Nuclear Definition and 997 Threads

Nuclear power is the use of nuclear reactions to produce electricity. Nuclear power can be obtained from nuclear fission, nuclear decay and nuclear fusion reactions. Presently, the vast majority of electricity from nuclear power is produced by nuclear fission of uranium and plutonium in nuclear power plants. Nuclear decay processes are used in niche applications such as radioisotope thermoelectric generators in some space probes such as Voyager 2. Generating electricity from fusion power remains the focus of international research.
Civilian nuclear power supplied 2,586 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity in 2019, equivalent to about 10% of global electricity generation, and was the second-largest low-carbon power source after hydroelectricity. As of January 2021, there are 442 civilian fission reactors in the world, with a combined electrical capacity of 392 gigawatt (GW). There are also 53 nuclear power reactors under construction and 98 reactors planned, with a combined capacity of 60 GW and 103 GW, respectively. The United States has the largest fleet of nuclear reactors, generating over 800 TWh zero-emissions electricity per year with an average capacity factor of 92%. Most reactors under construction are generation III reactors in Asia.
Nuclear power has one of the lowest levels of fatalities per unit of energy generated compared to other energy sources. Coal, petroleum, natural gas and hydroelectricity each have caused more fatalities per unit of energy due to air pollution and accidents. Since its commercialization in the 1970s, nuclear power has prevented about 1.84 million air pollution-related deaths and the emission of about 64 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent that would have otherwise resulted from the burning of fossil fuels.
Accidents in nuclear power plants include the Chernobyl disaster in the Soviet Union in 1986, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011, and the more contained Three Mile Island accident in the United States in 1979.
There is a debate about nuclear power. Proponents, such as the World Nuclear Association and Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy, contend that nuclear power is a safe, sustainable energy source that reduces carbon emissions. Nuclear power opponents, such as Greenpeace and NIRS, contend that nuclear power poses many threats to people and the environment.

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  1. G

    Nuclear Materials: Prospects for the Future?

    Hello, Is "Nuclear Materials" an area with good expectations? I know that materials are very important for nuclear civil: reactors lifetime, safety and performance, but I'm not sure to what point this a good prospects subject, when compared with other nuclear related domaines (safety, radiation...
  2. Haindi

    Schools Nuclear Engineering Jobs: Should I go to graduate school?

    I am currently a nuclear engineering undergraduate. I was curious what the job perspective is with only a bachelors degree. How about with a masters? P.h.D? I will be graduating with a Nuclear Engineering Honors Degree in Science.
  3. H

    Periodic trends and effective nuclear charge

    My book is trying to explain why atomic radii decreases as you move toward the right side of the periodic table because the effective nuclear charge increases. I understand why an increase in effective nuclear charge results in a smaller radius, but I don't know why the effective nuclear charge...
  4. K

    How to prepare for R&D in nuclear power?

    What courses can I pursue after my undergrad education that will enable me to work on next gen nuclear technologies? What kinds of people work in these areas and what career paths do they choose? I've read a lot about the different kinds of people working on Gen 4 reactors(LFTRs, TWRs) and...
  5. M

    What kinds of nuclear physics should I focus?

    Hey everyone. I'm looking to study nuclear physics and want to look into new forms of every. So fusion would be cool but probibly new forms of fission or even using waste to make energy. But I don't know what I want to get into. Any dirrational help would be cool. Thanks!
  6. G

    PAX Nuclear Reactor Simulator Question

    Hi to all, I am currently a student studying chemistry in high-school. My teacher has a program which he runs on very old laptops called the PAX Nuclear Reactor Simulator. I have a bit of experience writing code in C and Java. My teacher has mentioned that the school may trash the laptops which...
  7. R

    Nuclear fission in an atomic bomb

    A person said: "However uranium-235 (U235) makes up only 0.72% of normal uranium metal and has to be separated from the remainder (mostlyuranium-238) in special factories which makes uranium-235 (U-235) a little more expensive. An uranium-235 (U-235) atomic has three neutrons less than an...
  8. Coffee_

    Nuclear physics reaction, minimal energy to make it work

    1. Consider the reaction that happens when a photon collides with an atomic electron in rest ##\gamma+e^{-} <---> K^{-} + v_{e}##. The masses of all particles can be considered as known. What is the minimal energy that the photon needs to have to make this reaction work?2. Conservation of four...
  9. E

    Zaporizhya Nuclear Power Plant Issues

    There are reports of a renewed reactor shutdown at Zaporizhya, the Ukraine's largest nuclear power station, as well as rumors of possible radiation leaks: Given wretched weather and a...
  10. S

    Programs Transitioning military-Degree questions

    Hey all, I am in need of some guidance regarding an engineering degree. I'm currently a Navy Nuke and am set to leave the service in around 2 years. My schedule doesn't allow me to attend a brick and mortar school for the foreseeable future but I'd like to start working towards an engineering...
  11. binbagsss

    Nuclear / Particle Phys Notation quick q spin, parity,J

    Homework Statement When we use ##J^{/pm} ## where ##/pm## gives the parity, some sources say ##J## is the spin and some say the total angular momentum, I'm confused ! Also in my notes we have ##P=(-1)^l##, but looking on this thread...
  12. M

    Should I be a Nuclear engineer or physicist?

    Hey anyone, I am not all that good at academics and so I'm in a bind. I want to be an engineer, but no way I can transfer into Purdue's main campus, just can't get my gpa up there. I can stay at the calumet branch and get a physics degree, but my love is nuclear energy. I come here because i...
  13. Dilawar Ali

    Strong and weak nuclear forces?

    I can't understand completely the concept of strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force,,,
  14. G

    Engineering Nuclear Engineer with B.S. in Physics?

    I have a B.S. in physics. Am I qualified for entry-level jobs in nuclear engineering?
  15. T

    Nuclear Spin and Selection Rules

    Suppose we define the total angular momentum as F = I+J where I is the nuclear spin angular momentum and J is the total electronic angular momentum. mF and mJ are the respective magnetic quantum numbers. The relevant F selection rules are delta_mF = 0, 1 and -1, delta_F = 0, 1 and -1. And...
  16. Reza FMZ

    D2O Moderator/Coolant: Is Solidification Possible?

    Hello all, From those guys who worked with different materials especially reactor moderators and coolants, is it practicality possible to compress D2O between two metallic parts until it remains solid in room temperature? In otherwords wants to have D2O in solid at room temperature. Thanks in...
  17. T

    Fusion Due to Gravitation in Bosonic Atoms

    In a bosonic atom i.e. Hydrogen, why do we never observe quantum tunneling past the coulomb barrier leading to multiple atoms occupying the same area of space thus (due to Newton's law of universal gravitation) accelerating towards each other resulting in nuclear fusion?
  18. FleaFlyFloh

    South Ukraine - Nuclear Plant Accident 3.Dez 2014

    We have just been informed by media in europe that an accident had happened (today?) at the south ukrainian nuclear plant Saporoschje (warzone). Ukrainian Energy Minister will inform the public asap. First rumors say it's not a security issue, it's a technical issue, whatever that means. Let's...
  19. Sats

    Schools Interested in Nuclear Physics - How's my grad school list?

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  20. Ritzycat

    How Do You Determine the Decay Constant from a Secondary Graph?

    Homework Statement Create a secondary graph that allows you to graphically determine the decay constant, k, for the observed nucklear decay of 137Ba*. Homework Equations 0.693/k = half life Something with an LN in it The Attempt at a Solution I have no idea what it means by "secondary graph"...
  21. K

    Nuclear fission and nuclear to thermal energy conversion

    Homework Statement [/B] Suppose the main water pipe breaks in a nuclear power plant, shutting off the water flow. If the control rods fall immediately into place, stopping the chain reaction, is there still a problem? Yes, because radioactivity continues to create lots of thermal energy. (A)...
  22. G

    Optoelectric nuclear batteries with tritium?

    According with this article Can it be possible to make a similar battery but filled with tritium and coating or painting the photovoltaic surface with luminiscent substance as is done with tritium keychains...
  23. D

    Nuclear engineering at Texas A&M

    Hey guys I got accepted into A&M's Nuclear Engineering program (undergraduate) for Spring 2015. I am interested in nuclear engineering because the whole idea of splitting the atom and the physics involved fascinates me, but I am not sure about the job prospects for nuclear engineering. I am very...
  24. K

    Nuclear Reaction: Neutron & Plutonium-239

    Homework Statement A neutron strikes a Plutonium-239 (239Pu) nucleus and creates Barium-142 (142Ba). What other element is created? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I actually have no idea...could someone just start me off? Thanks!
  25. P

    Switching from Optical/Ultrafast Laser Physics to Nuclear Physics

    I recently received by Ph.D. in physics. Most of my physics experience is experimental work with optics, ultrafast laser science, laser plasma physics (relatively weakly ionized and atmospheric density plasmas), and RF and microwave experiments. However, I would really like to get involved...
  26. R

    How do the W and Z Gauge Bosons work in the weak nuclear force?

    I've seen explanations that when a neutrino with a W+ Boson comes near a neutron, it affects one of the bottom quarks and changes it to a up quark which effectively turns the neutron into a proton. The neutrino then turns into an electron. Source: (2:20 onwards) I've seen other explanations...
  27. dav2008

    What color clothing is safest during a nuclear explosion?

    All else being equal, which color clothing would be best if you are exposed to a nuclear explosion (far enough away where you're not instantly killed, but still subjected to significant radiant energy)? Black or white? It seems like black clothing would get hotter and could thus burn you by...
  28. P

    Programs Is it possible to pursue a career in nuclear physics without getting a degree?

    I am currently in my final year at college and wish to pursue a career in nuclear physics as this is something which strongly interests me. However, if it is possible i would rather skip the university part and take a different route into the career like an apprenticeship. i have found it hard...
  29. lpetrich

    Making gold by nuclear reactions -- what efficiency?

    This was one of the alchemists' big quests, and it is evident that it is impossible with the methods that they had available. But how feasible is it to do that with nuclear reactions? Especially nuclear reactions that start with relatively common materials, like hydrogen or carbon or silicon or...
  30. ORF

    Mesonic effects in the nuclear structure

    Hello The textbooks about nuclear physics I have read don't explain too much about the Yukawa's model. For example, the textbook Structure of the Nucleus -by Preston and Bhaduri- finish the Yukawa's model with open questions about the "mesonic effects" by virtual pions. And my doubt: are the...
  31. J

    Engineering Nuclear and Astronautical Engineering: Exploring Career Prospects

    Hello! I am just months away from finishing High School and both, nuclear and astronautical engineering are the careers I am striving towards to. The thing is that I have read so many bad things and prospects for nuclear engineering, that I am not sure if it is a viable career. I want to study...
  32. D

    Engineering Is Python useful for nuclear engineering?

    hi I am a second year community college student and I'm interested nuclear engineering. Is there any material like books or online sources that I can read to see if I want to go into this field?
  33. H

    Inquiry about nuclear engineering

    I am majoring in renewable energy and planning on specializing in nuclear engineering. I want to know what course line or what courses does a nuclear engineer have to know ?
  34. S

    Can a Nuclear Pile Power a Space Station?

    I have a basic understanding about the fissioning process in atom bombs and in nuclear reactors but that's not what my question is about. It's about a nuclear pile of a radio-active material. A pile of the element to power a space station of considerable size like say 500,000 Metric Tons. Is it...
  35. C

    Difference between fusion and fission

    Hi there, Sorry if thisis a stupid question its just been bugging me for a while and I am not a scientist as such so need help with the answer... nuclear fission is where two atoms collide and release energy yes? nuclear fusion is where two atoms combine to release energy and a new isotope...
  36. D

    Post-Graduate Study for Career in Nuclear Fusion?

    Hi, I'm in my final year at an Australian high school and I plan on completing at Bachelors in Science Majoring in Physics as my undergraduate course. My career aspiration is one day work researching nuclear fusion, though I am happy to work with fission reactors, they're just not my first...
  37. Phoenix Baldez

    Nuclear Engineer Looking into High Energy Physics Detectors

    So I am a senior nuclear engineer with a good GPA and I've actually taken some extra math (PDEs) and physics (nuclear physics and astrophysics) courses over the years. I am extremely interested in detection in general. I have worked at a national lab designing and building neutron detectors and...
  38. kawkaw

    How Is Nuclear Spin Calculated for Alkali Atoms?

    hello, i am new in this forum , :) i want to ask if anyone know how to calculate the nuclear spin of an atom in general, i searched in google i didnt find any method of calculation :/ can anyone help me please, thanks
  39. avito009

    Why is the strong nuclear force the strongest of the four fundamental forces?

    Is more force required at smaller distances like the nucleous of an atom? Since strong force applies itself at the level of the atom does that prove that more force is required at smaller distances to attract according to the inverse square law? Does strong nuclear force obey the inverse square...
  40. R

    Just finished Nuclear M.S., what now?

    I have a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (graduated 2009), and I've been working for the DoD for a little over 5 years now, and lead a small design team. During that time I've completed my M.S. in Nuclear Engineering (graduated August 2014 with a 4.0 GPA). Now that the dust has settled, I'm...

    The Damascus Titan II Nuclear Missle Accident

    So, I bought a copy of "Command and Control" and I found out that a made for TV movie about this incident called "Disaster at Silo 7" came out on VHS format and is pretty hard to find. Amazon had 4 copies but 40 dollars for a pretty old VHS tape that probably has low quality is not something I...
  42. F

    Nuclear Science and Technology For doing research in Controlled Nuclear Fusion

    I am interested in doing research in controlled nuclear fusion , i am doing my electrical engineering 4th year in India. Since no college in my country offers post graduation in fusion related fields , i have decided to do M.Tech in Nuclear science and technology in Indian Institute of Technolgy...
  43. E

    News South Africa set to get a nuclear power plant funded by Russia

    South Africa is set to get a nuclear power plant, following the signing of a cooperation deal with Russia recently. Both sides noted that the nuclear power plant will have a production capacity of up to 9.6 GW based on Russian Technology, by 2030. Read more here...
  44. D

    Is Computer-Aided Drafting Useful for Nuclear Engineers?

    I'm interested in pursuing a Nuclear Engineering degree, and I was wondering if the job actually involves any drafting. I'm still a lowly undergrad, and far from a Masters, but I still have the opportunity to take such drafting classes now. Is it useful at all? I mean, the program I looked at...
  45. R

    Nuclear Career Guidance: Questions & Advice for HS Students

    Hey Guys! I joined the forums here recently, and have a vast appreciation and love for the study of Radioactive and Nuclear physics. I'm currently in high school, and am wondering what advice you guys have for my planned career path. My questions are: What tests or classes are best for college...
  46. L

    How much energy is released when 1 kg of uranium 235 is fissioned?

    Homework Statement In a nuclear reactor, each atom of uranium (235 amu) releases about 200 MeV when it fissions. What is the change in mass when 1.0 kg of uranium 235 is fissioned?Homework Equations E = mc2 The Attempt at a Solution I found the energy released per kg based on the numbers...
  47. H

    Is nuclear fusion reverse entropy?

    Certainly fission is a prime example of entropy. But what about fusion? Doesn't fusion look like a process that goes from a disordered state to an ordered one? Out of chaos comes order!
  48. A

    Apps of nuclear physics in medicine

    how images of body organisms are are formed in positron emission tomography...?
  49. S

    Schools Top universities in Europe for Nuclear Science?

    I was looking through some universities offering Master courses in Nuclear science and other related fields like nuclear energy, nuclear physics, particle physics, theoretical physics, fission/fusion etc. Which are the top 5 universities for masters? I'm confused as to apply to which. I'm...
  50. S

    Plasma fusion vs nuclear fusion

    What is the general difference between the two (for someone who is still new to nuclear physics) and which one produces the highest net energy? Which of these has the highest potential for the future?