Noise Definition and 503 Threads

  1. S

    Managing Noise Pollution at Outdoor Concert: Stakeholder Meeting Plan

    1. Identify the princible stakeholders who could be affected by noise pollution. 2. There is a rock concert planned. The convert will be held in an outdoor park, which boders both a resedential as well as a group of commercial businesses. In a town hall meeting, develop a course of action...
  2. E

    Question on Reducing Dark Noise in Photodiodes

    [SOLVED] Question on Reducing Dark Noise in Photodiodes I realize that this is more of a technology question than a physics question, but our technology forum seems to have been overrun by computer nerds. Anyway, I am wondering if it is possible to reduce the dark current of a diode by placing...
  3. Rockazella

    Noise Calculation in Video Signals: Understanding Sqroot(2)

    Not sure if this is more a question for the physics forum or here, but ill start here. I've been doing some reading on signal to noise calculations for video applications. In the reading it says that when you drop a certain signal by 2, the noise portion of it will only drop by sqroot(2)...