Nanotechnology Definition and 162 Threads

Nanotechnology, also shortened to nanotech, is the use of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale for industrial purposes. The earliest, widespread description of nanotechnology referred to the particular technological goal of precisely manipulating atoms and molecules for fabrication of macroscale products, also now referred to as molecular nanotechnology. A more generalized description of nanotechnology was subsequently established by the National Nanotechnology Initiative, which defined nanotechnology as the manipulation of matter with at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometers. This definition reflects the fact that quantum mechanical effects are important at this quantum-realm scale, and so the definition shifted from a particular technological goal to a research category inclusive of all types of research and technologies that deal with the special properties of matter which occur below the given size threshold. It is therefore common to see the plural form "nanotechnologies" as well as "nanoscale technologies" to refer to the broad range of research and applications whose common trait is size.
Nanotechnology as defined by size is naturally broad, including fields of science as diverse as surface science, organic chemistry, molecular biology, semiconductor physics, energy storage, engineering, microfabrication, and molecular engineering. The associated research and applications are equally diverse, ranging from extensions of conventional device physics to completely new approaches based upon molecular self-assembly, from developing new materials with dimensions on the nanoscale to direct control of matter on the atomic scale.
Scientists currently debate the future implications of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology may be able to create many new materials and devices with a vast range of applications, such as in nanomedicine, nanoelectronics, biomaterials energy production, and consumer products. On the other hand, nanotechnology raises many of the same issues as any new technology, including concerns about the toxicity and environmental impact of nanomaterials, and their potential effects on global economics, as well as speculation about various doomsday scenarios. These concerns have led to a debate among advocacy groups and governments on whether special regulation of nanotechnology is warranted.

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  1. shezi1995

    A career in Nanotechnology via pure sciences

    I have been offered admission by St Johns College Cambridge University for Natural science. In the first year I have to choose 3 experimental sciences along with maths. My options are physics, chem, materials science, computer science and some biological options. I am looking into a career in...
  2. B

    Is Nanotechnology Engineering a Trendy Major or a Jack of All Trades?

    Do you think this engineering major will be greatly challenging, more so than others? Tell me what you think about this major! It's currently offered at Waterloo in Canada.
  3. F

    12th Grade student, looking to do engineering

    I have applied to various universities in Canada for mechanical engineering. That is, I applied to general engineering, but all of the schools require supplementary applications on which you specify which type of engineering you want to pursue. At the University of Waterloo in Ontario, they...
  4. C

    Programs Which Master's Degree Should I Choose for Future Impact and Personal Passion?

    Next year I should start my master's degree (if everything goes well this year). I have my doubts regarding which area to choose. I know most the teachers. I know with which I would like to work. But I don't want that bias compromising my choice. My university has the following areas for...
  5. H

    Programs Should I Switch My Major from Electrical Engineering?

    I need some advice for what engineering major to choose as an undergraduate. I understand that it is ultimately my decision, but a little advice would be extremely helpful. A little about me: Right now I am a freshman in electrical engineering. I do not find my introductory EE class...
  6. C

    Engineering Material and Chemical Engineering, which to choose?

    Hi everyone, I'm an a-level student (year 13) doing Physics, Chemistry and Maths. I am struggling of what university subject to apply for...I want to do a subject that is a combination of all three subjects I'm now doing. I like topics that I can go very very deep. I think quantum and...
  7. M

    Advice on material science/nanotechnology

    Hi, I have just completed my undergraduate studies in electrical engineering and looking for options in material science because I have a feeling that is the place where I can get the chance to invent anything if I will ever invent something. The thing is my knowledge is strictly electrical...
  8. G

    Thompson Reuters predicts 2nd Nobel nomination for Sharpless

    For his work on click-chemistry. I think it would be a crime if Sharpless didn't get it for click chemistry. It's amazing how much one reaction can revolutionize the way we understand biology, applications...
  9. B

    Engineering Is Nanotechnology Engineering the Future of Science and Technology?

    what do you think of it ? what are the main career prospects for a phd in nanotechnology engineering ? also how much quantum mechanics do NT engineers study ? can i major in physics and then go for an MSc in nanotechnology ?
  10. J

    Engineering Biochemistry vs. Chemical Engineering

    i'm not exactly sure what i want my future career to be (my interests keep changing) but right now I'm set on engineering. i did a little research and I've narrowed it down to either chemical or systems design engineering. if there are any chemical engineers out there, why did u choose this...
  11. D

    Is Materials Science a good PhD route to pursue?

    Hello everyone, I'm an undergraduate senior majoring in physics and math, with plans to go to grad school next year. I have two questions for you all: 1) for someone interested in nanotechnology, biotechnology, and physics, is materials science a good PhD to pursue? 2) If so, are there any...
  12. A

    Difference between nano physics and nanotechnology

    Hi, I am preparing for a project based on nano physics, and I am just 'beginner'. While preparing I just could not make out the difference between nano physics and nanotechnology. Can somebody help me? Thank you very much.
  13. A

    Research topics and nanotechnology.

    Can someone elaborate on E.E research topics and current-active research programs? I have read about photonics, optical computing, quantum computing and semi-conductors. I plan on doing a project and small research on an undergraduate level. I tried to do a research on tokamaks and confining...
  14. L

    Which specialty should I choose on my last year?

    Greetings, fellow scientists. I've come here due to extreme desperation over a simple fact that causes me a lot of stress: having to choose a specialty for my next year. But first, a bit of elaboration over that. Oh, and the question is going to be long, but I need the help, so if you are...
  15. L

    Career prospects within the field of Nanotechnology

    Hello! First let me introduce myself. I'm an engineering undergraduate in northern Europe. Ever since I started my engineering studies I've had an interest in Nanotechnology, which in my eyes is "the future" along with robotics, automation and more. I'm interested in theoretical mathematics...
  16. L

    MSc in Applied Mathematics as compared to

    Hello, I'm a European EE/Engineering physics undergraduate (something of a mix of those two) trying to figure out what to major in. Up until now my main topic of interest has been nanotechnology. Now I'm not sure that's a good idea because of the seemingly small job market where I live. I want...
  17. F

    A general Master's or a bit more specialized?

    I'm going for a masters in chem eng, and aside from my 6 general courses, I can also take 4 electives. I'd like to take nanotechnology courses, since that is a field that I am very interested in (but isn't my only option). Do you think this is worth it to "specialize" like this? Since I have the...
  18. M

    Exploring Nuclear Fusion: Challenges, Degrees, Books and Job Opportunities

    After long thinking I decided that I want to do either engineering or science. I am not really interested in one specific field in science but I am more interested in what field is more useful, active and revolutionary. I became very interested in quantum computing but I lost interest since it...
  19. A

    Schools Which courses would suit my interests in college?

    I want to have a career in development and creation of new technologies and devices (preferably for medicinal purposes).Kind of like Bio-engineering and nanotechnology combined.I am about to complete high school with Non-medical.People have got me quite confused about what should I do now.I...
  20. A

    What Are the Emerging Technologies in the Field of Implantable Medical Devices?

    I'd greatly appreciate for any advice. I'm a rising sophomore at an american college, studying for Physics/Applied Engineering Physics. During this summer, however, I'm working, or rather studying, at a venture capital company. My assignment right now is to find an industry/technology...
  21. AGNuke

    Engineering Future prospects in Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Sciences

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  22. K

    ECE options: nanotechonology and biomedic engineering

    Hello guys I am from UBC, Canada, eletricial engineering. After second year, we are currently declaring options: two in my particular interests are "biomedical engineering" and "nanotechnology & micro-system". I have already investigated about the courses offered by these two options. But I...
  23. AGNuke

    Which engineering branch to opt for Nanotechnology

    I've finally given my college entrance test (The IIT-JEE). And I am expecting a decent rank to join in one of the premier institutes of India. I want to pursue my interests in Nanotechnology, because I think it has a great scope for future research and I want to do the same. But I don't know...
  24. M

    Where do you think tech is headed in the near future?

    Where doing think research into new technologies is headed in the near future? Some people say it will be nanotechnology/ material science and energy as these will have more practical applications than any other kind of scientific research. Do you agree? PS: made a mistake in the title :(
  25. P

    Programs Physics and Electrical Engineering Double Major?

    Hello there and thank you for taking your time to read this. Well my problem is that I can't decide if I should double major or not. I am going to be an incoming freshman to college with my intended major being physics. I wanted to double major with EE because I find it to also be interesting...
  26. schrodingerscat11

    Professor or Research Group that works on Nanotechnology-agriculture

    Greetings! I have this friend who had synthesis of nanomaterials as his MS thesis. After talking with him, I realized that his passion is on helping the farmers in the agriculture industry. I want to help him find a research group or professor (for his Phd) in which he can apply what he...
  27. B

    Materials Science and Theoretical Physics

    Hello everyone, I am a student in Engineering Physics and I'm currently at the point where we have to choose in which domain we want to specialize. The undergraduate program in Engineering Physics at my university is leaning much more towards the physics part than the engineering part, so we...
  28. F

    What to do with my Chemical Engineering degree?

    Hi all, I've browsed this form for a while and have gotten some help but now need to ask some personal advice. I'm currently a junior in chemical engineering at a top-20 engineering school. I don't know what I want to do with my life. My original plan was to go to grad school, get a PhD...
  29. I

    The correlation between AI and C.V. to these automation systems

    I want to know how the artificial intelligent become integrated or can improve more automation systems and machine that build in automatic way Display screen, solar cells, lithium ion batteries, printed circuit boards and 3D printers. I know that these automation systems and machine are...
  30. E

    What Math Courses Are Relevant to Nanotechnology?

    Hello, I'm a student at UIUC and am wondering what sort of math subjects (or courses if you happen to go here) would be relevant to the field of nanotechnology. Thanks!
  31. I

    Manufacture of solar panel, display, lithium ion battery and PCB

    I am interesting to know about the manufactures of these products: crystalline silicon solar cells, thin-film solar modules, display screens like: Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), touch panel and plasma, thin film rechargeable lithium ion batteries, lithium ion batteries for electric car, fuel...
  32. R

    What is the Effect of Nanotube Length on Reflectance in Nanotechnology?

    hi guys, I'm working about nanotechnology, and my current research is about nanotubes. Based on my observation, as the nanotubes length increased the reflectance also increased, one of my possible explanation is that; since dielectric constant is dependent on the dimension of the material, and...
  33. S

    Which specialization should I choose for my EE degree?

    Hello all, My question pertains to specializing within an EE degree. At my school we have to specialize in 2 out of 3 options, which include Sensors, Circuits and Devices, Digital Signal Processing and Applications, and Power and Energy. I have for sure decided on Power and Energy, however, I am...
  34. C

    Materials Science vs. Physics How do they complement each other?

    Which field of science is at the forefront in the design of novel materials (biomaterials, semiconductors, energetic materials, etc.) and nanotechnology? I would imagine that physicists and materials scientists work together to achieve the above goals, but can someone describe to me the role...
  35. J

    Critique my statement of purpose

    This is for an application to a program in Climate Physics and Chemistry / Atmospheric science. Statement of Objectives While studying Physics at the University of X I became fascinated by the overlap of physics with other fields such as Earth sciences and nanotechnology. I explored these...
  36. P

    Engineering From Nano Engineering to Math/CS: Making the Switch and Finding My Passion

    Hey guys, I'm stuck in a rut. I'm currently in an engineering program--Nanotechnology, it's mostly focused on materials, chemistry, and electrical. In upper years there is an option to specialize in biology which is the original reason I wanted to attend this program. That specialization is...
  37. E

    EE student in need of serious advice

    I realize this post is long, and maybe even not meant for this forum, but I could really, REALLY use some solid advice from someone who has been there/done that. I am in my 4th year of being an EE student out of 5. I am attending a very good engineering school. I have had summer...
  38. S

    Nanotechnology class, quantum review problem.

    Homework Statement Consider a football field. Standing along the sideline are 100 people, on person at each 1-yard hash mark. The first person weighs 30kg, the next 3kg, and so on up to 130kg. The people can only move in straight lines toward the opposite sideline. At a particular moment...
  39. M

    Major to go into Solar Energy ( particularly Nanotechnology in Solar energy )

    Hi. I will be starting college this fall and I am interested in pursuing a career in Nanotechnology - particularly its application to Solar energy. I have not declared a major at this point and was wondering what would be the best major to help me go into this field. I hear EE and Chem eng are...
  40. H

    Nanotechnology and Materials Science

    Hello, Grad school is still a few (3) years off, but its good to have plans in mind so I thought I would ask: Has anyone information on the industry prospects of nanotechnology specializations? Previous posts indicate that condensed matter / solid state physics are some of the more common...
  41. S

    Schools Grad school for phd in NANOTECH?

    Grad school for phd in NANOTECH?? I am planning for a Phd in Nanotechnology, particularly related to Molecular robotics/NEMS/MEMS/ and even nano-composites may do..though its not my first choice currently i am pursuing B.Tech in Mech engg...and have Cumulative gpa (till 6th sem) of 8.7/10...
  42. E

    A few questions on Nanotechnology (Microscopes/Optics)

    I've been going through some past papers in preparation for my exam tomorrow. We have not been given the past paper answers so i was wondering if anyone could help me with some of the answers. I will post multiple questions here but help with any of them would be greatly apprechiated Homework...
  43. B

    The Career Prospect of Nanotechnology

    Hello PF, I am an aspiring chemical or materials engineer of whom would like to do a masters degree in nanotechnology. It looks as though it would have many many applications in the world of materials science. As it is an emerging field, I would like to ask your opinions on where it is...
  44. C

    Where to do Cosmology or nanotechnology research over Summer in England

    I'm a Physics Senior in the United States. I would like to participate in an Undergraduate Research Program in the UK this summer. I've applied to several here in the US, but I'd enjoy a pretense to both further my studies of novel space-time geometries using non-FRW models and visit some some...
  45. S

    Is Dual Majoring in MechE and Physics Enough for a Career in Nanotechnology?

    Will dual majoring in MechE and physics and pickup up some extra chem classes help towards working with Nanotech?
  46. B

    Chemical Engineering vs Nanotechnology Engineering/ Nanoengineering?

    Help me decide, by suggesting differences and weighing pros and cons of each undergraduate program. I'm in frantic need of help here, and all replies would be appreciated :P
  47. P

    Physics Nanotechnology as a career option for Physics Major

    Hi, I'm in my Junior year and I'm starting to think very seriously about what I want to do once I graduate, especially about whether I want to go to grad school or not. I've had a bit of experience doing research (spent two summers doing academic research) and I don't really think it's my...
  48. N

    Nanotechnology and RNA to Protein

    Hello! I'm guessing nanotechnology poses many difficulties, especially when using synthetic materials to manufacture complicated machines on such a small scale. I was thinking, therefore, that, if the mechanisms of protein folding are figured out, then mRNA sequences can be designed to...
  49. O

    Nanotechnology: Physics or Engineering?

    Hey guys! So here's my situation. I am now in my 4th semester at a community college. I am looking to transfer to either U.Va or Virginia Tech for in-state tuition. I am also choosing between a Physics major and an Engineering major (probably Materials Science specialization). I initially...
  50. G

    Problem related to nanotechnology

    1. In a quantum dot nanostructure having aside of 10 nm has donor concentration 1018 cm-3 . Calculate conduction electron contentin the quantum-dot. Also calculate the electron content in it if the concentration is1014 . 2. Consider the bulk crystal of GaAs with an electron effective mass...