Homework Statement
Find the two smallest positive integers(different) having the remainders 2,3, and 2 when divided by 3,5, and 7 respectively.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution I got 23 and 128 as my answer. I tried using number theory where I started with 7x +2 as...
Homework Statement
Determine the Hilbert symbol \left( \frac{2,0}{\mathbb F_{25}} \right) where the F denotes the field with 5² elements.
Homework Equations
\left( \frac{2,0}{\mathbb F_{5}} \right) = -1
The Attempt at a Solution
Due to the formula that I put under "relevant equations"...
i'm trying to find a version of PARI or PARI/GP or a comparable number theory program that will run on my MacBook Pro.
if anyone knows of a site with an updated version or an emulator that will get older versions of PARI working on my computer or newer and better software for testing out long...
Homework Statement
Define n = 3^{100}+2. Suppose x^2-53 \equiv 0 \mod n has no solution. Prove that n is not prime.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Well, I suppose that I'll have to prove that some identity which should be true for n prime is not satisfied in the above case...
1. Find all solutions x (with 0 ≤ x ≤ 96) to the congruence 13x^385 + 73x^304 + x^290 + 10x^193 + 24x^112 + 70x + 76 ≡ 0 (mod 97)
I was able to reduce, using Fermat's Little Theorem, to get 97x^16 + x^2 + 93x + 76 ≡ 0 (mod 97), but I don't know how to proceed from there. Is there another trick...
A senior friend of mine who is going to graduate school in mathematics suggested that I try to get at least some exposure to number theory before applying to/attending graduate school. (I'm a freshman undergrad.) Well, I was going to do so anyway, since it's interesting and even applicable, but...
Homework Statement
Prove gcd(lcm(a, b), c) = lcm(gcd(a, c), gcd(b, c))
I've tried coming up with a way to even rewrite it but I'm not really able to do it.
Homework Statement
(E) : 2Lcm(x,y)-5gcf(x,y0=7
Homework Equations
1- Find the possible values of the the number T=gcf(x,y)
2- Solve in N^2 the equation (E).
The Attempt at a Solution
For number 1 i transformed the equation and I found an equivalence of 2T Ξ 7(mod 5gcf(x,y) is that...
Homework Statement
Solve in N^2 the following system of equations:
1- gcd(x,y)=7 and Lcm(x,y)=91
2- x+y=24 and Lcm =40
The Attempt at a Solution
Let d=gcd(x,y)
I said there exists an α and β so that x=dα and y=dβ and gcd(α,β)=1
And after doing some work i reached that α divides αβ=13...
I was planning on just taking physics courses next quarter (3, maybe 4 total) but I have an interest in taking a number theory course. Would it be too much to pile on with QM, Relativity, a physics-based math course, and part II of E&M? I know this question is impossible to answer because each...
Homework Statement
The sum of two consecutive squares can be a square: for instance, 32 + 42 = 52
(a) Prove that the sum of m consecutive squares cannot be a square for
the cases m = 3; 4; 5; 6.
(b) Find an example of eleven consecutive squares whose sum is a square.
The Attempt at a...
Homework Statement
A) Find the remainder of 2^n and 3^n when divided by 5.
B)Conclude the remainder of 2792^217 when divided by 5.
C)solve in N the following : 1) 7^n+1 Ξ 0(mod5)
2) 2^n+3^n Ξ 0(mod5)
The Attempt at a SolutionA) I know that for the first two I have to get 2^n=5k+r and...
Homework Statement
(E): x^2+y^2=6+2xy+3x
The Attempt at a Solution
x^{2}+y^{2}=6+2xy+3x\Longleftrightarrow x^{2}-2xy-3x+y^{2}=6\Longleftrightarrow x^{2}+x(-2y-3)+y^{2}=6
Any further help to find the answer??
I would like to see a solution to the following problem:
Let A be a finite collection of natural numbers. Consider the set of the pairwise sums of each of the numbers in A, which I will denote by S(A). For example, if A={2,3,4}, then S(A)={5,6,7}. Prove that if S(A)=S(B) for two...
Homework Statement
Let p be prime. Show that p ∤ n, where n is a positive integer, iff \phi(np) = (p-1)\phi(n).
Homework Equations
Theorem 1: If p is prime, then \phi(p) = p-1. Conversely, if p is a positive integer with \phi(p) = p-1, then p is prime.
Theorem 2: Let m and n be...
Problem: Show that for each k, the function σk(n)=Ʃd|n dk is multiplicative.
The attempt at a solution:
What I know is that I am supposed to use the Lemma which states that if g is a multiplicative function and f(n)=Ʃd|n g(d) for all n, then f is multiplicative. I am just very confused...
Homework Statement
question 22.4 (a)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
xk=(xp-1)m = (xp-1-1)(1 + xp-1 +x2(p-1) +...+x(m-1)(p-1))
I know that xp-1-1 = 0 mod p has p-1 solutions but I can't make anything from the geometric sum...
Homework Statement
How many points (x1,x2,x3,x4) in the 4-dimensional space with nonnegative integer coordinates satisfy the equation x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 10?
I'm not sure which method to use to start this problem. Any ideas?
[Number Theory] Find all the ideals with the element 6 in them in Z[√-5]
Edited original question since I have now found the answer (I realize the title is inconsistent on the forum page), instead I am now trying to do part i) here
Is it possible to it this way:
Or is the structure of the...
Homework Statement
The question is not really a question from a book but rather a statement that it makes : it says " Obviously the least divisor[excluding 1] of an integer a is prime if a itself is not prime." I kind of believe this statement but I'm having trouble proving the general case...
Homework Statement
Prove that a! b! | (a+b)!.
Homework Equations
Probably some Number Theory Theorem I can't think of at the moment.
The Attempt at a Solution
Without loss of generality, let a < b.
Therefore b! | \Pi _{k=1}^b a+k. Since (a+1) ... (a+b) are b consecutive...
I'm currently taking a course in number theory, and I usually enjoy every branch of pure mathematics, but somehow number theory is not really exciting me. It's hard to pin-point why exactly... Perhaps the following two feelings:
- It's hard to see a real structure when trying to tackle a...
number theory -- quadratic residues
Homework Statement
find all incongruent solutions of each quadratic congruence below.
X^2\equiv23 mod 77
Homework Equations
X^2\equiv11 mod 39
The Attempt at a Solution
it is suffices to X^2\equiv23 mod 7, andX^2\equiv23 mod 11,
then how to do next?
I'm getting ready to register for classes for the fall. To make a long story short, I might have to take another math class to satisfy a degree requirement, rather than a computer science class.
I'm taking Linear Algebra right now. I enjoy it, and it seems to have a lot of practical...
Homework Statement
Show that if p is an odd prime of the form 4k + 3 and a is a positive integer such that 1 < a < p - 1, then p does not divide a^2 + 1
Homework Equations
If a divides b, then there exists an integer c such that ac = b.
The Attempt at a Solution
We have to do this proof by...
Homework Statement
For a positive integer k, the number M_k = 2^k - 1 is called the kth Mersenne number. Let p be an odd prime, and let q be a prime that divides M_p.
a. Explain why you know that q divides 2^{q-1}-1.
I have done this already using Euler's theorem, since q prime implies...
Homework Statement
a and b are coprime. Show that for any n, there exists a nonzero integer k that makes a+bk and n coprime.Homework Equations
a and b are coprime if any of the following conditions are met:
the ideal (a,b)=\{ax+by : x,y\in\mathbb{Z}\} is equal to the set of...
Test Today...Quick Number Theory Question
Let "a" be an odd integer. Prove that a2n (is congruent to) 1 (mod 2n+2)
Attempt: By using induction:
Base Case of 1 worked.
IH: Assume a2k (is congruent to) 1 (mod 2k+2)
this can also be written: a2k = 1 + (l) (2k+2) for some "l"
IS: a2k+1 =...
Let p be a prime and let m and n be natural numbers. Prove that p | mn implies pn | mn.
Since mn can be written out as a product of primes i.e: p1p2...pn in which p is a divisor.
Raising mn means that there would exist pn primes for each factor of m: mn = m1m2...mn =...
I have two full questions on some number theory questions I've been working on, I guess my best bet would be to post them separately.
1) Suppose that n is in N (natural numbers), p1,...,pn are distinct primes, and l1,...ln are nonnegative integers. Let m = p1l1p2l2...pnln. Let d be in N such...
Homework Statement
Prove that
x^n - y^n = (x - y) (x^(n - 1) + (x^(n - 2)y + . . . + xy^(n - 2) + y^(n - 1)Homework Equations
This is problem 3, section 1-1 from Andrew's "Number Theory," which I'm using for self-study. It follows the section on the "Principle of Mathematical Induction"...
I'm trying to prove part iii)
So far:
Show x irreducible => no y in D-Dx where <x> is a proper subset of <y>
Suppose the contrary that x is reducible
=> x = ay for some a,y in D-Dx
=> x is an element of <y>
=> <x> is a subset of <y>
By part i) we showed that if <x>=<y> then a must be a...
The needed proposition and two examples:
This is as far as I have got:
I need to reduce this (I think) so I can represent is as a matrix! Any idea on how to do this?
Here is a section of examples from my lecture notes.
Basically I have NO idea how the lecturer created the matrix Aα, and it's not clear anywhere in the lecture notes.
I think it's something to do with complex embeddings but I'm not sure. Does anyone know?
I'm sure once I know how...
Homework Statement
Let p be an odd prime. Show that there exists a\in\mathbb{Z} such that [a]\in\mathbb{Z}^{\times}_{p} is a generator and a^{p-1}=1+cp for some c coprime to p.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I honestly have no idea where to even start with this. Any help will be...
I've just begun number theory and am having a lot of trouble with proofs. I think I am slowly grasping it, but would appreciate some clarification or any tips on the following please.
Show that if a and b are positive integers, then there is a smallest positive integer of the form a - bk, k...
Homework Statement
let n be an integer . Prove the congruence below.
n^21 \equiv n mod 30
Homework Equations
n^7 \equiv n mod 42
n^13 \equiv n mod 2730
The Attempt at a Solution
to prove 30| n^21-n,it suffices to show 2|n^21-n,3|n^21-n,5|n^21-n
and how to prove them?
I am currently a CS undergrad. my university offers no courses in Abstract algebra or Number theory or Topology or Analysis. recently I have got interested in Number theory in Discrete math course. moreover I was and still am interested in algebra too. but the problem is, can I apply to CS grad...
Homework Statement
Prove that n ℂ Z+ is divisible by 3( respectively 9). to show that if and only if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
so n= 3q, q>3 that n\equiv0 mod 3
n=X1* 10^n+ x2*10^n-1...Xn
so need to...
Homework Statement
a,b,c belong to Z with (a,b)=1. Prove that if a|c and b|c, then ab|c
Homework Equations
let a1,a2...an, c belong to Zwith a1...an pairwise relatively prime, prove if ai|c for each i, then a1a2...an|c
The Attempt at a Solution
if a|c, then c=ea, b|c, then c=fb...
a and b are real numbers such that the sequence{c}n=1--->{infinity} defined by c_n=a^n-b^n contains only integers. Prove that a and b are integers.
Homework Statement
prove or disprove the following conjecture:
If n is a positive integar, then n^2 - n +41 is a prime number
Homework Equations
no, just prove or disprove
The Attempt at a Solution
I think one possible answer may be there is no factorization for this except...
I'm pursuing dual degrees in mathematics and computer science with a concentration in scientific computing and am trying to decide whether I should take intro to topology or number theory.
Interests in no order are computational complexity, P=NP?, physics engines, graphics engines...
Given a number pq that is the product of two positive integers p and q, is there any way of finding with good precision, (p-1)(q-1)? Or any approximation at the least?
Thanks in advance! :D
Suppose I think of any integer. In this case, 4. 4 has a negative and positive state -4 and +4.
My question is, why is the positive value viewed as the 'normal' state for the number to take? Why isn't there a number 4 that isn't positive nor negative?
+4 (4) -4
Why doesn't (4) exist...
well, I've recently found myself interested in the subject, I hadn't studied the subject in high school and I haven't taken the course in university yet but since I've read Herstein's abstract algebra book I have become familiar with some congruence equations and other simple stuff. Right now...
This is actually a Number Theory question, but requires expertise that doesn't go beyond simple algebra.
Homework Statement
Show that (1+xy)(1+zy)(1+zx) is a perfect square iff (1 + xy), (1+yz) , and (1+zx) are perfect squares. Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I initially tried...
Hello, suppose I have a set of sentences Ʃ from the language of number theory ( the usual one ). Then, I extend this to a maximally consistent set of sentences Ʃ' and create a henkin term structure for it ( i.e. as in the popular proof of the completeness theorem ). Can it be true that this...