Oxidation Definition and 211 Threads

Redox (reduction–oxidation, pronunciation: RED-oks or REE-doks) is a type of chemical reaction in which the oxidation states of atoms are changed. Redox reactions are characterized by the actual or formal transfer of electrons between chemical species, most often with one species (the reducing agent) undergoing oxidation (losing electrons) while another species (the oxidizing agent) undergoes reduction (gains electrons). The chemical species from which the electron is removed is said to have been oxidized, while the chemical species to which the electron is added is said to have been reduced. In other words:

Oxidation is the loss of electrons or an increase in the oxidation state of an atom, an ion, or of certain atoms in a molecule.
Reduction is the gain of electrons or a decrease in the oxidation state of an atom, an ion, or of certain atoms in a molecule (a reduction in oxidation state).Many reactions in organic chemistry are redox reactions due to changes in oxidation states but without distinct electron transfer. For example, during the combustion of wood with molecular oxygen, the oxidation state of carbon atoms in the wood increases and that of oxygen atoms decreases as carbon dioxide and water are formed. The oxygen atoms undergo reduction, formally gaining electrons, while the carbon atoms undergo oxidation, losing electrons. Thus oxygen is the oxidizing agent and carbon is the reducing agent in this reaction.Although oxidation reactions are commonly associated with the formation of oxides from oxygen molecules, oxygen is not necessarily included in such reactions, as other chemical species can serve the same function.Redox reactions can occur relatively slowly, as in the formation of rust, or much more rapidly, as in the case of burning fuel. There are simple redox processes, such as the oxidation of carbon to yield carbon dioxide (CO2) or the reduction of carbon by hydrogen to yield methane (CH4), and more complex processes such as the oxidation of glucose (C6H12O6) in the human body. Analysis of bond energies and ionization energies in water allow calculation of the redox potentials.

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  1. K

    Oxidation or Reduction: NO3- to NO?

    Homework Statement Is this oxidation or reduction: (NO3)- ---> NO (this is a half reaction I took from the full equation) Homework Equations Not necessary The Attempt at a Solution At first, I got the oxidation states of each of the atoms For (NO3)- N has an oxidation...
  2. V

    Applying Oxidation Numbers to Al + KClO4

    Hello: I am having some trouble relating to the following question to the concept of oxidation numbers as required by my practice problem, and would appreciate any help. Thank you! --- 1. Explain why it is dangerous to grind a mixture of Al with KClO4 in a mortar and pestle. ---...
  3. R

    Stability of Highest Oxidation State

    Homework Statement Why does the stability of highest oxiation state decreases from group 13 to group 17? Ans: My book says, that with the increase in atomic number, difference in energies between ns and np orbitals increases. Is it right? If so then can u please explain what relation...
  4. J

    Why Are Certain Oxidation States of Chromium More Common Than Others?

    The most common oxidation states of chromium are +2, +3, and +6, with +3 being the most stable. +1, +4 and +5 are rare. Questions; 1. As given above, +2, +3, and +6 are stable, what are the possible reason of there oxidation state stability ? 2. +3 was the most stable oxidation state of...
  5. K

    Calculate the oxidation number of carbon

    Homework Statement C6H12O6\rightarrow 3CO2 + 3CH4 \DeltaH = -132 kJmol-1 C6H12O6\rightarrow 2CO2 + 2C2H5OH \DeltaH = -68 kJmol-1 1. Calculate the oxidation number of carbon in each of the products of the first reaction. 2. Comment on the relative advantages and disadvantages...
  6. J

    Is Titanium the Solution for Rust-Proof Solar Panel Mesh?

    I'm having trouble finding a suitable material to keep critters from nesting under our solar panels. Galvanized steel mesh oxidizes quickly because being attached to the solar modules, and plastic mesh just isn't strong enough and looks unsightly. I need a steel or metal mesh that will not...
  7. K

    Is the Catalytic Oxidation of Ammonia a Reversible Reaction?

    is the catalytic oxidation of ammonia a reversible reaction? my teacher talked about this, but i can't remember what she actually said.
  8. C

    Oxidation of Vitamin C w/ Potassium Biodate: A "Write" Reaction

    Can anyone ''write'' this reaction: oxidation of vitamin c with potassium biiodate?
  9. D

    Industrial uses for Jones Oxidation?

    I'm currently writing an organic chemistry lab report, and for each experiment that we do when we write the lab report we must provide a real-world industrial use the procedure could give rise to. So anyone know any real world applications of the Jones Oxidation reaction?
  10. V

    Thickness of oxidation layer on fuel elements.

    I have a question: it is generally stated that 100 micrometers is the acceptable limit on the thickness of the oxidation layer on Zircaloy4 fuel rods. But I'm at loss as what is the reason for this limit ? Is it structural integrity ? Thermal resistance ? Mechanical tolerance ?
  11. S

    Is the Oxidation State of Nitrate Really +5 or +4?

    Why does nitrate (NO3-) have an oxidation state of +5? Doesn't it have 4 bonds to oxygen? Shouldn't that give it an oxidation state of +4?
  12. L

    Oxidation of Borneol: Possible Side Reactions & Effects

    What possible side reactions could occur in the oxidation of borneol? Since an acid-base rxn takes place when the NaOCl is added to the acetic acid, could that be considered a side-reaction since it gives rise to the chloronium ion or is there something else that happens after the production of...
  13. M

    Determining the Appropriate Oxidation State of Chromium in a Reaction

    I am working out a reaction and I was wondering if someone could tell me which oxidation state of chromium should be used? Cr(s) + AgNO3(aq) -> Cr(NO3)?(aq) + Ag(s) Do I use Chromium (II) Nitrate or Chromium (III) Nitrate? How do I know which one to use? If anyone could help explain...
  14. S

    Oxidation of MnCl2 by NaBiO3: 5.0g Yields How Many Grams?

    Could anyone please help me with this? I don't have a clue where to begin. :frown:
  15. S

    Solving Selective Oxidation with Standard Reduction Potential

    1. The standard reduction potential for the half-reaction Sn4+ + 2e- Sn2+ is +0.15 V. Consider data from the table of standard reduction potentials for common half-reactions, in your text. For a galvanic cell under standard conditions, which of the following cathodic half reactions...
  16. S

    Investigating Redox Reactions: Zinc Oxidation

    I'm trying to find out what type of reaction this is. a drop of water is added to a small pile of chemicals in a dish, after a few seconds, a blue flame and smoke is produced. NH4NO3 reacts to form (with chlorine as catalyst) N2O and water the experiment is called oxidation of zinc, so...
  17. P

    What are oxidation numbers and how do they work?

    What are oxidation numbers and how do they work?
  18. B

    What Are the Oxidation Numbers in Zn(NO3)2?

    [SOLVED] Oxidation #s For Zn(NO3)2 ? Homework Statement I need to ballance the redox reaction underneath using the 1/2 reaction method but the problem is that I can't figure out the oxidation #s for Zn(NO3)2 and after that, I'm having problems balancing it. Homework Equations Zn +...
  19. M

    What Are the Oxidation Products of Butan-2-ol?

    [SOLVED] Oxidation of secondary alcohols I need help on the oxidation of alcohols. I want to know if butan-2-ol was partially oxidised would it result in butanone. Also what does the full oxidation of butan-2-ol result in? (I think it is butanoic acid but I am not sure. )
  20. Y

    Balancing Equations with Half-Reaction and Oxidation Number Methods

    Hello, I am new at this, I am not exactly sure how this works. I have a question where I have to balance two equations using either the half-reaction or the oxidation number method... they are as follows.: 1. Co + MnO4- + H+ = Co+2 + Mn+2 + H2O 2. Cu + HNO3 = Cu(NO3)2 + NO + H2O I am...
  21. S

    Balancing the Oxidation of 2-Butanol with CrO3

    Homework Statement I am trying to figure out the complete reaction equation for the oxidation of a secondary alcohol, 2-butanol, with CrO3 (and H2SO4). Homework Equations See below. The Attempt at a Solution In this oxidation, the alcohol is turned into a ketone, not a...
  22. A

    How do I balance these oxidation reduction equations using the half cell method?

    I do not understand how to balance these oxidation reduction equations. These equations seem really complicated, I don't understand them. The question that i have to answer is Balance the following equations by the half cell method. Show both half cell reactions and identify them as...
  23. M

    Septic Tank Design & Advanced Oxidation

    Hi All, I'm a student trainee at the public utilities at where I live. I have been given a task to find information about septic tank design and advanced oxidation. I have exhausted all resources at my library and also the online library. I searched online and found the same redundant...
  24. S

    How Do You Balance Redox Reaction Equations?

    Ok I'm trying to do my chemistry homework and well I'm stuck. I have the first few questions done I'm stuck on question 5 step 3, an I'm not sure the other are correct. I still have no idea how to balance equations and well here we go again with balanceing things... 1. What is the difference...
  25. A

    Platinum Oxidation in Molten Salt Reactor

    In an argon atmosphere, there is a pure platinum crucible that is used to heat Calcium Chloride salts to 850 deg C. After it is heated, pure chlorine gas is bubbled through the molten salt to remove CaO impurities. The heating method is by induction heating. My questions/concerns: Since we...
  26. K

    What are the oxidation numbers in [Re2Cl9]2- and how can it exist?

    Sorry about no latex, when I try using latex my formulas just wind up as a link that says "LaTeX graphic is being generated. Reload this page in a moment." Anyway, I was trying to balance a redox equation and I am completely stumped as to how: [Re2Cl9]^2- can be possible. I'm...
  27. J

    What is oxidation and how does it relate to animal energy release?

    according to my biology textbook, it says that animals release energy by oxidation of food, can anybody tell me that what is oxidation?
  28. L

    Activation energy for oxidation of ascorbic acid.

    Hello, I am writing my extended essay (in the International Baccalaureate) in chemistry, yet I have come across a major problem! I calculated the activation energy for the reaction: 2C6H8O6 + 02 <=> 2C6H6O6 + 2H20 I have found Ea to be 2 kJmol^-1, which is a very small value! I desperately...
  29. F

    Oxidation - Reduction with copper and zinc

    Hello, In a lab experiment, we filled 2 wells of a culture plate, one of them had 1.0 M CuSO4 and a piece of zinc metal, and the other well had 1.0 M ZnSO4 and a piece of copper metal. My question is: Which well has the reduced form of zinc and the oxidized form of copper? I know that...
  30. G

    Balancing Redox Reactions w/ Cyanide: Assigning Oxidation States

    i have to balance a redox reaction that contains the cyanide ion and other stuff. but before i can do anything, i have to assign oxidation states. would hte CN- have oxidation states of C being +4 and N being -5? so then would CNO- have C be +4, N be -2, and O be -2?
  31. K

    Oxidation of KMnO4: Necessity of Soluble Starting Material

    KMnO4 oxidation of benzylic methyl to acid sometimes does not proced. Is it necessary that solid starting material should soluble in this reaction mixture to proced the reaction.
  32. A

    The oxidation number of nitrogen in the following compounds.

    I worked on this problem for quite a while last night and I'm not at all sure if my answers are correct. This is the problem I’ve been given: I know nitrogen exists in the 3-, 3+ and 5+ oxidation states. I would think that they would give me at least one of each. I'm REALLY not sure about b...
  33. C

    What are the potential products of bleach oxidation reactions?

    I'm having trouble determining the products of these reactions with bleach. I know for sure that all of these reactions do occur because it's part of a lab in which we find the stoichimetric coefficients for the reactants using calorimetry. Since they don't want us to be able to balance the...
  34. A

    Understanding Oxidation Numbers in Redox Equations

    At this moment, I'm on balancing redox equations. I'm stuck on step one though...:redface: 1. Assign oxidation numbers to all atoms in the equation... S + HNO3 --> SO2 + NO + H2O This particular problem is an example in my Chem book so I already know the answers. I just don't...
  35. I

    Sunlight a catalyst for vitamin C oxidation?

    hi can someone please help me with this question "does sunlight affect oxidation of vitamin C" I have seen this as a common science fair topic and I have also done an experiment myself and have found that it does speed up vitamin C oxidation, But I don't know why! can someone please help me...
  36. M

    Half-Cell Method: Balance Cl2(g)+ OH- w/ Oxidation #s

    Hello I am confused with the half-cell method. Thought i had it. Did two questions. now I am stuck on the third?? PLEASE HELP! It says: Balance the following equations by the half-cell method. Show both half-cell reactions and identify them ad oxidation or reduction. 3) Cl2(g) + OH- <=>...
  37. V

    Why does vanadium have maximum observed oxidation state of +5

    why does vanadium have maximum observed oxidation state of +5 while for Co the maximum observed oxidation state is +3? why are solutions of chromium(2) acidic? :confused: :confused:
  38. R

    How Do You Determine Oxidation Numbers?

    Hello, Can someone show me a good site that helps explain how to determine oxidation numbers. I keep reading the same information in my textbook but I still don't have a clear idea on how to do that. Thank you
  39. O

    Assigning Oxidation States: Rules & Lewis Structures

    The book I'm reading, has suggested to methods for assigninig the oxidation statetes in a compound. The first method includes drawing the Lwis structure of the compound. And the second one is based on some rules. As I'm a beginner in chemsitry there are so many compounds which I can't draw...
  40. A

    Oxidation Number: Hydrogen, Negative Numbers & Nitrogen

    nevermind i found the answer. However, i just want to know, is hydrogen always assigned the oxidation number of 1+? As well, how come having a negative oxidation number means nitrogen is a strong oxidizer? Or is this wrong? Can someone please explain this to me? Thanks.
  41. C

    Oxidation and reduction Disproportionation

    We call reactions in which one species experiences both oxidation and reduction Disproportionation - but why do we chose this particular name? Thanks. :smile:
  42. J

    What Reactions Occur When Iron Filings are Added to a Solution of Mixed Ions?

    Hi ppl. I'm asked a question: Iron filings are added to a solution containing the ions Cu2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, H30+ and Zn2+. Deduce what reactions occur from the standard electrode potentials. Is this simply asking me which will change Fe2+ to Fe3+ and vice-versa by reduction or oxidation do you...
  43. R

    Hydrogen Peroxide oxidation state

    In a redox reaction I found, Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) was taken as having an oxidation state of zero However my chemistry teacher keeps telling me that oxygen ALWAYS has an oxidation state of -2 so that would mean the hydrogen in H202 must have an oxidation state of +2 to keep the molecule...
  44. C

    What Are Oxidation States & Why Do They Work?

    Oxidation States... I have read that the "idea of oxidation states is contrived." Why then do we use the idea and why does it work if it is not really the case? Why should we suppose everything acts like its ionic, etc? Thanks. :smile:
  45. R

    Oxidation States: A Closer Look at 2+ and +2

    When writing oxidation states, is there a difference between 2+ and +2?
  46. wasteofo2

    Which oxidation state should I assume when balancing equations?

    When dealing with an equation in which you combine 2 elements that have multiple oxidation states, let's say Magnesium and Nitrogen, which oxidation states do you assume you're working with? I know that in the instance of Magnesium and Nitrogen, it would have to be one of Nitrogen's negative...
  47. C

    How Does KMnO4 Oxidize Toluene to Benzoic Acid?

    Hi, It's been quite some time now I've spent on figuring out the mecanism of the oxydation of toluene with KMnO4 to give benzoic acid. My problem is i don't know how exactly the MnO4 attacks the hydrogen on the aliphatic chain. So, if anyone can help me figure out the first steps of which O...
  48. S

    Side Chain Oxidation: Toluene to Benzoic Acid

    Hello I had a few questions if anyone could help me out. I wanted to convert toluene into benzoic acid via side chain oxidation using potassium permanganate. However, I'm a little unsure of the mechanism. If I'm right, you convert toluene into benzyl alcohol using NaOH, and then from...
  49. D

    What is the oxidation state of Cr in Cr(CO)6

    redox reaction << need help badly hi all. i need help on a few problems regarding redox. 1) what is the oxidation state of Cr in Cr(CO)6 in this case i only know that the oxidation state of oxygen is 2-. i need to know carbon's oxidation state to solve.. 2) oxidation state of Ag in...
  50. M

    Redox reaction for sour solution

    Hi All, \mathrm{Fe^{3+}(aq) + SCN^{-} (aq) \rightleftharpoons FeSCN^{2+}(aq)} I add some \mathrm{NaHSO_{3}(s)} to the above reaction ! This makes the above chemical solution sour, consequently in a sour solution \mathrm{HSO^{-}_{3}} will reduce Fe^{3+} to Fe^{2+}, meanwhile HSO_{3}^{-}...