Homework Statement
According to the classical nature of the hydrogen atom an electron in a circular orbit of radius 5.3*10^-11m around a proton fixed at the centre is unstable. If it is true, how long would it take for the electron to collaspse into the proton?
Homework Equations
Homework Statement
Two different single slits are used in an experiment involving one source of monochromatic light. With slit 1 in place, the first dark fringe is observed at an angle of 45 degrees. With slit 2, the first dark fringe is observed at an angle of 55 degrees.
a)Which slit...
Homework Statement
A single slit is illuminated with a helium-neon laser whose wavelength is 633 nm. If the slit width is 2.2 x 10 e-5 m, calculate the position of the third maximum in degrees
Homework Equations
Sin Theta(m) = (m + 0.5) Lambda/w
The Attempt at a Solution
a) A light with a wavelength of 500 nm illuminates two narrow slits that are 0.10 mm apart. If the viewing screen is 1.20 m from the slits calculate the distance between each maximum.
b)how far would the fourth maximum be from the central maximum?
a) Given: lambda = 500 x 10e-9 m...
and to think we all spent so much time studying the laws of nature only to have them repealed!
Homework Statement
A Cadillac with a mass of 2000kg approaches a freeway underpass that is 10m across. at what speed must the car be moving, and how long would it take to go the 10m, in order for it to have a wavelength such that it might somehow diffract after passing through this single...
This came to me in the middle of the night. Literally. I got up and wrote it down at 4:09am. Having lain awake in bed pondering it for at-least an hour. I clearly need to get out more.
Scientific belief is a funny thing...
Inductivism hasn't had it easy in the last century or two. While...
Because i received an infraction for posting my explanation for why time shouldn't be considered a 4th dimension, instead, i would like to address the issue as a question instead of an assertion.
Why should time be considered as a 4th dimension?
I asked a similar question previously, but my enthusiasm got the better of me and I may have smothered it with too many tangential questions. So I will try again.
The statements that "spacetime is curved by matter" and that "curved spacetime tells matter how to move" summarize GR succinctly...
I am operating under the assumption that one must engage in thinking when studying the nature of thought.
Conclusions about the nature of thought are thus distorted by the process used to reach those conclusions. Are we prepared to state that thought is a tool which can be trusted to...
Specifically what I`m referring to is the final discussion summing up the program in which the weakness of lqg was characterized explicitly as "the whole theory". Was this a constructive way to end the program? Perhaps some of you would rather ignore this.
I like the human example better than the general Wikipedia, so here goes the question:
We all know water is polar yes? Meaning the Oxygen nucleus attracts the electrons more than the Hydrogen nuclei.
So my question being, if you could in theory increase that attraction, make that...
I watched the show on PBS the other night and the part about the Manakin birds was so funny! These birds "moonwalk" and you've just got to watch this. The show is a 25th Anniversary "Best of" film clips. The bird segment starts at 2:57 and the "moonwalk" starts at 4:13.
The clip with the...
The Quantum Nature of Spacetime Singularities--18-day pow-wow
starts this week at KITP SantaBar----8 January thru 26 January
Look at the list of names. i will bold those whose research has been in background-free QG (mainly LQG and...
How is the status of the "nature of reality" in philosophy? What are the most recent works and what is the modern view about it? Who are the most active researchers in the area and what are the best journals?
I would like some indications about references (books, papers and online material)...
I think of this as social setup. I have not heard an argument that would show otherwise. Is there any research done on this?
Im asking in relation to our laws. (western). WHy is polygamy explicitly prohibited then? Isn't this pure religious demand?
Quite possibly one of his most disingenuous statements ever.
"Bush wants to go back to the Texas model. He's always reached out. He's been trying over the last couple of years with limited success," Snow said."
How he can make a claim like that with a straight face is beyond me.
That is perhaps the biggest 2 question for the whole of existence.
Without it, there would be no sciences, no human, no anything...at all.
Can the laws come into being without matter/universe? Can the universe come into being without the laws? (It is said that universe might come out of a...
I am well aware that a number of physical models contain or predict
singularities. My question is: Is there any experimental evidence that
any singularity actually exists or are they all artifacts of the
Lest someone jump right in with the singularity at the center of a
black hole, let...
Nature’s review is available thru various blogs (one called Gravity and one hosted by Lubos Motl) which i will quote:
Nature 443, 491(5 October 2006). Published online 4 October 2006:
The Nature review link no longer works. Never mind...
I stumbled on a book that seems to throw the concept of length contraction upside down to me. Maybe someone can help me here.
All the books I've read to date, a popular example might be Elegant Universe, say that an object moving near the speed of light past an observer will appear...
help...The Vector Nature of Newton's Seond Law of Motion
A 350-kg sailboat has an acceleration of 0.62m/s2 at an angle of 64 degress north of east. Find the magnitude and direction of the net force that acts on the sailboat.
I have f=ma to find the force.
Then I'm not...
A http://www.arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0609616" claims that a super-Chandrasekhar Ia supernova has been found, and that "Super-Chandrasekhar mass SNe Ia should preferentially occur in a young stellar population."
This, obviously, could have implications for cosmology. These "new" supernovae can...
The Higgs field, the inflaton field, the cosmological constant, quintessence,... are all mentioned as possible candidates in explaining dark energy (expansion of space).
My questions are:
1. In what exactly do these possibilities differ from each other?
2. Are there other candidates in...
What's the closest way that nature counts or does math?
I was thinking either symmetry (perhaps crystal growth or structure) or population (maybe by equilibrium?), but that just doesn't feel complete. I guess those could be considered to be numbers, but there isn't any computation going on...
viewing a single wave, crest to crest, let's see what its made of, major parts, excluding complicated discoveries, just the plain and simple wave: wave length and Amplitude (and of course new discoveries like longitudal, and scalar waves, and harmonics etc., but I won't get into that here?)...
The abundance of matter and antimatter implies the laws of nature are different for particles and antiparticles. This is shown in the way more b mesons than anti-b mesons decayed into kaons and pions - the weak force does not conserve charge/parity.
But if CP symmetry is not conserved, does...
What is Time?
I don't know if this is the right section to post this. What is time exactly. We all know time is a kind of measurment but what is its defention what is it in reality. The every concept of time is in everything in nearly all the formulas that we humans have derived time exist. I...
I apollogise for not being around lately, and for not having time to catch up on all the interesting interactions on these threads...my regards in haste to all.
However this narrow window of opportunity has opened, and I wanted to share my recent insights, for whatever value they may have to...
1) A beam of light incident on a plane mirror forms a real image on reflection. It is said that the incident beam in that case is convergent. Is it true?
I think it is due to the fact that a plane mirror normally forms virtual images of real object. In order that a real image be...
So far, all i can think of is: mass, time, length & charge (maybe?). Temperature isn't even a fundamental unit, since it is a measure of kinetic energy of a particle (1/2*m*vrms^2=3/2*k*T, i think that's right...), am i missing any? If that's all of them, then that's pretty amazing to me.
"Humans don't have a nature..."
I mailed Greg with this, but I assume he's being busy and is tired of reading tens of private messages everyday. That's why I decided to ask you guys.
So, what does it mean, "Humans don't have a nature, they have a history"?
Wait, I have a bonus...
I love stories like this - where nature `finds a way' - Jurassic Park style :cool: :biggrin: (almost :-p)
How much do you have to pay if you want to publish a paper or send a letter to readers on Nature ?
Please don't laugh at me, I truly never thought authors had to pay when they want to publish their papers till that day...:blushing:
What is quantum mechanics actually telling us about the way that nature works, the way nature "really is" deep down at the bottom? In Nick Herbert's book "Quantum Reality" he discusses eight schools of thought; would anyone would care to comment on the reasonableness of any of these ideas...
this is a "connecting the dots" thread about two particular series of papers that I'm watching
In one set of papers, Freidel et al identify a form of Quantum Gravity that is LATENT in (Feynman diagrams of) Quantum Field Theory.
Latent means hidden, which is the word Freidel uses in the titles...
There are several pieces of evidence to suggest that DM is a real artifact of the universe.
1. Nearly flat rotation curves of spiral galaxies suggest they are embedded in a massive unseen halo of some kind. (Although the mass of these haloes may be affected by GR gravitational effects and...
I am very confused by the wording of this question, it reads:
Determine the nature of the singularities of each of the following functions and evaluate the residues (a>0)
a) 1/(z^2 + a^2)
b) 1/ (z^2+a^2)^2
Hint. fr the point at infinity use the transfor,ation w = 1/z for |z| -> 0...
this just out
final sentence of conclusions:
"...our results show that the quantum geometry in the Planck regime serves as a ‘quantum bridge’ between large classical universes, one contracting and the other expanding."
words leading up to the above:
here's a question that could do with an answer!
what are the cause's of homosexuallity?
as a practising homosexual myself I've often been intrigued about this, i know I am gay, I've known it for a long time and I am happy to be gay. but why am i gay.
what is it that makes me gay is it...