Operations Definition and 316 Threads

The Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) is a joint component command of the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) and is charged to study special operations requirements and techniques to ensure interoperability and equipment standardization; to plan and conduct special operations exercises and training; to develop joint special operations tactics; and to execute special operations missions worldwide. It was established in 1980 on recommendation of Colonel Charlie Beckwith, in the aftermath of the failure of Operation Eagle Claw. It is located at Pope Field (Fort Bragg, North Carolina).

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  1. R

    MHB Order Of Ops: 6-1x0+2÷2=7: Debunking the Myth

    6 - 1 × 0 + 2 ÷ 2 = Hi :) I was hoping someone could explain this equation? Using PEMDAS the answer came to 5 for me but I have been told the correct answer is 7? Why is this?
  2. M

    MHB Bitwise Operations: Checking if x XOR y = 0

    Hey! :o I want to check using bitwise operations if x XOR y=0. The only conditional command we have is JMN a, which means Jump to a if the currect value is <0. So, we have to check if it doesn't hold that x XOR y <0 and x XOR y >0, right? (Wondering) But how can we check the condition x...
  3. Cocoleia

    How to go from micro operations to a logic diagram

    Homework Statement I am preparing for my final and I am stuck on the following question Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution My best guess would be to make some kind of next state table, but I don't understand the relationship between xT1, yT2, yT3 and any kind of table.
  4. E

    I How Do You Simplify ν∇⋅(ρν)?

    Hey so probably a really simple question, but I'm stumped. How do you simplify: ν∇⋅(ρν), where ν is a vector ∇ is the "del operator" ⋅ indicates a dot product ρ is a constant. I want to say to do the dyadic product of v and ∇, but then you would get (v_x)*(d/dx) + ... which would be...
  5. M

    MHB Order of operations doubt on this expression

    Let's say that we have this expression, $\frac{1}{2}*2x*x-2$ So now solving this in one method we can $\frac{1}{\cancel 2}*\cancel2x*x-2=x^2-2$ In another way $\frac{1}{2}*2x*x-2=\frac{2x^2-2}{2}=x^2-1$ What is the reason that I get two different answers ? I hope that both ways are valid...
  6. S

    I Preserving Rank: Exploring Elementary Operations in Matrix Algebra

    What is the rule on the preservation of rank through an elementary operation? I know that rank can never go up, but is there any direct way to determine that it goes down (either than reducing the matrix down to row-echelon form)? Is there a good source that go into the proofs for properties...
  7. M

    Matrix Operations: Inverse Existence & Row Op.

    Homework Statement [/B] \begin{array}{cc}1 & 1&1\\ 1&1-s&1-s\\-s&1-s&s^2-1\end{array} a)For which values of s does the inverse exist, and why? You should be using row operations and ideally head for reduced row echelon form b) In the process of calculating part a), you will come across a...
  8. I

    I A few questions about inverse operations.

    Hi all! I know that the integral is the inverse of the derivative, but what about special derivative operators? What functions would undo the gradient, divergence and curl? And what about special integrals, such as line and surface integrals? Are there different derivatives/integrals that are...
  9. S

    Java Java- Printing an Original Array while Performing Operations on an Array Copy

    Hello mathhelpboards community! Please help! Thank you. :-) I need my code to print out the user's original array that is to say the numbers in the way the user entered them. I tried making a copy of the original array and then did all of the arithmetic on it. I sorted the array copy in...
  10. Ethan Godden

    Theorem About Binary Operations - Introductory Analysis

    Homework Statement This theorem comes from the book "The Real Numbers and Real Analysis" by Bloch. I am having a hard time understanding a particular part of the proof given in the book. Prove the following theorem: There is a unique binary operation +:ℕ×ℕ→ℕ that satisfies the following two...
  11. Z

    MHB Prove Z7 is a Ring Under + and x Operations

    Hey there, I need some help with this assignment: Use the definition for a ring to prove that Z7 is a ring under the operations + and x as defined as follows: [a]7+[b]7 = [a+b]7 and [a]7 x [b]7 = [a x b]7 1. state each step of your proof 2. provide written justification for each step.But...
  12. JesseJC

    Counting floating point operations in an algorithm

    Hey guys, another question regarding MatLab here. In this assignment, I need to create a function of 'k' to count the number of floating point operations in the algorithm that I've made. Here is my code so far: expAk = zeros(1000, 1000); load('CA3matrix.mat'); times = zeros(15, 1); for j =...
  13. T

    MHB Proving Set Operations [Set Theory]

    Could someone help me in this by simplifying/Proving the equation using Theorems/ Rules on Operation of Sets (i.e Commutative property, idempotent, assoc, dist. , definition of union , def. intersection , DeMorgan ,etc.). Letting A, B and C be three sets .. Prove/Disprove : Any solution...
  14. T

    B Is Order of Operations, PEMDAS Arbitrary?

    Is there any deep reason why math follows PEMDAS order of operations? It seems like it's totally arbitrary to me. Like couldn't we read things right-to-left instead of left to right and couldn't we do subtraction before multiplication? Why does it matter? Is it just a made up "rule" that...
  15. R

    MHB Order of operations to simplify expressions .

    Hi, I have worked the problem but I am not sure that this is the correct answer, Please help. 3(-3) - (5)2^2 ____________ 8- SQRoot(36) +12 I got an answer of 11/14 but When I check on an online calculator to see if it is correct I am getting 5.5 ... 2^2 = TWO SQUARED SQRoot = Square...
  16. O

    I What is Determinisitic Operations Research?

    The course description: "This course provides a broad overview of deterministic operations research techniques. Linear programming will be covered including the simplex method, duality and sensitivity analysis. Further selected topics are from integer programming, dynamic programming, scheduling...
  17. S

    I Understanding Lorentz-Transformability & Invariant Operations

    An operation is frame-invariant if it maintains the Lorentz-transformability of an input, yes? So for example, the coordinate ##x## transforms according to ##x^\prime = \gamma(x-vt)##, and multiplying the unprimed space and time coordinates by ##c## would give ##cx^\prime = c\gamma(x-vt)##. In...
  18. B

    List of quantitative methods for optimization

    Max: 3x + 5y s.t. x + 2y ≤ 5 x ≤ 3 y ≤ 2 x,y ≥0 By the simplex method, the profit is $14. Using sensitivity analysis I changed the RHS of the 1st constraint and keeping everything else constant, I get the best profit value of $19 at RHS of 7. What other methods can I use such as the...
  19. Strilanc

    I Mapping between rotations and operations: sign & handedness

    I have a toy quantum circuit simulator that I work on. I want to visually represent operations in multiple ways: as a Hamiltonian, as a unitary matrix, and as a Bloch sphere rotation. I want to double-check that I haven't flipped anything. I'll focus a concrete example: is this animation...
  20. Kilo Vectors

    Properties of sets under operations help

    Hi So I am learning about sets and I wanted to know if these definitions was correct, specifically the properties of sets under operations, and I had a question. please help. The closure property: A set has closure under an operation if the result of combining ANY TWO elements under that...
  21. TheMathNoob

    I can't do arithmetic operations in my head quickly

    I am currently in upper division math courses in my career and I can't do something like 109-64 quickly in my head. I obviously try to break every number apart to make hard subtractions, but I can't do it fast!. Should I worry about this?. Overall, I have done well in my math life, but I feel...
  22. E

    Proof - Trace-preserving quantum operations are contractive

    Homework Statement Let \mathcal{E} be a trace-preserving quantum operation. Let \rho and \sigma be density operators. Show that D(\mathcal{E}(\rho), \mathcal{E}(\sigma)) \leq D(\rho,\sigma) Homework Equations D(\rho, \sigma) := \frac{1}{2} Tr \lvert \rho-\sigma\rvert We can write...
  23. Drakkith

    What are Mathematical Operations?

    What exactly is a mathematical operation? Wiki states that an operation in math is "a calculation from zero or more input values (called "operands") to an output value." That sounds oddly like a function, but I'm assuming that not all operations are functions? What is the relationship between...
  24. ProjectTruth

    What should be my sequence of operations here? (factoring)

    Hey Guys, So I'm currently factoring polynomials. As you all know,when trying to factor a polynomial with 4 terms,the answer can be the difference of a trinomial and monomial squares. So I had the problem 4a^2-4ab+b^2-c^2 I thought(book doesn't explain it well) that your first step was to...
  25. B

    Logic operations and binary operations

    If the binary operation of addition is theoretically connected with logic operation XOR, and if the binary operation of multiplication is theoretically connected with logic operation AND, so, the logic operation OR is connected with what binary operation? Exist some relationship? Another...
  26. L

    Solve GAXPY Operations for Matrix A & Vector x

    Homework Statement Let A be an nxn matrix belonging to R and x be a vector of length k belonging to R. Find the first column of M = (A − x1I)(A − x2I)...(A − xrI) using a sequence of GAXPY’s operations. Homework Equations GAXPY: General matrix A multiplied by a vector X plus a vector Y The...
  27. C

    Why does the order of operations work?

    I have had this question bugging me for a while. I know how to use it, but why and how does it work? I heard it was for convention and you do the most complicated to the simplest operations to get the lowest terms but it still confuses me. Can anyone give me a clear and easy to understand...
  28. Mr Davis 97

    Python Python Order of Operations: Unary Negation Explained

    I have the following table for order of operations in Python. It all makes sense except for the unary operation negation. What does it mean that the order of precedence is from right to left? Can I have an example?Symbols - Operator - Type Order of precedence ( ) Parentheses...
  29. M

    Operations in operational probabilistic theories

    I'm trying to read this recent paper (http://arxiv.org/abs/1507.07745) but I don't understand the definition of an "operation" in the paper. It is defined as a set of events on the first page, but I don’t know what an event is in this context. Looks like it’s some kind of function but I can’t...
  30. M

    MHB Answer: How Many Elementary Operations for Adding Two Numbers with $n$ Digits?

    Hey! :o With the term "elementary operation" we mean to add two digits of the decimal system and to write the result and the carries. How many elementary operations do we need for the addition of two numbers with $n$ digits? (we consider that the addition of two digits together with the carry...
  31. C

    What Are the Best Books for Operations Research and Modelling?

    Hi Guys, I'm looking for a good text on operations research and modelling. Specifically, I want to look at developing models for transportation and inventory management. Any good books that you would recommend? Thanks,
  32. B

    MHB Matrix Ops: R(x)v & R(x)w Rotate Counter-Clockwise

    I have the following matrix R(x) = [cos(x) -sin(x) ; sin(x) cos(x)] Now consider the unit vectors v = [1;0] and w = [0,1]. Now if we compute R(x)v and R(x)w the vectors are supposed to rotate about the origin by the angle x in a counter clockwise direction. I am struggling to see how this...
  33. evinda

    MHB Maximize Expression Result: Algorithm & Tips

    Hello! (Wave) I want to write an algorithm that runs in polynomial time and finds the best way to put parenthesis at a given expression so that the result of the operations is maximized. The input of the algorithm should be a sequence $a_0, b_0, a_1, b_1, \dots, a_{m-1}, b_{m-1}, a_m$, where...
  34. G

    MHB Bit Masking: How to Manipulate Bits in Binary Numbers

    Hey Guys, can i have a hand with this question. I just want to know if what I did was right. Bit masking has a task. They are used in order to access specific bits in a byte of data. 1) Using the 8-bit binary number “1001 1101”: Turn off the 2 bits (masking bits to 0) on each side, and then...
  35. G

    Bitwise Ops Homework: "1001 1101" Solutions

    Homework Statement Given an 8-bit binary number “1001 1101”: 1)Turn off the 2 bits (masking bits to 0) on each side, and leave the middle 4 alone. The output should be “0001 1100”. Given an 8-bit binary number “1001 1101”: 2) Toggle the values of the middle 4 bits (the opposite of what it...
  36. A

    Best major to become operations research analyst?

    What is the best major to become an operations research analyst? http://www.bls.gov/ooh/math/operations-research-analysts.htm Most schools don't offer majors in operations research or industrial engineering (mine doesn't!), so what is the next best alternative?
  37. S

    MHB Order of Operations for Matrices in Scientific Computing

    When I am dealing with matrices and the question says compute: $4A +B$ (where $A$ and $B$ are some matrices..) should I assume that they are implying I use the normal mathematical order of operations or is it different? For example should I assume they are saying $(4*A) + B$ or $4(A+B)$
  38. evinda

    MHB Prove that the operations are well-defined

    Hello! (Smile)I had a test today in Set theory and that was one of the questions: Define the sum and the product of two cardinal numbers and show that these are well-defined operations.That's what I have tried:Let $A,B$ sets with $A \cap B=\varnothing, card(A)=m, card(B)=n$. We define the sum...
  39. DiracPool

    LHC Experiments: Understanding "Turning On" the Collider

    I understand basically what goes on at the LHC: They take protons, run them around the accelerator, they collide in the "experiment centers" such as Atlas and CMS, and then record the results of the collisions from detectors that span out radially from the collision site. That part is clear...
  40. I

    Help with BJT regions of operations

    i understand this graph the ordering of the regions make sense to me; cutoff: little/no base current ----> no current anywhere active: base current moderately past V_be -----> linear current amplification saturation: etc but here.. http://']http://i.imgur.com/JpGqXUQ.png what is going...
  41. evinda

    MHB Exploring Static Queue Operations and Complexity

    Hi! (Wave) I am looking at the operations of a static queue. pointer MakeEmptyQueue(void) pointer Q; /* temporary pointer */ Q = NewCell(Queue); /* malloc() */ Q->Front = 0; Q->Length = 0; return Q; I have to find the complexity of the above...
  42. B

    How do I rotate an inertia tensor in Cartesian coordinates?

    Hi Folks, I have an inertia tensor D in the old Cartesian system which i need to rotate through +90 in y and -90 in z to translate to the new system. I am using standard right hand rule notation for this Cartesian rotation. ##D=...
  43. B

    How do I write a Cayley table for ##D_3## using cycle notation?

    Hello everyone, The problem I am working on asks me to write a Cayley table for ##D_3## using cycle notation. However, I am having difficult with determining how to operate on a pair of "cycles." Here is my work so far: ##R_0 = e = ()## ##R_{120} = (123)## ##R_{240} = (312)## ##F_T =...
  44. S

    Question on testing logical truths for set operations

    My question is on how to answer if two statements are equal in set theory. Like De'Morgans laws for example. I'm currently reading James Munkres' book "Topology" and am working through the set theory chapters now, and this isn't the first time I've seen the material, but every time I see this...
  45. G

    Line operations on matrix products

    Can I perform line operations on a matrix product? For example the matrix product ABC and I know that A and C are invertible, can I row reduce to get ICI? Will the product be conserved?
  46. W

    Fibonacci Operations: Uncovering Weird Properties

    https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&ik=ff063a19b0&view=att&th=148f1c9590566f17&attid=0.1&disp=safe&zw&saduie=AG9B_P-_5uo2y5jplL5o_M_vYWte&sadet=1412805844641&sads=ivFuEkpjW55tmUUptu2J4poEUhA So I've been messing around with the Fibonacci sequence and I noticed a...
  47. M

    Operations research formulation question

    I'm not sure where this subject is supposed to go but it seemed to fit better here than in calculus and beyond. Homework Statement Formulate the following problem and then use desmos or guess and check to solve it: The magnetic attraction company produces large and small magnets at 2 different...
  48. J

    What are the Best Textbooks for Hands-On Learning in Operations Research?

    can anyone recommend me a good text on OR that has a decent amount of questions, preferably with answers and even solutions. I am a hands on learner and my current text doesn't provide too many questions thank you
  49. gfd43tg

    How to Validate User Input in MATLAB?

    Homework Statement Often times, a program accepts input from a user, and needs to check the validity of the input, and then produce useful and informative error messages if the input is invalid. Suppose that uiVal is a variable representing the user's input, and that errorCode is an 1-by-0...
  50. A

    Therefore, this is not possible and the correct answer is no.

    Can I get this matrix \begin{smallmatrix} 1&1&0\\ 0&0&1\\ 0&0&0 \end{smallmatrix} from the identidy matrix I3 like this: \begin{smallmatrix} 1&0&0\\ 0&1&0\\ 0&0&1 \end{smallmatrix} Add second row to first row. Then substract second row from itself. Is the substraction of a row from...