Numerical analysis Definition and 122 Threads

Numerical analysis is the study of algorithms that use numerical approximation (as opposed to symbolic manipulations) for the problems of mathematical analysis (as distinguished from discrete mathematics). Numerical analysis naturally finds application in all fields of engineering and the physical sciences, but in the 21st century also the life sciences, social sciences, medicine, business and even the arts have adopted elements of scientific computations. The growth in computing power has revolutionized the use of realistic mathematical models in science and engineering, and subtle numerical analysis is required to implement these detailed models of the world. For example, ordinary differential equations appear in celestial mechanics (predicting the motions of planets, stars and galaxies); numerical linear algebra is important for data analysis; stochastic differential equations and Markov chains are essential in simulating living cells for medicine and biology.
Before the advent of modern computers, numerical methods often depended on hand interpolation formulas applied to data from large printed tables. Since the mid 20th century, computers calculate the required functions instead, but many of the same formulas nevertheless continue to be used as part of the software algorithms.The numerical point of view goes back to the earliest mathematical writings. A tablet from the Yale Babylonian Collection (YBC 7289), gives a sexagesimal numerical approximation of the square root of 2, the length of the diagonal in a unit square.
Numerical analysis continues this long tradition: rather than exact symbolic answers, which can only be applied to real-world measurements by translation into digits, it gives approximate solutions within specified error bounds.

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  1. P

    Numerical Analysis: Solving y0 = Ly; y(0) = 1 w/ Methods I & II

    Homework Statement Consider the equation y0 = Ly; y(0) = 1: **L = lamda** Verify that the solution to this equation is y(t) = e^(Lt). We want to solve this equation numerically to obtain an approximation to y(1). Consider the two following methods to approximate the solution to this...
  2. T

    Is numerical analysis interesting?

    I am picking courses for next semester and am torn between a numerical analysis class or one on Fourier series and wavelets. The n.a. course fits my schedule way better but every book and syllabus I have browsed concerning numerical analysis has seemed uninteresting--more like a branch of CS...
  3. J

    Improving Numerical Approximations of Limits: A Sample Exam Question

    I'm having trouble with a sample exam question. I don't really understand the question, don't know what section of the book it relates to, and don't have any idea on how to solve it. I might be in trouble :) Can anyone provide any suggestions or guidance on how I might go about solving this...
  4. P

    How much numerical analysis do we need?

    for each of these careers: engineer, physicist, mathematician, how much numerical analysis is necessary? is just learning mathematica sufficient? or do you need at least a full class in numerical analysis?
  5. B

    Numerical Analysis: Interpolatory Requirement & Coefficient Conditions

    Homework Statement take the rational function R(x)=(a+bx)\(c+dx). What does the interpolatory requirment R(xi)=yi, i=1,2,3,4 amount to? under what conditions can you find coefficients? uniquely? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Let y=[y1,y2,y3,y4] and v=[a,b,c,d] and...
  6. B

    Optimizing Numerical Analysis: Finding the Smallest Maximum of g(x) on [-1,1]

    Let g(x)=(x-x1)(x-x2)(x-x3) -1<=x1<x2<x3<=1 find the points x1,x2,x3 so that max |g(x)| for x an element of [-1,1] is as small as possible. This is the only problem I have left and I have no idea how to do it. We've been covering Newtons method and rootfinding but I don't think it...
  7. S

    C/C++ Nonlinear Least Squares C/C++ Code for Carpet Evaluation

    Do you know of code (preferably C/C++) to do this for non linear least squares? i found a program called levmar on the internet, but it seems inadequately documented on how to use it and probably not so useful to my purposes. My problem is evaluation of a carpet. The middle is worn out and it...
  8. K

    Maple Numerical Analysis: Computing Sums from J=1 to n in Maple

    This is for a computer project and the questions asks to compute a sum from J=1 to n of 1/j^2 from smallest to largest... i.e. (1/n^2+ 1/(n-1)^2+...1/9+1/4+1) for n=10, n=100, n=1000, n=10000, and n=100000 Is there i way i can do this in my calculator? or is there i command i can use in maple??
  9. S

    Numerical Analysis: the power method with shifts

    Homework Statement Consider a symmetric matrix, A, n x n with distinct eigenvalues lambda_1 > lambda_2 > ... > lambda_n (note: i didnt miss anything here typing this, there are no absolute values here). What value of the shift beta will give fastest convergence to lamba_1 and its...
  10. P

    Numerical Analysis: What is It? Physics Major Benefits?

    Can you tell me what Numerical Analysis is? I wonder if this is good for a Physics major to take?
  11. W

    Numerical analysis (composite numerical integration)

    using composite trapezoidal rule with n=4 how can i get a bound for the error of I=integration tan(x) from x=0 to x=pi/2 i know that the term of error in comp trapezoidal rule is (b-a)/12 h^2 f''(eita) i got the second derevative of tanx to be 2sec^2 x tanx then i don't know with what value...
  12. A

    How to Determine the Best Interpolation in Newton Forward Difference Method?

    in Newton forward differece method. how can i know that i reached the best interpolation? for example in a function like sqrt(x) for Xi=1,1.05,1.10,1.15,1.20,1.25,1.3 the best interpolation is at P3(x) why?how can i know? this really makes me conused:confused: :confused: if anyone...
  13. R

    Numerical Analysis - Finding the Rate of Convergence

    Hello, I'm trying to construct a code in determining the Asymptotic Error Constant and the order of the rate of convergence, r for several iterative methods like the Fixed point, Newton Rhapson, and Secant methods in determining roots, using Scilab 4.0 (which is said to behave much like...
  14. P

    Numerical Analysis - Construction of a Poincare surface of section

    (I am not sure whether I'm posting in the right forum. I apologize if I do) Does anyone have an alrorithm or a code (in any language) that constructs a Poincare surface of section? I want to do so for a Hamiltonian model: A mass under the influense of the Henon-Heiles potential. It has to...
  15. G

    Numerical Analysis: Taylor Polynomials, Error, Bounds

    (a) I found the answer to be: 1/(1-x) = 1 + x + x^2 + x^3 + ... + [x^(n+1)]/(1-x) for x != 1 *Note: "^" precedes a superscript, "!=" means "does not equal" (b) Use part (a) to find a Taylor polynomial of a general (3n)th degree for: f(x) = (1/x)*Integral[(1/(1 + t^3), t, 0, x] *Note...
  16. G

    Numerical Analysis: Fixed Point Iteration

    Consider the fixed point iteration formula: *x_(n+1) = (2/3)[(x_n)^3 - 1] - 3(x_n)^2 + 4x_n = g(x) *Note: "_" precedes a subscript and "^" precedes a superscript (a) Find an interval in which every starting point x_0 will definitely converge to alpha = 1. (b) Show that the order of the...
  17. P

    Is the Secant Method's Convergence to -1 Provable?

    Hello there! yet another proof, that i need help on I am supposed to prove that the following statement holds for the secant method dk+1/ek -> -1 for k->Infinity where dk+1 is the next change and ek is the error. I have this idea, but i want to hear whether its a valid proof. i use...
  18. happyg1

    Understanding Numerical Analysis Error Bounds

    Here are my questions: "Evaluating the summation as i goes from 1 to n of a sub i in floating point arithemetic may lead to an arbirarily large error. If however, all summands a sub i are of the same sign, then this relative error is bounded. Derive a crude bound for this error, disregarding...
  19. S

    Understand Adam Moulton & Bashforth Methods for Numerical Analysis

    hello all I have been researching into numerical analysis, differential equations in particular, I underdstand how the Runge kutta methods work geometrically but I don't quit understand what is the idea behind Adam moultons method And Adam Bashforth method, Is there a graphical way of...
  20. F

    Best use of Microsoft Excel for Numerical Analysis of Classical Mechanics?

    I'm need to use Microsoft Excel as a numerical analysis tool for classical mechanics physics problems. Yes, I know there are dozens or hundreds of other tools that would be more powerful, but I (and my students) are required to see what they can do with Excel. The Class: Analytical...
  21. J

    What are the main topics in Numerical Analysis?

    I'll be taking Numerical Analysis in the fall and I honestly have no idea what it's about. Can anyone tell me what the main topics in Numerical Analysis Are? Thanks.