Nodes Definition and 126 Threads

Inguinal lymph nodes are lymph nodes in the human groin. Located in the femoral triangle of the inguinal region, they are grouped into superficial and deep lymph nodes. The superficial have three divisions: the superomedial, superolateral, and inferior superficial.

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  1. G

    Solving for current between 2 nodes

    Homework Statement Assume that I = 22mA , V = 6.0V , and R = 350Ω. Determine the current between B and D using the superposition principle. Homework Equations V=IR Superposition Principle G=1/R Voltage and Current dividers KCL, KVL The Attempt at a Solution I_BD = I_BD' +...
  2. G

    Solving for current between 2 nodes

    Homework Statement Assume that I = 22mA , V = 6.0V , and R = 350Ω. Determine the current between B and D using the superposition principle. Homework Equations V=IR Superposition Principle G=1/R Voltage and Current dividers The Attempt at a Solution I think I'm understanding the...
  3. gfd43tg

    Analyzing Circuit Nodes & Meshes: Find I'”

    Homework Statement Consider the circuit shown below. (a) How many extraordinary nodes does it have? (b) How many independent meshes does it have? (c) The values of how many of those mesh currents can be determined immediately from the circuit? (d) Apply mesh analysis to find I’...
  4. V

    Finding resistances across nodes in a T-network/PI-network

    Homework Statement Using the known values of R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, and a 5.03kΩ resistor, find the resistance between nodes 1 and 3 in Circuit 1 and Circuit 2. Circuit 1 is a T-network composed of R1(1.0935kΩ), R2(1.06kΩ), and R3(1.07). Node 2 is connected directly to R2 and Node 3 is...
  5. JasonHathaway

    Equivalent resistance between two nodes homework

    Homework Statement Determine the equivalent resistance Req as seen by the voltage source VS (the resistance between a and b) Homework Equations Series-Parallel combinations The Attempt at a Solution The only...
  6. P

    Where are the Nodes Located in a Circuit? Suppose I set up the outer part of the circuit ( ie. everything excluding the R2 resistor) Now If I want to set up the R2 resistor as shown, I need to know where the nodes b and d are located. How do I locate node B for example? Is it the negative...
  7. A

    Nodes and antinodes in stationary waves

    Dear Friends, in my textbook it is written that when a stationary wave is formed in a string which is clamped at one end and free at the other end then a node is produced at the clamped end and an Anti-node is produced at the free end.the explanation given is that since at clamped particle...
  8. G

    MHB Chebyshev Nodes for Interpolation

    Hello all, I'm not sure if this is the right sub-forum for this question, so please move my post if there is a better place for this. I have been studying interpolation of functions, and in particular, using Chebyshev nodes rather than equidistant points in the creation of an approximation...
  9. S

    [Discrete math] Finding simple, nonisomorphic graphs with 4 nodes

    Homework Statement Draw all nonisomorphic, simple graphs with four nodes. (Hint: There are eleven such graphs!) Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution Well if you can imagine a square with the nodes as the vertices and no arcs connecting them, I figure that's isomorphic...
  10. R

    Number of Nodes as Neighbors: Probability Question

    Homework Statement Consider an unstructured overlay network in which every node randomly chooses c neighbors. To search for a file, a node floods a request to its neighbors and requests those to flood the request once more. How many nodes will be reached? Homework Equations The...
  11. T

    MHB Antinodes and Nodes on a Waveworm

    i have a waveform: y2(x)= sin(x*1.2)+sin(x*1.8) the first 6 nodes, meaning the parts of the wave where y2=0 come up on my graph at around x = 2.094 4.189 5.236 6.283 8.377 10.471 you can find the nodes easily (where y2=0) with either x = n*pi/(1.5) or x = (2n+1)*(pi/0.6), where n = 0, 1,2...
  12. M

    Calculate number of nodes in stationary waves

    Homework Statement Hi guys I have this problem that I can't solve.. Suppose to have this situation: when M=16kg the cord vibrates in one of its normal ways of oscillation. when M=6.25 we have the same frequency but 3 more nodes. How many are the nodes of the stationary wave in the first...
  13. S

    Wavefunction probability nodes within 2s electronic orbitals

    I have some questions based on the figures provided on this helpful educational link: == For discussion, let us work with two isotopes, He-3 (ppn) and Li-6 (pppnnn). Each (p+) would have an electron (e-) associated with...
  14. O

    What is the x>0 mean here? standing wave equation find nodes?

    Homework Statement Two waves travel in opposite direction form a standing wave of y= 2sin(31.42x)cos(7854t). Find the positions of first two nodes with x>0. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The question didn't say whether the standing wave starts from node or...
  15. B

    Managing Swollen Lymph Nodes: Tips for Relief and Recovery

    I new someone that had 40 lymph nodes out of there neck. And there neck is swollen and thicker now. So the doctor told them to keep rubbing there neck to bring it down. It is working but is there anything else to do to help the swoleness go down? Thank you
  16. T

    6 Nodes, 4 Elements, Size of Stiffness Matrix?

    Howdy, If I have the following configuration of nodes: 2---4--6 | \ | /| | \ | / | | \| / | | \/ | 1---3--5 What should the dimensions of my FEM stiffness be? Thanks
  17. T

    Slotted ALOHA P(All nodes successful @ time t)

    I'm trying to understand slotted ALOHA and I have a question regarding the probabilities. Here is an example: I have 3 nodes, ready to send a frame each. The probability of them sending = 0.5. What is the probability that at time 3 (3 time slots later) they will have all been successful? I...
  18. 0

    Why do all wine glass have four nodes (4th harmonic)?

    Why do all wine glass have four nodes (4th harmonic)?? Why do wine glass have four nodes... or four anitnodes... (4th harmonic)?
  19. D

    Question about circuits (currents going into nodes)

    So according to kirchhoffs junction rule, all currents entering a node must be equal to currents exiting a node. In this example If we take a node as the point between the 4 ohm resistor, 5 ohm reisistor, and the 20V battery, how would you be able to determine an...
  20. P

    Loudspeakers, nodes and antinodes question help please

    Homework Statement two loudpeakers emit sound waves along the x axis. The sound has maximum intensity when the loudspeakers are 20cm apart. The sound intensity decreases as the distance between the speakers is increased reaching zero intensity at 60cm apart. What is the wavelength of the...
  21. R

    This is How do I solve the nodes and antinodes for this problem?

    HELP! This is URGENT! How do I solve the nodes and antinodes for this problem?? For nodes, I tried doing λ = 2L/n but it's not giving me the answers they got... please help!
  22. I

    Longitude of the Ascending nodes (calculation, wrong data perhaps?)

    Question: Calculate the Longitude of the Ascending node for a satellite of Tundra Orbit. Satellite's longitude of perigee is 21.8 degrees and its argument of perigee is 270 degrees. Satellite must cover an Earth station with 21.8 degrees longitude and 63.5 degrees latitude. My approach...
  23. B

    How do nodes on a string produce tension if they are stationary?

    The vibration in a string is caused by the tension force on point masses inside the string : The tension force itself results from "the net electrostatic attraction between the particles in a solid when it is deformed so that the particles are further apart from each other than when at...
  24. D

    How are nodes and antinodes added to harmonics of open air columns?

    Hi everyone! I was reading up on sound waves and I got to the point where this website was describing how instruments produce standing waves through the interference of different frequencies but then it started to talk about how the length of air columns can affect the wavelengths of the sound...
  25. tiny-tim

    Classifying electron orbitals by nodes

    (is this correct … ?) electrons "orbiting" a single atom obey the Schrodinger equation, whose solutions are linear combinations of an orthogonal basis of solutions of the form R(r)Θ(θ)Φ(φ) where r θ and φ are the usual spherical coordinates: θ = 0 is the usual z axis these "orbitals"...
  26. C

    Wave motion finding number of nodes in string.

    Homework Statement An aluminium wire of length L1=60 cm and of cross sectional area 1.00×10-2cm2 is connected to a steel wire of the same cross sectional area. The compound wire; loaded with a block of mass m=10kg is arranged so it is hanging freely from a suspended pulley so that the...
  27. S

    Reversing the order of nodes in a doubly linked list (Solution provided)

    Homework Statement Write an algorithm for reversing the order of nodes in a doubly linked list. You may assume a head and tail reference, and you may directly get and set the next field of any node, but you may not assume any add or remove methods are defined. You may...
  28. D

    /The probability density does not goto zero at the nodes if

    /// The probability density does not go to zero at the nodes if relativistic effects are taken into account. /// src=wikipedia, particle in a box. /// so does it mean energy levels/atomic orbitals are not necessarily discrete and that atom has to be remodeled. ***pardon my ignorance if I...
  29. C

    MHB Complexity of Algorithm to calculate number of nodes in a binary tree

    I guess this is the first question on partly CS topic in this forum. But I think you guys will be able to help me. I have an algorithm which goes as follows: int CN(struct node *node) { if(node==null) return 0; return 1 + CN(node->left) +...
  30. Z

    Double integral over triangle with known nodes

    I am wondering is there any general analytic solutions to the following integrals First moment of area Integral(xdxdy) Integral(ydxdy) Second moment of area) Integral(x^2dxdy) Integral(y^2dxdy) Integral(xydxdy) Over the triangle (x1,y1) (x2,y2) (x3,y3) thanks Wei
  31. A

    Orbit to the Moon: nodes position

    Hi everybody, I'm planning a 2016 mission to the moon similar to Apollo 8 (Orbital mechanics homework). I decided to start from a equatorial parking orbit, and then to perform a plane change. The problem is that I obviously need to know the position of the moon's orbit plane, which, as you know...
  32. E

    # of Nodes / Branches of a Circuit The circuit supposedly has 7 branches and 5 nodes. Am I counting the nodes and branches correct? I'm only counting 4 nodes. Thanks.
  33. S

    ANSYS - section nodes and global nodes

    I am creating a 3D mesh for beam188 elements (L sections). Method - create keypoints, create lines between KP, define section, apply all relevant properties to the line and mesh the line. When I view the mesh (/ESHAPE,1) it appears as you would expect with an extruded L-shaped 3D...
  34. A

    Can you solve for the currents using Kirchhoff's law?

    Homework Statement Using Kirchhoff's law for nodes A,B,C and D and then Kirchoff's law for the circuits around the main building, the annex and the warehouse, write a system of seven equations that could be solved for the currents I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, and I6 I get (NOTE**the I are capital i...
  35. U

    Circuits, Kirchoff's Law for Nodes

    Homework Statement Hello, This is part of a set of questions I need to do for a project I just need help getting started. I've been looking at this forever and I can't figure it out. Homework Equations Kirchhoff's Law for Nodes: Current going into a node = current going out...
  36. M

    How Many Wavelengths Between a Node and an Antinode in a Standing Wave?

    Homework Statement If you go any node in a standing wave to the next adjoining antinode, how many wavelengths have you gone? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  37. S

    SPICE - Resistance between nodes (ohmmeter)

    Hi, I have a huge grid of resistors. I want to measure the resistance between several and various different points on the grid. I have measured these values in practice using a DMM to find the resistance between various points on the grid. How can I do essentially the same thing as an...
  38. T

    Position of Ascending and Descending Nodes

    Hi again. I'm trying to determine the position of an orbit's ascending and descending nodes here. I already have the Longitude of the ascending node, and a unit vector that points to it, so what I now need is a way to find out the actual distance of the node from the central body. More...
  39. N

    Finding a voltage across 2 nodes [Check answer - work already done]

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I got V1=18V Here's my work:
  40. M

    Orbital Nodes (Diagrams of Psi/Psi^2)

    I am having a hard time understanding the nodes on the graphs of Ψ for atomic orbitals. Take for example, the graph of Ψ for a 2s orbital as seen on the left here: The graph intersects at two points, but these two intercepts represent...
  41. C

    What does normalized (k + 1)th divided difference at distinct nodes mean?

    Hi everyone, This is not a homework question but a clarification on the following proof: Suppose h is an infinitely differentiable real-valued function defined on /Re such that h(1/n)=0 for all n \in N . Then prove h^{(k)}(0)=0 for all k \in . Proof: Since h is infinitely...
  42. A

    Radial Nodes and Degree of Exitation

    Homework Statement How are the number of intermediate radial nodes in a bound state wave function related to the degree of excitation? Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution Here's what I've come up with; however I think I'm missing something or perhaps not being...
  43. J

    Angle Maxima and nodes and antinodes

    Homework Statement I have attached the problem... Homework Equations dsin(\theta) = \lambdam The Attempt at a Solution (0.00003m)(sin(\theta)) = (0.000000550m)(2) ------------> 2.10o (0.00003m)(sin(\theta)) = (0.000000550m)(3) ------------> 3.15o I looked through my textbook...
  44. A

    Electricity current question , nodes

    Homework Statement 1. For the circuit shown in Figure Q1 calculate: (i) The magnitude and direction of the current that flows through Rl , (H) The magnitude and direction of the current that flows through RS. (iii) The potential difference between nodes Q and R (iv) An equivalent circuit...
  45. B

    How to Find Voltage Between Node 1 and Node 2?

    Homework Statement Find voltage between node 1 and node 2 Homework Equations What is the algorithm? The Attempt at a Solution R1=4 Ohms R2=5 Ohms R3=8 Ohms R4=3 Ohms R5=6 Ohms R6=7 Ohms Eэ=20 V E3=17 V E5=15 V
  46. M

    Velocity and frequency of standing waves, number of nodes

    Homework Statement A string of mass .03 kg and length 2 m is fixed at one end, and driven with an oscillator at the other end. The oscillator induces traveling waves on the string of the form y=A sin (kx-ωt) which traveled down the string, hit the fixed end, and get reflected back as a wave...
  47. A

    Physics : Circuts lAb kirchhoff's nodes HELP.

    Homework Statement I have just done a lab and I am very confused on what to do. 2 batteries 3 resistors - 3 currents -> received by testing. So i have to do the theoretical equations ive done the lab and got the currents and so far I've came up with this. ( -V2 + Vt1 - V1...
  48. T

    Understanding Nodes and Frequencies in a Uniform String Under Tension

    Homework Statement A uniform string of length 2.5 m and mass 0.01 kg is placed under a tension of 10 N. 1. What is the frequency of the fundamental mode? 2. If the string is plucked and is then touched at a point 0.5 m from one end, creating a node, what frequencies persist? Homework...
  49. J

    The Fundamental Principle of Standing Waves: Is it all about phase?

    I have a question about standing waves. Is this what a standing wave is: a wave produced by a propagating wave and a reflected wave, resulting in a wave of zero propagation. A standing wave is produced, at a particular point, by the two propagating waves and it is simply a superposition of...
  50. M

    How Do Nodes Form on a Vibrating String for the nth Harmonic?

    Prove that there are n-1 nodes on a string fixed at both ends for the nth harmonic. It is simple to show this using a diagram. [PLAIN] However, is there a way to show this mathematically?