Orbit Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. chasrob

    Is the Circular to Elliptical Orbit Calculator Accurate?

    I have an object in a 500,000 km circular orbit around earth. I want to change it into an elliptical orbit with a perigee of 500 km. I found this cool site and put those numbers in the calculator. The ”Injection into elliptical transfer orbit delta V” answer is -741.97 m/s. Does that mean to...
  2. H

    I Do trojan satellites follow migrating planets?

    Some or all of the planets are thought to have migrated long ago under the gravitational influence of Jupiter. Would the trojan matter at their L4 and L5 points have followed during their migration to new orbits? In other words, while the L4 and L5 points are approaching or receding from the...
  3. Edward Barrow

    I Would an exploded planet change earths orbit (see graphic)

    If a hypothetical planet was once where the asteroid belt is now, and was removed (for example exploded and fell inwards towards the sun where it got burnt up), would this cause the inner planets to migrate outwards into new orbits due to the orbital resonance lost by this hypothetical planet...
  4. Raphael30

    Hohmann transfer ellipse to Mars orbit from LEO

    Homework Statement We want to send a satellite from a low Earth orbit of 320 km to mars. Calculate the change in velocity required to join the transfer ellipse. Homework Equations Earth velocity: (μS/REarthRev)1/2 Transfer velocity at perihelion: (2μSRMarsRev/(REarthRev(REarthRev+RMarsRev))1/2...
  5. binbagsss

    Limit , circular orbit ,schwarzschild s-t ,

    Homework Statement [/B] To take the ##lim J \to \infty ##, what are the two roots of ##r_c## in this case... So I believe it says' ##J## big enough it had 2 solutions' is basically saying just avoiding the imaginary solutions i.e. ## J^4 \geq 12G^2M^2J^2 ## (equality for one route obvs)...
  6. L

    Planetary Motion: Orbit Transfers, Hohmann transfer

    The thought of increasing a satellite's (for example) speed to allow it to transfer from a "higher energy" elliptical orbit to a "lower energy" circular orbit (in reference to the effective potential energy plot that arises after introducing the concept of an effective mass to simplify the...
  7. Edge5

    I Does spin orbit coupling cause the split in the energy level of the electron?

    Hi, As far as I understand spin orbit coupling is the interaction between proton of atom and electron. Proton's motion(from the frame of electron) around electron creates magnetic field. Hence electron experiences magnetic field. Does this magnetic field produces a Zeeman effect which cause...
  8. N

    Orbital speed of an object in a circular orbit

    Homework Statement Consider a central force is attractive but which passes through the force center. In other words, consider an orbit of radius a which is centered at (a,0), with the force center at the origin c.) Suppose the speed at the apogee is v0 Find the oribital speed v as a function of...
  9. D

    I Time dilation for the Earth's orbit around the Sun

    If we have 2 atomic clocks on Earth's orbit around the Sun, one on Earth's surface, at one pole, and the other on a spaceship, far from Earth, but traveling with the same speed around the Sun, the clocks would suffer the same kinematic time dilation or not? I'm asking this because the clock on...
  10. shk

    Is the weight of a small satellite in its orbit zero?

    Is the weight of a small satellite in its orbit zero?
  11. N

    Elliptical orbit centered at the origin

    Homework Statement Under the influence of a central force F(r), a particle of mass m is observed to move in an elliptical orbit centered at the origin (the force center is not at one of the foci, as would be the case for a gravitational orbit) a.) Show that the polar equation has the form 1/r =...
  12. bbbl67

    What is the radius of the orbit of an electron?

    Homework Statement What is the radius of the orbit of an electron traveling at 9.0 x 10^6 m/s around a zinc nucleus which contains 30 protons? Homework Equations I don't know if this problem can be solved quantum mechanically, all I can think of doing is solving it classically, using Coulomb's...
  13. YMMMA

    Elliptical orbit/ determine speed & potential energy

    Homework Statement True statements about Jupiter as it moves in its elliptical orbit around the Sun include which o the following? I. It has its greatest speed when closest to the Sun. II. It has its greatest potential energy when farthest from the Sun. III. The magnitude of its...
  14. E

    B Can the moon orbit be used as perpetual motion?

    I'll attach a picture of what I mean but essentially I wanted to know if it was possible to (under circumstances where the Earth and moon do not change angle of rotation when orbiting the sun) create a perpetual motion machine using orbit as a means to turn a giant gear circling the Earth in...
  15. R

    B Earth's orbit around the sun -- looking for an equation

    Hi, I'm looking for some help please. I'm struggling to find an equation of the Earth orbiting around the sun. I don't need to include the mass of the sun and the gravity laws, etc. Just the equation to calculate a position in x and y. Can anybody help me please? My idea is to put the orbit...
  16. DLeuPel

    B Gravity - Do atoms orbit humans ?

    If the Earth orbits the Sun due to the difference in their mass and their distance, then do atoms like air particles orbit humans due to the same reasons?
  17. Bizmuth

    I Is a Topopolis' Orbit Truly Unstable?

    Background: Larry Niven's Ringworld was declared to be unstable because it rotates fast enough to create artificial gravity on the inner surface (never mind the structural material issues) and is therefore not technically in orbit around the central star. So I've been reading up on the...
  18. S

    Can I observe the atomic orbit with a universe sandbox2?

    Can't find a program at my level to simulate orbital or electron motor velocity, so is it possible to use universe sandbox2 to implement the atomic world to confirm the orbit? It is difficult to convert static electricity into gravity... It's hard to tell what the distance is between an electron...
  19. kenneththo85431

    Describing Electronic orbit in 3D space using A matrix.

    I've plotted out the trajectory of an imaginary electron in 3D; next I represent it's points with the matrix A(x1 y1 z1) "throughout it's orbit": ( -1/2 -1 1 ( -2 -1.5 2 (-1/2 2 3...
  20. H

    A Is there a topological insulator without Spin Orbit Coupling (SOC)?

    There are some famous materials is determined as TI induced by SOC, like graphene and so on. But from some formula, for instance, Kane-Fu formula, they just need parities to get Z2 number. So I wonder if there is a known TI with weak soc.
  21. L

    I Question about orbits and Kepler's problem

    I've been looking at the Kepler's problem, and it looks like your orbit (elliptic, parabolic or hyperbolic) are given in terms of energy and angular momentum. I was wondering: if I have a central attractive potential (such as the Sun) and a projectile starting from an infinite distance at a...
  22. caitphys

    Circular orbit change after gaining mass ejected from sun

    Homework Statement A satellite of mass m is in a circular orbit of radius R about a star of mass M. The star ejects 1% of its mass by means of a spherically symmetric wind which removes the mass to a large distance. What are the new nearest and furthest distances of the satellite’s orbit around...
  23. N

    I Satellite Orbit synchronization

    Consider a large non-rotating sphere, and one series of satellites, series A, in free fall orbit at the same velocity and altitude slightly above its "equator" going from east to west. Forming a ring in which all the satellites are equal distance apart, and another series of satellites, series...
  24. C

    A 3-star triangular orbit possible?

    Apparently 3-star systems aren't really 'doable' as in two stars, with one in-between- but nested binaries are possible. So is it 'possible' for 3 stars to maintain at least a somewhat stable triangular configuration?
  25. Timothy Schablin

    B What is the gravitational force like near a black hole?

    Found this interesting interactive experiment. http://hubblesite.org/explore_astronomy/black_holes/encyc_mod3_q14.html In the interactive, it looks like the black hole is orbiting around something. What would it orbit around? Or am I looking at it wrong?
  26. M

    A Question for Distant Retrograde Orbit in CR3BP

    In the Sun-Earth system in circular restricted three body problem, how can i define the initial conditions for a distant retrograde orbit? The state vector has to be X=[x0 0 0 0 vy0 0]. How i define the initial position in x-direction and the initial velocity in y-direction.? What values do i...
  27. J

    B Lowest possible altitude for a Satellite

    What is the lowest altitude for a satellite to orbit?
  28. A

    Increasing the speed of a circular orbit

    What If the velocity of particle moving in a circular orbit has increased , would the particle be no longer in circular orbit or it would go in an orbit with bigger radius?
  29. E

    B Would planets fall out of orbit when gravity has a speed?

    As I understand it, Newton considered the influence of gravity between two objects to be instantaneous. Now it would appear that gravity has a speed limit. If the Earth is influenced by the sun from where it was 8 minutes ago, how does the Earth keep up with a traveling sun? Does relativity...
  30. P

    I How many degrees / radians is one full orbit of the Earth?

    One day consists of slightly more than 360° of rotation (360.9856°) on it's axis (due to Earth's orbit around the Sun). I imagine that one orbit is also either > or < 360° around the sun, relative to the motion of the sun around some object. Is this true, or is the orbit of the Earth...
  31. U

    I Circular orbit + small radial oscillation about circular orbit

    The potential energy of a particle of mass $m$ is $U(r)= k/r + c/3r^3$ where $k<0$ and $c$ is very small. Find the angular velocity $\omega$ in a circular orbit about this orbit and the angular frequency $\omega'$ of small radial oscillation about this circular orbit. Hence show that a nearly...
  32. Y

    Push Mercury out to Venus' orbit?

    So it would be cooler and mine-able? Given unlimited tech and wealth in a fictional setting.
  33. T

    Solution to the Two-Body Problem: Cross-Product and Dot-Product Integration

    Homework Statement Two-body problem given as $$\ddot{\textbf{r}}+\frac{GM}{r^2}\frac{\textbf{r}}{r}=0$$ $$\textbf{h}=\textbf{r}\times\dot{\textbf{r}}$$ where the moment of the momentum vector mh Homework Equations The vector solution to the above equation may be obtained by first taking the...
  34. Bob Jones

    How to get tangential velocity

    I am in the process of making a program that visually shows an elliptical orbit over time. I wish to find the tangential velocity of the satellite in the elliptical orbit based on the variables that I know. Here is what I know: a) The angle relative to the right focus with 0 radians being the...
  35. L

    Maple Computational Hohmann Transfer on MapleSoft

    Hi, I am trying to recreate an Interplanetary Hohmann transfer orbit from Earth to Mars similar to image A below (the red line). However, Earths orbit is not circular, It is more of an elliptical orbit rather than circular. I was able to successfully plot the orbits of both Earth and Mars...
  36. J

    Mechanical energy for planet in elliptical orbit around star

    Homework Statement A planet is in an elliptical orbit around a star. Which of the following best represents the mechanical energy E_planet of just the planet and the mechanical energy Es_tar-planet of the star-planet system as functions of time for one complete orbit? Homework Equations...
  37. T

    B Orbit circularisation/insertion spreadsheet

    I am trying to create a spreadsheet that will calculate: The minimum delta-v required to circularise the orbit of a projectile that has been fired horizontally from the Earths surface at a given velocity. Completely ignoring atmospheric drag. See the attached spreadsheet. The steps are...
  38. CrosisBH

    Python Why Does My VPython Moon Orbit Simulation Not Maintain a Circular Path?

    Code: https://pastebin.com/5LajNBpj So I was messing with VPython, trying to create an Earth-Moon System. I got the actual gravity to work, and can create some nice ellipical orbits. However I run into trouble trying to make the actual (almost) circular orbit of the moon. I know that the...
  39. D

    Mercury's orbit according to Classical VS Modern Physics

    Hello, I'm a high-school student and I was assigned to do this kind of a paper as a senior (one of the requirements of graduating is a short monograph on a subject of interest.) My topic includes an analysis of Mercury's orbit using Newton and Kepler's equations and comparing the predicted...
  40. Toreno

    Calculating orbits of planets in Solar System

    Hi, I am about to write a simple application, simulating in 3D current location of the planets in Solar system. Honestly, I do not know even how to start. Can you please guide me where could I find some good information on planet orbits, current locations and how to make all of the calculations...
  41. Clara Chung

    Criteria for Determining Satellite's Return from Orbit?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Conservation of energy/ angular momentum The Attempt at a Solution I used conservation of momentum to do part d. My answer is VB/VA=sinα /X. i don't know how to do part e. What is the criteria to determine whether the satellite will return to the...
  42. J

    Total energy of a body in a circular orbit

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Is the particle moving under the influence of a single central force ? Since the force always acts towards the center , work done by the force is zero . Energy is conserved . Potential energy at a particular radius can be...
  43. M

    I Clarification of a specific orbit example

    Hello, In my professor's lecture notes she gives this example and I have a couple of questions regarding it:Let M = \mathbb Z/6\mathbb Z and f: M \rightarrow M, x \rightarrow x+1 the cyclical permutation of the elements from M. Then is G := \{id_M, f, f^2,f^3,f^4,f^5\} a subset from S_M...
  44. NatanijelVasic

    I "Unexpected" Symmetry in Elliptical Orbit

    Hello everyone :) Not too long ago, I was thinking about planetary motion around a sun, both with circular orbits and elliptic orbits. However, when thinking a little longer about these two cases in a broader sense, I spotted a big difference which I found quite odd (assume purely classical...
  45. amjad-sh

    How Is Spin-Orbit Coupling Derived from the Dirac Equation?

    I have read in the internet that "One naturally derive the dirac equation when starting from the relativistic expression of kinetic energy: ##\mathbf H^2=c^2\mathbf P^2 +m^2c^4## where ##\mathbf P## is the canonical momentum. Inclusion of electric and magnetic potentials ##\phi## and ##A## by...
  46. Jan Berkhout

    Having trouble working out centripetal force?

    Homework Statement The Russian Mir space station had a mass of 130 tonnes and orbited Earth at an altitude of 480km with an orbital speed of 7621.4m/s. The diameter of Earth is 12 760 km. a) What centripetal force was acting on it? b) Find the value of the acceleration due to...
  47. J

    Tension of Rope: Cosmonaut & Spaceship Orbit in Planetary Gravity

    Homework Statement What is the tension of this rope? Cosmonaut m=100kg is outside of spaceship M=5 tons on rope with length 64m. Cosmonaut along with his spaceship moves in orbit at a neglible distance. m=100kg M=5000kg L=64m Planet's mass 6*10^24 Planet's radius 6400km Homework Equations...
  48. Physics345

    Time Dilation & 2 Atomic Clocks (one in orbit)

    Homework Statement Two atomic clocks are synchronized. One is placed on a satellite, which orbits around the Earth at a high speed for a whole year. The other is placed in a lab and remains at rest, with respect to the earth. You may assume that both clocks can measure time accurately to many...
  49. DLeuPel

    I How can General Relativity explain the Moon drifting apart from Earth

    According to various sources, the Moon is separating from Earth 4 cm every year. I’ve searched for the explanation and I’ve found the following: The friction the seas and oceans from the Earth make with it’s soil causes the Earth’s rotation to slow down. This causes the Moon to speed up...