Movement Definition and 635 Threads

The labour movement or labor movement consists of two main wings: the trade union movement (British English) or labor union movement (American English), also called trade unionism or labor unionism on the one hand, and the political labour movement on the other.

The trade union movement consists of the collective organisation of working people developed to represent and campaign for better working conditions and treatment from their employers and, by the implementation of labour and employment laws, from their governments. The standard unit of organisation is the trade union.The political labour movement in many countries includes a political party that represents the interests of employees, often known as a "labour party" or "workers' party". Many individuals and political groups otherwise considered to represent ruling classes may be part of, and active in, the labour movement.The labour movement developed in response to the depredations of industrial capitalism at about the same time as socialism. However, while the goal of the labour movement is to protect and strengthen the interests of labour within capitalism, the goal of socialism is to replace the capitalist system entirely.

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  1. I

    Is Intelligent Falling the New Theory of Gravity?

    Had a laugh with this, and thought I'd share:
  2. A

    Exploring Possibilities of No Movement FTL Travel

    I was thinking a while back, after reading something about inflation. if you could build a device that will increse the distance between you and an object(lets say earth), you would be able the change posision faster then sublightspeed motion allows. because you would create distance, of which...
  3. A

    Elliot Wave Structure: Predicting Market Vibrations

    suppose the "elliot wave structure" and movement in markets is fact and causes a vibration everytime (a vibration is a change in price due to a factor, here being the range). The elliot wave structure says that markets move in 5 waves as shown below, one up, one down ect till the top, where...
  4. S

    Of Velocity, Acceleration, and Movement

    NOTE: I have a physics question that I came across while working on a personal project. This is not a homework question. I was not sure which forum to put his in. I am not great at physics. However, I find that once in a while I need to use it in my daily life. I should have listened to my...
  5. G

    The Arrow Paradoxon: Movement or Illusion?

    hi folks maybe somebody can help out concerning this topic... i once heard of an arrow paradoxon, even though I'm not sure whether it really is one. it is about movement, just check out the scenario: when you shoot an arrow towards an aim you can physically describe its movement from the bow...
  6. R

    Heat & Movement: Frame of Reference & Kinetic Energy

    hello, my first post here, I'm training as a physics teacher and my physics is quite rusty, it's been a good few years since university, i was thinking about heat (of air for example) being the kinetic energy of the particles and then i thought if that was the case wouldn't a mass of air with a...
  7. M

    Please help me understand movement of electron in a magnetic field is my little picture what is drawn is a magnetic field pointed N to S (left to right) the helical path shown is the path of an electron taken in that field my question is, why is that so? at the far left, the magnetic field is ~constant, and according to the...
  8. Loren Booda

    Waking reflexive rapid eye movement

    We've all experienced REM. I notice that while awake, with eyes closed (or even open!), I can generate a sequence of images by allowing my eyes to integrate together the present image with my semiconscious lucid thoughts. For instance, I might visualize a vacation spot in the Black Forest and...
  9. E

    Universal Movement: Exploring Cosmology, Physics & More

    First of all this is my first post on this forum, or any other forum of this type. I am extremely interested in cosmology, physics etc. on a personal knowledge level. I usually just read stuff on the web, but I am glad to have found a place where people actually actively talk about this. I...
  10. O

    Is This the Most Distracting Thing to Happen During an Exam?

    Have you seen this video before? It shows a student quietly writing an essay when something starts moving rapidly within eyeshot of the student. Distracted the student asks the ‘thing’ to stop moving, well you’ll see the rest……. Video found here -...
  11. S

    The Mystery of Rotational Movement in Marbles and Galaxies

    I have a container of Marbles, if I place a rod in the centre, and proceed to stir clockwise, the marbles do not form any collective pattern, they just collide and move away in all directions. Now if I place the Marbles into a container of Water, and perform the above, there are moments when...
  12. X

    Question about GR - movement in space-time

    Is it true that nothing physical can move in space-time? As a layman in GR i really wondered whether anything physical can move in space-time because movement in space-time is self-referential and will contradict the basic definition of space and time. Also check out this...
  13. F

    Analyze the movement after displacing the mass xo horizontally

    Dear friends, I need some help with this problem. As you can see in the picture we have this mass attached to two springs of proper length l and I'm asked to analyze the movement after displacing the mass xo horizontally (being xo very small). I don't want you to solve the problem for me...
  14. P

    Friction in rotational movement

    First, sorry for my bad english, it is a hard job for me. I am an engineering student and I have found that something doesn´t match. Imagine a cylinder, a wheel for example. Case 1) If it if it descends by a plane inclined because of its weight, the friction direction goes in the same way...
  15. C

    A question about movement in 4D

    Okay, I understand that if you dedicate some motion to one dimension at a constant rate you consequently pull motion from another dimension. Like driving at an angle rather than a straight line traveling a longer distance to a said stopping line (traveling in two dimensions rather than one). I...
  16. L

    The Galileo Galilei Formula for Deceleration: An Alternative to Newton's Model

    This, to most of you, is probably easy to work out. I have the following question: A car has a mass of 900kg and is traveling at 35m/s on a motorway. The driver sees that a queue has developed and applied the brakes to give the car a decelerating force of 2000N until it comes to rest. What...
  17. G

    Exploring Movement: Theory of Quantum Jumps

    Hi. I have been pondering on what movement is for a long time, and I think I have a theory (unprovable as of now). This is my theory. 1.Movement is tiny quantum jumps through space :confused: 2.movement is allowed my spacetime and energy :confused: Listnen to these questions...
  18. J

    Red Rope Tension: Does Wheel Movement Matter?

    If you take the wheel as your system, would the tension in the red rope be 10 lbs also? pic attached thanks
  19. U

    Name of the movement of a wheel

    I would really like someone to answer this simple question. I have searched the net and i cannot find the answer, i know i have only just read it but i can't remember where. Basically all i want to know is the name of the movement of a while when it is moving a vehicle (i don't mean around...
  20. M

    Question atom / molecular movement

    Hi, first of all I'd like to say hello as I'm new to this forum. Here are my questions: If a single atom would be held in an empty room (vacuum/no gravity) would it move or would it stand still? If it does move what would the movement would look like? The same question goes for...
  21. T

    Find Horizontal & Vertical Movements of Point with 10kN Force

    I have a structure that looks something like this; a steel-pole is vertical for 2m and then horizontal for 1m, like an uppside-down L-shape. At the end of the horizontal part, a force acts downwards (10kN). How do I go about to find both the horizontal and vertical movement of the point where...
  22. V

    What is the nature of mass and its relationship to movement?

    According to the theory of relativity and according to observations, adding movement to mass makes it more massive. All the components of mass are in a jumble of related motion. Protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms, and molecules comprise mass; they all vibrate and orbit and whiz around inside...
  23. R

    Calculate the Movement of a Rowboat When Two People Exchange Seats

    Hey guys, please help. Two people, one of mass 65kg and the other of mass 40kg, sit in a rowboat of mass 85kg. With the boat initially at rest, the two people, who have been sitting at opposite ends of the boat, 4.0m apart from each other, exchange seats. How far will the boat move? and in...
  24. K

    Movement through space or movement through time?

    A particle that moves a certain distance in the gravitational field of a small mass,changes its weight as it moves.But if that particle had been stationary relative to the small mass, and the gravitational field had changed its strength with time, in such a way that the weight of the...
  25. E

    Solving a Spool Problem: Length of Unwound Rope & Distance of CM Movement

    Here is another one of these spool problems: A large spool of rope stands on the ground with the end of the rope lying on the top edge of the spool. A person grabs the end of the rope and walks a distance L, holding onto it. The spool rolls behind the person without slipping. (a) What length of...
  26. X

    Electron movement between atoms

    I am a completely ignorant to Physics in general so bear with me. I was reading something recently and the author stated "an electron can jump instantaneously from one atom orbital to another without moving across the space between them" Is this true? Is it taken completely out of context or...
  27. I

    Traveling at Light Speed: Our Earth's Movement Through Time

    Our Earth spins on its axis at 1600 km/hr, and then travels around the sun at some higher speed (i don't remember what) and then our galaxy spins on an axis at a higher speed, and it in turn revolves around some Great Attractor at the speed of c. So IOW are we traveling at a net speed of c...
  28. 1

    Movement on a Sphere: Find Lat & Long of Point P

    Hi all, I have a question on the movement of a point on a sphere. Consider a point P(\theta,\phi) (\theta and\phi are the latitude and the longitude, respectively)moving from a point P_1(\theta_1,\phi_1) to a point P_2(\theta_2,\phi_2) with a constant speed v. How to find the latitude...
  29. I

    Solve a Physics Homework Question: Movement of Mass M

    can anyone help me with this question from my homework? i have the system in the picture and i need to find out the type of movement of the bar. the box named A is an inductor, the 2 long parallel lines are infinite conductors. there's a magnetic field into the page. the black bolded line is a...
  30. D

    Explore Circular Movement with a 0.4 Kg Object - Problem & Solution

    Can anyone help me with this problem please.. I included the picture of the problem below.. m = 0.4 Kg
  31. D

    Circular Movement: Understanding m = 0.4Kg - Helpful Picture Included!

    Hi can anyone help me with this problem.. Picture is included.. I am kinda lost.. thank you so much m = 0.4Kg
  32. W

    Can the energy of movement be altered by another energy?

    I was recently studying quantum mechanics and thought of a situation quantem mechanics in a way is movement and how movemnt and reality go together such as e=mc squared but is it posible that the energy of movement or the velocity if you wish could be altered by another energy causing the...
  33. S

    Exploring the Concept of a Teeter Point in Movement: Theories and Ideas

    Hi, When a pendulum is swung and it reaches a point of reverse direction, there is a moment in time and space that the pendulum and the observer is effected by. A point where a given movement either starts, reverses or is changed. This point in time and space I call a "Teeter point" ...
  34. A

    Solving Mechanics Problems: Truck Movement on Hills & Ramps

    These are two separate questions, each of them together, in a way. 1. A truck rolls down a 7.8 degree hill with a constant speed of 30.0 m/s. At the bottom of the hill it continues on a horizontal surface. How far will the truck go before it stops? For this I made a diagram with a...
  35. O

    Defining mass resisting movement exerting energy

    I have read that mass can be measured by the degree of movement resistance to surrounding activity, so that an object high in mass will take more energy exertion to move than an object with a relatively lower mass measurement. Does anyone else have a different working definition for the word...