Nozzle Definition and 174 Threads

  1. I

    Mass air flow through a nozzle at different upstream pressures

    I'm interested in identifying mass airflow through a choked convergent or conical nozzle. I've found some web info claiming that mass airflow through a nozzle becomes primarily a linear function of the inlet pressure, and doubling the inlet pressure doubles the flowrate. Further research...
  2. gfd43tg

    Converging-Diverging Nozzle

    Homework Statement 2. Air flows from a large supply tank in which the pressure is 147 psig and the temperature is 160 F through a converging - diverging nozzle. The velocity at the throat of the nozzle is sonic. A normal shock occurs at a point in the diverging section of the nozzle where the...
  3. A

    Heating phenomenon in a nozzle

    Hello , I have a rather odd question. I am trying to find a phenomenon that occurs in nozzles but am quite unable to name the phenomenon per se. The vague description of the phenomenon I remember is that when a supersonic flow occurs in a nozzle (or superheated steam), there is heat produced...
  4. G

    What is the air speed after passing through a nozzle?

    If a circular pipe with diameter 4ft has an airspeed of 100mph which then funnels through an orface(sp?) with diameter 2ft, what is is the air speed after the air passes though the hole? Any help would be very much appreciated. I am completely lost...
  5. S

    How is the average exhaust gas velocity determined in complex nozzle designs?

    Hi Can someone tell me how exactly (physically and mathematically) is the nozzle exhaust plane defined? I “understand” the principle with simple circular openings, but not the more complex shapes (such as in the links below)...
  6. K

    Isentropic Nozzle Behavior Explanation

    Hello. I was working on a sample problem on my thermodynamics book about isentropic nozzles. Pressures, velocities, and temperatures of steam entering to a non isentropic nozzle and exiting it are known. The question asks me to find the velocity of the steam exiting, if the nozzle were...
  7. L

    Velocity of air coming out of a nozzle

    Hello, first time poster here! :smile: I need to find the speed of air directly coming out of a nozzle connected to a compressed air tank. Inside the tank I have 30 psi gauge pressure (~207 kPa) and the diameter of the nozzle is 1.5 mm. Atmospheric pressure outside. Isn't there a simple...
  8. N

    Symmetric Converging-Diverging Nozzle Areas?

    Hey guys I was wondering if a symmetric C-D nozzle has the same area at the inlet and exit, can the mach numbers at both points be the same? This situation would involve a normal shock which would be near the exit as well. I would assume the Mach number at the throat would be 1. With that...
  9. N

    Converging Diverging Nozzle problem

    Homework Statement Air flows through a symmetric converging-diverging nozzle where the cross-sectional area of the nozzle (in meters^2) varies accoding to the relationship: A(x) = 1.0 - 0.8X +.80X^(2) ; where X is in meters and the nozzle is 1 meter long. P2/P1 = .90 (there is...
  10. S

    Can a Convergent Nozzle Achieve High Pressure with Subsonic Exit Velocity?

    Hello, Imagine a convergent nozzle; static pressure at exit is atmospheric. The fluid is air. The pressure on the pressurized side is P. goal #1: achieve nozzle exit velocity somewhat below sonic goal #2: have P as high as possible. Is this possible to achieve through the geometry of...
  11. J

    Do Boundary Conditions Limit Nozzle Exit Velocity?

    Hello, I am interested in the boundary condition effects on a converging-diverging nozzle. If you have a certain inlet pressure and temperature to a supersonic converging-diverging nozzle which exits into a the outlet pressure, is there a limit to the velocity that you can generate at the...
  12. T

    Find the max velocity of the steam in a steady-flow adiabatic nozzle

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution According to the solution, the max velocity is when the entropy of state 1 is equal to the entropy at state 2. Why is this the case? My friend says it is because the system is isentropic but I am still very...
  13. J

    Isentropic Relations for Real Gas in Converging-Diverging nozzle

    Hello, I am looking at a problem concerning flow through a converging-diverging nozzle. The governing equations are relatively straight-forward for gasses that closely follow the ideal gas law. However I am looking at an unusual gas which is certainly not represented by the ideal gas...
  14. PhysicoRaj

    Reaching Mach 1: Detecting Sonic Velocity in a Convergent Nozzle

    How do you know if a convergent nozzle has reached the exit velocity of mach 1? Suppose a convergent nozzle is connected to a blower, and gradually the blower air velocity is increased, would any phenomenon be helpful in detecting when the nozzle exit velocity is sonic, which can be heard or...
  15. N

    Find the Mass Flow Rate Through the Nozzle

    Homework Statement Helium gas flows through a well-insulated nozzle at steady state. The temperature and the velocity at the inlet are 550°R and 150 ft/s, respectively. At the exit, the temperature is 400°R and the pressure is 40 lbf/in2. The area of the exit is 0.0085 ft2. Using the ideal gas...
  16. M

    Thermodynamic energy analysis of nozzle vs. throttling valve/capillary

    Hello experts! This is my very first post on PF. I have read the rules, and I am hoping that I post this in the right section. Also, I did some research on existing threads, and found quite a few interesting discussions. However, none of them specifically addressed this difference. If I have...
  17. P

    Holding nozzle stationary? (applications of COM, bernoulli's,mass flow

    Holding nozzle stationary? (applications of COM, bernoulli's,mass flow" The problem is shown on page 12 of ^ link. It also shows the solutions. However the question asks...
  18. R

    Liquid being pushed out of a nozzle - how to calculate it?

    Hi guys, I'm relatively new to physics, so please bear with me. :) Let's image we have a cylinder like this, filled with 8760 mm3 of liquid, with a nozzle on one end and a plunger on the other. An explosive charge goes off behind the plunger, releasing 45 joules of energy, and pushing the...
  19. N

    Converging nozzle temperature difference - Steady flow energy equation

    I come from a civil engineering background and I'm about to start a masters in nuclear energy. I have no experience in thermodynamics and I've been doing a bit of revision before the course commences to get me up to speed. I've been working my way through 15 revision questions and I only have a...
  20. J

    Fluid Mechanics: a nozzle that pulls nozzle forward

    This is not a homework problem, but an example that was demonstrated that I am confused about. Sorry if it should've been in the other forum nevertheless. I understand the mathematics of the derivation and the result; but I'm having difficulty reconciling this against common experience with...
  21. A

    Bernoulli's Equation- on a jet nozzle

    Homework Statement A jet of liquid of density ρ surrounded by air flows vertically downwards from a nozzle of area Ao. The stagnation pressure of the jet at exit from the nozzle is po and the surrounding air is at pressure B. The acceleration due to gravity is g. If the jet flow is...
  22. S

    Third year project - CFD nozzle design

    Hi, for my third year project i have got to design a nozzle to fit a fire extinguisher. However firstly i must analyse fluid flow within said nozzle, but i have no idea how to use GAMBIT/FLUENT and finding it difficult to find relevant user guides on the internet. Anyone care to offer some...
  23. L

    TThermodynamics-compressed flow in a nozzle equation derivation

    Hi everyone! Homework Statement Just one part of the lecture notes I couldn't work out how to derrive (apparently we need to know how). A/A*=1/M[2/(k+1)(1+(k-1)/2*M^2)]^(k+1/2(k-1))Homework Equations A/A*=1/M[2/(k+1)(1+(k-1)/2*M^2)]^(k+1/2(k-1)) ρ0/ρ=[1+(k-1/2)*M^2]^(1/k-1)...
  24. K

    Calculating Jet Pressure at Nozzle orifice

    Hello, So i am using this 3HP pump for which the head ranges from 6 meters to 14 meters. Discharge being 19.1 LPS to 10.4 LPS respectively. I am using a 2" pipe to carry the water upto a height of approx. 3 meters, which is then routed into a jet manifold containing number of jet nozzles...
  25. N

    Nozzle Design Help: 6 bar Outlet Pressure, 36L/m Flow Rate

    Nozzle designing help ! hii . i am supposed to design a converging nozzle for water flow Its outlet pressure should be 6 bar and flow rate is 36L/m . no. of nozzles are 3 . this is the only data i have . .i don't know how to proceed . i think its less data but its only i have ...
  26. D

    Bending of a curved beam to protect a tank nozzle

    In the tank building industry some pressure vessels use curved pieces of flat bar, welded to the tank, to protect nozzles in the event that the tank rolls. I'm trying to determine how thick the flat bar should be for a given length so that it won't bend too much and allow a nozzle to be damaged...
  27. S

    Thermodynamics; Pressure and Temperature at the Nozzle inlet

    Homework Statement CO2 gas enters a nozzle with an isentropic efficiency of 83% with a low velocity. It exits the nozzle at 110 kpa and 59K and 246m/s. Determine the pressure at the nozzle inlet assuming: Homework Equations -Constant specific heats at room temperature -Variable specific...
  28. E

    Flow in a pipe with a tank on its top, and a nozzle on its bottom

    I have a tank filled with water on the top of a pipe (height of water = h) there's a hole in the bottom of the tank, so that when the hole is suddenly opened, water will flow in the pipe of length 20 meters at the bottom of the pipe, there's a nozzle (I don't know how to choose the right...
  29. C

    :Problem with a cylinder tank and a nozzle

    urgent :Problem with a cylinder tank and a nozzle Hey guys, I have been given a problem and I really want your help cause I have some doubts:[/B] A cylindrical tank 1.52 m in diameter and 7.62 m high contains cottonseed oil having a density of 917 kg/m3. The tank is open to the atmosphere...
  30. U

    Formation of shock waves and gas dynamics of flow in a nozzle.

    Hi I have a few questions regarding gas dynamics... 1. when M=1, dA=0...what does this mean? Does it imply that if we have a converging (subsonic) nozzle with its exit mach no,say 0.8, and then direct the flow to a constant area tube, then we have to attain M=1? 2. When we know the length...
  31. R

    How fast, on average, does the gas come out of a rocket's nozzle?

    For example, in the SSET (Space Shuttle External Tank), how fast does the burnt fuel (liquid hydrogen and oxygen) exit the nozzle at its bottom?
  32. D

    How Can Nozzle Design Achieve Desired Thrust in Subsonic Flow?

    Homework Statement Open ended problem really, nothing is given except that I need a thrust of 30 lbf. Similar to Dyson fan which entrains and induces air, increasing airflow 15 times. Working around this concept, I'm trying to design a nozzle so I can calculate the ratio of inlet and exit...
  33. D

    Mass flow rate through De Laval Nozzle

    Hey guys, Ive got a little stuck calculating the mass flow rate of a choked flow through a de laval nozzle. I have been given a formula to use for theoretical max and experimental but they seem to be SO far apart, I am sure I am missing something. Given data: Density of water 1000...
  34. D

    Titanium Nozzle Durability: How Does it Withstand Extreme Temperatures?

    Why does the nozzle not melt even when the melting point of titanium at 1668 degree Celcius, and the flame of the flame is up to 3200-3500 degree Celcius.
  35. N

    Supersonic Flow in Diverging Nozzle

    Clearly, at low speeds the velocity of a fluid increases when the area through which it is traveling decreases. I am curious as to why a fluid traveling faster than the speed of sound increases its velocity when its area is increased. Thank you
  36. B

    In replacing a compressed air motor with a nozzle where does the energy go?

    Assume a compressed air motor, whose input power 1 cubic metre/minute at 200 psi. The motor exhaust is say, 20 psi at the appropriate volume say 10 - 11 cubic metre/minute. The motor produces 1KW due to its inefficiencies. Suppose the motor is replaced with a nozzle whose flow rate is the...
  37. F

    Right material for ceramic nozzle

    hi, i'm doing a project on development of ceramic nozzle. can somebody help me by giving some information regarding the most suitable type of ceramics that have the good wear resistance and high melting point. thanks.
  38. K

    Pressure/Flow Fluctuatons of a nozzle

    Looking for some help in understanding what may be causing pressure/flow fluctations on a nozzle. Details: The nozzle is basically a 1/4" tube about 3/4" long with one end capped. About 1/4' from the capped end are two orifices 180 degrees apart. The open end of the tube is subjected to...
  39. S

    How Does Adding a Nozzle Affect Water Efflux Velocity and Energy Conservation?

    nozzle complex! i have a tank having water filled till an elevation 'h'. Now at the bottom of this is a small opening of circular cross-section with a diameter say 'd1'. This arrangement is kept in free atmosphere so a uniform pressure Patm=1.013 bar applies everywhere. This is case 1 and in...
  40. R

    Learning to Simulate Rocket Nozzle Gas Flow

    Can someone provide me to a guide, book or some kind of tutorial that would help me in learning how to simulate the flow of gases in a rocket nozzle? I am trying to investigate the effect of my expansion ratios, nozzle geometry and other design parameters and simulate it. I would be very...
  41. S

    How Do You Calculate Stagnation Pressure in a Converging Diverging Nozzle?

    Homework Statement a converging diverging nozzle is operating at sea level, it will be mounted on a glider that flies 26.8m/s. The entrance area is 1 m^2. Homework Equations what is the stagnation pressure and mach number of flow entering the nozzle? what should be throat and exit...
  42. G

    Air flow in Convergent divergent nozzle

    i understood the air flow properties variation in convergent divergent / condi nozzle or laval nozzle for subsonic flow based on the formula, for a incompressible flow : density * Area * velocity = constant as the total pressure in the flow is constant dynamic pressure is...
  43. 8

    Pressure Washer, water properties exiting nozzle

    Hi all. I hope to have a better understanding of the consequence of introducing high heat on water in a hot water pressure washer. I know that hot water cleans better than cold or warm, and steam even cleans better. But am I harnessing the additional heat energy applied to the water in the...
  44. J

    Calculate Flow Rate Thru 3.175mm Nozzle Tip

    It's been a while since I've had to do these calculations.. I'm looking for the flow rate at the wall of a 3.175 mm nozzle tip. The diameter of the delivery leading up to it is 19 mm. This is a vertical assembly and the source of the air at 70 psi is a 1/4" outer diameter tube that is...
  45. R

    Nozzle Energy Balance: Solving Question B

    Im having difficulty with question b in this problem: [PLAIN] Heres my attempt: m(v1^2)*1/2)+h1)=m(v2^2)*1/2)+h2) + Qout (v1^2)*1/2)+h1)=(v2^2)*1/2)+h2) + Qout where v1 = 200ms^1 and v2 = 40ms^-1 and h1 = 3104.9kj/kg And my answer is 22,000kj/kg...
  46. M

    What is the De Laval nozzle and how is it used in supersonic expansion?

    i am mechanical engineering students. i need help in design and construction of supersonic expansion nozzle. Please share me your Knowledge and Experience of supersonic expansion nozzle and technical hand books.
  47. E

    Max Nozzle Size to Reach 35m: Solving the Fire-Hose Puzzle

    Homework Statement A fire-hose must be able to shoot water to the top of a building 35.0 m tall when aimed straight up. Water enters this hose at a steady rate of 0.500 m³.s¯¹ and shoots out of a round nozzle. (a) What is the maximum diameter that this nozzle can have? (b) If the only...
  48. M

    Solenoid Valves, fluid through Nozzle - not closing

    Hello I have a problem that I can't understand... I am putting kerosene pressurised to 160psi through a 1/4" BSP solenoid with 13mm orifice. On the out port of the solenoid is a 1/4" BSP to 2mm ID nozzle. The idea is it sprays out a stream of kerosene. The kerosene is provided by...
  49. M

    How Does Nozzle Size Affect Water Speed and Pressure?

    Homework Statement A garden hose with a diameter of 0.62in has water flowing in it with a speed of 0.52m/s and a pressure of 1.3 atmospheres. At the end of the hose is a nozzle with a diameter of 0.21 in. a.)Find the speed of the water in the nozzle. b.)Find the pressure in the nozzle...
  50. M

    What is the speed of the water exiting the nozzle?

    1. Homework Statement : Water flows through a fire hose of diameter 7.15 cm at a rate of 0.019 m3/s. The fire hose ends in a nozzle of inner diameter 2.17 cm. What is the speed with which the water exits the nozzle?2. The attempt at a solution: So, I tried using Principle of Continuity: A1 *...