Multiple choice Definition and 165 Threads

Multiple choice, objective response, or MCQ (for Multiple Choice Question) is a form of an objective assessment in which respondents are asked to select only correct answers from the choices offered as a list. The multiple choice format is most frequently used in educational testing, in market research, and in elections, when a person chooses between multiple candidates, parties, or policies.
Although E. L. Thorndike developed an early scientific approach to testing students, it was his assistant Benjamin D. Wood who developed the multiple-choice test. Multiple-choice testing increased in popularity in the mid-20th century when scanners and data-processing machines were developed to check the results. Christopher P. Sole created the first multiple-choice examination for computers on a Sharp Mz 80 computer in 1982. It was developed to aid people with dyslexia cope with agricultural subjects, as Latin plant names can be difficult to understand and write. The first complete exam was developed at St Edwards School in Romsey, England.

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  1. Y

    MHB Counting problem - Multiple choice test

    A quiz has 4 questions with 3 choices for each answer. If you guess every answer, in how many different ways can you complete this test?__________ How many students must take this test to guarantee that at least 3 identical answer sheets are submitted?__________ I know how that the answer to...
  2. T

    University physics, waves, multiple choice.

    Homework Statement A cord with a mass of 40g is tied between two supports with a tension of 19.2N. The natural frequency of the cord is 10Hz. Find the length of the cord a.1.2m b.2m c.289m d.34cm Using your answer from Question 3, how long does the wave take to travel from one end of the...
  3. M

    How to solve multiple choice questions?

    Hello I was wondering if some one can give me advice on how to approach these types of problems. I do horrible on these types of questions but do well on all other, any strategy helps. Homework Statement This is an example problem: Oxygen molecules are 16 times more massive than...
  4. T

    Multiple choice question about constant velocity

    Homework Statement Which of the following is NOT true about an object having constant velocity? Select one: a. It has constant speed b. It is moving in a steady/fixed direction c. It has constant acceleration d. It might be at rest e. It might have a fixed position Homework...
  5. A

    A Quick Multiple choice for marginal density function

    Given a plane with three points, (0,−1), (2,0), and (0,1) with x-axis and y-axis connecting three points to make a triangle. Suppose this triangle represents the support for a joint continuous probability density Pick one of the following: The marginal density f(y), defined as ∫f(x,y)dx...
  6. N

    Physics Multiple Choice: Torque Direction

    Homework Statement What is the direction of the moment? A) along +x B) along −x C) along +y D) along −y E) into the page F) Out of the page Homework Equations T=rf The Attempt at a Solution I said out of the page because when I use the right hand rule, my...
  7. B

    No worries, let's just focus on finding the correct answers for the questions!

    1. Two blocks of equal mass are each pushed (from rest) along a frictionless surface a distance d. The force applied to block B is four times that applied to block A. What is the velocity of block B, relative to that of block A, vA? a) 4 vA b) 2 vA c) vA d) vA/2 e) vA/4 2. What is the...
  8. N

    Understanding Standing Waves on a String

    Homework Statement In a standing wave on a string (a)In one time period all the particles are simultaneously at rest. (b)All the particles must be at their positive extremes simultaneously once in time period. (c)All the particles may be at their positive extremes simultaneously once in time...
  9. J

    Practice Finals Multiple Choice

    I'm looking for some really good an thorough multiple choice practice finals for my Electricity and Magnetism class. anyone have any recommendations? My goal is to get an A on this final and that is going to be very difficult so i need some really good practice. thank you for you help.
  10. D

    Parallel circuit multiple choice question

    This past Monday I took an exam and got a 99, woot woot! But I can't seem to understand why I got the following question wrong: Complete the following statement: A simple series circuit contains a resistance R and an ideal battery. If a second resistor is connected in parallel with R, A) the...
  11. P

    What Determines the Electric Field Inside a Spherical Conductor?

    Homework Statement 1. Positive charge Q is placed on a conducting spherical shell with inner radius R1 and outer radius R2. A point charge q is placed at the center of the cavity. The magnitude of the electric field produced by the charge on the inner surface at a point in the interior of...
  12. P

    Angular Momentum/Rolling Multiple Choice

    Homework Statement 1. A cylinder of radius R = 6.0 cm is on a rough horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the cylinder and the surface is 0.30 and the rotational inertia for rotation about the axis is given by MR2/2, where M is its mass. Initially it is not...
  13. Duderonimous

    Multiple choice conceptual question on the photoelectric effect

    Homework Statement In a photoelectric effect experiment, the frequency of the light is increased while keeping the intensity of the light constant. What effect does this have? A) fewer electrons will be ejected B) more electrons will be ejected C) the same number of electrons will be ejected...
  14. W

    Torque multiple choice question needing explanation

    Homework Statement If two forces of equal magnitude act on an object that is hinged at a pivot, the force acting farther from the pivot must produce the greater torque about the pivot. a. False b. unable to decide without knowing shape of object c. True Homework Equations T=rxF...
  15. M

    Multiple choice, magnetic force on the particle

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know that since the charge is negative qo*Vperpendicular would be traveling in the oppsite direction. Which by the right hand rule ultimately affects B. So using the formula F=q0V(perpendicular)*B...
  16. M

    Multiple choice Current through Bulb A

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution First I originally tried using kichhoff's rules, but didn't get far. What is throwing me off is they are giving me the current of the battery instead of the voltage. Since I know circuits in parallels all have...
  17. N

    Multiple choice question on the absolute uncertainty?

    An experiment is performed to determine a physical quantity and 10 trials are made. The absolute uncertainty in the quantity can be given by a. the mean of the data b. the standard error of the data c. None of the above I'm leaning more towards b because absolute uncertainty has to deal with...
  18. M

    AP Physics B Course Description Multiple Choice #3-4

    Homework Statement Page 45 Homework Equations sinθ = opp/hyp tanθ = opp/adj cosθ = adj/hyp G ≈ 10 m/{s}^2 The Attempt at a Solution I know that the weight is a force pointing downwards...
  19. L

    Couple multiple choice: Confirmation needed

    1. For which following condition, will the cross product of two vectors be zero? a. If the angle between them is 90°. b. If the angle between them is 0°. c. If the angle between them is 45°. d. If the vectors have the same magnitude. 2. If a = (5, 2) and b = (-3, 1), then which of the...
  20. Y

    Simple multiple choice questions

    I'm taking a final tomorrow and was just wondering if someone could confirm that these (most missed) multiple choice questions on the previous exams are answered correctly. Again, this isn't homework, they are old test questions The "Principle of Equivalence" states that __________ and...
  21. M

    Which describes the interference at P? (Multiple Choice)

    Homework Statement In Young’s double-slit interference experiment, if the rays that reach point P on the viewing screen have a path length difference of 2.50 wavelengths, which describes the interference at P? A. It is the central bright fringe. B. It is the first dark fringe to either...
  22. G

    What Force Does a Charged Particle Experience in a Magnetic Field?

    Homework Statement A charged particle traveling with a velocity v in a magnetic field B experiences a force F that must be: A. parallel to v B. perpendicular to only v C. parallel to v-B D. parallel to B E. perpendicular to v x B Homework Equations Requires this right hand...
  23. J

    Newton Law Gravitation - Multiple choice question?

    Newton Law Gravitation - Multiple choice question?? Homework Statement Newton’s law of gravitation can be applied to the Earth-Moon system. Which of the following statements is not correct? A The value of G at the surface of the Moon is the same as that at the surface of the Earth...
  24. J

    Electric field - multiple choice - Physics Unit 4 Specimen

    Homework Statement see attached file Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution ok so I get that the answer is B but is it because they have the same q/m ratio?
  25. C

    Power, electricity, multiple choice Q

    Homework Statement If you step up the voltage in a wire by a factor of 100, how is heat affected? A. No change B. Heat loss increases by a factor of 10000 C. Heat loss decreases by a factor of 10000 D. Not enough information to tell Answer: "C, heat loss decreases by a factor of 10000...
  26. G

    AP Physics Multiple Choice Question

    5. A force of 12 N is applied tangentially to the rim of a wheel with radius 0.70 m and rotational inertia 3.0 kg-m2. What angular acceleration results? a) 2.6 rad/s2 b) 2.8 rad/s2 c) 3.2 rad/s2 d) 3.4 rad/s2 e) none of these ____6. If the force in question #5 acts for 20 s, what will be the...
  27. G

    HELP WITH AP PHYSICS- 5 min drill Multiple choice easy?

    I need help with all of these. I am so lost on all of them and have been working for hours. Anything is so appreciated. _____1. A rock is dropped off a cliff and falls the first half of the distance to the ground in t1 seconds. It falls the second half of the distance in t2 seconds. What...
  28. F

    Engineering Need help with MOSFET circuit question (multiple choice).

    Hello all. It's been awhile since I took a circuits class, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Homework Statement See attachment for circuit drawing and question. Homework Equations OHM's law? V=IR Idiode = Io - id The Attempt at a Solution I've tried...
  29. I_am_learning

    Multiple Choice Question negative marking

    You attend a multiple choice question exam, and you have n (say 10) questions whose answers you don't know at all. There are 4 choices in each question. A correct answer yeilds 1 marks. An incorrect answer has penalty of -0.25 marks. Is it wise to attempt all the questions in random? It...
  30. N

    Impulse Multiple choice question

    Homework Statement In a collision between two unequal masses, how does the impulse imparted to the smaller mass by the larger mass compare with the impulse imparted to the larger mass by the smaller one? A) It is smaller. B) The answer depends on how fast they are moving. C) They are...
  31. B

    Alternating Current (multiple CHoice)

    Homework Statement An alternating voltage is given by v = 30\sin(314t).The time taken by the voltage to reach 30V for the first time is: A. 0.02s B. 0.03s C. 0.1s D. 0.015s Homework Equations google for equation for instantaneaous current and voltage The Attempt at a Solution 30 = 30sin(314t)...
  32. N

    What Defines the Properties of All Electromagnetic Radiation?

    Homework Statement which are properties of all Electromagnetic radiation I the travel at the speed of light in space II they propagate through the creation of mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic fields III they are constant and do not vary with time IV they have the same frequency and...
  33. W

    Comparing Potentials of Multiple Charges at Varying Distances from the Origin

    Homework Statement Charge Q is located at the (x,y) origin. q is a distance r in the +x direction from Q. 2q is a distance 2r in the +x direction from Q. Which of q or 2q is at a higher potential? q, 2q, or same. The Attempt at a Solution I am thinking that it would depend on Q. Q=0, then...
  34. M

    Multiple choice question involving conservation of energy on inclined planes

    Homework Statement You have a pair of inclined planes such that a block that slides down one can slide up the other without losing any energy in the transition. The inclined planes are both at an angle θ from the horizontal, as shown in the diagram. The inclined plane on the left is...
  35. M

    Probability in a multiple choice test

    Two students are taking a 10 question test. Each question has 4 different answers. How many ways can each student answer the test? What is the probability that these two students get the same answers? I know that to get the number of ways to answer, the number of students is irrelevant. nk...
  36. C

    Statistics, multiple choice, regression equation - 2nd question

    Statistics, multiple choice, regression equation -- 2nd question Homework Statement A regression equation was developed to predict gasoline mileage (mpg) for various car weights (pounds). The resultant equation was: Y = 35.2 - .0034 X. Which two answers can be concluded? A. The...
  37. C

    Statistics, multiple choice, correlation coefficient

    Homework Statement The correlation coefficient for each of two data sets is calculated. Set A has r = -0.75 while Set B has r = +0.55. Which set (A or B) has the stronger strength of relationship? Homework Equations I think -0.75? The Attempt at a Solution I think Set A r =...
  38. P

    3 Multiple Choice - Circuits/Waves

    Hi, I have three M.C. questions. The answers to these questions are A, D, C. I am not exactly sure why exactly those are the correct answer (I guessed for the first one and happened to be right). Homework Statement Source: IB...
  39. M

    Rc circuit multiple choice don't understand why this is the correct answer

    Homework Statement page 6 number 5 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I don't understand how they got the answers ? i applied the loop and junction rule but they only give me more...
  40. G

    Calculus Readiness Multiple Choice Test Answer Key Wrong?

    Hi, for spring break homework I had to take this "calculus readiness test" thingy and I got a score of 19/24 and I'm trying to go through the test and see which ones I got wrong. I'm however perplexed because I don't see which ones I got wrong. I guess I got five wrong but don't see which...
  41. A

    Answering Multiple Choice Questions on Homework

    Homework Statement the capital letter option was the answer that i have chosen in my test. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution 1. The areas under the hysteresis loop is proportional to a) Magnetic energy density b) Thermal energy per unit volume C) ELECTRIC...
  42. A

    Are These Physics Multiple Choice Answers Correct?

    Homework Statement Somebody please check my multiple choice questions, I have attempted in my exam. The capital letter is the answer that I have ticked in the exam. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution 1. The angular momentum of a particle under the influence of a...
  43. R

    Multiple choice but no answers to them so can't study?

    I'm studying for a test tomorrow, I found these multiple choice questions but no answers to them. If you can help me out so I know which one is correct so I can study properly, that would be much appreciated :D 1. A 24-kg traffic light is suspended from the midpoint of a cable suspended...
  44. C

    Need Help with 11 multiple choice Problems for Review

    Topic can be Closed! EDITED: Got answers from a friend!
  45. T

    Chemistry: Catalysts Multiple Choice Question

    Homework Statement Which of the following are ways that catalysts can speed up reactions rates? You must check all answers that apply. A.) Increase the activation energy. B.) Decrease the energy of activation. C.) Change the path of the reaction. D.) Speedup the reaction without changing...
  46. B

    Momentum Multiple choice question

    A billiard ball has an initial speed of 5 m/s and it collides with another billiard ball of the same mass initially at rest. If the speeds of the two billiard balls are 3 and 4 m/s, then a) momentum was conserved but not kinetic energy b) kinetic energy was conserved but not momentum c)...
  47. T

    Linear Algebra Multiple Choice

    Homework Statement [PLAIN] The Attempt at a Solution Last condition = 1) ? How about the others?
  48. M

    Need book recommendation for difficult multiple choice problems

    I need to quiz small study group. Looking for book/other-resources for difficult multiple choice questions on physics (motion, rotation, light, electro-magnetics etc.)
  49. L

    Dot Product Rules Multiple choice

    Homework Statement See the image Homework Equations The rules of dot product multiplication. The Attempt at a Solution I've determined that 2 of the solutions are valid, while two of the choices are invalid. I thought C and D looked correct, making A...
  50. G

    1986 AP Biology Multiple Choice Key

    Homework Statement I'm looking for the key so that way I can check my work. I'm sure a teacher on here whom taches AP Biology has this document handy. I was woundering if someone who has it can give it to me. I'm not asking for the exam. I have the exam. Believe me I'm not that stupid...