Modeling Definition and 609 Threads

  1. A

    Optimizing Sum of Squares with Two Positive Numbers

    Find 2 positive numbers whose sum is 100 and the sum of whose squares is a minimum. Also, find the minimum sum. I'm not sure how to write mine, but I just tested 99^2 + 1^2 = 9802 then I tested 50^2 + 50^2 = 5000, so obviously its 50 and 50. Also, I don't understand "find the minimum sum"...
  2. S

    Modeling conservation of charge

    A group of physics students designed the following experiment to test the model of conservation of charge. a) They first charged a capacitor C1 = 5600 micro F by applying a voltage V_0 = 10 volts (as shown in attachment Exam 2 - Problem 2 - Part a.JPG) b) Then the connected a second...
  3. S

    Modeling conservation of charge

    A group of physics students designed the following experiment to test the model of conservation of charge. a) They first charged a capacitor C1 = 5600 \mu\f
  4. S

    Modeling Angled Slide Flight with SUVAT Equations

    For my mechanics, I am trying to model the flight of an objected released from an angled slide, which slides (not rolls) down a distance L (constant), launches at a hight h (constant) above ground and travels a distance X, until it hits the ground. The slide's angle A is adjusted. My...
  5. F

    Predicting Pendulum Position: Differential Equations in C++ Code

    I'm trying to use the differential equations for the motion of a pendulum to create a program that predcits the pendulums position. It uses the x = x_0 + v*t + 1/2a*t^s and is written in C++. the code is: #include<iostream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<pendulumfunctions.hpp> int...
  6. B

    Modeling Planetary Temperature for an Online Game Using Limited Factors

    I'm trying to model the possble average world temperature for any given day of the year, for planets at varying distances from a star and composed of multiple materials in different quantities for an online game I'm helping develop. basically each planet's composition is simplified to land...
  7. quantumdude

    Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems

    This lonely little Forum hasn't seen much traffic, and I suspect it's because most of you don't know exactly what the field of Systems Engineering actually entails. Given the importance of "the systems approach" to modern engineering, I think a tutorial thread is in order. The discussion...
  8. Ivan Seeking

    UK enlists world's help to predict climate [computer modeling]
  9. D

    Modeling the acceleration of a car

    i'm curious as to how one could model the acceleration of a car through the gears. it would have to be a formula for speed i think, and it would depend upon the current rpm, the gear ratio, the torque (and horsepower derived from it), and the circumference of the tire. i'd appreciate any input.