Newtons Definition and 502 Threads

The newton (symbol: N) is the International System of Units (SI) derived unit of force. It is named after Isaac Newton in recognition of his work on classical mechanics, specifically Newton's second law of motion.
A newton is defined as the force which gives a mass of 1 kilogram an acceleration of 1 metre per second, per second, 1 kg⋅m/s2.

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  1. A

    Newtons 1st Law of motion in a vacuum

    Homework Statement Hi I was wondering what happens to a car accelerating in a vacuum? Homework Equations Newtons 1st Law of motion: A Body continues at uniform speed or in a state of rest, unless acted upon by an external force The Attempt at a Solution Outside a vacuum, cars will...
  2. J

    Newtons 2nd Law & Kinetics pt. 2

    Homework Statement A 500kg crate is pushed with a 2000N force. The force of the sliding friction acting on the crate is 1900N. How fast will the crate be moving after 10 seconds? How far will it have moved in this time? Determine the net force Homework Equations a = \SigmaF/m...
  3. N

    The title of this page could be: Newton's Second Law Homework: Constant Term

    Homework Statement Hi Say I am given Newtons second law in this form: \frac{{d^2 x}}{{dt^2 }} + \gamma \frac{{dx}}{{dt}} + \omega _0^2 x + const = 0 I know the physical interpretation of all terms except the last one, i.e. the constant. Does this go into the restoring-force term...
  4. P

    Work Done and Force and Newtons Third Law of Motion

    When a car is moving, the engine is transferring Chemical Energy to Kinetic Energy. He is doing work against the force of friction. If the force of friction is 210 N and the engine exerts a pull force for 10 M it transferred 2100J of Chemical Energy from its fuel to Kinetic Energy, considering...
  5. P

    Newtons second law for coupled oscillators

    Hello there! Could someone please help me with setting the starting equations for coupled oscillators. I'm having serious troubles with setting the +- signes right (yes, more than with the differental equations :) ). OFF TOPIC: any reading materials about problems with signs in physics will...
  6. W

    How Do You Calculate the Forces in a Tug of War?

    I need to find the magnitude of the force exerted from one boy onto another in a game of tug of war and vice versa. Peter weighs 539 N, John weighs 392 N. During the course of the game Peter accelerates at a rate of 3.0 m/s^2. First the magnitude of force Peter exerts onto John. Then the...
  7. BitWiz

    The Relationship Between Newtons and Joules

    If I apply 1 Newton to 1 kilogram (at rest) for one second, it will have accelerated to 1 m/s^2 and traveled 0.5 meters. I have therefore done 0.5 J of work. Is this correct? If I apply 1 Newton to 1kg traveling at 1,000 m/s for one second, have I now done about 1,000 joules of work with...
  8. E

    How Does Newton's Third Law Apply to a Particle on Different Slopes?

    Homework Statement A particle of mass 4kg is being towed at a constant speed up a rough plane inclined at 30 degrees to the horizontal by a force 4g N acting parallel to the slope. At the top of the slope the particle moves onto a rough horizontal slope with the same coefficient of friction...
  9. BitWiz

    Can Joules Be Converted to Newtons in Energy Calculations?

    I'm having trouble with this one: How do I convert joules to Newtons? Say I have a source of energy E that is capable of supplying 10 joules -- per second -- that I wish to use to accelerate a body. Would the energy supply then look something like this(?): E/s = 10 * 1kg * m^2 / s^2 /s...
  10. P

    How to Find Coefficient of Kinetic Friction?

    Homework Statement A man is pulling a wagon up a 50° up a hill. His nephew of in unknown mass sits in the wagon. After pulling the wagon 30 meters up the incline, the man slips and falls releasing the wagon. The sled, starting from rest, slides down the incline. After traveling 30 meters the...
  11. P

    Newtons laws: Seem's simple but not for me

    Homework Statement given initial coordinates, r(0), r'(0) and F(r,r',t) find r(t) Homework Equations r''(t) = F(r(t), r'(t), t) / m The Attempt at a Solution have no idea where to start. some hint please, seem's pretty simple but not striking me.
  12. W

    Optimal Coordinates on y=x^4 Curve Using Newton's Method

    Homework Statement Find, correct to 6 decimal places, the coordinates of the points on the curve y=x^4 that are closest to the point (0,1) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I am not sure if i am supposed to use Newtons method or not
  13. A

    How Do You Calculate the Magnitude of the Second Force?

    Homework Statement Two forces act on a 39 kg mass to give it an acceleration of 26 m/s^2 in the positive x direction. If one of the forces acts in the negative y direction with a magnitude of 450 N, what is the magnitude of the second force. Answer in units of N. Homework Equations Fx:ma...
  14. morrobay

    Newtons Law of Cooling applied to hot Neon and Hydrogen gas

    Homework Statement 1 mole of Hydrogen gas at 300 Kevin is contained in a thin walled copper container. In container #2 there is 1 mole of Neon gas also at 300 Kevin. The volume= 22.4 liters and surface area ,A = .476 m^2 The surroundings are at 100 deg Kelvin. The specific heat of H2= 5...
  15. R

    Newtons Second Law For A System Of Particles

    Homework Statement In figure (a), a 5.4 kg dog stands on a 16 kg flatboat at distance D = 6.1 m from the shore. It walks 2.1 m along the boat toward shore and then stops. Assuming no friction between the boat and the water, find how far the dog is then from the shore. Homework...
  16. M

    How Does Velocity Change with Position in a Force Field?

    Homework Statement The only force acting on a 4.3 kg body as it moves along the positive x-axis has an x component Fx = -8x N, where x is in meters. The velocity of the body at x = 1.6 m is 11 m/s. (a) What is the velocity of the body at x = 4.5 m? (b) At what positive value of x will the body...
  17. J

    Green's Function for Newtons Force Equation

    This isn't so much a problem as a step in some maths that I don't understand: (I'm trying to follow a very badly written help sheet) Here's how it goes: Given Newtons equation m \ddot{x} = F The Green's function for this equation is given by \ddot{G}(t,t^\prime)=\delta(t-t^\prime) (1)...
  18. S

    How Do Newton's Laws Help Calculate Duck Displacement in Water?

    Homework Statement A duck has a mass of 2.30 kg. As the duck paddles, a force of 0.124 N acts on it in a direction due east. In addition, the current of the water exerts a force of 0.222 N in a direction of 50.3° south of east. When these forces begin to act, the velocity of the duck is...
  19. O

    How Do You Calculate the Coefficient of Kinetic Friction in a Pulley System?

    Homework Statement 2 objects with mass m1=10 and m2=5 are connected by a light string that passes over a frictionless pulley, they are set up so that m1 is sitting on the desk and m2 is attached to a pulley, is over he desk. if when the system starts from rest, m2 falls 1 meter in 1.2seconds...
  20. A

    Calculating Friction and Acceleration for a Grocery Cart on an Inclined Plane

    Homework Statement a grocery cart is being oused with a force of 450 N at an angel of 30degree to the horizontal. if the mass of the cart and groceries is 42kg. a) calculate the force of friction if the coeffcient of friction is 0.60. b) determine the acclecration of the cart...
  21. A

    Exploring Friction and Gravity: Sticky-Shoe Lab Questions

    Homework Statement 1. what happened to the amount of friction between the surface and the shoe was the force of gravity was increased? 2. when a piece of paper was placed between the shoe and the surface(table), was more force, less force, or the same force needed to pull the shoe...
  22. P

    Newtons second law perspective problems

    I'm having some problems in observing the total force which. The original situation is numbered "1." There is a resultant force F_r = m_2 \cdot g - k \cdot m_1 \cdot g and because of that force m1 has the acceleration a. What I can't seem to figure out is is that resultant force...
  23. 2

    What is the Reaction to the Force of Gravity on a Suspended Lead Block?

    Homework Statement A lead block is suspended from your hand by a string. The reaction to the force of gravity on the block is the force exerted by: (a) the string on the block (b) the block on the string (c) the string on the hand (d) the hand on the string (e) the block on Earth...
  24. A

    Wedge constant :- Newtons laws of motion

    what is wedge constant and where and how to use it?
  25. T

    Find the net force (in Newtons)

    Find the net force (in Newtons) required to accelerate a 110 kg bike and rider from rest to a final velocity of 22.7 m/s in 10 seconds? since f=ma 110(22.7)=2497 do I divide that by 10 seconds??
  26. C

    Mass hanging from the roof of a moving truck. Newtons laws.

    Homework Statement [PLAIN] Homework Equations Fg=mg Ft=ma Ftx=Ftsin(22) Fty=Ftcos(22) Fg-Fty=? I realize this is probably required but I don't know where. The Attempt at a Solution I believe the acceleration the question is...
  27. A

    Need an explanation on how to do a question applying Newtons Laws

    Homework Statement A 2.0 kg mass , placed on a smooth, level table, is attached by a light string passing over a frictionless pulley to a 5.0 kg mass hanging freely over the edge of a table. Calculate... a) the tension in the string b) the acceleration of the 2.0 kg mass on the table.The answer...
  28. T

    Apparent Weight and Newtons Second law Problems

    Homework Statement 1. The first problem states that an elevator moves downwards with an acceleration of 3.36 m/s^2 with someone inside that has the mass of 64.2 kg. Now what is the apparent weight? 2. Blocks A and B are right next to each other. If 5.1 N were applied on block A, calculate...
  29. Z

    Magnet, wire and Newtons third law

    I have been thinking about a bar magnet and an infinite wire in free space. The wire is positioned below the north pole of magnet and carries a current. 1) The force from the magent on the wire: Due to the magnetic field, the Lorentz force on the electrons in the wire creates a force on the...
  30. R

    Newtons three laws of motion from a single rule.

    Dear all I have come with a simple idea to generate the three laws of motion of Newton and would love to hear comments on its correctness. Assume equal point masses: the rule says ' the displacement of one point mass must be balanced by an equal and opposite displacement of another'. Since all...
  31. E

    Tension/pulley problem, Newtons second law

    Homework Statement Two objects A and B, with masses m1=1.00kg and m2=2.00kg, are connected with an ideal string. Object A is moving on an ideal incline with 0 friction. Object B is moving vertically. A force F is working on object B. Its magnitude is 6.00N. Object b is accelerating downward...
  32. S

    Two body applications of Newtons law of cooling.

    Homework Statement What's the formula that better describes the temperature as a function of time for an enclosed body of water with certain initial temperature T_a immersed in another body of water of initial temperature T_b? More clearly, I performed an experiment in which I put a...
  33. N

    Newtons Third Law and Force Imbalance

    Homework Statement 1.A 140 kg man pushes a 90 kg man. They are first motionless, as they push larger man moves smaller one backwards. which statement is correct. a)forces are always equal b) larger wrestles always exerts larger force c)when they are motionlesss forces are equal but as they...
  34. B

    Newtons Second Law: Finding net forces

    Homework Statement A spaceship lifts off vertically from the Moon, where g = 1.6 m/s2. If the ship has an upward acceleration of 1.0 m/s2 as it lifts off, what is the magnitude of the force exerted by the ship on its pilot, who weighs 735 N on Earth? From Halliday, Fundamentals of Physics...
  35. P

    Problem with Newtons second law

    hello! here's my problem: Newtons second law implies: F=m*dv/dt+v*dm/dt first part of the equation says if I act on the object then it's reaction will be acceleration, but the second part says if act on the object it will cause changes in object's mass. In case where I'm dealing with non...
  36. Z

    Trouble understanding Newtons first law and f=ma

    In reading Newtons first law, An object at rest or in motion will remain the same unless acted on by an outside force. also known and understood in Newtons 2nd is Force = mass x acceleration. An object "A" moving at a constant velocity has no acceleration therefor no force. Object "B"...
  37. Telemachus

    Finding the roots through Newtons method

    Homework Statement In each of the following items approximate the zeros of f using Newton's method. Continue iterating until making two successive approximations differ at most in 0.001. The Newton iteration: x_{n+1}=x_n-\displaystyle\frac{f(x_n)}{f'(x_n)} Well, I have a doubt about this. I'm...
  38. M

    Wire tension and motion in a pulley system

    Hello everyone, i need help with these 2 question from physics. I am a year 11 physics student. Joey and Caitlin hang from two ends of a wire, looped through an ideal pulley. Joey has a mass of 75.0Kg, whilst Caitlin weighs 637N. a) calculate the tension of the wire? b) If Caitlin is...
  39. B

    Newtons first law and inertial reference systems. (noob)

    Hi everyone, Recently i started a self-study in classical physics by reading through some books. In the section that described Newton's first law I stumbled upon something that did not make much sense. The following section of text got me confused. "If the net force acting on a body is...
  40. V

    Understanding and Applying Newton's Law of Cooling

    Homework Statement Newton's law of cooling says that the rate at which the emperature of any object changes is proportional to the temperature difference between the object and its surroundings. So if the temperature of the object is T, and its surroundings are at a constant temperature...
  41. A

    Using Newtons Method to Solve Equations | Homework Help

    Homework Statement Solve each equation using Newtons method. The problem I am working on right now is: x^{5}+x^{3}+x=1 which is the same as: x^{5}+x^{3}+x-1=0 Homework Equations x_{2} = x_{1}-\frac {f(x)}{f'(x)} with x1 being the first guess to what an f(x)=0...
  42. Y

    Relationship between Newtons 1st and 3rd law

    does Newtons first law discribes Newtons third law.
  43. D

    Does Newtons of an Egg drop vary accordingly to height?

    According to my knowledge, I am able to apply Newton's second law on an egg for an egg drop; the resulted force from that can would be the force which occurs when it hits the ground. That force would also be reflected when it hits the ground according to Newton's third law. What is confusing...
  44. S

    How Far Do Dishes Move in the Tablecloth Trick?

    For the following question: A magician pulls a tablecloth out from under some dishes. *How far do the dishes move during the .25 seconds it takes to pull out the tablecloth? The coefficient of kinetic friction between the cloth and the dishes is .12 I think I got the answer right by...
  45. D

    Is Kilogram Force the Same as Kilogram Mass?

    how do i convert a mass in kilograms to a weight in kgf?? should it not just be the same value?? is that not the idea of kgf?? for a weight on earth if F=mg---> N=kg*9.8 and i know that 9.8N=1kgf therefore 9.8N=9.82kg giving me 1kgf=9.82Kg this doesn't seem right to me...
  46. T

    Maximizing Acceleration and Braking Distance for a Cyclist on a Horizontal Road

    Homework Statement A cyclist and her bicycle have mass 75kg. she is riding on a horizontal road, and positions herself so that 60% of the normal contact force is on the back wheel and 40% on the front wheel. The coefficient of friction between the tires and the road is 0.8. What is the...
  47. I

    Newtons Law and Friction Question (along with a contact force question)

    Homework Statement Two crates, of mass 75 kg and 110 kg are in contact and at rest on a horizontal surface. A 620N force is exerted on the 75 kg crate. If the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.15 calculate: a) the acceleration of the system b)the force that each crate exerts on the...
  48. D

    Is There a More Efficient Version of Newton's Method Using Higher Derivatives?

    Are there any variations of Newtons method, say where you use higher derivatives?
  49. Z

    Does Newtons 3rd law corespond with pressure?

    If I were to take a standard sharp led pencil and push it on my desk, the tip of pencil will feel the same force as the force exerted on the desk, but what about the pressure? Since pressure is defined as: P = F / A The surface area of the tip of the sharp pencil is far smaller than...
  50. K

    Correction term to Newtons gravitation law

    Hey! My teacher told me that there is a correction term to Newtons law of gravitation when you take general relativity into account, somthing lik: F=G\frac{M_1M_2}{r^2}+F_{correction} I been searching like mad but can't find it on the internet anywhere. The only things I found was a set of...