Number theory Definition and 475 Threads

  1. W

    Number theory find two smallest integers with same remainders

    Homework Statement Find the two smallest positive integers(different) having the remainders 2,3, and 2 when divided by 3,5, and 7 respectively. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I got 23 and 128 as my answer. I tried using number theory where I started with 7x +2 as...
  2. N

    [Number theory] Calculate the Hilbert symbol

    Homework Statement Determine the Hilbert symbol \left( \frac{2,0}{\mathbb F_{25}} \right) where the F denotes the field with 5² elements. Homework Equations \left( \frac{2,0}{\mathbb F_{5}} \right) = -1 The Attempt at a Solution Due to the formula that I put under "relevant equations"...
  3. D

    PARI/GP or comparable number theory program?

    i'm trying to find a version of PARI or PARI/GP or a comparable number theory program that will run on my MacBook Pro. if anyone knows of a site with an updated version or an emulator that will get older versions of PARI working on my computer or newer and better software for testing out long...
  4. N

    [number theory] x²-a = 0 no solution => n not prime

    Homework Statement Define n = 3^{100}+2. Suppose x^2-53 \equiv 0 \mod n has no solution. Prove that n is not prime. Homework Equations / The Attempt at a Solution Well, I suppose that I'll have to prove that some identity which should be true for n prime is not satisfied in the above case...
  5. S

    A couple of Number Theory questions

    1. Find all solutions x (with 0 ≤ x ≤ 96) to the congruence 13x^385 + 73x^304 + x^290 + 10x^193 + 24x^112 + 70x + 76 ≡ 0 (mod 97) I was able to reduce, using Fermat's Little Theorem, to get 97x^16 + x^2 + 93x + 76 ≡ 0 (mod 97), but I don't know how to proceed from there. Is there another trick...
  6. A

    Number Theory Texts: Suggestions & Prerequisites for Undergraduates

    A senior friend of mine who is going to graduate school in mathematics suggested that I try to get at least some exposure to number theory before applying to/attending graduate school. (I'm a freshman undergrad.) Well, I was going to do so anyway, since it's interesting and even applicable, but...
  7. R

    Number theory proof - gcf and lcm

    Homework Statement Prove gcd(lcm(a, b), c) = lcm(gcd(a, c), gcd(b, c)) I've tried coming up with a way to even rewrite it but I'm not really able to do it.
  8. M

    Number theory LMC and GCF equation.

    Homework Statement (E) : 2Lcm(x,y)-5gcf(x,y0=7 Homework Equations 1- Find the possible values of the the number T=gcf(x,y) 2- Solve in N^2 the equation (E). The Attempt at a Solution For number 1 i transformed the equation and I found an equivalence of 2T Ξ 7(mod 5gcf(x,y) is that...
  9. M

    Finding Solutions for LCM and GCD Equations in Number Theory

    Homework Statement Solve in N^2 the following system of equations: 1- gcd(x,y)=7 and Lcm(x,y)=91 2- x+y=24 and Lcm =40 The Attempt at a Solution Let d=gcd(x,y) I said there exists an α and β so that x=dα and y=dβ and gcd(α,β)=1 And after doing some work i reached that α divides αβ=13...
  10. G

    How Does Modular Arithmetic Prove Divisibility by 17 in Number Theory?

    Let x and y be integers. Prove that 2x + 3y is divisible by 17 iff 9x + 5y is divisible by 17. Solution. 17 | (2x + 3y) ⇒ 17 | [13(2x + 3y)], or 17 | (26x + 39y) ⇒ 17 | (9x + 5y), and conversely, 17 | (9x + 5y) ⇒ 17 | [4(9x + 5y)], or 17 | (36x + 20y) ⇒ 17 | (2x + 3y) Could someone please...
  11. M

    Is Number Theory Too Much to Handle with Other Physics Courses?

    I was planning on just taking physics courses next quarter (3, maybe 4 total) but I have an interest in taking a number theory course. Would it be too much to pile on with QM, Relativity, a physics-based math course, and part II of E&M? I know this question is impossible to answer because each...
  12. E

    Number Theory Problem (sums of consecutive squares)

    Homework Statement The sum of two consecutive squares can be a square: for instance, 32 + 42 = 52 (a) Prove that the sum of m consecutive squares cannot be a square for the cases m = 3; 4; 5; 6. (b) Find an example of eleven consecutive squares whose sum is a square. The Attempt at a...
  13. M

    Number theory: ( remainder theorem.)

    Homework Statement A) Find the remainder of 2^n and 3^n when divided by 5. B)Conclude the remainder of 2792^217 when divided by 5. C)solve in N the following : 1) 7^n+1 Ξ 0(mod5) 2) 2^n+3^n Ξ 0(mod5) The Attempt at a SolutionA) I know that for the first two I have to get 2^n=5k+r and...
  14. M

    Number theory: finding integer solution to an equation

    Homework Statement (E): x^2+y^2=6+2xy+3x The Attempt at a Solution x^{2}+y^{2}=6+2xy+3x\Longleftrightarrow x^{2}-2xy-3x+y^{2}=6\Longleftrightarrow x^{2}+x(-2y-3)+y^{2}=6 Any further help to find the answer??
  15. M

    Combinatorial Number Theory Problem

    Hello, I would like to see a solution to the following problem: Let A be a finite collection of natural numbers. Consider the set of the pairwise sums of each of the numbers in A, which I will denote by S(A). For example, if A={2,3,4}, then S(A)={5,6,7}. Prove that if S(A)=S(B) for two...
  16. P

    Number Theory and Euler phi-function

    Homework Statement Let p be prime. Show that p ∤ n, where n is a positive integer, iff \phi(np) = (p-1)\phi(n). Homework Equations Theorem 1: If p is prime, then \phi(p) = p-1. Conversely, if p is a positive integer with \phi(p) = p-1, then p is prime. Theorem 2: Let m and n be...
  17. R

    Number Theory- arithmetic functions

    Problem: Show that for each k, the function σk(n)=Ʃd|n dk is multiplicative. The attempt at a solution: What I know is that I am supposed to use the Lemma which states that if g is a multiplicative function and f(n)=Ʃd|n g(d) for all n, then f is multiplicative. I am just very confused...
  18. T

    Solving Number Theory: Showing Congruence Has Exactly k Distinct Solutions

    Homework Statement question 22.4 (a) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution xk=(xp-1)m = (xp-1-1)(1 + xp-1 +x2(p-1) +...+x(m-1)(p-1)) I know that xp-1-1 = 0 mod p has p-1 solutions but I can't make anything from the geometric sum...
  19. M

    Number Theory Perfect Number Proof

    Homework Statement Show that a number of the form 3m5n11k can never be a perfect number. Any ideas?
  20. M

    Solving for Points in 4D Space with Nonnegative Integer Coordinates

    Homework Statement How many points (x1,x2,x3,x4) in the 4-dimensional space with nonnegative integer coordinates satisfy the equation x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 10? I'm not sure which method to use to start this problem. Any ideas?
  21. F

    [Number Theory] Finding principal ideals in Z[√-6]

    [Number Theory] Find all the ideals with the element 6 in them in Z[√-5] Edited original question since I have now found the answer (I realize the title is inconsistent on the forum page), instead I am now trying to do part i) here Is it possible to it this way: Or is the structure of the...
  22. T

    Number Theory least divisor of integer is prime number if integer is not prime

    Homework Statement The question is not really a question from a book but rather a statement that it makes : it says " Obviously the least divisor[excluding 1] of an integer a is prime if a itself is not prime." I kind of believe this statement but I'm having trouble proving the general case...
  23. I

    Number Theory Question Possibly related to combinatorics too.

    Homework Statement Prove that a! b! | (a+b)!. Homework Equations Probably some Number Theory Theorem I can't think of at the moment. The Attempt at a Solution Without loss of generality, let a < b. Therefore b! | \Pi _{k=1}^b a+k. Since (a+1) ... (a+b) are b consecutive...
  24. N

    How to learn to like number theory

    Hello, I'm currently taking a course in number theory, and I usually enjoy every branch of pure mathematics, but somehow number theory is not really exciting me. It's hard to pin-point why exactly... Perhaps the following two feelings: - It's hard to see a real structure when trying to tackle a...
  25. Y

    Number theory - quadratic residues

    number theory -- quadratic residues Homework Statement find all incongruent solutions of each quadratic congruence below. X^2\equiv23 mod 77 Homework Equations X^2\equiv11 mod 39 The Attempt at a Solution it is suffices to X^2\equiv23 mod 7, andX^2\equiv23 mod 11, then how to do next?
  26. S

    Differential Equations or Number Theory for Computer Science?

    I'm getting ready to register for classes for the fall. To make a long story short, I might have to take another math class to satisfy a degree requirement, rather than a computer science class. I'm taking Linear Algebra right now. I enjoy it, and it seems to have a lot of practical...
  27. T

    Number Theory: Divisibility Proof

    Homework Statement Show that if p is an odd prime of the form 4k + 3 and a is a positive integer such that 1 < a < p - 1, then p does not divide a^2 + 1 Homework Equations If a divides b, then there exists an integer c such that ac = b. The Attempt at a Solution We have to do this proof by...
  28. L

    On Mersenne Numbers (number theory)

    Homework Statement For a positive integer k, the number M_k = 2^k - 1 is called the kth Mersenne number. Let p be an odd prime, and let q be a prime that divides M_p. a. Explain why you know that q divides 2^{q-1}-1. I have done this already using Euler's theorem, since q prime implies...
  29. J

    Number theory: gcd(a,b)=1 => for any n, gcd(a+bk,n)=1 for some k

    Homework Statement a and b are coprime. Show that for any n, there exists a nonzero integer k that makes a+bk and n coprime.Homework Equations a and b are coprime if any of the following conditions are met: \text{gcd}(a,b)=1 the ideal (a,b)=\{ax+by : x,y\in\mathbb{Z}\} is equal to the set of...
  30. T

    Test Today Quick Number Theory Question

    Test Today...Quick Number Theory Question Let "a" be an odd integer. Prove that a2n (is congruent to) 1 (mod 2n+2) Attempt: By using induction: Base Case of 1 worked. IH: Assume a2k (is congruent to) 1 (mod 2k+2) this can also be written: a2k = 1 + (l) (2k+2) for some "l" IS: a2k+1 =...
  31. T

    Number Theory Question 2: Proving pn | mn Using Prime Factorization

    Let p be a prime and let m and n be natural numbers. Prove that p | mn implies pn | mn. Attempt: Since mn can be written out as a product of primes i.e: in which p is a divisor. Raising mn means that there would exist pn primes for each factor of m: mn = =...
  32. T

    Number Theory fundamental theorem of arithemetic

    I have two full questions on some number theory questions I've been working on, I guess my best bet would be to post them separately. 1) Suppose that n is in N (natural numbers), p1,...,pn are distinct primes, and l1,...ln are nonnegative integers. Let m = p1l1p2l2...pnln. Let d be in N such...
  33. A

    Number theory proof trouble: pesty ellipsis

    Homework Statement Prove that x^n - y^n = (x - y) (x^(n - 1) + (x^(n - 2)y + . . . + xy^(n - 2) + y^(n - 1)Homework Equations This is problem 3, section 1-1 from Andrew's "Number Theory," which I'm using for self-study. It follows the section on the "Principle of Mathematical Induction"...
  34. F

    Number theory ideals proof, where am I going wrong?

    I'm trying to prove part iii) So far: Show x irreducible => no y in D-Dx where <x> is a proper subset of <y> Suppose the contrary that x is reducible => x = ay for some a,y in D-Dx => x is an element of <y> => <x> is a subset of <y> By part i) we showed that if <x>=<y> then a must be a...
  35. F

    Calculate the discriminant of a basis [Number Theory]

    Question: The needed proposition and two examples: This is as far as I have got: I need to reduce this (I think) so I can represent is as a matrix! Any idea on how to do this? Thanks
  36. F

    Can someone me understand Norms in number theory?

    Here is a section of examples from my lecture notes. Basically I have NO idea how the lecturer created the matrix Aα, and it's not clear anywhere in the lecture notes. I think it's something to do with complex embeddings but I'm not sure. Does anyone know? I'm sure once I know how...
  37. K

    Number Theory Help: Homework Equation on Prime Generator

    Homework Statement Let p be an odd prime. Show that there exists a\in\mathbb{Z} such that [a]\in\mathbb{Z}^{\times}_{p} is a generator and a^{p-1}=1+cp for some c coprime to p. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I honestly have no idea where to even start with this. Any help will be...
  38. D

    Number Theory WOP: Find Smallest Integer of Form a - bk

    I've just begun number theory and am having a lot of trouble with proofs. I think I am slowly grasping it, but would appreciate some clarification or any tips on the following please. Show that if a and b are positive integers, then there is a smallest positive integer of the form a - bk, k...
  39. Y

    Number theory problem about Fermat 's little theorem

    Homework Statement let n be an integer . Prove the congruence below. n^21 \equiv n mod 30 Homework Equations n^7 \equiv n mod 42 n^13 \equiv n mod 2730 The Attempt at a Solution to prove 30| n^21-n,it suffices to show 2|n^21-n,3|n^21-n,5|n^21-n and how to prove them?
  40. D

    Schools Going to CS grad school for Algebra or Number theory problems in Discrete Math

    I am currently a CS undergrad. my university offers no courses in Abstract algebra or Number theory or Topology or Analysis. recently I have got interested in Number theory in Discrete math course. moreover I was and still am interested in algebra too. but the problem is, can I apply to CS grad...
  41. Y

    Number theory problem divisible

    Homework Statement Prove that n ℂ Z+ is divisible by 3( respectively 9). to show that if and only if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution so n= 3q, q>3 that n\equiv0 mod 3 n=X1* 10^n+ x2*10^n-1...Xn so need to...
  42. Y

    Number Theory Problem: Proving (a,b)=1 if a|c and b|c

    Homework Statement a,b,c belong to Z with (a,b)=1. Prove that if a|c and b|c, then ab|c Homework Equations let a1,, c belong to Zwith pairwise relatively prime, prove if ai|c for each i, then|c The Attempt at a Solution if a|c, then c=ea, b|c, then c=fb...
  43. M

    (another)interesting number theory problem

    a and b are real numbers such that the sequence{c}n=1--->{infinity} defined by c_n=a^n-b^n contains only integers. Prove that a and b are integers. Mathguy
  44. Y

    Prove the number theory conjecture

    Homework Statement prove or disprove the following conjecture: If n is a positive integar, then n^2 - n +41 is a prime number Homework Equations no, just prove or disprove The Attempt at a Solution I think one possible answer may be there is no factorization for this except...
  45. D

    Number theory or intro to topology for comp sci/math

    I'm pursuing dual degrees in mathematics and computer science with a concentration in scientific computing and am trying to decide whether I should take intro to topology or number theory. Interests in no order are computational complexity, P=NP?, physics engines, graphics engines...
  46. J

    Finding (p-1)(q-1) with Good Precision - Number Theory Doubt

    Given a number pq that is the product of two positive integers p and q, is there any way of finding with good precision, (p-1)(q-1)? Or any approximation at the least? Thanks in advance! :D
  47. S

    Why is the positive value considered the 'normal' state for integers?

    Suppose I think of any integer. In this case, 4. 4 has a negative and positive state -4 and +4. My question is, why is the positive value viewed as the 'normal' state for the number to take? Why isn't there a number 4 that isn't positive nor negative? +4 (4) -4 Why doesn't (4) exist...
  48. A

    Would someone tell me about the importance of number theory?

    well, I've recently found myself interested in the subject, I hadn't studied the subject in high school and I haven't taken the course in university yet but since I've read Herstein's abstract algebra book I have become familiar with some congruence equations and other simple stuff. Right now...
  49. putongren

    Algebraic Number Theory Question

    This is actually a Number Theory question, but requires expertise that doesn't go beyond simple algebra. Homework Statement Show that (1+xy)(1+zy)(1+zx) is a perfect square iff (1 + xy), (1+yz) , and (1+zx) are perfect squares. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I initially tried...
  50. W

    Term structure isomorphic to the usual model/structure of number theory

    Hello, suppose I have a set of sentences Ʃ from the language of number theory ( the usual one ). Then, I extend this to a maximally consistent set of sentences Ʃ' and create a henkin term structure for it ( i.e. as in the popular proof of the completeness theorem ). Can it be true that this...