Newtonian mechanics Definition and 205 Threads

Classical mechanics is a physical theory describing the motion of macroscopic objects, from projectiles to parts of machinery, and astronomical objects, such as spacecraft, planets, stars, and galaxies. For objects governed by classical mechanics, if the present state is known, it is possible to predict how it will move in the future (determinism), and how it has moved in the past (reversibility).
The earliest development of classical mechanics is often referred to as Newtonian mechanics. It consists of the physical concepts based on foundational works of Sir Isaac Newton, and the mathematical methods invented by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Joseph-Louis Lagrange, Leonhard Euler, and other contemporaries, in the 17th century to describe the motion of bodies under the influence of a system of forces. Later, more abstract methods were developed, leading to the reformulations of classical mechanics known as Lagrangian mechanics and Hamiltonian mechanics. These advances, made predominantly in the 18th and 19th centuries, extend substantially beyond earlier works, particularly through their use of analytical mechanics. They are, with some modification, also used in all areas of modern physics.
Classical mechanics provides extremely accurate results when studying large objects that are not extremely massive and speeds not approaching the speed of light. When the objects being examined have about the size of an atom diameter, it becomes necessary to introduce the other major sub-field of mechanics: quantum mechanics. To describe velocities that are not small compared to the speed of light, special relativity is needed. In cases where objects become extremely massive, general relativity becomes applicable. However, a number of modern sources do include relativistic mechanics in classical physics, which in their view represents classical mechanics in its most developed and accurate form.

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  1. Abhishek11235

    Solving 8.62: Frictionless Stick in Morin's Classical Mechanics

    Homework Statement This is the problem 8.62(in screenshot) from Morin's textbook of Classical mechanics. I solved it using conservation of momentum in y direction. However in solution manual,he neglects the momentum in y direction by calling stick frictionless. What is this frictionless stick...
  2. Abhishek11235

    Troubleshooting a Discrepancy in Atwood Cylinder Solution

    Homework Statement The problem is in attached screenshot. Now,I solved this using force/torque method. However ,I got different solution as given in solution manual. Where I have gone wrong? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Applying F=ma to cylinder: $$mg-T=ma$$ Applying ##\tau =...
  3. JD_PM

    Understanding Friction Between Two Disks: A Problem in Rotational Dynamics

    Homework Statement This problem was originally posted on Physics Problems Q&A: Homework Equations Second Newton's law for rotation: $$\tau = I \alpha = RF$$ The Attempt at a Solution I tried to solve this problem as...
  4. JD_PM

    Cylinder lying on conveyor belt

    Homework Statement You buy a bottle of water in the store and place it on the conveyor belt with the longitudinal axis perpendicular to the direction of movement of the belt. Initially, both the belt and the bottle are at rest. We can approach the bottle as one cylinder with radius ##R##, mass...
  5. JD_PM

    Conservation of Energy and Angular Momentum in a Rotating Train-Disk System

    Homework Statement [/B] A train stands in the middle of a rotating disk with an initial angular velocity of $\omega_i$. The mass of the train is m and the moment of inertia of the train-disk is I. At one point the train departs on a straight track to a distance R from the disk's centre. (R...
  6. S

    What is the Velocity of a Rotating Weight?

    Homework Statement A weight is suspended from a spring 50 cm long and stretches it by 1 cm. Take the other end of the spring in your hand and rotate the weight in a horizontal plane so that the spring is stretched by 10 cm. What is the velocity of the weight? (The force with which the stretched...
  7. L

    Does Gravity Deflect Light according to Newtonian Mechanics?

    I have read in several popular physics texts that general relativity predicts that gravity deflects light, but that Newtonian mechanics, in contrast, predicts that the trajectory of light is not affected by gravity. However, I am very skeptical and confused about this result. We of course have...
  8. R

    Particle Newtonian Mechanics: Father Pulling 100 lb Sled

    Homework Statement The problem states that there is a father pulling a 100 lb sled with a force of 100 lb at some angle. At what angle does the father have to pull in order for the sled to accelerate at 25 ft/s^2? The coefficient of kinetic friction here is given as 0.04. Homework Equations F...
  9. Navin

    Finding the Accelation Of A Body In Presence Of Frictions

    1. Homework Statement A 60 kg block is pushed horizontally with just enough force to start its motion Accross a floor and the same force acts on it afterwards.The coefficient of static and sliding frictions are 0.5 and 0.4 respectively. Find acceleration of the body. Options 6m/s^2 4.9m/s^2...
  10. navneet9431

    Why does friction play the role of centripetal force?

    What makes frictional force the centripetal force of a car turning along a curve? As friction is the opposing force and acts anti-parallel so there is no component of frictional force towards the center,right? Then how can frictional force be centripetal force?
  11. A

    B What we mean in physics definition (quantity or property)?

    Many books sometimes for example define energy as quantity and sometimes as property. Also the definition of energy is the ability to do work or the meter of the ability to do work ? we define for example force as a quantity or as some quality and then we quantify this ?
  12. A

    B What the equal sign means in physics

    For example F=ma means that the definition of force is m*a or the quantity of left side equals to the quantity of right side or both ? or kinetic energy..we know K=1/2mu^2 but is this the definition of kinetic energy or just the formula to calculate it ?
  13. Abhishek11235

    Trajectory of a particle under the given force

    A particle of mass m in xy plane is attracted toward the origin with the force $$\begin{align}\vec{f} = - \frac{k^{2} m}{r^{6}}\vec{r}\end{align}$$ where ##\vec r## is position vector of particle measured from origin. If it starts at position ##(a,0)## with speed $$v=\frac{k}{\sqrt{2} a^{2}}$$...
  14. BookWei

    Velocity is a vector in Newtonian mechanics

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  15. N

    Velocity of a football with and without drag

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  16. Fia Ismi Nur Alfiah

    Newtonian Mechanics : Rectillinear Motion of a Particle

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  17. Eyris

    Kinematics on a frictionless incline plane

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  18. J

    What is the Speed and Frequency of a Bead Sliding Inside a Paraboloid?

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  19. V

    Classical mechanics: motion and acceleration

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  20. R

    Modified Block Problem -- Block on top and on the side

    << Thread moved to the schoolwork forums from the technical forums, so no Homework Template is shown >> The problem is a modified version of two basic block problems. This is my work so far, but I end up with two equations for acceleration from m1 and m2, I don't understand how to use both...
  21. R

    Newton's first law of motion and Inertial Systems

    I have just begun my journey in Classical Mechanics with the book "An Introduction to Mechanics" by Kleppner and Kolenkow. I find myself stuck at Newton's first law. The book presents Newton's first law as follows: "Newton's first law is an assertion that inertial frames exist." The book also...
  22. S

    Classical Source of Difficult Newtonian Mechanics Problems?

    I'm looking for a source of harder mechanics problems, preferably with solutions. I'm supposed to use the Young and Freedman book, but I find it rather teadious and superficial; most problems don't match the difficulty and depth of the ones on the exam. I had my mid-term tests recently, and got...
  23. SciencyBoi

    A block placed in a horizontal hollow cylinder

    Homework Statement A block is placed inside a horizontal hollow cylinder. The cylinder is rotating with constant angular speed one revolution per second about its axis. The angular position of the block at which it begins to slide is 30° below the horizontal level passing through the center...
  24. Muthumanimaran

    Finding the magnitude of the force

    Homework Statement A force F is applied on the bigger mass 'M', which results in the prevention of smaller masses M1 and M2 moving with respect to larger mass M. The mass 'M' slides smoothly on the frictionless surface. Find the magnitude of the force. The pulley is ideal also consider the...
  25. SciencyBoi

    How to differentiate b/w a conservative/non-conservative force?

    Homework Statement How do we determine a specific force mentioned in a question to be conservative or non-conservative? 2. Relevant data Conservative force is a force whose work done does not depend on the path that is taken while doing it. Examples include electrostatic force, gravitational...
  26. S

    Rotational Motion in Newtonian Mechanics

    Homework Statement Given an plate that has 2 pins attached to it. Each pin has a single balanced circular disc firmly attached to it. Each pin can rotate on their axis in both clockwise and anti clockwise direction. (See image below) Now, assume the discs are rotating with the same angular...
  27. M

    Newtonian energy integral and suitable boundary conditions

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  28. J

    I How to model Solar System formation accurately and realistically

    I've been working on a crude N-body simulator which allows N bodies of equal masses to interact gravitationally in 2 dimensions. My goal is to model the formation of Solar System. Each body is modeled as a circle with a radius as a function of its mass, in such a way that all bodies have the...
  29. zwierz

    Violation of Determinism in Newtonian Mechanics by J Norton I think that most wonderful point in this story is that the person who writes such texts is Distinguished Professor of University of Pittsburgh. Nevertheless I believe that the question he stated up can confuse an undergraduate student and thus...
  30. S

    Problem using Newtonian Gravity.... Will you check my work?

    Homework Statement The space shuttle is in a 300 km-high circular orbit. It needs to reach a 520 km - high circular orbit to catch the Hubble Space Telescope for repairs. The shuttle's mass is 6.5 E4 kg. Mass of the Earth = 5.98 E24 kg. Radius of Earth = 6.37 E6 m. How much energy is required...
  31. E

    I Rigorous Explanation of dW in Problem 121

    In the solution of this problem(121), dW = (kmgcosΦ + mgsinΦ) ds, where ds is the differential element along the curve. Now they have done kmg dscosΦ + mg ds(sinΦ) = kmgdx +mgdy. Makes sense intuitively, but I want to know how this is rigorous. What I'm thinking is, the curve is broken into N...
  32. Khunpol Jermsiri

    Circular motion object falling in the circle

    Homework Statement An object with mass of m traveling in a circle rail ,when reached point A the object derailed and moved in a parabola path to point B and so on find the length of AB in term of R and theta. given that B is on the same horizontal level as A Homework EquationsThe...
  33. Ayenyen

    What is the tension in the strings when the slender bar begins oscillating

    Homework Statement There is a uniform slender bar which is suspended by two light inextensible strings and hangs in equilibrium. (if the mass and length of the bar are m and 2b ) Now, someone slightly knocks one end to make the bar rotate around the vertical axis with initial angular velocity...
  34. J

    How Is Rocket Speed and Height Calculated Under Varying Thrust and Mass?

    Homework Statement A rocket with initial mass of m0. The engine that can burn gas at a rate defined by m(t)=m0-αt, and expel gas at speed (relative to the rocket) of u(t)=u0-βt. Here, m0, α, u0, and β are all constants. Assume the lift-off from ground is immediate a) The rocket speed v(t)=...
  35. G

    Splitting reaction into horizontal and vertical components

    Homework Statement In each of the diagrams (please see attached file (I am sorry for the rotated, the original was in normal form but when uploading it, it was somehow rotated)) and the description of each case below, a particle is moving on a smooth surface, so that the reaction force R acting...
  36. D

    Circumferential tangent in the cylinder

    Homework Statement A cylindrical vessel of height ##H## and radius ##R## contains liquid of density ##\rho##. Determine the circumferential tension at a height ##h##; also determine its maximum and minimum values. This is the scan of the original question(solved), I couldn't understand what...
  37. D

    Why is the tangential force not same?

    Homework Statement A chain of length ##l\lt \dfrac{\pi r }{2}## is placed on a smooth hemispherical surface of radius R with one of its ends fixed at the top of the hemisphere. What will be the tangential acceleration of the chain when it starts sliding down. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a...
  38. L

    Problem Newtonian mechanics French

    A prisoner in jail decides to escape by sliding to freedom down a rope provided by an accomplice. He attaches the top end of the rope to a hook outside his window; the bottom end of the rope hangs clear of the ground. The rope has a mass of 10 kg, and the prisoner has a mass of 70 kg. The...
  39. Daquicker

    Minimal altitude to start a “Suicide Burn” - variable thrust

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  40. G

    Finding the period of small vertical oscillations

    Homework Statement I need to find the period of small vertical oscillations about equilibrium position of a string whose motion can be described by the following equation: d2x/dt2 = (-g/h)*x Answer: 2π√(h/g) Homework Equations I know that the time period is given by the formula T = 2πω where...
  41. D

    Projected Block and Conveyor Belt

    Homework Statement It is a Matching Type Problem(a single entry in a column can be matched with more than one in the other column):- A block is projected with an initial velocity ##v_{\text{Block}}## on a long conveyor belt moving with velocity ##v_{\text{Belt}}##(at that instant) having...
  42. B

    Height of the rise of the object attached to the spring ?

    Homework Statement Question :- A block of mass ##5 kg## is attached to a spring. The spring is stretched by ##10 cm## under the load of the block. A impulse is provided to the block such that it moves up with a velocity of ##2 m/s##. Find the height it will rise. Homework Equations ##F_s =...
  43. B

    Gravitational potential energy problem

    Homework Statement Question :- Two stars, each of a solar mass and radius ##10^7 m## are at a distance of ##10^{12} m## from each other. Find the speed of each star before collision if initial speed is negligible. Homework Equations $$V(r) = {-G Mm \over r}$$ The Attempt at a Solution...
  44. 1

    Center of mass of a sphere with cavity removed

    Homework Statement A solid sphere of density ##ρ## and radius ##R## is centered at the origin. It has a spherical cavity in it that is of radius ##R/4## and which is centered at ##(R/2, 0, 0)##, i.e. a small sphere of material has been removed from the large sphere. What is the the center of...
  45. 1

    How do I find the equation of motion for this object?

    Homework Statement Find the equation of motion of the object by setting the derivative of the total energy equal to zero. Homework Equations r(theta)=(Rcos(theta), Rsin(theta), q*theta) v(theta)=dr/dt=(-Rsin(theta)dtheta/dt, Rcos(theta)dtheta/dt, q*dtheta/dt) derivative of Total Energy =...
  46. brotherbobby

    Problem - Different weights on a swinging rod

    The following problem is from Sears and Zemansky's textbook. A wooden rod of negligible mass and length 80.0 cm is pivoted about a horizontal axis through its center. A white rat with mass 0.500 kg clings to one end of the stick, and a mouse with mass 0.200 kg clings to the other end. The...
  47. D

    Understanding Forces in a Whirling Tube Filled with Liquid

    Homework Statement A tube of length '##L##' is filled completely with an incompressible liquid of mass '##M##' and closed at both of the ends. The tube is then rotated in a horizontal plane about one of it's ends with a uniform angular velocity '##\omega##'. Then which of the following...
  48. D

    How Is Centrifugal Force Calculated for a Particle in a Rotating Frame?

    Homework Statement A particle of mass ##m## rotates about ##Z-##axis in a circle of radius ##a## with a uniform angular speed ##\omega##. It is viewed from a frame rotating about the ##Z-##axis with a uniform angular speed ##\omega_0##. Find the centrifugal force on the particle. Homework...
  49. D

    Effect of friction on the tension acting on the string

    Homework Statement A weightless string passes through a slit over a pulley. The slit offers frictional force '##f##' to the string. the string carries two weights having masses ##m_1## and ##m_2## where ##m_2 \gt m_1##, then find the acceleration of the weights. Homework Equations...
  50. D

    Maximum compression in the spring

    Homework Statement Find the maximum compression in the spring, if the lower block is shifted to rightwards with acceleration of '##a##'. All the surfaces are smooth. Homework Equations $$\vec{F}=m\vec{a}$$ $$\vec{F}_{sp}=k\vec{x}$$ The Attempt at a Solution FBD of the upper block: From...