Orbital Definition and 819 Threads

In atomic theory and quantum mechanics, an atomic orbital is a mathematical function describing the location and wave-like behavior of an electron in an atom. This function can be used to calculate the probability of finding any electron of an atom in any specific region around the atom's nucleus. The term atomic orbital may also refer to the physical region or space where the electron can be calculated to be present, as predicted by the particular mathematical form of the orbital.Each orbital in an atom is characterized by a unique set of values of the three quantum numbers n, ℓ, and ml, which respectively correspond to the electron's energy, angular momentum, and an angular momentum vector component (the magnetic quantum number). Each such orbital can be occupied by a maximum of two electrons, each with its own projection of spin



{\displaystyle m_{s}}
. The simple names s orbital, p orbital, d orbital, and f orbital refer to orbitals with angular momentum quantum number ℓ = 0, 1, 2, and 3 respectively. These names, together with the value of n, are used to describe the electron configurations of atoms. They are derived from the description by early spectroscopists of certain series of alkali metal spectroscopic lines as sharp, principal, diffuse, and fundamental. Orbitals for ℓ > 3 continue alphabetically, omitting j (g, h, i, k, ...) because some languages do not distinguish between the letters "i" and "j".Atomic orbitals are the basic building blocks of the atomic orbital model (alternatively known as the electron cloud or wave mechanics model), a modern framework for visualizing the submicroscopic behavior of electrons in matter. In this model the electron cloud of a multi-electron atom may be seen as being built up (in approximation) in an electron configuration that is a product of simpler hydrogen-like atomic orbitals. The repeating periodicity of the blocks of 2, 6, 10, and 14 elements within sections of the periodic table arises naturally from the total number of electrons that occupy a complete set of s, p, d, and f atomic orbitals, respectively, although for higher values of the quantum number n, particularly when the atom in question bears a positive charge, the energies of certain sub-shells become very similar and so the order in which they are said to be populated by electrons (e.g. Cr = [Ar]4s13d5 and Cr2+ = [Ar]3d4) can only be rationalized somewhat arbitrarily.

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  1. Philosophaie

    What equations are needed for calculating Keplerian orbital mechanics?

    I have some data about the elliptical orbits of the planets. I have a,e,i,ML,LP,N @ for a specific Julian Century, J2000. I need an equation check: w = LP - N EA = MA + e * sin(MA) * (1 + e * cos(MA)) x = a * (cos(EA) - e) y = a * sin(EA) * (1 - e^2)^0.5 r = (x^2 + y^2)^0.5 v =...
  2. D

    How is orbital energy transferred between celestial bodies?

    I know that I have learned this at some point in my past and that I am probably just blanking on the explanation, but I have been having some trouble remembering just how orbital energy is transferred via gravitational encounters (for example, between stars in a binary system). Physically, how...
  3. N

    Does a Wave Function with l=0 Satisfy L\varphi=0?

    Homework Statement Consider a particle that moves in three dimensions with wave function \varphi . Use operator methods to show that if \varphi has total angular momentm quantum number l=0 , then \varphi satifies L\varphi=0 for all three components L_\alpha of the total angular momentum L...
  4. L

    Orbital Period and Velocity Question

    Homework Statement The space shuttle is in a 310 mile high orbit. What are the shuttle's orbital period, in minutes, and its speed? Homework Equations Period = 2(pi)r/v The Attempt at a Solution I can't figure out how to find the period without already having the velocity.
  5. A

    Calculating Orbital Speed of a Satellite Orbiting Jupiter | Step-by-Step Guide"

    Please help asap! Orbital speed Homework Statement A satellite is placed in orbit 5.19x105m above the surface of Jupiter. Jupiter has a mass of 1.90x1027kg and a radius of 7.14x107m. Find the orbital speed of the satellite. Answer = m/s Homework Equations v = sqrt [GM/r]...
  6. S

    Find the distance from the sun to the planet known the orbital period problem

    Homework Statement the problem asks to find the distance from the sun to a planet. the only information the question gives the the orbital period of 27 years and asks for the answer in km. Homework Equations c= (2)(pi)(r) The Attempt at a Solution assuming the planet revolves...
  7. S

    Angular momentum in planetary/satellite orbital systems

    If a planet had a large massive satellite, on a long elliptical orbit, would the planet's rotation slow and speed up depending on the distance of the moon from the planet? I'm thinking of how a skater, the classical example of angular momentum, speeds up when bringing in her arms, and slows...
  8. J

    How long until the planets collide?

    Homework Statement Two planets of masses m_1 and m_2 with radii r_1 and r_2 respectively are orbiting their common center of mass at some initial distance x_0 from each other with angular velocity \omega_0. Find the amount of time it takes for these planets to collide. Homework Equations...
  9. A

    Deriving Orbital Period with Kepler's & Taylor Expansions

    Homework Statement Use Kepler's Third Law and a Taylor expansion to derive the following approximation for the orbital period of a satellite in low Earth orbit with a constant height h above the surface of the Earth. h << R_earth : P \approx P_{0}(1+3h/2R_{e}) Homework Equations Kepler's...
  10. G

    Question about our solar systems orbital path through the milky way

    Hello everyone this is my first time posting on this website. I wanted to know if our solar system takes a path through the milky way on a linear plane or if it garbages up and down on an unstable x and y path? Just so you all know I'm not an expert in theories or have any type of degree in...
  11. M

    Difference between Valence bond theory and molecular orbital theory?

    I am having trouble identifying the difference between VB theory and molecular orbital theory. To me, they seem to be one and the same. In VB theory, two atomic orbitals overlap and share electrons forming a bond... Wouldn't this combination of two Atomic orbitals make a molecular orbital?
  12. L

    Is there any updated study on the Moon's orbital plane anomaly?

    According to Newton's law, the attraction exerted by the Sun on the Moon is greater than twice the attraction exerted by the Earth on its satellite, whatever the Moon's position during its motion. Nevertheless, the Moon's orbital plane around the Earth forms a 5.13 degree angle with the...
  13. B

    Mass of a planet given it's satellites orbital radius & period

    Ah, please, someone help me. I've been working on this problem for half an hour, it's the last question on my review before my test, which i want to write right now (correspondence). Homework Statement If a satellite requires 2.5 h to orbit a planet with an orbital radius of 2.6 x 10^5 m...
  14. F.Turner

    Why Does the Minimum Radius of Curvature Occur at the Apex in Parabolic Motion?

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  15. B

    Why Is There a Discrepancy in Lunar Orbital Angular Momentum Calculations?

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  16. J

    Orbital Effects of a Significant Mass Increase

    I've recently been pondering the following thought experiment: Assume that the Earth was to gain a large amount of mass in a very short time, which effectively increase the mass of the Earth by approx. 1.5 * 1021 kg, and this in course of say five years. What I've been trying to figure out...
  17. B

    Cancelation of electron orbital angular momentum

    How does the orbital angular momentum of two electrons in the same shell and same energy state cancel each others orbital angular momentum, provided both electrons have opposite spin?
  18. K

    Electron Orbits and Nuclei 2- Rotation vs Orbital Motion

    1-is electron orbit about the nucleus ? 2-is there is different between rotation and orbit? thanks in advance
  19. H

    What's the sp orbital of this carbon?

    The on on the left w/ the red arrow pointing to it: http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/5062/92513846.jpg
  20. J

    How many electrons in an orbital?

    I've always been confused about how many electrons are in an orbital ... is it one, or two? Because orbital diagrams would lead me to believe there were two, since there are two arrows on each line, but illustrations make me think otherwise. Thanks ahead of time o:)
  21. H

    Derive flight path angle from orbital elements

    Hello everyone, During the last few days I've been working to solve a "small" problem I hope someone here might be better at than I am. I'm writing a function that returns the state vectors of an orbiting body of neglible mass based on the orbital elements semimajor axis, semiminor axis...
  22. F

    Orbital period variation in binary system

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  23. I

    Orbital Period of Apollo Mission

    Homework Statement On each of the apollo missions the command module was placed in a very low aprox circular orbit above the moon. Assum the avrg hieght was 60km above surface of moon and moons radius is 7738km. (Mass of moon=7.34x10^22kg) What was the command modules orbital period...
  24. A

    Asking to make sure I understand: Valence bond vs. Molecular Orbital theory.

    Hello. I am currently a freshman in college and finding the chapter on Quantum Mechanics incredibly interesting. Whether I decide to delve into this field is still up in the air, but I am having trouble fully understanding the concepts behind Molecular Orbital Theory and how it relates to the...
  25. T

    MATLAB Matlab 2-D Simulation for TLI (Trans Lunar Injection) Basic Orbital Mechanics

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  26. M

    How Do You Solve Complex Orbital Motion Mechanics Problems?

    Looking over past problems and these types of ones always bothered me. Really need the help here guys. A particle moves in a plane, projected from an apse, with speed SQRT(t/b), at a distance b, under a repulsive force t(u)^2 + 2bt(u)^3. Show the motion is u = (-1/3b) + (4/3b)COS(SQRT(3)O)...
  27. W

    How Do You Calculate the Orbital Speed and Period of a Satellite?

    Homework Statement the solar maximum mission satellite was placed in a circular orbit about 150 miles above earth. Determine (a) the orbital speed of the satellite and (b) the time required for 1 complete revolution Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  28. U

    Calculating Orbital Speed: Jupiter & Earth Orbit Time

    ok just a couple orbital questions I forget the equation that needs to be used and do not have my textbook with me so if anyone knows the equation for finding orbital speed that would be great! 1. calculate the speed of a satellite in orbit 9.5 x10^3 km above jupiter. radius of Jupiter =...
  29. M

    Can You Achieve a Circular Orbit with Non-Perpendicular Launch Velocities?

    If you are at the distance R from a planet and you want to achieve a circular orbit your velocity must be Sqrt[Gm/R] perpendicular to the radius vector. But what if you launch at an angle (ie no longer perpendicular to the radius)? Is it still possible to achieve a circular orbit if the...
  30. X

    Solving the Astronauts' Orbital Speed & Period Around the Moon

    Hey guys, I got the following problem. It seems east, btu I still have no idea how to get started on this one:frown:
  31. E

    Calculating Orbital Velocity for a Satellite Orbiting Earth

    Can you find the orbital velocity of a planet which a satellite has to obtain in order to revolve around the planet with this formula: v = \sqrt{\frac{Gm_E}{r_E}} G = gravitational constant 6.67*10-11 mE = Mass of a planet rE = the radius of the orbit rE = h + r h = height of the...
  32. H

    Orbital Velocity vs Mass and Orbital Velocity vs Radius

    Homework Statement Graph the relationship between the speed of a satellite orbiting a large mass in uniform circular motion. Also I need to learn how to properly write proportionality constant and proportionality equation. Homework Equations in the equation below, m is the mass of the larger...
  33. LarryS

    Orbital Angular Momentum and Uncertainty?

    The Uncertainty Principle is largely mathematical. For any two probability densities, if one is the Fourier Transform/Inverse Fourier Transform of the other, then the product of their variances is always greater than zero. Thus, energy and time, and momentum and position, via the squared...
  34. D

    Mass of a star given orbital radius and period

    Homework Statement In recent years, a number of nearby stars have been found to possesses planets. Suppose, the orbital radius of such a planet is found to be 4.3 times 1011 m, with a period of 1080 days. Find the mass of the star. Homework Equations ? The Attempt at a Solution I...
  35. M

    Electron orbital frequency of hydrogen atom if given orbit radius

    Homework Statement In a classical model of the hydrogen atom, the electron moves around the proton in a circular orbit of radius 0.053 nm. A) What is the electron's orbital frequency? Homework Equations F = qE E= kq/r^2 angular velocity = v^2/r The Attempt at a Solution I'm...
  36. X

    Hydrogen atom ground state with zero orbital angular moment question.

    Hi all: As we know, if we solve the schrodinger equation, the ground state wavefunction is independent of theta and psi. We find the expectation value of ground state orbital angular momentum is zero. But if we don't do any mathematical calculation, can we conlude that? For example, Due to...
  37. B

    How can I find the shape of an orbit under an inverse cube law of force?

    Homework Statement I've found the a general form of equation for the explicit integration of the shape, r(\theta), of a one-body-problem (a particle rotating about a set point, O) for arbitrary \mathbf{f} = -f(r)\hat{\mathbf{r}}, and used it to find r(\theta) for an inverse square law f(r) = \mu...
  38. C

    What is our Solar System's orbital plane around the Milky Way?

    Does anyone know a good link to an animation or nice diagram showing how our solar system orbits the center of our milky way? I always imagined the milky way's plane, where most of the material is accumulated, as a record, granted, with a bigger bulge and 2/3 out from the center of that record...
  39. F

    Wave function and orbital question

    Hi, I have a few question about orbitals 1. What does psi or wave function represents? 2. When talking about orbitals what does phases actually mean (does it relate to charge and electron spin)? 3. What's the mechanic behind when phases cancel out to create sigma*1s antibonding...
  40. F

    Question about Rydberg equation and molecular orbital

    Hi, I have a little question about atomic models 1. Does Rydberg equation only apply to hydrogen 2. What is the purpose and limitations of molecular obitals
  41. F

    What energy do electrons actually take in an orbital?

    If electrons are found somewhere within an orbital, what kind of energy they have? In other word, if kinetic and potential energy of electrons change with time in the ground state of atoms?
  42. M

    About the Earth's orbital velocity

    i want to know if the Earth change its orbital velocity along the day? as i heard that due to its elliptical shape the distance between the Earth and the sun slightly change during the day (increase then decrease again) ,so the orbital velocity also has to change to compensate this change in...
  43. I

    Orbital period questions continued

    Homework Statement A 9.0x10^3kg satellite with an orbital radius of 3.20x10^7m orbits the Earth at an altitude of 2.56x10^7m. What is the orbital period?Homework Equations ΣFc = mac Kepler's third law equationThe Attempt at a Solution For this question I know that it is asking me to find the...
  44. I

    Calculating Mars' Orbital Period in Earth Years

    Homework Statement Mars orbits the sun at 1.52 Earth's orbital radius. What is the period of Mars in Earth years? Homework Equations ΣFc = mac The Attempt at a Solution I am unsure how to do this problem as this is the first "orbital period" question that I have encountered. Do I...
  45. D

    What Is the Orbital Period of an Asteroid with Twice Earth's Mean Radius?

    Homework Statement An asteroid revolves around the sun with a mean orbital radius twice that of Earth's. Predict the period of the asteroid in Earth years Homework Equations I guess t^2/r^3 where t = period and r = mean orbital radius The Attempt at a Solution I missed the...
  46. P

    How Does the Decreasing Mass of the Sun Affect Earth's Orbital Radius?

    1. The mass of the sun is decreasing as dM/dt=-constant .M Find [dr/dt]/r for the earth Homework Equations [b]3. I tried using M=M0-alpha. t and then separating the variables in the equation GMm/r^2=mdv/dt. I don't knot the right way to solve this. Plz tell me how to solve this...
  47. B

    What happens during a change in orbital state?

    Consider a hydrogen atom with an electron in some excited state. Now, in order for an electron to drop to a lower state, a photon of a specified energy, which is determined by the energy difference of the two states, must be emitted. Do we know what happens to the electron during this...
  48. K

    Calculating orbital velocity at periastron

    Homework Statement -Suppose you have traveled to Sirius B with its radius of 5,842,200 m and mass of 1.945 x 10^30 kg. You are traveling in a spaceship 100 meters long. After arriving at close to the speed of light, you slow your spacecraft down to a velocity of only 43.19km/sec at a...
  49. A

    Calculating Electron Magnetic Moment: Spin & Orbital Contributions

    Say I know the total angular momentum of my electron as J. If I write the total magnetic moment as \mu = \gamma J then does \gamma = \gamma_{spin} + \gamma_{orbital} ?
  50. H

    Determining the Mass of Jupiter Using Io's Orbital Parameters

    Homework Statement Io, a satellite of Jupiter has an orbital period of 1.77 days and an orbital radius of 4.22 x 10^5 km. From this Data determine the mass of Jupiter Homework Equations 4pie^2/GM Kepler's Third Law The Attempt at a Solution I keep getting turned around. I know the...