Notation Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. hagopbul

    I Question about L(v^2) Notation in Landau & Lifshitz's Mechanics

    Hello : i am reading now landau & lifshitz book on mechanics and i have small question : about L(v^2) notation it was not very clear in the book and i couldn't understand it correctly anyone can explain it or provide a link with explanation page (4 - 5) Best regards Hagop
  2. M

    How to write this set in set-builder notation?

    Homework Statement:: Write each of the following sets in set-builder notation. Relevant Equations:: None. {2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64...} =2·{1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32...} What should be the next step in this work?
  3. Hamiltonian

    Doubt related to notation used in writing Maxwell's equations

    What does ##S=\partial V## and ##C=\partial S## signify, usually I have only seen books writing ##C## when evaluating a line integral over a curve ##C## and ##S## when evaluating a surface integral over a surface ##S##. Could someone clarify what ##\partial S## and ##\partial V## mean?
  4. Viona

    Operator acts on a ket and a bra using Dirac Notation

    Summary:: Operator acts on a ket and a bra using Dirac Notation Please see the attached equations and help, I Think I am confused about this
  5. Leo Liu

    What does this integral notation mean?

    I saw it somewhere but I did't know exactly what it meant. Could someone explain it to me like I am 5? Does it mean we integrate with respect to x n times? $$\int_{\mathbb{R}^n}f\, \mathrm{d}^n x$$
  6. M

    I Summation notation and general relativity derivatives

    Does $$\partial^\beta(g_{\alpha\beta}A_\mu A^\mu)$$ mean the same as $$\frac {\partial (g_{\alpha\beta}A_\mu A^\mu)}{\partial A^\beta} ?$$ If not could someone explain the differences?
  7. K

    B Power of ten and math power notation

    Dear PF Forum, I watched this video 10 ^ 10 ^ 10 ^ 5600 The narative says, It is 1 followed by 5600 zeros But that's not what I think, I think it is 1 followed by I don't know. What does this number means? Is it A: 10 ^ (10 ^ (10 ^ 56))) or B: ((10 ^ 10) ^ 10) ^ 56? It says that "As...
  8. C

    ##G## is Injective ##\iff ## ## f ## is onto ## Y ## (Lambda Notation)

    My attempt: ## ( \rightarrow ) ## Suppose G is injective. Let ## y \in Y ## be arbitrary, denote A = ## \{ y \} ## so that ## G(A) = G(\{ y \}) = f^{-1}[\{ y \}] = \{ x \in X | f(x) \in \{ y \} \} =\{ x \in X | f(x)= y \} ##. [ However, now I am stuck because I don't know if ## G(A)=...
  9. C

    Finding inverses of two functions in Lambda Notation

    I found the following functions ( In lambda notation ) to be injective, and now I am trying to find the inverse functions for them ( the inverse for the Image of ## f ## ) but I am stuck and I need help: 1. ## f = \lambda n \in \mathbb{N}. (-1)^n + n^2 ## 2. ## f = \lambda g \in \mathbb{R}...
  10. C

    I What does V^G mean in linear algebra?

    Hi. Newbee question. What does the notation V^G mean where V is a vector space and G is a group? I found it in: A linear algebraic group G is called linearly reductive if for every rational representation V and every v in V^G \ {0}, there exists a linear invariant function f in (V^*)^G such that...
  11. stevendaryl

    I Is Covariant Derivative Notation Misleading in Vector Calculus?

    [Moderator's note: Thread spun off from previous thread due to topic change.] This thread brings a pet peeve I have with the notation for covariant derivatives. When people write ##\nabla_\mu V^\nu## what it looks like is the result of operating on the component ##V^\nu##. But the components...
  12. S

    A Index notation and partial derivative

    Hi all, I am having some problems expanding an equation with index notation. The equation is the following: $$\frac {\partial{u_i}} {dx_j}\frac {\partial{u_i}} {dx_j} $$ I considering if summation index is done over i=1,2,3 and then over j=1,2,3 or ifit does not apply. Any hint on this would...
  13. B

    B Traveling wave solution notation

    This is probably kind of dumb, but it's really bothering me for some reason. I originally saw traveling wave solutions to the wave equation as ##f(kx−\omega t)## for right traveling (as t gets bigger, x needs to be bigger to "match" it's previous value) and ##f(kx+\omega t)## for left-traveling...
  14. S

    Art Notation for drum parts when scores were hand written?

    In the days when scores were written by hand, how were parts for drums written? It's clear that ordinary notation is sufficient to indicate the duration of dumb beats - although writing each beat for a drum would be tedious. Was there some system of abbreviation? Did composers attempt to...
  15. P

    Can't understand ket notation for spin 1/2

    I can't why there are four elements in each ket instead of only two
  16. M

    Probability notation: question about joint and conditional probability

    Hi, Just a quick question about conditional and marginal probabilities notation. Question: What does ## p(a|b, c) ## mean? Does it mean: 1) The probability of A, given (B and C) - i.e. ## p[A | (B \cap C)] ## OR 2) The probability of (A given B) and C - i.e. ## p[(A | B) \cap C] ## I was...
  17. F

    Python Python Dot Notation: Access Functions, Classes, Objects & Variables

    Hello (again). I have become quite familiar with the dot notation in Python. The dot "operator", assuming operator is the right term, seem to have many uses. For example: 1) After an instance name, it can be used to access instance attributes and apply instance methods to the object/instance...
  18. S

    I Matrix Notation for potential in Schrodinger Equation

    I'm working on the time-dependent Schrodinger equation, and come across something I don't understand regarding notation, which is not specific to TDSE but the Schrodinger formalism in general. Let's say we have a non-trivial potential. There is a stage in the development of the TDSE where we...
  19. U

    MHB Precalculus: What is the value of this sigma notation?

    Hi, I'm currently a Grade 11 student and I need help for this question (Precalculus): If $\sum\limits_{i=1}^{50} f(i)=90$ and $\sum\limits_{i=30}^{50} g(i)=60$, what is the value of $\sum\limits_{i=1}^{50} (7 g(i)-f(i)+12)/(2)$? P.S. To those who could answer this, it would be a great help...
  20. R

    A Dirac Notation: Why is order reversed in ket expasion?

    Shankar Prin. of QM 2nd Ed (and others) introduce the inner product: <i|V> = vi ...(Shankar 1.3.4) They expand the ket |V> as: |V> = Σ vi|i> |V> = Σ |i><i|V> ...(Shankar 1.3.5) Why do they reverse the order of the component vi and the ket |i> when they...
  21. L

    A Understanding Tensor Notation: What is the Difference?

    I am struggling with tensor notation. For instance sometimes teacher uses \Lambda^{\nu}_{\hspace{0.2cm}\mu} and sometimes \Lambda^{\hspace{0.2cm}\nu}_{\mu}. Can you explain to me the difference? These spacings I can not understand. What is the difference between...
  22. chwala

    Solve for x in this index notation problem

    ok, by direct substitution i know that either ##x=2## or ##x=4## but i would like to prove this analytically, would it be correct saying, ##xln 2= 2ln x## ##xln_{2}2=2 ln_{2}x## ##x=2 ln_{2}x## ##\frac {1}{2}=\frac { ln_{2}x}{x}## ##ln_{2}x^{1/x}##=##\frac {1}{2}## →##2^{1/2}##=##x^{1/x}##...
  23. Frabjous

    Geometry Calculations with tensors in modern notation

    Is there a book that emphasizes performing calculations with tensors in modern notation?
  24. S

    B Question about Notation of Function

    In the notation of Function ---> f(x)=y Here f represents the function and x is the variable in the function. we read f(x) as "f of x"or "function of the variable x" what does "function of x " mean that we read ? in this notation what does round brackets ()...
  25. E

    B Can someone please explain Feynman's index notation?

    I found some parts of Vol II, Chapter 25 basically unreadable, because I can't figure out his notation. AFAICT he's using a (+,-,-,-) metric, but these equations don't really make any sense: The first one is fine, and so is the second so long as we switch out ##a_{\mu} b_{\mu}## for ##a_{\mu}...
  26. E

    B Notation for indexing a crystal direction

    Given a crystal basis ##\{\vec{a}, \vec{b}, \vec{c} \}##, the two lattice vectors ##\vec{r}_1 = u_1 \vec{a} + u_2 \vec{b} + u_3 \vec{c}## and ##\vec{r}_2 = 2u_1\vec{a} + 2u_2 \vec{b} + 2u_3 \vec{c}## both obviously point in the same direction whilst ##\vec{r}_2## is twice as long as...
  27. I

    Expectation Value Notation in Griffiths QM Textbook Third Edition

    In the 3rd edition of the Introduction to Quantum Mechanics textbook by Griffiths, he normally does the notation of the expectation value as <x> for example. But, in Chapter 3 when he derives the uncertainity principle, he keeps the operator notation in the expectation value. See the pasted...
  28. L

    MHB Summation and product notation rules

    As per the image, I am supposed to select all the valid statements. Apparently I'm only partially correct, and so I took another look at the statements. I believe the third statement is wrong, since c * (a_m*a_{m+1}*a_{m+2}*...*a_n) =/= (c*a_m)(c*a_{m+1})(c*a_{m+2})*...*(c*a_n) Thus there...
  29. nomadreid

    I Did von Neumann coin the eth or dyet for the inexact differential?

    Today the inexact differential is usually denoted with δ, but in a text by a Russian author I found a dyet (D-with stroke, crossed-D) instead: In response to my question to the author about this deviation from normal usage, he stated that this was a suggestion from von Neumann. (Which of course...
  30. V

    What Are the Key Differences in Substitution Notation?

    For the first one so far I have (3 · a + 5 · b)[a, b ≔ b, a] =⟨ Substitution ⟩ (3 · b + 5 · a) So far this is right, however I don't really know the difference between the others. For the second one I did (3 · a + 5 · b)[a ≔ b][b ≔ a] =⟨ Substitution ⟩ (3 · b + 5 · b) For this one I got it...
  31. H

    Proof of a dot product using sigma notation

    Mentor note: Moved from a technical section, so is missing the homework template. Hi, I'm always not sure how to prove something in math and I'm wondering if this is enough. ##\vec r \cdot (\vec u + \vec v) ## ##\vec u + \vec v = (u_1+v_1, u_2+v_2,u_3+v_3) = \vec s## ##\vec r \cdot (\vec u +...
  32. patric44

    Quantum Dirac notation based quantum books?

    hi i am recently following the nptel course in quantum mechanics (The Course ) and it seems like a really good course , but i can't find the book that it based on . my question is : had anyone saw that course before to suggest a QM book related to it ? - she began by an introduction to vector...
  33. entropy1

    I The significance of the Dirac notation

    If we have the wavefunction ##|ab \rangle##, what do the a and b stand for? In particular, do a and b signify an outcome of some pending or possible measurement, or do they signify some aspect of the wavefunction, and if so, which aspect?
  34. Anonymous1

    B Vector Notation: Italic Boldface Symbolization

    is it true that vectors are symbolised as an italic boldface 'a'
  35. K

    Does Summation Over n from -∞ to +∞ in Quantum Mechanics Equal Ψ(x)?

    I have a (trivial) question regarding summation notation in Quantum mechanics. Does ∑cnexp(iknx) = Ψ(x) imply that n ranges from -∞ to +∞ (i.e. all possible combinations of n)? i.e. n ∞ ∑exp(iknx) -∞ I believe it does to be consistent with the Fourier series in terms of complex exponentials...
  36. I

    Griffiths Problem 3.35. Harmonic Oscillator, Bra-ket notation

    Firstly, apologies for the latex as the preview option is not working for me. I will fix mistakes after posting. So for ##<x>## = (##\sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{2m\omega}}##) ##(< \alpha | a_{+} + a_{-}| \alpha >)## = (##\sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{2m\omega}}##) ##< a_{-} \alpha | \alpha> + <\alpha | a_{-}...
  37. anuttarasammyak

    B Question about notation in the Feynman Lectures on Physics III 3-1

    I have a question on formula (3.1) and (3.2) in Feynman Lectures on Physics III 3-1, available online, <x|s> here can be interpreted also as inner product of bra <x| and ket |s>, following usual Dirac notation ? For example, ##<r_1|r_2>## in...
  38. George Jones

    Symbol ##\supset## Meaning in Eqs. 3.1 & 3.2

    What does the symbol ##\supset## mean as used in equations (3.1) and (3.2) of
  39. John Greger

    A Understanding Killing Vector Equation Notation

    Hi all, The killing vector equation reads: ##\nabla_{(\mu K_{\nu})} = 0## What do the parenthesis mean explicitly? Moreover, I know that ##\nabla_\mu x^\nu = \partial_\mu x^\nu+ \Gamma_{\rho \mu}^\nu x^\rho## So if the parentheses mean symmetric the Killing equation will read...
  40. R

    MHB Problem using big O notation

    Functions defines on the plane $\mathbb{R}^2$ or open subsets , using $X=(x_1,x_2)\in\mathbb{R}^2$ asthe coordinates Find all $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}$ such that $(\ln x_1)(x_2^2+x_2)=O(||X||^{\alpha})$ as $||X||\to 0$. and $|X|| \to \infty$ (note that $x_1>0)$
  41. T

    Nolting Theoretical Physics 1, Jacobian Notation Question

    On Page 406 of Nolting Theoretical Physics 1 he has the following notation for the Jacobian determinant $$\frac{\partial( x_{1}, x_{2})}{\partial (y_{1}, y_{2})} = \begin{vmatrix} \left (\frac{\partial x_{1}}{\partial y_{1}} \right )_{y_{2}}& \left ( \frac{\partial x_{1}}{\partial y_{2}}...
  42. jedishrfu

    B Bartlett's Calculus Paper: Confusing Calculus Notation & Differentials

    Bartlett’s Calculus Paper Reviewed in Mathematics Magazine
  43. G

    I Confused by Notation? Perturbation Theory Explained

    Looking at. <psi|AB|theta>, under what conditions would this be equal to <psi|A|theta> * <psi|B|theta> I’m just getting into perturbation theory and am running into confusing notation. Thanks john
  44. Quark Effect

    B What is the significance of 'i' in quantum computation notation?

    Hi guys, I am currently having some difficulties with this quantum state. I don't entirely understand what that letter 'i' means, where it comes from and why it appears in brackets [1, i]. Shouldn't there be a '0' instead? I am an absolute beginner in quantum computation. I've been following a...
  45. berlinspeed

    I Notation inquiry - bar over basis set....

    What's the meaning of the "bar" on the basis set of W at bottom right corner?
  46. chriscarson

    Young's modulus question with answer notation issue

    Summary:: why this answer ? I have the result of a young s modulus that is 358280256.25 and the answer the teacher gave us is 3.58 x 10 to the power of 8 . why not 358.3 x 10 to the power of 6 ? how she s deciding how many steps goes back with the point , the answer of a sum before this...
  47. Z

    Writing a squared observable in Dirac notation

    Edited after post below: Hi, I need to show that the square of the expectation value of an observable takes a certain form in Dirac notation. I know in wave notation that the expectation value is a sandwich integral which looks like this: ##<A>=\int_{-\infty}^\infty \Psi^*(x) \hat A \Psi (x)...
  48. W

    Why Use Mathematics Notation Codes in Your Writing?

    From now on, I'm going to type using as many mathematics notation codes as possible. CL, ex[/sub]h?e[sup]ey(ou) ound the foum_____________________"When you get into college, biology takes brains, physics takes work, and calculus takes up the whole page" -Me