Newton's method Definition and 96 Threads

In numerical analysis, Newton's method, also known as the Newton–Raphson method, named after Isaac Newton and Joseph Raphson, is a root-finding algorithm which produces successively better approximations to the roots (or zeroes) of a real-valued function. The most basic version starts with a single-variable function f defined for a real variable x, the function's derivative f ′, and an initial guess x0 for a root of f. If the function satisfies sufficient assumptions and the initial guess is close, then















{\displaystyle x_{1}=x_{0}-{\frac {f(x_{0})}{f'(x_{0})}}}
is a better approximation of the root than x0. Geometrically, (x1, 0) is the intersection of the x-axis and the tangent of the graph of f at (x0, f (x0)): that is, the improved guess is the unique root of the linear approximation at the initial point. The process is repeated as















{\displaystyle x_{n+1}=x_{n}-{\frac {f(x_{n})}{f'(x_{n})}}}
until a sufficiently precise value is reached. This algorithm is first in the class of Householder's methods, succeeded by Halley's method. The method can also be extended to complex functions and to systems of equations.

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  1. K

    Approximating Root of Equation with Newton's Method Using Maple

    Homework Statement Use Newton’s Method to approximate the indicated root of the equation to correct six decimal places. The root of 2.2x5 – 4.4x3 + 1.3x2-0.9x-4.0=0 in the interval [-2, -1] USE MAPLE. Homework Equations Newtons'method. The Attempt at a Solution I am...
  2. E

    Question about Newton's method for solving a function

    Hi there, I am new to optimization theory. I just went thru solving linear equations using gradient descent. I am looking into Newton's method now which calculates second order derivatives. I was wondering if we really need the hessian matrix for this method to work. Can we just...
  3. S

    How to Implement Newton's Method in R?

    Hello, I've been trying to write a program in R that implements Newton's method. I've been mostly successful, but there are two little snags that have been bothering me. Here's my code: Newton<-function(f,f.,guess){ #f<-readline(prompt="Function? ") #f.<-readline(prompt="Derivative...
  4. B

    Newton's Method for Optimization

    Just curious if Newton's method in high dimensions should always quickly converge to a min/max or saddle point. I can't seem to get the value of my gradient below 12-16; so, its not "diverging" but its not converging either. I want to avoid saddle points so I'm using Fletcher-Reeves method...
  5. G

    I have a question about Newton's Method

    Hi, guys, I have a questions to ask you about Newton's Method. I knew that Newton's Method was used to estimate the true value of the root of the real number by analysis the graph of that particular function, but I just wonder that do I have to plot the graph of the function everytime I want...
  6. S

    Finding All Roots of e^x=3-3x Using Newton's Method

    Homework Statement Use Newton's method to find ALL roots of e^x=3-3x Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know how to use Newton's method, but how is it possible to use it to find ALL the roots of the function? Just by looking at the function however, I THINK that...
  7. S

    Approximating 96^(1/96) with Newton's Method

    Homework Statement Use Newton's Method to approximate 96^(1/96) correct to 8 decimal places. Homework Equations Newton's Method equation: Second Approx = (first approx) - (f(first approx))/(f'(first approx)) The Attempt at a Solution So I know that 96^(1/96) must = some number x...
  8. S

    How to Use Newton's Method for Computing 1/\sqrt{a} for a Simple Processor

    Homework Statement The most commonly used algorithm for computing \sqrt{a} is the recursion xn+1 = 1/2 (xn + a/xn), easily derived by means of Newton's method. Assume that we have available to us a very simple processor which only supports addition, subtraction, multiplication, and halving (a...
  9. S

    Convergence Interval for Newton's Method

    1. The problem statement: In what region can we choose x0 and get convergence to the root x = 0 for f(x) = e-1/x^2 Homework Equations xn+1 = xn - f(xn) / f'(xn) The Attempt at a Solution The only thing I've come across is a formula that says |root - initial point| < 1/M where M =...
  10. S

    Newton's Method for Root Finding - Infinite Loop

    1. Construct a function f (x) so that Newton's method gets 'hanging' in an infinite cycle xn = (-1)n x0 , no matter how the start value x0 is chosen. 2. Homework Equations : xn+1 = xn - f(xn) / f'(xn) The Attempt at a Solution xn+1 = xn - f(xn) / f'(xn) = (-1)n+1x0 = (-1)nx0 -...
  11. jbunniii

    Newton's method - periodic sequence

    Homework Statement This is problem 2.4.11 from Thomson, Bruckner, and Bruckner, "Elementary Real Analysis." It is from the "Challenging Problems" section of Chapter 2, Sequences. Note that differentiation and continuity have not been covered at this point, but it is presumed that the reader...
  12. R

    Newton's Method and Hoptial's Rule

    Hi all I have these problem on my test review and even after guessing one right I have no idea how one would arrive at that answer so your help is greatly appreciated. Homework Statement 1.find the limit as x approaches 0 in the equation[(3/x^4)-(4/x^2)] 2.Use Newton's method to find the...
  13. T

    Is an Inverse-Free Newton's Method Possible for Matrix Inversions?

    Does anyone know of a Newton's method derivative that does not require an inverted Jacobian? I am attempting to port my code from one language to another, and rather than rely on outside libraries for matrix inversions (like I am now), I would prefer to simply do away with the inverted matrix...
  14. C

    Newton's Method General Formula

    Homework Statement The statement \sqrt[4]{a}=x means that x^{n}=a. Using this, we can approximate the radical \sqrt[n]{a} by approximating the solution to the equation x^{n}-a=0. Consider the function f(x)=x^{n}-a. We can use Newton's Method to approximate where f(x)=0 and thus...
  15. W

    Numerical mathematics, Newton's method

    Homework Statement "The goal of this task is to check that you understood the derivation of Newton’s method in the lecture. 1. Consider a smooth function G defined from \mathbb{R}^N to \mathbb{R}^N. Suppose it admits a fixed point r \in \mathbb{R}^N. Write down the Taylor development of this...
  16. L

    Newton's method and Mean Value theorem

    Homework Statement let x0, x1,... be the approximations of pi from the Newton's Method. Use Mean Value theorem to show that |pi-xj+1|=|tan2cj||pi-xj| for some cj between xj and pi Homework Equations pi is defined as smallest positive number r when sin r =0 The Attempt at a Solution I have...
  17. P

    Newton's Method for optmization

    This is less a homework problem and more conceptual help for a homework problem I have been given the information for a revenue equation and a cost equation I set up Newton's Method with XN+1=\frac{revenue-cost}{the derivative of the top} where both revenue and cost are...
  18. D

    Newton's method with inequality constraint

    Dear all, Consider the system given by : where we are trying to solve for s and gamma using Newton's method. It turns out to be a simple implementation. Now, what if we need to impose an inequality constraint on the solution s : one...
  19. Telemachus

    Using Newton's Method to Find f(x)=x^5+x-1's Zeros to 5 Decimal Places

    Homework Statement Hi there. I'm having some trouble with this exercise, which says: Use the Newton's method for determining the zeros of f(x) to 5 decimal places for f(x)=x^5+x-1. So f'(x)=5x^4+1 I thought of iterating till I get x_n-x_{n+1}<0.000001. The thing is that I get to a point where...
  20. E

    Solving Newton's Method for f(x) = 0: Step-by-Step

    Homework Statement Nother Q for today: Let f(x)= (1/x)^x - x (a)show that f(x)=0 has a solution (b)show that there is only one solution to f(x)=0 (c)use Newton's Method to find the second approximation x2 of the solution to f(x) = 0 using the initial approximation x1 = 1/2 Homework...
  21. T

    Newton's Method: Checking that ff'' >0 - Why and What if Not?

    When using Newton's method to find roots, why should we check that ff'' >0 . I can't find an adequate reason for this. Does Newton's method fail otherwise? If so why? Thanks.
  22. M

    Newton's Method (problem solving)

    Homework Statement Its not an actual problem, just a question. We're being lectured on Newton's Method, which I understand. But there's a section in the book (and related problems later in the chapter), that ask for you to find (2)^1\6 correct to eight decimal places. It goes on to say that...
  23. T

    How Can Newton's Method Determine the Inflection Point of y = e^cos(x)?

    Homework Statement Use Newton's method to find the coordinates of the inflection point of the curve y = e^cosx, 0 <= x <= pi, correct to six decimal places. Homework Equations None. The Attempt at a Solution I calculated y'' (as f(x) in Newton formula) and y''' (as f'(x) in...
  24. M

    Question about Newton's Method

    Let x_{m} and x_{m+1} be two successive iterates when Newton's method is applied to a polynomial p(z) of degree n. We prove that there is a zero of p(z) in the disk {z \in \textbf{C}: |z - x_{m}| \leq n|x_{m+1} - x_{m}| } . I suppose we may use p'(z)/ p(z) = \sum ^{n}_{j=1} 1/ \left(...
  25. B

    Is Newton's Method More Efficient than Lambert W for Solving Equations?

    I understand the rational for using the Lambert W. function for solving equations such as x^x = z , where no derivative in terms of elementary functions exists for the expression. However, on the Wikipedia page about the Lambert W. function, an example is given with the equation 2^t = 5t. In...
  26. E

    Newton's Method- finding only positive zeros

    I have a situation where I am using Newton's Method to solve a highly nonlinear, non-analytic equation with both positive and negative zeros. My situation requires that only positive zeros be found. Does anyone know any extensions to NM to restrict the solutions to greater than zero? Thanks.
  27. C

    Newton's method vs gradient descent

    I'm working on a problem where I need to find minimum of a 2D surface. I initially coded up a gradient descent algorithm, and though it works, I had to carefully select a step size (which could be problematic), plus I want it to converge quickly. So, I went through immense pain to derive the...
  28. J

    Solving Backward Euler with Newton's Method

    Greetings, I am trying to implement backward euler implicit method by Newton-raphson iteration. The differential equation is for a simple planar pendulum. So the function for the pendulum is : (1) angularAcceleration (angle) = ( -gravity/length ) * sin(angle); and the update function for...
  29. N

    Producing 100 iterations from Newton's method in matlab

    Homework Statement x_k+1=x_k-(f(x_k)/f'(x_k)), x_0=.5 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Not really a math question, just a computation question. I want to put a do loop around Newton's method using mathlab. x_1=x_0-(f(x_0)/f'(x_0)), x_0=.5,x_2=x_1-(f(x_1)/f'(x_1))...
  30. P

    Newton's Method & Error Analysis

    Homework Statement (i) Use Newton’s Method and apparent convergence to solve x ln(x) = 5 accurate to 3 and 4 significant figures. Start out with x0 = 2. (ii) Directly approximate the absolute error on f, i.e. _f = f(x) − f(˜x). (iii) Use the difference between the 4 significant figures...
  31. D

    Newton's method for a system of equations

    Under what circumstances will Newtons method for a system of nonlinear equations converge? Are there any criteria at all which guarantees convergence? Regards
  32. K

    Matlab - Newton's Method for Function: Troubleshooting and Solution

    Homework Statement Our assignement is to fix an .m file, which should produce Newton's method for a function. I'm very new to Matlab and some expressions are weird to me. The Attempt at a Solution So I've got the code to look like this: function point=teemuNewton(xbeg, ybeg, iternmbr)...
  33. T

    Solving e-x=x Using Newton's Method

    Homework Statement Find, to three decimal places, the value of x such that e-x = x. Use Newton's method. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I looked up what Newton's method was and I found that it was f(x)= \int x = f(xo) + f](xo)(x-xo) But I don't understand how...
  34. G

    Imitations of classical Julia set using Newton's method

    I have been exploring the world of fractals derived from Newton's method for finding roots (solutions) to equations. The following page contains insights into some mathematics behind Newton's method. If you open the page and step into the...
  35. A

    Solving x3-x-2 for the X-Axis: Newton's Method

    Homework Statement using Newtons method with an initial estimate of x0=2, find the point where the graph f(x)=x3-x-2 crosses the x-axis Homework Equations xi+1 = xi - f(xi)/f'(xi) The Attempt at a Solution Using a function plotter, I know the answer should be around 1.52138...
  36. J

    Newton's Method (INTERSECTION POINTS)

    Homework Statement Find the x-coordinate of the first point in the region where intersects . Give your answer to 6 significant figures. Homework Equations x_1=x_0- (f(x)/f'(x)) The Attempt at a Solution I equated the two equations and got: 0=tanx-5x I also looked at the graph...
  37. J

    Fortran How Can I Correct My Fortran Program for Newton's Method?

    I'm working on a program for Newton's method for solving equations. This is my code: ======================================================= program Newton implicit real(a-h,o-z) F(x) = x**2 - 4 !...&---1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---...
  38. W

    MATLAB Matlab, iteration with Newton's method, noobs & errors

    Hi, I have to describe the famous Newton-rapshon algorithm for finding a root of the function this is what i came up with, i aint not familiar with MATLAB and programming at all, so this is somewhat a melt from a lot of MATLAB tutorials, I don't master the code, but what's really a challenge...
  39. S

    Newton's Method for Approximating f(x,y) & g(x,y)

    lets say i have the functions f(x,y) = cos(x-y) - y and g(x,y) = sin(x+y) - x. I want to use Newton's method to approximate these functions. Do I just take the partial derivatives with respect to x and y of each function and plug in a given point (a,b)?
  40. P

    Solve Point P Coordinates Using Newton's Method

    Homework Statement Find the coordinates to two decimal places of the point P in Figure 9 where the tangent line to y=cosx passes through the origin. the image is the graph of y=cosx P intersects the graph at around pi. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I don't...
  41. B

    Newton's Method for Finding the Area of a Curve: A Tricky Homework Problem

    Homework Statement Problem: A (area) = \int^{e}_{1} ln(x) dx = 1 Now we let k be such that 0 \leq k \leq1 Consider the line y = k. Find k so that area computed by A is exactly one half. Homework Equations So, first, I found point of intersection: k = ln (x) e^{k} = x...
  42. D

    Solving Newton's Method for xn with y as a Constant

    Homework Statement Identify the formula xn+1 = -2xn + 3yxn^(2/3) as the Newton's method for a certain function. Here y is a fixed constant. What is the limit of xn? Homework Equations Newton's method?: xn+1 = xn - f(xn)/f'(xn) The Attempt at a Solution I don't know how...
  43. P

    Newton's method (intersection points)

    Homework Statement Given two functions; y= ln(x) and y=(x^2)/8 - 2 Use Newton's Method to approximate all intersection points of the given functions, each with 3 decimal places. Homework Equations Xn+1 = Xn - f(x) / f`(x) The Attempt at a Solution Step 1: I equated the two...
  44. C

    Grr, deleted line in Newton's Method program

    Hi, I've done something really stupid. I found a Newton's Method program on the internet and copied it to my TI-83 Plus. This program let you put the function in Y1 and its derivative in Y2. Then, you ran the program, and once you input your first guess, you would hit the ENTER key as many times...
  45. RadiationX

    Troubleshooting Newton's Method for f(x) and g(x)

    i have the answer to this problem i just see why I'm not getting the same answer as my solution manuel. i Have two functtions f(x) = x and g(x) = tan(x) and i have to find where these two functions are equal using Newtons method. i subtracted the two functions to get this new function H(x) =...
  46. O

    What Happens If Your First Guess Using Newton's Method Is Exact?

    Hi everybody, I have a kinda theory to explain but I need a little help to find out the explanation of it. It is, suppose your first guess using Newton's method to find a root is lucky and you guess the exact root of f(x). (Not an approximation,but exact) What happens to your second...