Networks Definition and 130 Threads

A&E Networks (stylized as A+E NETWORKS) is an American multinational broadcasting company that is a joint venture between Hearst Communications and The Walt Disney Company through its General Entertainment Networks division. The company owns several non-fiction and entertainment-based television brands, including its namesake A&E, History, Lifetime, FYI, and their associated sister channels, and holds stakes in or licenses their international branches.

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  1. D

    How Does Inductance Affect a DC Circuit?

    An inductor of negligible resistance and an inductance of 0.2 H is connected in series with a 330 Ω resistor to a 12V d.c. supply. Determine: (a) the time constant of the circuit (b) the voltage drop across the inductor after two time constants (c) the voltage drop across the resistor after...
  2. marcus

    Minkowski vacuum as superposition of spin networks? (Haggard at PI)

    I'd like to understand better the connection between Hal Haggard's September ILQGS talk and the talk he gave at PI two days ago...
  3. A

    Computer networks Data communication assignment help please

    Homework Statement I have an assignment for Data communication module but the assignment is based on networking. we were given two tables, which we have to fill in. table no -1 is Homework Equations The...
  4. F

    MHB Is this a typo in IP networks?

    I think the answer key contains a typo but I want to confirm. In the internet each network interface of a computer is assigned one or more internet addresses. The nature of these internet addresses is dependent on the networks size. For the internet standard regarding reserved network number...
  5. A

    Laplace transforms for the transient analysis of networks

    Homework Statement Use Laplace transforms to derive an expression for the current flowing in the circuit shown in the figure, given that i = 0 when t=0 Homework Equations Expression for the current in an LR series circuit I(t) = V / R (1-e-Rt/L) V - Volts (6V) R - Ohms (10Ω) L...
  6. G

    Solving the Capacitor Network Problem - Find Ceq = 2C

    Hi. The problem is: Show that this capacitor network can be reduced to one equivalent capacitor and find its capacitance Ceq. (The network is in the attached image) I've tried to solve this problem by eliminating the capacitors two by two but it never lead me to the correct answer: Ceq=2C. In...
  7. S

    Work and delay lags in networks

    Homework Statement The attached page explain the work and delay lag but actually i can't understand when he said for example that two bridges can't start together?why? how he know that? and in other graph he said the different directions of lag which is correct actually i completely...
  8. S

    Which Book Offers Q&A for 3-Phase Networks & Transformers?

    Looking for a recommendation of a book I can take out from the library at my University. I am looking for a book that has questions & answers (even or odd) to circuits involving transformers. I currently have a textbook with problems, but it has no answers. I find it rather pointless working...
  9. T

    Exploring the Current State of Spin Networks in Quantum Gravity Research

    I have been reading up on spin networks and spin foams... but most of the publications seem to come from 1999 or 2000. Does anyone know what happened to this idea? Is it still valid, or was it a dead end? Is it still an active area of research, or did the idea perhaps evolve into something with...
  10. G

    Graph theory vs. Diff Eq approaches towards studying complex networks

    Can anyone comment on the advantages and disadvantages of both graph theory vs. using a system of differential equations to study a complex network? For example, how much computing power and running time would a graph theory approach use compared to say solving a system of 100 differential...
  11. D

    Engineering Help with circuits-reactive networks question

    Hi guys, I have this homework question that i have attached. I've done a couple questions but I'm not sure if they are right. For the first question i arrived at 15.49 by rearranging the formula; energy stored=1/2.C.V^2. when rearranged you get the square root of 240 for voltage...
  12. E

    Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Business Problems

    Hello everyone! Searching for applications of artificial neural networks (ANNs) to real world problems, all I found were applications to computer science problems (e.g. face recognition, OCR, automated control of systems and machines etc.) and some very experimental works (e.g., crime forecast...
  13. marcus

    Exploring Noncommutative Space in LQG: Gauge Networks and Spin Foams

    This is an exciting development in LQG. They have a proposal for how to generalize the ideas of spin network and spin foam so that the network vertices are made of chunks of noncommutative space instead of ordinary space. I'd be glad if anybody who's looked at the paper and wants to volunteer...
  14. S

    Classification Trees vs Neural Networks

    Homework Statement Hi there, I was wondering if anyone out there was familiar with image classification algorithms. I have been creating histograms of pixel intensity distributions. For example, suppose I have 100 images of a tiger and 100 images of a lion. I create 100 histograms using...
  15. marcus

    Is Holonomy Spinfoam even more likely to succeed than Twistor Networks?

    Holonomy Spinfoam models address several of the issues left open by EPRL and I suspect HS could become the new "EPRL" phenomenon: the new Loop pace-setter, instead of another strong candidate (Twistor Networks) we were discussing in another thread. I'm pretty sure that anyone who wants to...
  16. marcus

    Is Twistor Network Theory the Future of Loop Quantum Gravity?

    Twistor Networks addresses several of the issues left open by EPRL and I suspect TN is destined to be the new "EPRL" phenomenon: the new Loop pace-setter. So I suspect (having spent time looking at other potentially influential developments) that anyone who wants to follow Loop gravity research...
  17. A

    What are two-port networks all about?

    I do not understand two-port networks. Why are they so useful? My book says that for a two port network current incoming and outgoing at each port must be equal. Why is that? Okay, even if they are equal how does that help us? How are we able to neglect all the inner circuit and just focus on...
  18. P

    2 Port Networks - Impedance Parameters

    Homework Statement see attached Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution $$\eqalign{ & {V_1} = {Z_{11}}{I_1} + {Z_{12}}{I_2} \cr & {V_2} = {Z_{22}}{I_2} + {Z_{21}}{I_1} \cr & {\rm{ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - }}...
  19. S

    How Does Inductance Affect a DC Circuit?

    An inductor of negligible resistance and an inductance of 0.2 H is connected in series with a 330 Ω resistor to a 12V d.c. supply. Determine: (a) the time constant of the circuit (b) the voltage drop across the inductor after two time constants (c) the voltage drop across the resistor after...
  20. P

    Where Can I Learn About Artificial Neural Networks?

    Hi, I am a very experienced programmer in C & C++. I want to learn about Artificial Neural Networks. Can someone recommend good books or websites?
  21. D

    What Are Spin Networks and Spin Foams?

    Hi all, :shy: Could anyone explain in very simple language, for lower UGrad standard, what spin foams and spin networks are? Thank You. SINCERELY DPA
  22. S

    What is so special about TWO PORT NETWORKS

    Why is there so much talk about two port networks in books and stuff I don't fully understand, what happens if a thing is not two port?
  23. O

    RC Networks and complex numbers

    Hello. I maybe should have put this in the maths section, but it is related to electronics, so I figured here. I am reading Microwave Engineering by Pozar, and in one of the examples, it says that the series RC load impedance is ZL = 60 - j80, so the resistance is 60 Ohms and the...
  24. L

    Equivalent resistors in resistor networks

    Homework Statement Homework Equations parallel resistors share the same nodes or terminals and simplify to (a*b)/(a+b). in series resistors values are added. The Attempt at a Solution...
  25. G

    Pipework Networks (Hardy cross method)

    Hi everyone, I have a 2nd year fluid mechanics question! Homework Statement I'm having trouble gripping what this question is looking for: Explain and Discuss the rationale implications of assuming that the head loss in each section of the pipe network is proportional to the square of the...
  26. R

    DC Networks and Kirchoff's Laws

    Homework Statement Calculate the value of the current through the 12V battery shown in figure (attached). Homework Equations V = IR I1 = I2 + I3 The Attempt at a Solution I've calculated the current for the left hand loop, see below: Loop 1: E_1- E_2- V_1- V_2=0 E_1- E_2=...
  27. S.Daedalus

    Penrose's original spin networks and 3-space

    Recently, I read two early papers of Penrose on spin networks (made available online by John Baez" ), familiar today of course because of their use in loop quantum gravity. In their original form, however, they seem to me to have been quite different...
  28. B

    Rectifiers and electrical networks

    Hi, I have read on Wikipedia (, under Rectifier output smoothing) "In extreme cases where many rectifiers are loaded onto a power distribution circuit, it may prove difficult for the power distribution authority to maintain a correctly shaped sinusoidal...
  29. P

    Bayesian Networks: P(a,b,c,d) Calculation

    suppose i have 2 bayesian networks... a->b and c->d ie b depends on a and d depends on b now P(a,b,c,d)=P(a)*P(b|a)*P(c|a,b)*P(d|a,b,c) =P(a)*P(b|a)*P(c)*P(d|c) Am i right...? please reply..i need it as quickly as possible...
  30. L

    Mobile transfer between networks with direct routing

    Wireless and Mobile Networks - Mobile transfer between networks with direct routing In this setting: // HENCE my textbook briefly says, but not clarify well 1) Anchor Foreign Agent is the Foreign Agent in that foreign network where the mobile node was first found... well, when mobile node...
  31. D

    How Do You Construct Bode Plots for Cascaded CR Networks?

    Homework Statement Question attached Homework Equations Frequency response of circuit given in document The Attempt at a Solution The question leads me to find the Gain and phase of the gain, pole and zero terms. The breakpoint frequency and the point where the gain term is 0db...
  32. B

    Recommended Resources for Learning Computer Networks and Network Programming

    As a summer project which I wanted to do last summer but failed, I want to learn some stuff about computer networks and as an end result be able to make a simple bot that can play some simple online game. What got made me gave up last time was I was using a packet sniffer and I had no idea...
  33. G

    Queueing networks please some experts help me

    Queueing networks...please some experts help me! Hello to everyone. I have a question concerning Queuing Theory and in particular Queueing Networks. For my Ph.D thesis I need to evaluate the steady state behavior of queueing networks featuring finite buffers between nodes and "blocking after...
  34. russ_watters

    Can I Use My Own Router with Verizon FIOS?

    I have Verizon FIOS and the service is great, but along with that service, they provide a crappy router (Actiontec MI424) that you must use. I would like to just use it as the internet connection and use my Linksys WRT160N to network my devices together inside my house. Unfortunately, they...
  35. P

    Nonlocal correlations between separated neural networks

    I came across this link: Paper abstract: It was published in a journal called "Quantum Information and Computation II". I checked the accepted journal list of physicsforums (this one ) and in...
  36. H

    Understanding Mean Squared Error in Neural Networks

    In neural network the learning algorithm ends when the mean squared error value is less than or equal to a value we have precised. But i don't understand why we are comparing with the mean squared error and not the mean error? What does the mean squared error represent?
  37. Greg Bernhardt

    Egypt Shuts Off Internet and Phone Networks as Protests Continue

    It is amazing to read about and watch the pro-democracy protests going on in Egypt right now. *Having been to Cairo and Alexandria just this past November, I recognize a number of the major areas where the protests are taking …...
  38. D

    Can a Loop Antenna Serve as Both Voltage Source and Inductor in an RLC Network?

    I am building a resonant RLC network in which the inductor is actually a loop antenna that will pick up changes in magentic fields and represent them as a voltage. Is this configuration actually feasible where the loop antenna is both the voltage source and the inductor? Also slightly related...
  39. B

    Data Rate Between B & C for Node Flood Prevention

    This is a question from a past exam paper I have. In a communication system the distance between Node A and Node B is 400 km. The distance between Node B and Node C is 1000 km. Frames are generated at Node A and sent to Node C through Node B. Determine the minimum data rate required...
  40. J

    Networking Primer for Digital Devices - Get Advice and Resources

    I work in controls and see a trend that more and more of my work is going to be dealing with networked digital devices, can anyone recommend a good networking primer, or point me at online resources? Many thanks.
  41. tom.stoer

    Progress on braided spin networks?

    I was always fascinated by the ideas regarding the Bilson-Thomson (+ Smolin and Markopolou) preons formed by braided structures. Has there been any progress in the last couple of month? Any deeper relation to spin networks?
  42. T

    Emergent relativity from causal networks

    I came across this recently:" Whilst it's mostly beyond my level, from what I can grasp the suggestion is that SR and Minkowski's spacetime can be derived simply by looking at the universe as a network of discrete causal events (a granular universe on the...
  43. Greg Bernhardt

    Social Networks Need a Universal Bill of Rights

    Privacy policies need more consistency. We have already seen that sites will respond to user demands if they are concentrated and focused, thus it's time for a Social Networks Bill of...
  44. tom.stoer

    Exploring the Role of SU(2) in Spin Networks

    In the context of LQG spin networks are derived based on Ashtekar's formulation implementing local SU(2) gauge symmetry in tangent space. Here SU(2) and 3+1 dim. spacetime are deeply related. Forgetting about this derivation and starting with spin networks, talking about dimensions does no...
  45. B

    Data networks question - shannon capacity formula

    Homework Statement A television picture is composed of approximately 300,000 individual picture elements (pixels), each of which can attain ten different and distinguishable brightness levels (such as black and shades of gray) for proper contrast. If for any picture element, the probability...
  46. T

    C/C++ Building Neural Networks with C++

    Hello again, Im trying to build a neural network using C++. Has anyone had a go? I think the potential implications are really interesting and would like to hear about how people might have implemented them. Another general one for anyone.
  47. MTd2

    Could there be spin particles in spin networks?

    Would it make sense to think of excitations of a node as it they were made of particles of spin occupying states just like electrons in atoms?
  48. J

    Implicit Web Based Social Networks on Web Forums

    Social Networks are ways of representing formal links between people. We often make it explicit using befriending mechanisms but their are also implicit methods, like if two people published a similar paper together. On a forum people post information from a variety of sources. The similarity in...
  49. B

    Unraveling the Mystery of "Neural Networks"

    Can anyone explain to me what this "neural network" nonsense is all about? Everyone and their mother is doing research in this area, but nobody seems to know what "neural networks" are or why they would be useful. It sounds like pure hype to me.
  50. A

    How to use symmetry in resistance networks?

    how to use symmetry in resistance networks?? Hi all I m really confused in these resistor questions..In some circuits they say that some are neglected coz they are equipotential points and using symmetry in these questions..What is this method of symmetry?? How some of the pints are...