the alternate current 'I' we...
  49. S

    Pressure measuring device sensitivity

    Homework Statement An inclined tube reservoir manometer is constructed as shown in the figure. Analyze the manometer to obtain a general expression for the liquid deflection L in the inclined tube in terms of the applied pressure difference \Delta p. Also obtain a general expression for the...
  50. N

    Direct Position Measurement on a Microscopic Scale with Twin Photons

    Can anybody provide an example of a device capable of "directly" measuring position relative to some origin on a microscopic scale? By microscopic I mean on the scale that QM is important.