Mechanical Definition and 1000 Threads

Mechanical engineering is an engineering branch that combines engineering physics and mathematics principles with materials science to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems. It is one of the oldest and broadest of the engineering branches.Mechanical engineering combines creativity, knowledge and analytical tools to complete the difficult task of shaping an idea into reality.
The mechanical engineering field requires an understanding of core areas including mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics, materials science, structural analysis, and electricity. In addition to these core principles, mechanical engineers use tools such as computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), and product lifecycle management to design and analyze manufacturing plants, industrial equipment and machinery, heating and cooling systems, transport systems, aircraft, watercraft, robotics, medical devices, weapons, and others. It is the branch of engineering that involves the design, production, and operation of machinery.Mechanical engineering emerged as a field during the Industrial Revolution in Europe in the 18th century; however, its development can be traced back several thousand years around the world. In the 19th century, developments in physics led to the development of mechanical engineering science. The field has continually evolved to incorporate advancements; today mechanical engineers are pursuing developments in such areas as composites, mechatronics, and nanotechnology. It also overlaps with aerospace engineering, metallurgical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, manufacturing engineering, chemical engineering, industrial engineering, and other engineering disciplines to varying amounts. Mechanical engineers may also work in the field of biomedical engineering, specifically with biomechanics, transport phenomena, biomechatronics, bionanotechnology, and modelling of biological systems.

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  1. R

    Help an EE student get into mechanical design

    Hi, I'd like to learn some mechanical design. My knowledge in mechanics is mainly from general physics and a basic course in engineering mechanics. Is this enough to take on intermediate level mechanical design? Should I take a few ME classes? If so, what would you recommend? What is a good free...
  2. kini.Amith

    Physics project for mechanical engineering

    I am a mechanical engineering 3rd year bachelors student. However, after completion of bachelors, i am going to pursue theoretical physics for masters. Next sem i am to work on my major project ( like a research paper). Is there some topic i can work on, which has elements of Theoretical...
  3. R

    Engineering Mechanical engineering project which would help for my MBA?

    am in 6th semester mechanical engineering please suggest me projects which would help me to get into b-schools.
  4. Y

    Mechanical Energy of a system: Conceptual Problem

    Homework Statement Which of the following statements is/are true? Choose all that apply. a. The total mechanical energy of a system, at anyone instant, is either all kinetic or all potential energy. b. The total mechanical energy of a system is equally divided between kinetic and...
  5. C

    Radial vs Axial Turbine, diff in mechanical stress

    I am a hobbyist and I have designed a radial turbine device for use in a tidal stream. I have conducted a couple of experiments to demonstrate that there is less mechanical stress in the radial approach as compared to the axial approach but I would like to prove this concept mathematically (at...
  6. S

    Engineering Mechanical Engineering to Applied Physics

    Here's my current story: I'm at CC right now double majoring in Physics and Engineering Science. When I transfer (Rutgers) I will continue to Mechanical Engineering and plan to continue Physics as a minor. I am highly interested in Mech. Engineering and I love physics, I would major in...
  7. T

    Mechanical engineering senior projects ideas (theme specified)

    I'm looking for something related to either agriculture or bio-mechanics or environmental (recycling for example) or humanitarian engineering. I need something I can do in about 3 month from start to finish and the team includes only two mechanical engineering students with bs. degrees. Thank You
  8. K

    Does the mechanical advantage of a pulley change when lifting yourself

    So basically, at my work at a science center, we have this exhibit where you lift yourself using different pulleys. I noticed that the pulleys were labeled wrong. They should have been, 1/2, 1/3, and 1/5 but were labeled, 1/3, 1/4, and 1/6. I brought this up with management and received an email...
  9. R

    Mechanical or Electrical Problem?

    Last summer, I was taking apart a fan because it wasn't working. It turned as I expected that it was a burned out motor. Now one of my co-workers was a little upset at me because I had called it an electrical problem or failure. He said a burned out motor is a mechanical failure. Was he...
  10. Astronuc

    Mechanical Metallurgy by George Dieter

    Author: George Dieter Title: Mechanical Metallurgy Amazon Link: Prerequisities: Calculus, Introductory Physics, Introductory Materials Science/Engineering, Mechanics Level: Undergraduate, Upper Level Table of Contents: I...
  11. E

    How a movable pulley increases mechanical advantage?

    Firstly, I'm sorry for posting this here it seems like the best place possible, but I'm not quite so sure I didn't see a section for civil engineering. So I don't understand why a movable pulley increases the mechanical advantage. This occurs in a situation when one end of the string is fixed...
  12. A

    Fresh Mechanical Engineering Project Ideas for Students

    Hello friends, i am a mechanical engineering student. Can anyone suggest new and innovative mechanical engineering project idea? Help please.
  13. S

    Conservation of momentum and Mechanical energy

    Regarding momentum, and the "Law of conservation of linear momentum", my book states that it's more general than mechanical energy, since mechanical energy is only conserved for conservative forces, while linear momentum is conserved independent of the forces, as long as the sum of external...
  14. H

    Mind blown by mechanical systems (2nd order)

    Homework Statement B, K, M Homework Equations 1. xs(t) -----spring ----mass-----damper-----fixed, derive DE for x of mass given :2. F - > M -----spring-------damper ---- fixed in series, derive the DE for velocity of spring The Attempt at a Solution 1. ma = -k(x-xs) -...
  15. R

    Programs PhD in Mechanical Engineering vs Physics?

    Would a doctorate in mechanical engineering help at all? Would one be able to easily find a job as opposed to a doctorate in physics? In addition, which one would generally have the more favorable salary? thanks.
  16. Z

    Automotive Mechanical vs. electric coolant pumps

    Hi everyone, I am conducting a small research on how many manufacturers (if any) use electric water pumps in production vehicles. So far I found that many Audi models have auxiliary electric pumps which help the main mechanical one when needed (and maybe to run for some minute after turning the...
  17. G

    Aerospace Engineering versus Mechanical Engineering

    Hello, I’m a freshman engineering student at CU Boulder and I'm currently majoring in mechanical engineering, but I am seriously considering making the switch to aerospace engineering. I had a 4.0 GPA for the fall semester, but obviously that is not with very difficult classes (calculus...
  18. A

    Newton's laws are the foundation stone of modern day mechanical engineering

    "Newton's laws are the foundation stone of modern day mechanical engineering." Do you agree? Why?
  19. B

    Help with a mechanical lagrangian problem

    Homework Statement We are given L = 1/2mv2 - mgz. a) Find the equations of motion. b) Take x(0) [vector] = 0; v(0) [vector] = v0 [vector] ; v0z > 0 and find x(τ) [vector] and v(τ) [vector], such that z(τ) = 0;  τ≠0. c) Find S. Homework Equations Euler-Lagrange equation and...
  20. Low-Q

    Efficiency of electrical heat vs. mechanical heating

    I have a question about efficiency of electrical heating vs. mechanical heating. Let me explain an example: I have two containers with 1 litre of water each. In one container I use a electric heater (electrical resistance) 1W. In the other container I use an electric motor attached to a...
  21. N

    Is taking Electricity and Magnetism without Mechanical Physics a difficult task?

    Hey. So I switched from ChemE to Engineering-physics (I guess I followed my hearth here, instead of my head), and this entails I will have to take a course in Electricity and Magnetism this semester. During the previous one, the Engineering-physics guys took a course in mechanical physics, and...
  22. T

    How do gears provide a mechanical advantage?

    For example in this video at 5:00: They show by turning the gear with little force allows for one to move a VERY HEAVY gate to operate the sea locks. I don't understand how this is possible. Could anyone please explain the physics/theory behind this? Thanks!
  23. D

    Confusion with Friction and mechanical energy

    Homework Statement A sphere rolls from rest down a slope without slipping. Show using energy considerations that the speed of the sphere once it reaches the bottom is V = \sqrt{\frac{10gh}{7}} Homework Equations mgh = \frac{1}{2}mv^{2} + \frac{1}{2}Iw^{2} The Attempt at a Solution...
  24. Mohamad&Issa

    Nervous message - nerves sensing heat & mechanical movement

    Nervous message -- nerves sensing heat & mechanical movement As we know when we stimulate a nerve, there is a message form of electric nature. But I want to ask how mechanical or heat or... stimulation is transformed into electric message?
  25. A

    Linear actuators for mechanical project

    Hey guys, I was wondering if you could help me out here. I'm working on a project that needs two fast linear actuators which I'm planning to control with the Arduino logic board, but I can't seem to find anything that suits what I need. Here are the specs. -Type of actuator: Linear...
  26. N

    Total mechanical work, solving for x

    Homework Statement I understand the problem conceptually. I just need help solving for x, which is the hardest part of the problem for me. 1/2mv^2 = 1/2kx^2 + umgx The Attempt at a Solution Not really sure how to solve this. I tried and tried to separate by x but nothing worked. Here are 1...
  27. P

    Possibility of a Mechanical Generator

    Like the title says is it possible to build a generator which will make around 5 watts of power for an hour? or even 2.5 watts in 30 minutes without needing constant human interaction like a hand cranked generator? I have been looking at things like the grandfather clock mechanism, hanging a...
  28. T

    Considering a PhD in EE: Mechanical or Electrical Engineering Focus?

    Just finished with my B.S.M.E. and now my M.S.M.E. and have been considering a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering. I've been offered research opportunities in both the mechanical and electrical engineering departments, so really it's up to me to decide. Can anyone put an industry spin on what I...
  29. T

    How useful is mathematical proof as a mechanical engineer?

    Specifically I plan on specializing as a Mechatronics engineer. I recently bought the book "Mathematical Proofs: A Transition to Advanced Mathematics" and I plan to study it on my own due to curiosity and interest towards mathematics. I would like to listen on one's opinion on how useful it...
  30. C

    Software engineering instead of mechanical engineering

    I have been talking on this forum for a while about going back to school for engineering. I've been considering though getting a masters in software engineering. I am sort of conflicted though. I like computers but my main passion is aircraft. Since aircraft are becoming increasingly reliant on...
  31. M

    Elementary mechanical advantage question

    I would be much obliged if the engineers on the forum could answer the following query regarding mechanical advantage. I don't require exact calculations or anything, just a quick yes or no, along with some simple KISS type explanation will be gratefully received. So, we have a situation in...
  32. V

    Mechanical principles - Stess and modulus of elasticity

    Mechanical principles - Stress and modulus of elasticity Homework Statement A 2.2m long steel towing bar of solid circular section diameter of 45mm is expected to carry a maximum load of 210 kN. The safety factor is 4; and for the steel the UTS is 540 MNm-2 and the modulus of elasticity is...
  33. S

    Having a hard time thinking about quantum mechanical vector addition.

    If a neutron in a nucleus is in a 1p state, before splitting this up into separate j-state (due to spin-orbit effect) this neutron has 6 possible states. l = 1 m_l = 1, 0 or -1 m_s = 1/2 or -1/2Splitting this into j-states corresponding to l+s and l-s, as expected there are 6 states. j = 3/2...
  34. N

    Physics Undergraduate Mechanical vs Aerospace Engineering

    Hey Guys, I know there are some other posts on this, but I have a slightly different situation than most of the ones I've looked at. I'm a recently graduated Physics major. Starting junior-senior year I became interested in going into engineering. I would like to work in the space...
  35. Z

    Wants ChemE job, loves Mechanical E curriculum

    Hello. I am a sophomore in college trying to decide between majors Mechanical Eng. and Chemical Eng. This decision has been a lengthy introspective battle since graduating high school. I have always enjoyed chemistry, notably chemical reactions especially in food and drinks and biology. I...
  36. J

    Quantum Mechanical Harmonic Oscillator Problem Variation

    Homework Statement At time t < 0 there is an infinite potential for x<0 and for x>0 the potential is 1/2m*w^2*x^2 (harmonic oscillator potential. Then at time t = 0 the potential is 1/2*m*w^2*x^2 for all x. The particle is in the ground state. Assume t = 0+ = 0- a) what is the probability that...
  37. I

    Applied Mechanics vs Mechanical Engineering?

    What exactly is the major difference between applied mechanics and mechanical engineering degree like the one in caltech? Is applied mechanics generally less popular now? Would it be better to pursue a career in physics or applied mechanics?
  38. T

    Mechanical Engineer Interview for Career Project

    I am working on a career project for school about mechanical engineering. I would prefer to have more than one answer though because it would give me more details of the job and what I could expect from it. If you would like to give me any tips, recommend some colleges, important things to know...
  39. A

    Mechanical force on unit area of charged conductor.

    Homework Statement OK first, I didn't know where to post this since it is and is not homework,anyways, posting here would be safest. Now, the attached scan is a proof from my (not so trustworthy) textbook and I have some doubts in it. The first doubt is in statement S1 : Every element...
  40. S

    Resonance- Circuit and Mechanical

    I am studying the analogy between mechanical oscillations and AC circuits. For a mass on a spring, resonance occurs when there is a phase difference of 90 degrees. It seems like for a series RLC circuit, resonance must occur at a phase different of 0 degrees between the voltage from the...
  41. B

    Kinetic, Potential, and Mechanical Energy

    Homework Statement A .420kg ball is throw vertically upward at an intial sped o 12.1 m/s. If the initial potential energy is taken as zero find the bal's kinetic, potential, and mecanical energies a.) at its intial position b.) at 1.75m above the initial position, and c.) at its maximum...
  42. S

    Throwing a frisbee and measuring change in mechanical energy

    A 75g Frisbee I thrown from a point 1.1 m above the ground with a speed 12 m/s when it has reached a height $.1 m its speed is 10.5 m/s What is the reduction in Emec of the frisbee-earth system because of air drag? At first I thought Since ΔEmec= Δk+Δu the change is -0.61 J Then I...
  43. A

    Total mechanical energy of orbiting satellite

    Homework Statement what would be the total mechanical energy of a 200 kg satellite in a geosynchronous orbit around the earth? The only known data is the radius of the Earth and mass of the Earth the mass of the satellite, m=200 kg, it would have a period of T=24h, but i do not know the radius...
  44. S

    EML3005 Mechanical Design Project Shaft Analysis

    I need some help Desperately for this class. this project is 10% of my grade and I'm doing really bad in this class >_<. I have read the book but is all talking about is bunch of formulas that i have no idea how to relate them to this. I uploaded the diagram as well that was part of the...
  45. T

    Mechanical Design vs Energy: Which Path Should You Choose?

    I am nearing the end of college, and have to start picking my electives to get approved. You can mix or match or do an emphasis in either mechanical design or energy. Ever since I started school, I was sure I wanted to do energy because the classes sounded interesting. But now, I have really...
  46. G

    Mechanical engineering Swing of Death

    Hi there, again maybe stupid question but I have no idea about this exercise. or maybe a little clue. i know that v=r? but with the given 40° when i convert it to a rmp it is very small value 0.111111 and the r is 3m or 7m.. Please if someone can help me.. also if someone can help me with...
  47. C

    Mechanical Engineering Worth It?

    I am currently a Sophomore in Mechanical Engineering. To give you guys some background, I have been involved with motor sports my whole life (I have raced motocross most of my life), so Engineering was right up my alley, and it has always interested me. I haven't had much trouble in Engineering...
  48. P

    Chemical energy into mechanical.

    Hello, Given that our body is 18-26% efficient in converting chemical energy into mechanical, does that mean that 74-82% of what I consume is not burned? Furthermore, assuming a certain task requires 1000 KJ, how many meals 2000 KJ each will I need to consume for completing it without gaining...
  49. I

    Mechanical energy and frames of reference.

    Homework Statement a)Suppose the chancellor of the university drops a 2.00 kg water balloon from the administration building balcony 10.0 m above the ground. The chancellor takes the origin of his vertical axis to be even with the balcony. A student standing on the ground below the...
  50. S

    Question about law of conservation of mechanical energy

    Hello, i was wondering if someone can help me out. I finished law of momentum, and learned that for the conservation of momentum to be applicable, the system must be isolated. An isolated system means no external forces, correct? if i am correct, then i don't understand the law of...