Mind Definition and 296 Threads

  1. O

    Can the mind out think Reality?

    Just follow the link and try:http://www.davidpbrown.co.uk/optical-illusions/missing-space-triangle.html There are a number of perceptional variants when the mind falls into the trap of measuring Geometric Forms.
  2. T

    Fox sheep cabbage - mind emotions body

    This is a writing about wholeness, meaning keeping awareness of our 3 centers: Physical, Emotional and Mental. This is in three parts: First, an ancient parable or brain-teaser, second, interwoven aspects meant to stimulate growth of awareness and understanding and third, commentary. Ancient...
  3. Loren Booda

    Is Ignorance Essential to Discovering the Mysteries of Physics?

    It's bewildering. I earned a Masters degree in physics in 1986, long after scoring an 800 on my Math SATs in high school and studying intensive physics at Yale my freshman year. However, my "Social Quotient" seems to have had overtaken my "Physics Quotient" as I matured. I feel safer studying...
  4. H

    The Mysteries of Mind Power: Can We Really Bend Spoons?

    I remember reading somewhere that there was once a man who could bend spoons & forks by just gazing at them using his so called 'mind power'.. Can this be done?? I actually believe that there are so many hidden powers in the human brain that we can't even think of..brain waves is one...
  5. E

    How Can We Ever Truly Understand Existence?

    I figured my thoughts deserve a great title. Well what I am about to write is purely thoughts on existence and me trying to make sense of it all. I hate not knowing so I kinda convinced myself that I do know and I need people to let me know I don't know you know? That last sentence reminds me of...
  6. S

    What Are the Limitations of LQG in Explaining Photon-Graviton Interactions?

    http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/javagif/gifs_thumb/20040428_1919_eit_304.gif Kaku saids:" We Physicist's no longer believe inthe Universe. We physicists believe in multiverse that resemble's the boiling of water. Water boils when tiny particles, or bubbles form, which...
  7. M

    The large, the small and the human mind

    This book of Penrose is short, so you can read it in a whole day (as I did) I first read "The emperor's new mind", and there's a continuation called "Shadows of the mind", but I have not read this, but the third part that carries the title of the thread I think that is a bit deceiving the...
  8. V

    The Science Behind Dream Construction and Psychic Abilities

    Most of you would have had the experience of setting an alarm clock to wake you early one morning, only to find that you could really do with some more rest, and your mind doesn’t want to wake. Then of course what happens when the alarm starts to sound is that instead of waking you, your mind...
  9. Y

    What is the connection between state of mind, death, and the song we sing?

    - We sing. In this there is a 2 part sum = the song. That's my postulate. Now in this song. The second part is the inspirational feeling. - Music expresses our humanity, and is our link to other singing things like birds n stuff. - Thought expresses our humanity, and is also a link to...
  10. C

    Discussing the science of the mind

    Mind I am always looking for an interesting topic to study. Some time ago I decided that the brain--how it functions, what we do when we think, what is the difference between the activity of the intellect and the activity of emotions, etc.--would be a great subject to attempt to understand...
  11. B

    Mind Over Matter: Exploring Consciousness and Free Will

    So I've been thinking about consciousness and such. If we say that complex systems obey a ruleset larger than the individual rulesets of each component, and we then apply this to our brain and chemistry etc, can we say that consciousness is a larger ruleset that guides its physical parts...
  12. C

    Update of time travel with the mind

    Recently, I went through a sort of "stage" where i wanted to disprove everything worth disproving, and we all know, if you move one card at the bottom of a stack, you change quite a bit. What i did was try to figure out the atomic theory structure. I wanted to see if it was right. I came up with...
  13. C

    Exploring the Connection Between the Mind and Time Travel

    Recently, I went through a sort of "stage" where i wanted to disprove everything worth disproving, and we all know, if you move one card at the bottom of a stack, you change quite a bit. What i did was try to figure out the atomic theory structure. I wanted to see if it was right. I came up...
  14. S

    String Theory, Universal Mind, and the Paranormal *

    Brian D. Josephson Department of Physics, University of Cambridge The point in regard to mathematical thinking, which motivates our model, is the following. Consider first of all what the brain does in visual perception. Here the primary information from the visual receptors goes...
  15. I

    Sensations : Subject to Mind Set?

    Are sensations dependent on your impression of what the particular sensation should feel like? For example, pain. How do we know that pain generally causes hurt? Why does it make us feel uncomfertable? Zen priests are able to put an immense amount of pressure on their arms (about 1000...
  16. S

    Pheromones and their relevance to the state of mind

    According to the Webster dictionary the word Pheromone refers to a "chemical substance secreted and released by an animal for detection and response by another." Popular press you may recall have often referred to these hormones as the basis of instinctive reactions such as sexual desire and...
  17. Loren Booda

    What is the 'Beautiful Mind' Equation and Does it Have a Solution?

    "Beautiful Mind" equation In the movie A Beautiful Mind, Prof. Nash introduces his class at MIT to a problem (below) on the chalkboard and states "...for others among you it will take the term of your natural lives." What is this equation, is it nontrivial, and does it have a solution...
  18. C

    Fearing Death: A Flaw in the Human Mind?

    Why do the minds of many fear or even deny death? The mere thought of death for some people trigger panic attacks. Granted the mind's instintual reaction is to fear the unknown as a means of survival, but shouldn't the mind have already evolved to accept death? Does this mean that the true...
  19. Les Sleeth

    Mind to Mind: Mr. Dennett & Mr. Gautama Exchange Ideas (part 1)

    Mind to Mind: Mr. Dennett & Mr. Gautama Exchange Ideas (NOTE: The main body of this thread, though written as a fantasy :cool:, prepares for earnest “test questions” posed at the end of the thread.) Good day ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Mind to Mind! Sit back and enjoy as we utilize...
  20. R

    Why Do I See Patterns and Lights When I Press My Eyes?

    im wondering what these images i see are. When i close my eyes and gently push the palmes of my hand into my eyes, after about 30 seconds, i start seeing swirling lights and strings and squares, and detailed contantly shifting shapes that i can't possibly describe accuratly. It is...
  21. D

    Exploring the Capacity of the Mind: Is There a Limit?

    Does the mind have a limit to knowledge it can obtain or over time or can it do anything? More time depending on the persons skills of course? For example Math. I'm in Grade 10 I take normal Math. I have trouble with the occasional thing but if I do I practice it. There isn't any math I've...
  22. A

    Explanation for the uneducated mind

    This was a Brain teaser question, and i have no idea whatsoever why this is the correct answer. As i said in the thread title an uneducated mind
  23. Moni

    The Possibility of Mind Control: Commanding Computers with Your Thoughts

    Is there any possibilites that we can command our computers through Mind?
  24. F

    Special Relativity to blow your mind

    Here's a few kickers for those of you who don't know a lot about the mathematics of relativity: The locus of all points equidistant from the origin is a four dimensional hyberbola given by: d^2=(y_1-x_1)^2+(y_2-x_2)^2+(y_3-x_3)^2-c^2(y_4-x_4)^2 where c is the speed of light. Also the...
  25. K

    Yo man u seem really really smart. i was wondering if u dont mind me

    yo man u seem really really smart. i was wondering if u don't mind me asking where did u go to school and what did u major in. i love math, its fascinating, and u seem to have a very in depth understanding of it so if u don't mind could u tell me? also i don't have a question. 2+2/2 wahts the...
  26. Zantra

    What is the relationship between extreme intelligence and perceived arrogance?

    I have this habit of always attempting to look at things from a different perspective. I've found it often helps me if I can understand the thought processes of someone else and how they arrive at particular conclusions. So has anyone ever tried to picture the mind of someone vastly...
  27. R

    Mind without Sight: Thoughts and Visualization

    when we see we can understand what we are looking at, we can also visualize what it is that we have seen if we commit it to memory. But why do we visualize our thoughts only to the front of us? for example visualize a train moving through your mind, do you see it right in front of you? well i...
  28. D

    What happens if spacetime collapses?

    http://www.timeofglobalshift.com/Science/ultisecr.html what u guys think of this
  29. S

    Are Our Minds Just a Collection of Learned Tools?

    The tools of the mind, Some time ago I was thinking and I realized I was thinking. This is no big deal you may suggest but I started on the line of thought about thinking. I came to a simplistic way of approaching the nature of our minds. I thought if we think of ourselves as a centre...
  30. Zantra

    The male mind, or what men really think about

    The man/woman bashing thread-join in the fun! http://www.cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/10/01/men.brain.reut/index.html The male brain secretes less of the powerful primary bonding chemical oxytocin and less of the calming chemical serotonin than the female brain. So while women find emotional...
  31. brum

    Movie: A Beautiful Mind (the story of genius John Nash)

    i just saw this movie last night for the first time and thought it was pretty good. have you guys seen it? did you like it? http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/nash/ (click on the link that says EXPLANATION) i found that to be pretty interesting, and has sparked my interest in game theory...
  32. Loren Booda

    Is Holistic Manifestation the Key to Unlocking Your Mind's Potential?

    In what manner does your cognition primarily present itself?
  33. G

    Mind Controlled Robotics: The Future of Technology?

    aren't those mechanical legs disabled people have controlled mentally somehow? what's the techonology behind that? also i think i remember seeing on tv a while back some sort of new game that hooked up to your fingers and temples that could read your thoughts or something, i think it was a...
  34. E

    Is There a Universal Algorithm for Hacking the Female Mind?

    Recently, I was sent a SPAM entitled learn the kiss test. Apparently, these people believe they have a universal algorithm for determining the right time to kiss a girl. Although, I believe there exists a certain algorithm for getting intimate with any female, I believe all females are unique...
  35. Iacchus32

    Is Acknowledging Truth Inherent or Learned Through Human Experience?

    What is it about me that "knows" what it knows? Wouldn't it be fair to say that the acknowledgment of truth is inborn? If not, then how can we acknowledge the truth of anything? Even if it's the truth that science reveals to us? Science is still a by-product of the human endeavor, meaning it's...
  36. R

    Brain and Mind are they one and the same?

    From the Marrium webster online dictionary brain> 1 a : the portion of the vertebrate central nervous system that constitutes the organ of thought and neural coordination, includes all the higher nervous centers receiving stimuli from the sense organs and interpreting and correlating them to...
  37. M

    Exploring the Nature of the Mind: Lifegazer's Idea

    Most of us here are familiar with the Lifegazer's Mind idea, so I won't go into any real explanation - unless it becomes necessary; in which case, I think Lifegazer would do a better job than I would anyway. Lifegazer has said that all minds are products of the Mind (or of God; the terms are...
  38. R

    Essay on "The Philosophy of the Mind, Body and Soul"

    I am writting an essay on "The Philosophy of the Mind, Body and Soul". There is no particular reason I am writting this, other than for pure enjoyment. Anyway, I am overwhelmed at the myriad amounts of books, essays etc. that have come up while I was researching. So where do I start?? What...
  39. L

    Exercise Benefits Mind: Beyond Mood

    Are there any benefits for the mind from exercise, as well as body, apart from on mood?
  40. heusdens

    Proof against lifegazer's mind theory

    Goal of this thread ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This thread is all about a proof that the mind of the entity "Lifegazer", which presents himself on here with a mindless hypothese about "mind", in reality does not exists at all, and that this postings must have been ariven on this board by way of a...
  41. Moni

    Discussing Roger Penrose's "The Shadow of Mind

    I have heard from my teacher who is abroad now, that he have read a book written by Roger Penrose title "The shadow of mind". I looked for it in our public library but didn't find it. Have anyone of you read it? What is this book all about? Physics or Mind? Will anyone discuss about it ?
  42. L

    Is Reality Merely a Projection of a Singular Mind?

    I wanted to give the readers (several did ask me to do this) a more direct understanding of my philosophy - which advocates an ultimate reality of a single Mind - and of how the universe we perceive fits-in, perfectly, with this idea. Instead of trying to prove that this is the ultimate-reality...
  43. D

    How does the female mind work ?

    Greetings ! Well, this forum appears to be a bit "slow" lately. So, nothing like a controversial (and bloody ) multiple page discussion, (orginally from PF2) about how the female mind works - to get it moving again. Try to answer all the critical aspects (and get frustratingly...
  44. M

    The Hurdles to the Mind hypothesis.

    The Hurdles to the Mind hypothesis. Did you miss me? :wink: I, unfortunately, could not post all of the replies to the original thread. In fact, I have posted here only the first two posts (which explain the Hurdles). However, I still believe there is much to be discussed, with regard to...
  45. D

    Is Lifegazer the New Messiah of Our Forum?

    Greetings ! The Mind hypothesys - here's your thread LG. Can you give us the ultimate sum-up, please ? Live long and prosper.
  46. A

    The Mind as the Source of Reality: Exploring Subjectivity and Objectivity

    :) We wouldn't be complete without this post in the Philosophy forum, would we?