Oscillations Definition and 518 Threads

Oscillation is the repetitive variation, typically in time, of some measure about a central value (often a point of equilibrium) or between two or more different states. The term vibration is precisely used to describe mechanical oscillation. Familiar examples of oscillation include a swinging pendulum and alternating current.
Oscillations occur not only in mechanical systems but also in dynamic systems in virtually every area of science: for example the beating of the human heart (for circulation), business cycles in economics, predator–prey population cycles in ecology, geothermal geysers in geology, vibration of strings in guitar and other string instruments, periodic firing of nerve cells in the brain, and the periodic swelling of Cepheid variable stars in astronomy.

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  1. W

    Oscillations in a magnetic field

    Homework Statement A long, narrow bar magnet that has magnetic moment \vec{\mu} parallel to its long axis is suspended at its center as a frictionless compass needle. When placed in a region with a horizontal magnetic field \vec{B}, the needle lines up with the field. If it is displaced by a...
  2. Q

    Oscillations of a weighted ruler

    Hi everyone. Can you imagine a metre rule attached to a tabletop and weights are attached at the other end? The ruler will sag. The ruler is then given a push to let it oscillate. However the weights fell off when it is oscillating. So what is the effect on period and amplitude? I did...
  3. L

    Small Oscillations around equilibrium

    Homework Statement The problem is: A point pendulum is being accelerated at a constant acceleration of a. Basically what's required is to find the equations of motion, the equilibrium point, and to show that the frequency of small oscillations about the e.p. is: \omega=L^{-1/2}...
  4. B

    Measuring the frequency of the e.m. oscillations in the em. wave

    Consider please that an observer is located in a plane sinusoidal and polarized e.m. wave. He erects a metalic antenna normal to the direction of propagation. A sinusoidal potential difference appears between the two ends of the antenna having the same frequency as the e.m. has. Is that a...
  5. Q

    Simple Harmonic motion of the following oscillations

    Homework Statement The figure below shows the x(t) curves for three experiments involving a particular spring-box system oscillating in SHM. (a) Rank the curves according to the system's angular frequency, greatest first (use only the symbols > or =, for example 1>2=3). (b) Rank the curves...
  6. P

    Solving Frequency of Damped Oscillations

    Homework Statement A mass of 0.5kg hangs on a spring. When an additional mass of 0.2kg is attached to the spring, the spring stretches an additional .04m. When the 02kg mass is abruptly removed, the amplitude of the ensuing oscillations of the 05 kg mass is observed to decrease to 1/e of its...
  7. P

    Solving Small Oscillations Homework: Find Equilibrium & Frequency

    Homework Statement A particle of mass m and charge q can move along a vertical circle of radius R in the constant gravitational field of the earth. Another charge q is fixed to the lowest point of teh circle. Find the equilibrium position and the frequency of small oscillations of the...
  8. K

    Old Quantum Theory = Oscillations?

    Hello again, I am having this problem understanding Quantum Theory, when it comes to calculations and applications. I'll give you an example. When using the Bohr Sommerfeld quantization rule we use calculus in...what? Is it an oscillating particle?? That's what I can't seem to understand...
  9. A

    Horizontal oscillations to vertical.

    I want to convert horizontal type of oscillations to vertical oscillations. is there any existing mechanism for it? if not, what should i do.
  10. N

    Forced Oscillations of Mass-Spring System: Reasons for Observed Behaviour

    A mass spring system with natural frequency of 1.5Hz is set up as shown: http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/7922/35809066dx2.th.jpg Can someone please explain the reasons for the following observations: When the support rod oscillates at a frequency of 0.2 Hz - oscillations are...
  11. N

    Amplitude of oscillations depends on the amount of damping?

    Which one of the following statements about an oscillating mechanical system at resonance, when it oscillates with a constant amplitude, is not correct? A The amplitude of oscillations depends on the amount of damping. B The frequency of the applied force is the same as the natural frequency...
  12. W

    Energy considerations in LC oscillations. How is it in SHM?

    Homework Statement Hi When you set up an LC (tank) circuit there is oscillation due to charge and discharge of capactor and storage of energy in the inductor. How do you prove that it is simple harmonic? And also how do you prove (mathematically) energy is conserved in an undamped LC...
  13. Math Jeans

    Small oscillations of constrained particle

    Homework Statement Consider a particle of mass m constrained to move on the surface of a paraboloid whose equation (in cylindrical coordinates) is r^2=4az. If the particle is subject to a gravitational force, show that the frequency of small oscillations about a cirrcular orbit with radius...
  14. V

    Simple Harmonic Motion-Period of oscillations

    Homework Statement What is the period of oscillations of a spring fixed to the ceiling at one end and set in motion by attaching a mass 10kg to the other end? The spring constant is 20 N/m. Homework Equations I used equations found in my lab book for Simple Harmonic Motion. ω=√k/m...
  15. H

    Forced Oscillations Homework: Determine Period & Amplitude

    Homework Statement A 2.00 kg object attached to a spring moves without friction and is driven by an external force F=(3.00N) sin(2pie t). Assuming that the force constant of the spring is 20.0 N/m determine (a) the period and (b) the amplitude of the motion. Homework Equations T = 2pi...
  16. D

    How Do You Solve Transverse Oscillations with Newton's Second Law?

    Homework Statement http://books.google.com/books?id=uAfUQmQbzOkC&pg=RA1-PA130&lpg=RA1-PA130&dq=transverse+oscillations+spring+trisection&source=bl&ots=4tThicDJOS&sig=d7POqmkxlKMhS72_Rv7oTpMko1o Problem 5.17. Homework Equations Newton's second Law (F = ma) The Attempt at a Solution...
  17. H

    A Problem on Simple Harmonic Oscillations

    A 'U' shaped tube is partially filled with water. If the water inside it is disturbed from one end does it begins to move up and down. Does this motion is simple harmonic. Accelaration = force/mass = (g/h)y Time period T = 2pi/w w=(g/h)^-1/2
  18. H

    Problem related to Simple Harmonic Oscillations

    A ball falling through a 'V' shaped curve attains Simple Harmonic Oscillations or not. If yes give equation. Yes it is simple harmonic oscillation. But how i can prove it.
  19. H

    Help me in problem related to simple harmonic oscillations

    Problem related to Simple Harmonic Oscillations A test tube floats, mass 20gm is set into vertical oscillations on the surface of the water. If the external diameter of the tube is 2.5cm, show that the vertical oscillations are SHO and find period of oscillations. I found it that it attains a...
  20. H

    Calculating Decay Constant of Damped Oscillations

    Homework Statement Marie observes damped oscillations of a glider on an air track. She observed that the amplitude decreased to 50% of its original value after 10 seconds. What is the decay constant for the motion of the glider? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution It...
  21. D

    Exploring Body Armor: Kinetic Energy, Oscillations, and Interference

    hallo all, I was wondering if you were able to help me with the following: I am wondering about how body armor works exactly and have checked some sites, but still strugle with some questions. As for know I have the following: when a bullet hits a body, then you have injuries caused by the...
  22. B

    What Frequency Range Keeps the Spring Safe in Driven Oscillations?

    1. The problem statement, alml variables and given/known data A block of mass 2 kg is suspended from a fixed support by a spring of strength 2000 N m^-1. The block is subject to the vertical driving force 36 cos pt N. Given that the spring will yield if its extension exceeds 4 cm, find the...
  23. K

    Solve Damping & Forced Oscillations Problems: Frequency, Amplitude & More

    I was hoping someone could explain damping and forced oscillations. I had a couple of problems I could not do that revolved around these topics because I couldn't figure out which equations to use. Here's an example. 1. Homework Statement Damping is negligible for a 0.155 kg object...
  24. A

    Torsional Oscillations Question

    Homework Statement A thin steel beam 8.0 meters long is suspended from a crane and is undergoing torsional osciallations. Two 75-kg steelworkers leap onto opposite ends of the beam, as shown in the figure (no figure given, they just jump straight towards the center of the beam). If the...
  25. T

    What Are the Amplitude and Period of the Mass-Spring System?

    A massless sping of spring constant k=74 N/m is hanging from the ceiling. A 490g mass is hooked onto the unstretched spring and allowed to drop. Find the amplitude and the period of the resulting motion. Attempt: F= -kx x= A cos (wt) w = sqrt(k/m) t I'm trying to solve for A, but...
  26. K

    Oscillations and Physical Pendulum help

    1) SOLVED. In an engine, a piston oscillates with simple harmonic motion so that its position varies according to the following expression, where x is in centimeters and t is in seconds. x = (7.00 cm) cos(5t + π/8). (a) at t=0, find the position (b) velocity (c) acceleration For part a, I...
  27. B

    How Do Oscillations in Spring-Mass Systems and Rotating Rods Work?

    Hello: I am wondering if someone can help with the following? 1. A massless spring hangs from the ceiling with a small object attached to its lower end. The object is initially held at rest in a position y(init) such that the spring is at its rest length. The eobject is released from...
  28. L

    What is the astronaut's speed when the spring's length is 1.2?

    Astronauts in space cannot weigh themselves by standing on a bathroom scale. Instead, they determine their mass by oscillating on a large spring. Suppose an astronaut attaches one end of a large spring to her belt and the other end to a hook on the wall of the space capsule. A fellow astronaut...
  29. H

    Oscillations of a Balanced Object

    Two identical thin rods, each of mass m and length L, are joined at right angles to form an L-shaped object. This object is balanced on top of a sharp edge. If the object is displaced slightly, it oscillates. Assume that the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity is g. Find omega, the...
  30. D

    Atomic Oscillations: Frequency, Nuclear & Wave Function

    What is being discussed when frequency is used to describe atoms? Or maybe I should be thinking nuclear oscillations...In other words, the wave function of what?
  31. S

    What Determines the Period of Oscillation in an LC Circuit?

    A series LC circuit contains a 100 mH inductor, a 36.0 mF capacitor and a 12 V battery. The period of the electromagnetic oscillations in the circuit is 1. 0.0227 s. 2. 1750 s. 3. 105 s. 4. 2.26 s. 5. 0.376 s. f= 1/ 2*π *√L *C L =100mH C= 36uF so,,f = 2.65...
  32. qspeechc

    How to Derive the Differential Equation for Forced, Damped Oscillations

    Homework Statement Hi. The problem is question 1(a) in the file below: http://www.mth.uct.ac.za/Courses/MAM24678/mod2od/Project1_07.pdf The Attempt at a Solution Question 1(a) is the one I have a problem with. I just don't know what he's getting at. Is y(x) the function that describes...
  33. K

    Concept Question about Resonance and Oscillations

    This may sound like a strange question... I was walking away from my physics class today and I wondered if resonant vibrations were the reason my shoelaces become untied. I noticed that when I walk faster, and produce what I believe are more forced oscillations, they become untied more...
  34. N

    Rabi oscillations and spin 1/2 systems.

    Hi all, Can anybody please explain to me the connection between Rabi oscillations and spin-1/2 systems? I believe the connection lies in the bloch sphere and the ability to represent the spin-1/2 system by a superposition of Pauli matrices but I'm just not getting it. Thanks
  35. B

    Oscillations of suspended block

    Homework Statement A block of mass 2kg is suspended from a fixed support by a spring of strength 2000N/m. The block is subject to the vertical driving force 36cos(pt)N. Given that the spring will yield if its extension exceeds 4 cm, find the range of frequencies that can safely be applied...
  36. I

    Lowest freq mode of fixed-end linear chain oscillations

    Hi, (All oscillations I'll be talking about here are longitudinal.) For coupled oscillations of 2 masses between 3 identical springs (ends held fixed by walls), I think it was a standard textbook mechanics problem to show that the lowest-frequency mode is the symmetric one (where the masses...
  37. A

    What Is the Frequency of Electron Oscillations Near a Charged Square?

    Homework Statement A square of side a located in the x-y plane and centered on the origin carries a total charge Q uniformly distributed over its circumference. (a) What is the electric eld at any point on the z-axis? How does the eld behave far from the square? (b) An electron...
  38. H

    Using the energy of quantum oscillations

    I read somewhere that, due to quantum fluctuations, there is enough energy in one cubic centimeter to boil the planet's oceans. Is this true? If so, could such energy be harnessed? Or is there some fundamental limit?
  39. rohanprabhu

    LC Oscillations how are they even possible?

    If i connect an inductor and a charged capacitor as the only circuital elements in a circuit [other than lead wires], something called 'LC Oscillations' happen. According to what I've read, due to the charge on the capacitor, there is a potential difference across the ends across which the...
  40. G

    What is the Damping Coefficient in a Pendulum's Dampened Oscillation?

    [SOLVED] Dampened Oscillations Problem A pendulum of length 1.00 m is released from an initial angle of 15.0°. After 1200 s, its amplitude is reduced by friction to 5.5°. What is the value of b/2m? How do you do this one? I know it has something to do with the formula w= sqrt(W0^2 -...
  41. J

    Understanding Undamped Oscillations

    [SOLVED] Undamped oscillations In the diagram below, the disk is mounted vertically on ideal bearings through its center mass. If the system is disturbed from its equilibrium position, determine the frequency of the undamped oscillations. I = 4kg m^2 This one I have no clue about. We rushed...
  42. S

    Solving Spring Oscillations Homework: Stretched Distance d

    Homework Statement When a mass of 0.35 kg is attached to a vertical spring and lowered slowly, the spring stretches a distance of d. The mass is now displaced from its equilibrium position and undergoes 100 oscillations in 48.9 seconds. WHat is the stretched distance d? Homework Equations...
  43. G

    How Does the Parallel-Axis Theorem Affect Pendulum Oscillation Periods?

    [SOLVED] Pendulum Oscillations Problem A very light rigid rod with a length of 0.500 m extends straight out from one end of a meter stick. The stick is suspended from a pivot at the far end of the rod and is set into oscillation. (a) Determine the period of oscillation. (Hint: Use the...
  44. V

    Calculating the Period of Small Oscillations for a Floating Object

    [SOLVED] Mechnics - Small Oscillations Homework Statement A body of uniform cross-sectional are A= 1cm^2 and a mass of density p= 0.8g/cm^3floats in a liquid of density po=1g/cm^3 and at equilibrium displaces a volume of V=0.8cm^3. Show that the period of small oscillations about the...
  45. M

    One More hard Oscillations Problem

    Homework Statement An oscillator with a mass of 420 g and a period of 1.00 s has an amplitude that decreases by 1.20% during each complete oscillation. If the initial amplitude is 8.20 cm, what will be the amplitude after 50.0 oscillations? If the initial amplitude is 8.20 , what will be...
  46. M

    How Many Oscillations Occur Before Amplitude Decays to e^-1?

    [SOLVED] Oscillations Problem: Please help Homework Statement A 290 g air-track glider is attached to a spring with spring constant 4.10 N/m . The damping constant due to air resistance is 2.40×10^−2 kg/s. The glider is pulled out 28.0 cm from equilibrium and released. How many...
  47. Y

    How Does Amplitude Change After Multiple Oscillations?

    Homework Statement An oscillator with a mass of 500 g and a period of 0.300 s has an amplitude that decreases by 1.40% during each complete oscillation. If the initial amplitude is 11.4 cm, what will be the amplitude after 38.0 oscillations?
  48. J

    Phase Difference of Two Particles in SHM

    Two particles execute simple harmonic motion of the same amplitude and frequency along close parallel lines. They pass each other moving in opposite directions each time their displacement is half their amplitude. What is their phase difference?
  49. Jim Kata

    Can Leptons & Quarks Oscillate?

    Is it possible that the other leptons like the electron, muon, and tauon could oscillate between one another, and maybe even the quarks oscillate between their generations? Sorry, I know this kind of a stoner question.
  50. G

    How Do You Calculate the Damping Coefficient in a Spring-Oscillation System?

    Homework Statement A hard-boiled egg moves on the end of a spring with force constant k. It is released with an amplitude 0.300 m. A damping force F_x = -bv acts on the egg. After it oscillates for 5.00 s, the amplitude of the motion has decreased to 0.100 m. m = 50.0g (0.05kg) k = 25.0N/m...