Neutral Definition and 351 Threads

  1. J

    Is it possible the decay of rho neutral meson to two pions?

    ¿Is it possible the decay of rho neutral meson to two pions? Homework Statement We initially have the neutral rho meson -----> pion+ + pion- ¿Is this reaction possible? ¿What are the conserved quantities?¿Which is the interaction involved in the process? Homework...
  2. F

    Is Dark Matter Actually Neutral Mass?

    we all know of positive / negative mass, could the theorized "Dark Matter" actually be "Neutral" Mass? just a thought:)
  3. R

    Nuclear physics: neutral atomic mass vs. atomic mass

    Homework Statement I am preparing a presentation on nuclear reactor technology. To demonstrate the mass-energy equivalence, I am trying to calculate the binding energy of some heavier isotopes. The problem is that, when I substitute the values that I have into the equation, I get a...
  4. F

    Electric Potential for neutral conducting sphere

    Homework Statement An electrically neutral conducting sphere of inner radius Ra and outer radius Rb is centered on the origin. Two equal, positive point charges of magnitude Q are located on the x-axis on each side a distance d from the origin. Determine the electrical potential in the...
  5. I

    Why does neutral fluorine so reactive?

    Hi, I'm a novice at quantum and I was just wondering why an electrically neutral fluorine atom needs to absorb an electron to make itself electrically unbalanced with a new -1 charge? In our general chemistry class, the explanation was that the fluorine atom for some unexplained...
  6. 4

    Chemistry What percentage is in the form of neutral molecules?

    Question: If two aspirin tablets, each having a mass of 325mg, are dissolved in a full stomach whose volume is 1L and whose pH is 2, what percent of the aspirin is in the form of neutral molecules? (At body temperature, the Ka for aspirin = 3*10^-5) My Work: I know that the molecular...
  7. D

    A neutral metal rod in a uniform magnetic field

    Homework Statement A neutral metal rod of length 0.35 m slides horizontally at a constant speed of 9 m/s on frictionless insulating rails through a region of uniform magnetic field of magnitude 0.6 tesla, directed into the page as shown in the diagram. Before answering the following...
  8. M

    Unraveling the Mystery of Neutral Atoms and Electric Fields

    Hi People all know that a neutral atom has no net charge. Well, does that mean that it neither creates an electric field nor is affected by any electric field? I wonder whether it's correct or not, because the distance between a test charge outside this atom is closer to its electrons...
  9. A

    Neutral particle falling into a black hole

    Probably there's a simple answer for the following question. What prevents a neutral particle falling into a black hole from beyond the event horizon - a point it would have to have an escape velocity greater than the speed of light to reach from the inside - from being accelerated past the...
  10. H

    What Are the Benefits of Hollow vs. Solid Sections in Beam Bending?

    Homework Statement Explain the advantages of using hollow cross sections against solid sections in beam bending applications. Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution I know this has something to do with the Neutral axis and the second moment of area for the beam but i...
  11. A

    Charge separation of neutral objects by rubbing

    How does rubbing separate positive and negative charge on neutral objects?
  12. D

    Oscillations: Neutral Kaon vs neutrino

    I understand that K_l = \frac{d\bar{s} + s\bar{d}}{\sqrt{2}} K_s = \frac{d\bar{s} - s\bar{d}}{\sqrt{2}} This happens because K_0 is oscillating into its own antiparticle. My question is, why the same is not applicable to the neutrinos? They do oscillate. So instead of ‘pure’ e, mu, tau...
  13. J

    What happens to the neutral sphere when grounded?

    Sphere A corries a net positive charge, and sphere B is nuetral. They are placed near each other on an insulated table. Sphere B is briefly touched with a wire that is grounded. What would happen to the neutral sphere? I know it woul become a neg charged but i don't know what happens when its...
  14. A

    Neutral Pion Decay: Why Can't it Produce Three Photons?

    Why is it not allowed for the neutral pion to decay to three photons? The PDG states that this mode violates charge conjugation, although obviously the two photon decay is the dominant decay of this particle, and I don't see how adding another neutral particle to the decay causes a violation of...
  15. K

    Just one hot with no neutral to main lugs

    This is a theoretical question about completing a circuit and trying to understand what a main panel ground rod does. The question is: Could you run just one hot wire (not in a conduit, but in free air) without an accompanying neutral to the lug of the bus bar in a main panel. The neutral...
  16. S

    Finding a neutral point, electric fields. Simple algebra.

    This is a question that I'm doing as part of revision for my January mocks. Being bad a algebra in general, I'm stuck. The answer is a worked example and I still don't understand it, so I'm feeling very silly. Homework Statement Charges of +4C and +8C are placed 1.00m apart. At what...
  17. A

    What is spin for neutral particles

    I understand that an electron spin is intrinsic. We call it spin because electron has a magnetic moment, which would be naturally produced if the electron is physically spinning. All we know is that for whatever reason, electron has a magnetic moment. My question is, how do we know if neutral...
  18. W

    Cloud of neutral hydrogen is moving towards us at a speed

    1.A cloud of neutral hydrogen is moving towards us at a speed of 70 kilometers per second. At what wavelength would one observe the radio spectral line characteristic of neutral hydrogen? 2. The filament in a regular incandescent light bulb reaches a temperature of 2900 k when it's on. a...
  19. J

    Energy width of ground state neutral pion

    Homework Statement Most of the particles known in physics are unstable. For example, the lifetime of the neutral pion, \pi^{0}, is about 1.0 x 10^{-16} s. Its mass is 1.35 x 10^{8} \frac{eV}{c^{2}}. What is the energy width of the \pi^{0} in its ground state.Homework Equations \Delta E\Delta...
  20. M

    Chem I: Determining Acidic, Basic or Neutral Salt

    Homework Statement Predict if the following salts are acidic, basic, neutral or undetermined. Homework Equations a. NaOCl b. NH4I c. Sr(ClO3)2 d. KCN The Attempt at a Solution A. NaClO = Na+ and ClO- So, if Na+ gives up a proton, that would turn it into Na... and...
  21. D

    Help in deducing a equation for Neutral red

    Hi to all, hope you can help me with a problem that took me almost all the week Homework Statement To find The Pka of Neutral Red, i had to use this expression \frac{A-A_{HNR}}{A_{NR}-A} So Now I Have to show that \frac{[NR]}{[HNR^{+}]}=\frac{A-A_{HNR}}{A_{NR}-A} i tried backwards and i did...
  22. E

    Has SUSY solved Flavor changing neutral current?

    If SUSY is a candidate theory of nature, it must not allow for Flavor changing neutral current in disagreement with observation. Is there a viable mechanism in low-energy EW-stabilizing broken SUSY that prohibits Flavor changing neutral current?
  23. S

    Neutral Compensator: Learn More About It

    I have learned from some source that there is a device called neutral compensator .Iwould like to know about it in detail.
  24. B

    Neutral axis in a composite beam

    Does it correspond with the centroid of the transformed section? For example, if a wood beam had a steel plate fixed along the bottom, would the neutral axis be lower than that of a pure wood beam of similar cross section? Any links showing example probs would be nice too. Sorry that this is...
  25. M

    Why Does Neutral & Ground Short Together in AC Circuits?

    hi there need help i just need to know why ground and neutral ( A.C CIRCUITS) short together on the body of machine chassis or panels.i found this in one oil heating unit ,with high wattage of heating element. who ever can reply ,highly appreciated with thanks
  26. P

    Real and virtual photons via neutral pion decay

    I wasn't sure whether this question should go in advanced or introductory physics but I decided to post here since it doesn't involve any complex maths. Homework Statement Part 1 Consider a neutral pion at rest. On the basis of conservation of energy and momentum alone, show that it is...
  27. G

    Finding the Live Wire: How to Tell Neutral from Live in Household Plugs

    How can I find the "live" wire (household plug)? After playing with an electrical socket (with caution), I realized there is 120v between the black and ground wires. However, the white is supposed to be "live", black is "neutral", and copper is "ground". Since there is 120v between black and...
  28. U

    Electrically Neutral Object: Does Adding Positive Charge Affect Mass?

    Homework Statement Consider an electrically neutral object. If this object is given a net positive charge does its mass increase, decrease or remain the same? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution i say that the mass decrease. but i don't know why, can someone please...
  29. J

    What are generator neutral earthing resistances

    what are generator neutral earthing resistances. Are they necessary for small generators? (50 KW 3 phase 120/208v.)
  30. M

    Why dont neutral particles in a bubble chamber leave tracks?

    Even if they have kinetic energy, neutral particles don't leave tracks behind. Why is that so? Also, can someone please explain how a cloud chamber works? Thanks!
  31. T

    A Strömgren sphere and neutral time

    Homework Statement A Strömgren sphere is the ionized region surrounding a strong ionizing source. Its size is determined by there being a balance between the rate of ionization and the rate of recombination. Consider such a sphere of radius R_S = 10 pc and internal density n_e = 10^6 m^{-3}...
  32. P

    Neutral Pion Decay: What Forbids EM Force?

    So I know the neutral pion decays as \pi \rightarrow \gamma\gamma my question is though, what forbids this from being an electromagnetic decay? I know it is not decaying via the strong force as there are no quarks resulting from decay. However, I do not see what forbids this from decaying...
  33. N

    Difference between Phase, neutral and ground in AC

    I am having a little confusion about the difference between neutral and ground because certainly one can touch a neutral wire and never get a shock. What is neutral any way is it neutral, 0 volts. Then while handling electronics we only use DC. Now in DC there are 3 things 1.Positive(+) or...
  34. D

    Question about the neutral wire in an electrical system

    IF a phase touches another phase in a 3 phase AC supply it goes bang due to them being 120 degrees apart and therefore being at different voltages when they touch (this, i understand), so WHY, after passing through an electrical component, can all three phases be joined onto a 0 potential wire...
  35. D

    Question about the neutral wire in an electrical system

    IF a phase touches another phase in a 3 phase AC supply it goes bang due to them being 120 degrees apart and therefore being at different voltages when they touch (this, i understand), so WHY, after passing through an electrical component, can all three phases be joined onto a 0 potential wire...
  36. Z

    What is the recommended size for a neutral conductor in a 3 phase 4 wire system?

    Hi, Frankly, I'm new to this forum. So please do guide me if I posted wrongly. I need some help in sizing the neutral wire. For a 3 phase 4 wire system (3Ph + N), what is the recommended size of the neutral conductor. Should it be the same as the phase conductor or should it be 50% of the...
  37. V

    Understanding Stresses and Neutral Axis in Structural Design

    Hey guys, A picture of the question is attached, I am not seeking answers just an explanation of some theory. Now I understand that point A will be under compression due to the weight, tension due to the bending and shear due to torque produced by the wind point b will be under compression...
  38. V

    Neutral Wires: Potential and Safety

    Is neutral wire at 0 potential?? Does that mean we can easily touch it??
  39. P

    Difference between neutron and neutral delta

    well, that's the question. They both have the same queark structure. (udd). is it only their different bound states the differentiates them?? thus giving both different masses?
  40. J

    Why Do Railroad Tracks Experience Voltage and Current from Nearby Power Lines?

    I have a parallel 69KV and 12KV line that runs parallel to a railroad track. Also, this system has a static on top for the system neutral. We are getting 20 plus volts and 4 amps on each track in an isolated section of track. We have deenergized the 12 kv and the volts and amps went away. The...
  41. T

    Metal and wood common temperature for neutral feel

    Metal and wood common temperature for neutral "feel" Homework Statement Taken from the homework: At what common temperature will a block of wood and a block of metal both feel neither hot nor cold to the touch. Homework Equations I believe it is just conceptual, so I do not know if one...
  42. A

    Archived Are the terminals of a battery neutral?

    Hi all,I discussed this question yesterday but didn't get a satisfactory answer.Why do no charge flows when the +ve terminal of one battery is connected to the -ve terminal of another battery.Please don't just say that my circuit is incomplete or open.In textbooks i read when two bodies placed a...
  43. A

    Are the terminals of a well-charged battery neutral?

    Hi,It may looks illogical but concepts of electrostatics and current electricity force me to think so..'Are the terminals of a well-charged battery neutral?'my dc fan doesn't work when one of its wire is connected to the positive terminal of one battery and the other wire of the same fan to the...
  44. Y

    How to draw electric field around neutral object, dipole, and charged object

    Homework Statement I'm working on a homework problem which requires me to roughly sketch electric field lines. The object on the left is neutral and grounded, the object on the right was just struck by lightning (and therefore very negatively charged) and I assume that the neutral object in...
  45. S

    Do Neutral Atoms Emit Radiation When Accelerated?

    If charge radiates on acceleration,what would happen if we accelerate a neutral atom..will this radiate or not? this neutral atom also has electrons and protons which are charged so they should radiate but as a whole this neutral atom should not radiate?both are contradictory.. is this...
  46. P

    How Much Air Must a Fish's Bladder Contain to Achieve Neutral Buoyancy?

    Homework Statement The average density of the body of a fish is 1147.0 kg/m3. To keep from sinking, fish have an air bladder filled with air. If the density of air is 1.28 kg/m3, what percentage of a fish's body must be filled with air to be neutrally buoyant? (Note: Enter your percentage...
  47. A

    Establishing Neutral Axis & Second Moment on a T bar beam

    Homework Statement I'm having difficluty in finding the second moment of area and neutral axis of this beam can anyone help Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know that you have to divide the beam into two rectangles, I have used the formula bd3/12 and Izz, i did Izz...
  48. A

    Why Don't Neutral Mesons Annihilate Immediately?

    I have been learning about quarks which is really interesting, but i have become confused when it comes to mesons. I have learned the basics of annhilation, particle and anti-particle, etc, but I have learned that neutral mesons, such as the pi neutral meson are made of a quark, (e.g. up), and...
  49. F

    What is the Role of Martingale Measures in Pricing Options?

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone knows a bit about financial probability theory. I was wondering when you are pricing options, you take the expectation under Q (a martingale measure). In the case of Black and Scholes, this seems simple as it is unique. When the martingale measure is not unique...